Chapter 127: Inheritance evolution

About five minutes before Pei Yunhu's words spread to everyone in this incident.
"Would you like to keep pouring muddy water this time?"
Cha Xiaodao's hand rubbed, and a soft and sweet rice ball came out of his hand. Throw it into your mouth, and a long, shallow wound around your neck slowly heals.
Blood was dripping from his feet, and a body was lying across.
"A gentleman doesn't stand under the wall, check the knife."
Cha Xiaodao's face tangled.
The craftsmanship of the Eighth Building has been learned for a long time, which will be transformed into a considerable combat power over time. The worst point.
The breakthrough peak is imminent, and this gap may be impossible to make up later.
But it is dangerous.
The man's majestic sword light was infinitely enlarged in front of Zha Xiaodao.
Li Yan.
This person belongs to the most dangerous type of walking, does not run away, does not stop, and always puts his mind on the strong, not the kind of person who lives.
Cha Xiaodao also wanted to become stronger, but he was even more frustrated.
How can I not live a lifetime? If you punch the star destroyer, you won't eat soy milk fritters? You do n’t want to be close when you see a girl?
When you die, you have nothing, baby.
You still can't say that Cha Xiaodao counseled. He killed six people in a serious manner, and survived two designated confrontations.
Three Yan Fu inheritance scrolls, fishing enough, the rest are hard hands and lunatics, whoever plays who is stupid.
The more he looked at the knife, the more it happened, and he patted his thigh.
Zha Xiaodao's body began to glow with a little blue streamer, and then slowly turned into nothingness.
Starting from the feet, the calves, waist, heart, neck, forehead, hair, and eyes will turn into nothingness.
"Please note that all content of the Yan Fu incident has been modified!"
"Please note that all content of the Yan Fu incident has been modified!"
"In this incident, there will be no possibility of early return. All walks must be fought to the last person, endlessly."
"Killing the disturber and getting props will give all walking the right to return."
"Killing the disturber and getting props will give all walking the right to return."
Cha Xiaodao, who had disappeared to his calf, was gloomy, and he looked at the blue star spots to re-imagine his body.
Then came Pei Yunhu's words.
The torrential rain was pouring down, just like his mood now.
Cha Xiaodao grabbed his hair and gritted his teeth.
"That's two inches!"
"Ah, yes, that's it. Now things are troublesome, I can't go back."
Renny stood in a deserted telephone booth, his voice seemed very anxious.
"Originally, the target of the Yan Fu incident did not include me. I gave things to that Wushan. As long as any one of the walks completes the event and chooses to return, I can take the opportunity to slip away.
He held the phone in his left hand and held the gamepad handle in his right thumb. Talk to people over there.
"While participating in this Yan Fu incident, some people forcibly locked this fruit with high-level props. It was really nothing short of immortality."
On the other end of the phone was a husky and female voice.
"In short, you hide first, don't attract the attention of the" tolerant soil "over there, I will solve other things."
"Ha, thank you so much. I'm a postman-type walk and don't want to participate in the battle of these lunatics."
"Oh, I see."
The woman over there broke the phone.
Renny leaned his back on the phone booth, and for a long time he was speechless. The night was dark outside, and a weird running boy was holding the ball and swinging in the night.
In the air, only the frictional sound of Renny pushing the handle button, and the dancing fingers wearing flowers and butterflies are generally pleasing to the eye.
It was about ten minutes or so before he sighed, put the handle in his pocket, and shook his right hand.
"It's a perverted level, really worth the difficulty,"
He grumbled, but the grin at the corner of his mouth widened to an exaggerated extent.
The rain came fast and went fast. The air was full of refurbished earth.
Hundreds of black Sudu birds spread out in a cool breeze and flew towards Yandu City in all directions.
Li Yan sat under the shade of the tree, the blood on his arm had scabbed, his chest was a little more serious, and the brutal force would open the wound.
This man who inherits the wonderful bird is really not bad.
After two nights of fighting, Li Yan once again started with two inheritances.
As long as all of them are used, the peak can be broken in an instant, so that the awakening degree of his avian bird reaches 47%. (Originally 39% + 7% overflow, the breakthrough needs to consume 35% of the overflow, the four inheritance overflow of 36%, 39% + 8% = 47% after the breakthrough)
Not to mention the breakthrough of the peak, there will be additional rewards. At the beginning, the peak was 10%, there was no bottleneck, and an inconspicuous but practical special effect was added to the blood dip. What this time brings, Li Yan expressed his expectations.
Except for the scrolls of inheritance, Li Yan didn't get anything from the man, and the excellent-quality dog-leg knives were also crushed by the tiger's head.
The man died, he imprinted the things in the space, he didn't know who was cheaper ...
It is worth mentioning that he started with the heritage of men. It's a little different than heavy bird and bifang bird.
[Inheritance: The Face of Mysterious Bird · Zhuang Jie] (Heart Blade Enhancement)
Awakening 9% (automatically restored after killing)
Shell Ming: Enhance the holder's 90% explosive power and shot speed.
Le Hui (Heart Blade Enhancement): When you think of any music in your brain, you can get its special state bonus. When you hear it in your ear, the state bonus doubles. Hearing the special magic music will get a very powerful state blessing!
Heart Blade Strengthening: Qi starts with fist, and law comes from heart!
An exclusive secret technique derived from the fruit of true martial arts (scale · jiazi 266): true martial arts.
Holding a glaive can exude invisible energy. Weapons are required to be "excellent" in quality and to be in "Lehui" status.
Attention walking adults!
You can gain Heart Blade Enhancement by replacing the lineage, but you cannot gain it by consuming this line to increase your Awakening.
Note: It is said that in addition to replacement, there is also the possibility of evolution. In addition to high awakening, evolutionary inheritance needs to be strengthened in various ways, so you know, walking adults.
Legacy can evolve!
The grade of the bird is not high. This is what Li Yan told Li Yan before, but I have to admit that the bird is very suitable for Li Yan.
[Blood dip] It can be said that Li Yan is at the core of his fighting style.
Blood dipped to fight, relying on a high amount of melee specialization to engage with the enemy, seize the opportunity, and pick a tiger.
Yan wears curtains! Dead dog injury judgment!
Blood Dip Burst! Jiufeng strengthens the frozen outbreak!
Let him give up, really a bit reluctant,
If the captive bird can evolve, all problems are perfectly solved.
Li Yan's aunt has "Jiufeng" and "corpse dog" strengthened twice. Naturally, he will not covet the "heart blade" reinforcement to replace the inheritance.
Although, sword air, gun power, or something, it is very handsome ...
As for Pei Yunhu's shout.
A little trouble, but not serious.
Pei Yunhu was able to get props to modify the content of the Yan Fu event. Although it was exaggerated, it was not impossible.
If it wasn't for Liang Ye's failure to bring out this fruit, the quality of the Sony Walkman would have to be above and below the "legend" based on a single voice that obscured all repression effects.
Li Yan's attention turned to the "witch" state of his body.
[Death Fluctuation] When faced with a strong and determined walk, the possibility of triggering a deterrent effect is also very low.
Li Yan does not count to draw a nine-phoenix rune in this world.
These two skills have little effect.
Jinghong glanced at the seal uncomfortable.
In addition to being able to view the personal information of the other person's walking, [Jinghong glance] also gave Li Yan a touch of insight.
The status bar is sealed, [Jinghong glance] cannot be used, Li Yan's judgment on the details of the battle may not be so accurate.
The Bifang bird was scammed last time and it didn't show up. This time, there is obviously a difference between the man and the bird. However, with more than 90% of the ancient martial arts expertise, Li Yan still does not fall behind.
At first, with a Biyuan sword, Li Yan was worthy of entering the threshold of the "Ten Capitals". How much better is Li Yan now than then?
I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.
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