Chapter 232:

Gu Ren, who was about to return to the room to prepare, suddenly heard a fierce gunfire in his ears, frowned, could it be that Egesey rushed in?
Thinking of this possibility, Gu Ren immediately turned and walked in the direction where the gunfire came from.
After not taking a few steps, a group of heavily armed soldiers rushed towards him, holding various weapons in their hands, speeding up their pace toward the base square.
"Mr. Bruce!"
A middle-aged man in a straight military uniform walked quickly to Gu Ren and stopped him. He opened his mouth and said: "There is an intruder in the base square ahead. Mr. Valentine has ordered that everyone must stay here. Go to the square."
"Okay, I get it." Gu Ren smiled and nodded, before waiting for the other person to say more, he turned and walked back to his lounge.
The middle-aged man in uniform saw Gu Ren walk into the room, and he followed the soldiers to the base square to provide support.
The other end.
Gu Ren just stepped into the lounge, looked around to the outside, and closed the door easily.
It seems that like the end of the movie, Egesey still rushed in, and then, unsurprisingly, a string of brilliant fireworks should be lit.
Gu Ren took out the UETA radio wave chip that he took out from his neck from his pocket, put it on the table next to the bed, then squatted down again and pulled out a small black suitcase from under the bed.
Unlock the code lock, open it and put it on the bed.
Inside the suitcase, there were two revolvers, two M1911 fully automatic pistols, and two grenades.
As for the sniper rifle that he brought over, Gu Ren left it to Sam as a reward for the past few days. Anyway, that kind of sniper rifle is not available in the base. Valentine's people found out.
First hung the two grenades on the left and right sides of the inner pocket of the clothes, and quickly put the two revolvers into the gun bag behind the ass, and the two automatic pistols were inserted into the armed belt under the armpit. .
After doing all this, Gu Ren subconsciously looked at the time on the watch. At 3:43 pm, he then took a step back and stood by the door, staring at the chip on the bedside table. Now he is ready. As soon as this chip exploded, he could go straight to the command room!
At the base gate.
Holding a black multifunctional umbrella, Egsey said quickly, "Malin, are you still on your side while resisting the bullets from the front?"
"Almost! Give me another five minutes!" Mai Lin said from the headset.
"Five minutes? I..."
Before Egesey finished speaking, more than thirty heavily armed soldiers emerged from a distant corner. They raised their guns to aim, and Egesey's face changed, and he quickly pressed a button on the handle of the black umbrella. , Suddenly a barrel ejected from the umbrella head!
Egesey slammed a trigger on the handle, and only heard the sound of "dada da da", a string of red and blue flames suddenly appeared from the muzzle of the umbrella head, and a string of bullets poured out like rain to the group directly in front. soldier.
A dozen soldiers had no time to hide, and they fell to the ground one after another.
After solving the enemies in front of him, Egesi turned the umbrella surface as fast as possible to block the soldiers who had been temporarily reinforced on the right. While blocking the bullets with the solid protective surface of the black umbrella, he pulled the trigger desperately.
Facing the defensive and attackable black umbrellas, the soldiers who came to support were caught off guard, and suddenly fell several more.
"Disperse, disperse!"
The commander yelled angrily.
"Keep away, let me come!"
Suddenly a thick voice came from the crowd of soldiers. I saw a tall and burly soldier running out of the crowd. He was holding a powerful sniper rifle in his hand. He was pointing at him without aiming. Egesey, hiding behind the black umbrella, pulled the trigger.
With a bang, a bullet burst out.
When Egesey saw this scene, he was panicked, his body was slightly to the right, and with a snap, the bullet penetrated the surface of the solid black umbrella and made a hole the size of a quail egg.
Seeing that his gun was effective, the brawny soldier looked happy, and pulled the trigger several times aside.
Egesey stepped back subconsciously. While pulling the trigger on the handle, his brain was swiftly running the cracking method. Suddenly he had a clever idea and took out a lighter bomb from his pocket. He quickly flipped the lid and pressed the mechanism. , Violently threw the lighter bomb to the crowd of soldiers in the distance.
The lighter bomb rolled a few times in the air, accompanied by the sound of dripping, falling accurately among the crowd, only hearing a loud bang, these soldiers were directly blown up, and the strong man headed directly Those who were blown up on the spot were torn apart, and the rest of the people who were closer were either missing their arms or legs, or were hit by the powerful blast, and they were covered in blood.
Just as Egesey was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the missile on the support of the surface-to-air missile vehicle that was driving in front of him suddenly rose directly and slowly. Egesey's face changed suddenly, thinking about it. What to do, suddenly a voice sounded like a natural sound in my ear—"Okay, Egesey! I have connected to the host here."
"Hurry up, Mai Lin!" Egersey shouted immediately, "They are about to launch missiles, quickly hack into their network!"
"Um... this is a bit difficult." Mai Lin said awkwardly: "Valentin's network is very complicated, I can only connect to it, I can't hack their system."
"Then you can't think of a way!"
Egersey noticed that the missile had been fully supported, and his face paled: "If you don't hurry up, you will be blasted into the sky with this plane and me!"
Mai Lin in the plane, sitting in front of the computer anxiously thinking of a solution, suddenly noticed a system in the base host, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Wait for me!"
"Wait! They are going to shoot!"
At this time, Egesey could not wait to rush into the and ask what Merlin was doing. The enemy's missiles were already firing, so we could wait.
"I know, don't worry."
At this time, Merlin was attentively trying to invade a system in the host, completely ignoring the missile that was about to be launched. A little bit of time passed. The ground-to-air missile vehicle was locked and ready. The soldier on the side looked at the switch in his hand. Pressed the headset to report the situation to Valentin at this time, as the last question before launch.
On the other side, Valentin in the command room heard the report from the soldiers, glanced through the surveillance probe, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Then fire directly! Send them a ride."
The soldier who received the order raised his head to confirm the missile, then lowered his head, ready to press the switch on his hand.
In Egusi’s earphones, he received Mai Lin’s words:
Okay! Let’s enjoy the gorgeous fireworks!

The voice just fell.
With a bang, the soldier with the switch in his hand, the big head, was like an inflated balloon, which burst into a pop.
Egesey's eyes suddenly burst, looking at the soldier whose head suddenly disappeared. He hasn't figured out what the situation is. The heads of the soldiers around the abruptly burst out like the one before.
Boom! Boom! Boom...
When the first head was blown into flowers, like a conditioned reflex, the soldiers guarding the base around the base, one after another, their heads burst like flowers.
The bright red blood and the brains of white flowers, like a red and white firework, bloomed one flower after another in the quiet and empty base.
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