Chapter 346: [John’s 2 Bounty, South Los Angeles Bounty Hunter Group]

The room arranged by the hotel is not too big, about 50 square meters in size, but it has all the internal organs, and it has all the necessary shower and toilet facilities.
Gu Ren inserted the room card into the sensor at will. After a while, the room lights up.
He closed the door, walked in, observed the layout of the room, then took out the "multifunctional microcomputer glasses" from the system space, put it on the tip of his nose, and pressed a small button on the frame.
The original transparent and smooth mirror immediately flashed countless blue codes. Two seconds after the activation, the codes disappeared, and replaced by an imperceptible dark light on the mirror.
This is another function that comes with the "multifunctional glasses", which senses and scans all eavesdropping devices.
Looking around inside and out, Gu Ren did not find any eavesdropping devices in the room, indicating that the Continental Hotel has done a good job in customer privacy.
Taking off his glasses, he took out another suitcase computer from the system space, found a place to sit down, connected to the wireless network, and boarded the communication software to receive messages and materials from JOJO.
Suddenly, the chat software popped up a video dialog, which was sent by JOJO. Gu Ren frowned, but finally answered.
Soon, JOJO's iconic red and blue double ponytail appeared on the computer screen.
When he saw Gu Ren, JOJO said excitedly: "My God, I didn't expect New York to hide a mysterious killer organization! Why haven't I discovered the existence of this dark web before!"
"What can I do?"
"The man named John Wick that you asked me to check, through some information on this mainland hotel's intranet, found something."
Gu Ren opened the received information about the Continental Hotel and said casually while reading it. "Tell me."
"John Wick, 32 years old, joined the Continental Hotel seven years ago. He participated in and received 27 assassination missions, and the completion rate was as high as 100%. Although in the hotel’s intranet archives database, he did not accept Take the most tasks, but the completion rate is the highest, and the difficulty of the task is also the greatest."
"Two months ago, after John Wick completed his last mission, he withdrew from the killer organization of Continental Hotel. The intranet indicated that this person was offline."

"But I found that on their intranet, three days ago, there was an additional bounty information. One of them was for the assassination of John Wick, and the bounty was as high as 2 million. At the same time, I also saw a single about John on the reef website. Wick’s reward is also two million dollars."
Two single rewards?
Gu Ren retracted his vision of looking at the information, looked at JOJO who was holding a lollipop on the screen and asked, "Is anyone taking the two orders and offering a reward?"
"Yes, in the Continental Hotel Intranet, someone has already accepted this reward. The same is a member of the Continental Hotel, whose name is Marcus."
Speaking of this, JOJO took off the lollipop in his mouth, licked his sticky lips and said: "Interestingly, this killer named Marcus seems to have a good relationship with John Wick. In this cooperative assassination mission, this Marcus appeared."
Gu Ren recalled the plot of the movie he had watched, and probably guessed who this person was. It should be the middle-aged man who was released in the movie by John Wick.
"What about the rewards offered on the Reef Web? Does anyone take this task."
"Yes, a team called the South Los Angeles Bounty Hunter Group took over this task. Because the firewall system of the Reef Network is relatively difficult to overcome, the specific information of this South Los Angeles Bounty Hunter Group is not yet available."
"South Los Angeles Bounty Hunter Group?" Gu Ren frowned, knowing that there are a lot of people, and the gang committing crimes is the most annoying.
"Yes, I haven't found any information about this team for the time being. They don't seem to have performed any tasks on the Reef Network before. This should be the first time."
JOJO has been on the reef network for several years, and I have never heard of a "South Los Angeles Bounty Hunter Group". If it weren't for this team to hide deeply, then almost all of them would be a fledgling newcomer.
"Then check it as soon as possible." Gu Ren looked at JOJO and said: "By the way, is there any virtual currency for this gold coin in Continental Hotel?"
"No! They are really old-fashioned, they still use this kind of physical currency."
JOJO got angry when she thought of this. Originally, she wanted to see if she could hack in and get some virtual gold coins, but who knew that the Continental Hotel's intranet did not have this function. In short, the counterparty is using physical currency, and there is no cash exchange for virtual gold coins like the reef network.
"Okay, I see. I still have something to do, so I'll hang up first."
After Gu Ren finished speaking, he directly hung up the video connection and began to look at the information about the Continental Hotel.
This hotel, called the hotel, is actually an assassination organization in mainland China. Its establishment time is unknown, and its founder is unknown. It is only known that it appeared in New York as early as the 1980s, and it has been developing for almost 30 years, because in 2005 I have never used the Internet before, and the reason is the traditional reward mechanism. There is not much information about this organization on the Internet.
The scattered information is still very common information.
I hurriedly browsed through the information. There was nothing surprising. Gu Ren’s mission was not the Continental Hotel, so he closed the document and started to read the John Wick message sent by JOJO.
The above is nothing more than some archives of John Wick's career as a killer. Among them, he had a conflict with the son of the Russian gangster Vigo not long ago, resulting in the killing of a dog that John raised.
The follow-up was that John Wick suddenly appeared at the Continental Hotel, and the killer world also offered two more rewards for him.
Regarding Vigo, JOJO's investigation is almost complete. It is nothing more than a gangster who controls a certain area of ​​northern New York and specializes in illegal businesses such as drugs and arms.
In the entire New York underworld, Vigo's power and strength can be ranked in the top five, not only has hundreds of subordinates, but also a gunner team dedicated to fighting opponents.
Suddenly, there was a message from he came out! 】
Gu Ren frowned. Before he could ask what he meant, he saw a screenshot from JOJO, which was taken by a public camera opposite the Continental Hotel. John Wick walked out of the hotel.
John downstairs?
Gu Ren quickly walked to the window sill and looked out. He saw John Wick in a suit walking towards a car across the road, opened the door, and drove the car away.
[Help me find out where the car is, and contact me anytime! 】
Gu Ren turned around and went to the computer. After sending this message to JOJO, he immediately picked up the suitcase computer, turned around and pulled out the room card, and walked to the elevator.

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