Chapter 352: [A reckless suicide raid, pressure from an unknown enemy]

come yet?
Standing in front of the French windows, Gu Ren looked down at the truck below.
Looking at the time on the watch, it was ten and five.
Most of the killers who live here either don't go out to play, or just rest in the room.
At the moment the hotel is quiet.
In Room 702 on the seventh floor, John Wick sat cross-legged on the ground and packed his luggage a little bit. Since the person who killed his dog died, he has been living in the hotel, quietly waiting for the unknown The Asian killer assassinated Vigo.
But after a few days, the assassin was slow to act, which also made John Wick impatient and ready to set off for home today.
Tuk tuk!
The door was knocked suddenly.
John Wick frowned, did not go to take the weapon on the ground, but straightened up and walked to the door of the room, looking out through the door.
It's his friend Marcus!
With a click, the door opened.
"Why are you here?" John Wick looked at each other suspiciously.
Marcus glanced at the luggage on the floor in the room, squeezed a smile and said: "I know you are leaving, so I came here to see you off."
While speaking, he raised a bottle of wine in his hand.
"Come in." John Wick looked at the wine, turned and walked back to the room.
Marcus took the door closed, walked in, looked at the spotless room, and the neatly packed suitcases, smiled, "You are still the same."
"Get used to it." John Wick knew what his friend was talking about.
"I heard." Marcus picked up the two glasses on the table, opened the wine and poured two glasses, handed a glass to John Wick and said: "Teddy's death I am also very sad."
Hearing the word Teddy, John Wick's luggage sorting hand trembled slightly, and then he took the wine glass and took a sip and said, "It's all over."
"Yeah, it's all over."
Marcus sighed deeply. He knew very well how important Teddy’s dog was to John. It was his dead wife’s pet. John had regarded Teddy as a thing he missed for his dead wife and was suddenly beaten to death. One can imagine how angry it is.
Immediately, Marcus's voice changed, "You shouldn't have killed Telasov, his father is the gangster Vigo!"
"So what?" John Wick looked up at his friend.
"I received news that Vigo was offering a reward for your life on the black market, and now there are many killers out there."
"Then let them come over and try."
John Wick's eyes were sharp, and the confidence he showed, as if he was not afraid of anyone looking at him.
In fact, John does have this proud capital. As the killer with the highest completion rate in Continental Hotel history, his ability is beyond doubt.
"I know you are very powerful, but I heard that the killer Vigo sent is very powerful, you... you may not be able to prevent it."
"Wait until they come."
Marcus saw that John Wick was unwilling to say more, so he changed the subject and said: "When are you going to leave?"
"Leave early tomorrow morning."
John Wick paused and said, "I'm only forced to come back this time. You know, I don't want to continue to be involved with the hotel."
The two chatted for a while, and Marcus didn't bother John anymore. After saying something to contact in the future, he turned and walked out of the room door.
The moment I came out, the phone rang, and when I opened it, Vigo sent it and said to act now.
It's half past ten.
Domino looked at the phone time and was sure that it was almost time, then turned to Ed and Jock and said, "Go! We are ready to act! The bounty hunter group is going!"
"Yes!" The two nodded in unison.
Suddenly, Ed drove the truck, stepped on the accelerator, and slammed into the Continental Hotel across the road.
The truck slammed into it and knocked out the two security guards who had stopped Domino in the morning.
With a crash, the rear door was opened.
As soon as the domino mask was put on, he jumped down with a shotgun in his hand, and looked at the two security guards who were vomiting blood. There was a sardonic smile at the corners of their mouths. They would not let me in during the day. Can you stop me now?
"The target is in Room 702 on the seventh floor, and rushed straight up!"
After speaking, Domino turned around and fired a shot in the direction of the front desk, scaring the black man at the front desk to squat down suddenly, avoiding the shotgun's shot dangerously.
Ed quickly stepped forward to the black man hiding in the front desk and said, "Give me the elevator card!"
The elevator in this hotel is not used casually, you must have a special room card to open it. Of course, the front desk also has a spare magnetic card.
"Yes!" The black man immediately handed over the magnetic card respectfully.
"Squat honestly for me, don't blame me if you call the police." Ed yelled, and turned and followed Domino to the elevator.
Call the police? Ghosts call the police!
The black man rolled his eyes, and their hotel would not call the police. For so many years, no one has dared to come to the hotel downtown, and no killer has dared to break the hotel’s rules. Today, I don’t know where three stunned young people came out, just to give Those in the hotel council play around.
"Jock stay here for me!"
Domino turned back to Jock.
"Don't worry, I will stay here!"
Jock patted his chest, held guns in both hands, pointed at the black man at the front desk, and guarded against people from outside the hotel.
"It's a bunch of guys who are more reckless than the death squad!"
Looking at the footage captured by the surveillance, Gu Ren was very contemptuous of the three people's crude methods. Even if he was a brash man, he wouldn't be so prudent. When he drove a truck to block the hotel door, he wouldn't worry about people coming outside?
Really naive!
If it were a death squad, it would definitely be a helicopter to drop from the sky without a word, or simply let Caesar bombard the upper floor with a large-caliber grenade.
How could it be the same as robbing a bank, and sending someone to guard the door.
Suddenly, Gu Ren heard a lot of noise outside, gunshots, exclaims and anger, thinking that Domino had already rushed to the seventh floor.
Thinking of Ed, who looked very similar to Thor, Gu Ren hesitated for a few seconds. He was considering whether to save the other person, and by the way, he pulled him over.
Don’t look at the trio’s seems to have no brains, but if this kind of person is a little trained, they are still very brave in combat, just like Caesar and the road, every time the death team performs a mission At that time, the two men, like Rambo, dared to rush into the enemy pile with two weapons.
Knowing that the GDA organization started investigating his own information, Gu Ren always felt a sense of pressure and urgency in his heart. From the appearance of so many movies mixed together, the world is very dangerous. The GDA organization and James Bond The old enemy, the Ghost Party, and the Continental Hotel, the assassin organization established for decades...
No one knows how many secret organizations are still unknown on the dark side of this world.
Since obtaining the employment system, Gu Ren has gradually stepped onto the edge of this chaotic world. With more and more tasks in the future, he does not know whether he will encounter the GDA or even the Ghost Party.
You must know that as Bond’s old enemy, Gu Ren has not watched many 007 movies, but he also knows that the forces of the Ghost Party have truly spread all over the world.
If the future emerges, the mission of the Ghost Party needs to be dealt with.
Gu Ren didn't know what to do.
First, he doesn't know where the Ghost Party is, and second, he doesn't know how powerful the Ghost Party is.
Unless you have been following the protagonist James Bond, it is impossible to find the Ghost Party.
Thinking of this, Gu Ren narrowed his eyes, pondered carefully, turned around and put away the suitcase computer, and strode towards the door.
"Da da da……"
As soon as I opened the door, I heard the sound of rifle shooting from downstairs.
Is this a fire? !
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