Chapter 53: [Newcomers, elderly, retired]

The geographic climates of Southeast Asian countries are similar. Myanmar and neighboring Vietnam have tropical monsoon climates. Not only do they have large tropical rainforests, they are also full of countless dangers. Poisonous insects are everywhere. No one knows that this tropical rainforest is. There are so many jungle killers hidden in it. You can imagine the dangers encountered when carrying out missions in this environment.
So when I heard that the mission location was in Myanmar, Gu Ren’s eyes flashed a bright light. He was a little looking forward to the next mission in the tropical rain forest. He had only acquired field skills from Lambona not long ago. Now it seems that he finally has the ability to fully perform. Of the venue.
"Look at it, everyone. This is a local picture I got from someone." Captain Barney took out the laptop and clicked on a photo from the file. This is a landform map taken from a satellite.
"In the tropical rainforest?" Christmas Jason frowned. He didn't expect that the rescued hostage would be trapped in the rainforest.
Ever since the Vietnam War, the U.S. military has been full of fear of tropical rain forests. This fear has been passed down from the top to the bottom in the military. It has been passed down from the 1970s to the present day. All recruits have heard dangerous rain forest stories from veterans.
"Yes, so this mission is a bit dangerous, not just the tropical rain forest..."
Barney glanced around and opened another picture. "This is the hostage kidnapper. The locals call him General Dan Tuo. He is a very powerful warlord in the local area, and he controls two seats in southeastern Myanmar. At the same time, he also built an armed force with thousands of people. According to the reliable information I have collected, their firepower is very fierce."
"Armed by thousands?"
Caesar widened his eyes and said in surprise: "My God, this task is very difficult."
"No, it's not that it's difficult, it's simply impossible to complete."
Highway Randy shook his head. The last time he raided Vilana Island, hundreds of armed forces almost left them all there. Now he is facing a warlord with thousands of subordinates and heavy firepower. This is not at all. They can only be solved by the mercenaries of the seven-man team.
"The task is very difficult, but our goal is not the warlord, but to rescue the hostages."
Barney never picked up tasks they couldn't complete. Last time he raided Wilana Island. The difficulty was not very high. Being surrounded can only be said to have bad luck and failed to resolve the battle as quickly as possible.
But this time the mission is different.
"Because of the local warlord's melee, in order to protect his two emerald mines, this general Dan Tuo spent most of his military power on guarding these two mines. He himself is also in an emerald mine, so we are here. The number of right enemies is not large. And as far as I know, the kidnapping of the hostages this time was not done by General Dan Tuo. It was one of his men named Tunqin who took a fancy to the hostages. I want to get this huge emerald."
Barney opened another picture, pointed to a building on the picture and said, "Look, this is an old city controlled by General Danto. It is a trading market for emerald trading, and our hostages are hiding in the city. In the innermost abandoned factory, the people here are Tunqin's subordinates. There are not many people, about a hundred people. We can get in smoothly as long as we pretend to be a jade trader."
"Then how do we evacuate?" Li Jie touched his chin. He now has plans to retire. He is ready to go back to his hometown to open a travel agency after finishing a few votes. This time the reward for the mission is nearly three million for everyone. Dollars, this undoubtedly accelerated Li Jie's thoughts of retiring in his heart, so he decided to wait a while and talk to the captain, and he would go home after finishing the vote. Since he is going to retire, the most important thing is safety.
Barney opened another picture. This is a local map. He pointed to a red line drawn in advance and said: "After we rescued the hostages, we quickly bypassed this rainforest and then took a transport plane from the Mekong River."
I recounted the two most important steps of rescue and evacuation in detail. After confirming that everyone had no objections, Barney clapped his hands and said: "Okay, this is the mission this time. I know there are many missions this time. It’s a big danger, so I deliberately get another sniper. He will probably arrive tomorrow. At that time, Yingyan will lead the newcomer to meet us in the rain forest."
"Good captain."
Gu Ren touched his nose. He didn't expect that a newcomer would be here so soon, so he only performed two missions and became an old man in the death squad. It was quite interesting to think about it.
After the team meeting, Caesar and Randy were ready to go to the nightclub to have fun. Before coming to Thailand, they had searched for some interesting games on the Internet. They wanted to be happy on the eve of the mission. The danger is still quite high, and timely enjoyment is their daily standard.
The captain and Christmas are getting together, and they seem to be still discussing whether the plan for this mission needs to be improved. Don't look at the good news just now, as long as the steps are implemented, the mission can be successfully completed, but they are always facing a group of local warlords. , It’s always good to be careful.
Seeing that everyone has their own things to do, Li Jie winked, and Gu Ren clearly followed behind him.
The two walked out of the hotel one after another, and soon arrived at a famous local night market.
Came to a barbecue stall, ordered some skewers and a few bottles of local beer.
Before the skewers came up, Li Jie opened the bottle cap with his chopsticks, handed Gu Ren a bottle, opened another bottle by himself, and drank with gulps.
"Comfortable! The weather in Thailand is so sultry, it's really hard to drink cold beer." After drying most of the cold beer, Li Jie's heat caused by the weather finally eased a lot, and he took a long breath. : "Aren, when this mission is over, I am going to retire."
"Retire? Brother Jie, are you serious?" Even though he knew that Li Jie had longed to retire, when faced with this sentence, Gu Ren was still surprised, wondering why it was so sudden.
"Actually, I wanted to retire a long time ago. After working for a few years, my body is not as good as before. UU reading is mainly rich and less courageous."
Li Jie bluntly stated the reason for his retirement, because he is rich and afraid of death.
Gululu drank another big sip of beer, and he continued: "I wanted to take advantage of the breath to do a few more times and make more money to invest in the travel agency. But with your shareholding, plus this task every time. Individuals can be divided into at least two or three million, and I thought about retiring early if I could retire early. Didn’t the captain just say that he has recruited a new person? I think he should have already recognized my desire to retire, and this is why Someone came in."
Li Jie’s guess was good. Barney had long recognized that he had the idea of ​​retirement, so when Li Jie recommended Gu Ren to join the death squad, Barney agreed without hesitation, thinking that Li Jie would be able to leave. Convergence.
But what was unexpected was that Gunner was disgusted by the people in the team because of drug abuse, and he betrayed them ruthlessly, and then disappeared on that island. The number of people in the team suddenly became seven.
Taking into account that Li Jie may propose to leave at any time, it would be very inconvenient to perform the task once the number of people is reduced. Barney can only find new people again. It just happened that this time the task was very difficult, so he recruited a young man with good marksmanship. Join in.
"It's good to be retired, so that I can take care of the travel agency." Gu Ren grinned, picked up the bottle and said: "After that, I will ask you Jie Ge for the travel agency. I must have little time to take care of it. of."
"Haha, you can rest assured that the travel agency will leave it to me! The business license has been applied for, and it will be issued in a while. I will still come to the United States to run business at that time."
Li Jie laughed and raised the wine bottle and touched Gu Ren. The two drank the wine in the bottle in one gulp.
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