Chapter 109: Sweep

[Riding ghost]
Summoner (Li Yan)
Specialization: Shooting 83%
Passive Skill: Curse (Invalid Kinetic Damage)
Growth Limit: Jiuyi
Li Yan walked past the stationary riding ghost, and the armor of the riding ghost started from the star pocket on his head, turned into a thick black mud stream, and smoky into the square hole of six-grained money.
Several bullets were squeezed out of Li Yan's chest, and the flesh on the surface of the black-red wound was squeezed together, no longer bleeding.
There was still a burning sensation immersed in the oil between the organs, but the surface did not seem to be a big deal.
Li Yan started walking unhappy, slowly started accelerating, crossing the street and alley, the directionality was very clear.
When several people broke out on the Changchun Street section, the Skeleton Men chose narrow alleys, and for dozens of minutes, they went round and round for several circles but found that Li Yan couldn't get away!
Yu Guang glanced at the man behind him. He raised the RPK light machine gun, and Li Yan hid behind the alley, only to find that the tattooed man did not shoot, but quickly disappeared into his vision.
Not far from the Probation Hutong, Xuanwumen East Street, the former site of the Catholic Bishop Yandu.
The night was too dark to add.
There are many restaurants and clothing stores on the street, and the most eye-catching is a shop with a 'rolling stone culture' signature shop.
A series of colored lights hang on the lacquered wood door of the shop entrance. The left side is written with audio recordings and the right side is written with portraits, all in red stripe characters.
The maiden-shaped lantern lights up one after another in red or green or yellow.
The color TV on the glass sunroof circulates the "old song" of the time, which is Li Zongsheng's "The Race with Himself".
An unknown middle-aged man with a bad hairstyle and a thick frown sings:
"We are all racing against ourselves. For a better tomorrow, we work hard and there is no end ahead ..."
The tattooed man ran forward, panicking and turning his head from time to time, looking terrified.
The rushing footsteps sounded from far to near. The tattooed man stood under the sign of "Rolling Stone Culture", holding his hands on his knees and panting loudly.
"Ha ~ shit! Shit!"
His eyes were red, and his fear and anger were vented violently with yelling and cursing.
The colorful lights flashed like a short circuit, and finally only the bright red light bulbs were on, mapping the streets in red.
The skull tattooed man raised his face, pointed his muzzle in the air and looked down at his Sudu bird. A bullet was thrown out, causing the Sudu birds to quickly disperse.
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da!
The sound of bullets was harsh on the silent street.
The middle-aged man in the TV sang, but there was a hint of irony in the corner of his mouth. He fiddled with the guitar weakly, but stared at the tattooed man!
The tattooed man apparently didn't notice the weirdness of the shop, and the person behind him seemed much more scary.
Another footstep sounded, Li Yan rushed over like a night run, with a carrot in his mouth.
Click ~
Li Yan bit the carrot in his mouth, inserted the black flag on the ground, and squinted at the tattooed man.
"No more running?"
The skull tattooed man kept his eye on Li Yan's bloodstained chest, took a deep breath to calm himself down.
He shrugged.
"Can't run away, don't waste that effort."
"That woman is your boss?"
"Almost, she's a man."
"I don't think it sounds very much, after all, it's the inheritance of auxiliary classes. Well, you mean, you still have associates."
"Yeah, right behind you."
Li Yan looked back according to the words, the skull tattooed man was a stunned first, a burst of ecstasy burst out in his heart, and Li Yan had turned back.
The voice of the middle-aged person on the TV is melodious: "Sometimes people need it, a little bit of hitting, the most common is your girlfriend, leaving you ~"
The tattooed man froze, throwing his gun in the ground.
Li Yan sneered at the sight: "I am compassionate today, and you still die with dignity when you pick it up."
The tattooed man pursed his mouth and pulled out two zigzag daggers from the back of his waist. He said, "[Ferocious] comes with a 30% bullet damage waiver and 25% accelerated healing (a glance of Jinghong's observation), plus consumables for healing, less A few shots won't kill you. I was taken with both hands with the gun, and your big gun swept over couldn't stop me at all, and the final result was that you hurt me. "
"Then why do you think you can play weapons with me?"
Li Yan smiled.
"You have no inheritance!"
The tattooed man sighed angrily and rushed forward:
"Even if you have 70%, or even 80% of melee specialization, there is no inheritance blessing, we are still 50-50!"
Li Yanyang threw a red thing in his hand, scaring him to roll over beside him.
The leftover radish smashed on the glass in front of the TV. The middle-aged man in the screen sang "Dear Landy, my brother ..." and was frustrated by this.
Li Yanyang raised his hand to signal him to come over.
"I hate Zhang Peiren (landy in the song), change it."
The middle-aged blinked helplessly, his hands involuntarily plucked the guitar, and his tone was cheerful.
"... Chun Er is my daughter, a gift from God to me. I hope she is happy and healthy, and there are no complicated things in life."
This is much better ...
Li Yan nodded gently, two cold lights in front of his eyes flew to his door.
In a glimpse of Jinghong before, this man's dagger specialization was only 69%, the same as Zhang Mingyuan who met for the first time ...
He seemed confident in his melee specialization.
Li Yan shook his wrist and pulled out the ring dragon sword. Holding the dagger horizontally, the tattooed man slid down with his right hand, but did not expect his wrist to hit Li Yan's knee.
The jagged dagger took off.
"Thank you for letting me know, I'm really strong."
The tattooed man added two wounds to Li Yan's face and arms, at the cost of his neck being pierced by Huanlong.
"Sorry, you have not inherited it."
20% chance, very good, very real.
The singing continues.
"I am the son of a gas bank boss. Before I can prove that I have the ability to make money independently, I will be at home to help and send gas."
Li Yan picked up the light machine gun with few bullets left on the ground, walked into "Rolling Stone Culture", threw the gun to the table, and sat on the empty massage chair.
[Blood sucking] of the ring dragon is there, the two wounds have been scabby.
He watched the man on TV, singing and singing, his voice hoarse:
"I have to tie the phone sign to the telephone pole in the new community in the light afternoon of each business. I have to carry the gas and walk through the stinky night market ..."
Speaking of which, Li Yan sang a bit more than the man on TV.
The guitar ceased, the man stopped singing, but looked at Li Yan quietly, and said for a while, "You are so embarrassed, I have never seen you."
He glanced at the corpse outside.
"And this person."
Li Yan was buried in a chair.
"Did anyone come in before?"
The man in the TV laughed, how weird he looked.
"What happened to those people?"
The man shrugged.
"I just remember a narrow b came before, and I haven't been out for seven years."
"Oh? Where are others?"
The man laughed happily.
"Kan with another narrow b ..."
I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.
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