Chapter 293: You know nothing about the truth

boom! boom! boom! boom!
Sparks splashed from the muzzle of the pistol, and the shells fell to the ground one after another. The bullets struck their heads and slammed into the ground.
Li Yan's feet were full of smashed ice dumplings, and the cyan bucket bucket covered with a phoenix pattern in front of him caused ripples.
The living corpse, named "Jacques Winter", took only two breaths, and emptied all the bullets in the tt-33 pistol, but still did not injure Li Yan. But she did not respond, and began to return the magazine rashly.
Li Yan has been untying the nylon rope hammer on his wrist. At this moment, he probably untied the length of three or four laps, allowing the dark hammer head to fall to his waist all the time.
Zi ~
Zi ~
The electric light above his head began to flash, and some of the contacts were bad.
Winter Jacques and Li Yan confront each other in light and darkness.
Nylon rope, trench coat, hammer, red star epaulets, pistol, leather boots, tube cap.
The female corpse was pretty good. Li Yan stared at Winter Jacques, and suddenly remembered a joke of "a big wave of zombies", so she laughed out of place.
Just after the laughter fell, the light bulb went out again in the wailing of "Zila", and the entire underground cave fell into darkness.
Li Yan rushed up silently, like a black sharp arrow, shot at the female corpse, the nylon rope on his wrist was tightened into a straight line, and the rolling hammer with a howling shot came out. The head of this strange living corpse.
In the darkness, there were several gunshots, and the fire went out before it could be seen clearly, and then an indescribable cracking sound was like thunder.
Zila ~
The electric light turned on again, and there was only Li Yan alone under the light, and the living corpse of "Winter Jacques" escaped without a trace.
Li Yan froze a face. There was only an empty rope cover on his wrist, and scattered pieces of hammers on his feet.
Li Yan can be sure, he just hit ...
A little warm liquid slid into Li Yan's mouth. Without looking, Li Yan also knew that he was out of phase.
The bullet fired by the living body brushed over his face, leaving a trace of blood. In front of Li Yan, there was a cracked perforation on the bronze blue bucket.
Li Yan looked around like a lone wolf. The "Winter Jacques" is obviously not coming back.
There is also a large exaggerated tt-33 pistol on the ground, which is clearly under the winter Yakla.
Li Yan picked up the gun, and his two hands together couldn't cover it. The gun handle was thickened, and he was very uncomfortable to hold it by a man. He didn't know how the living body did it.
Jinghong glanced and launched.
[Emergency revision tt-33]
Quality: Normal
Category: Pistol
The effective range is 300 meters, the magazine capacity is 5 rounds, the maximum rate of fire is 1 round per second, and rifle ammunition is used.
The special pistol rebuilt by "Winter Jacques" has adjusted its trajectory and magazine position, and uses a longer range and more powerful rifle bullets.
Note: A pistol with a rifle bullet is as neurotic as a car with a motorcycle engine.
He looked back at the wall made of unknown metal, with a wrinkled bullet embedded in it.
[5.45x39 steel core bullet] (emergency revision)
He pulled it lightly, but the bullet broke into pieces.
He went to observe the other bullets on the ground. There was no doubt that they were all 55.45x39 rifle ammunition, but there was no word for "emergency revision".
Undoubtedly, urgent change is the special ability of the Winter Jacques.
Li Yan suddenly realized that something was wrong.
Li Yan can understand that living corpses have wisdom and become robust and cruel under the influence of radiation. However, living corpses have genetic capabilities, which violates the "common sense of the world" Affav told Li Yan.
Both Afav and others have told Li Yan that genetic modification drugs are the greatest inventions of mankind since the winter, pay attention, they are inventions.
Winter's radiation has caused almost all humans to have different degrees of genetic aberrations. "Zongzi" is just one of the manifestations, and the other more general manifestation is that humans can become genetically modified by taking genetically modified drugs. Various super soldiers, as for specific capabilities, depends on the type of genetic modification agent.
So the question is, where did the genetic abilities of these dead corpses that were infected by radiation come when winter was just coming?
With this question in mind, Li Yan simply dealt with the wound on his face, instead of staying more, he continued to explore.
From the surrounding aging situation, this underground base was undoubtedly abandoned, Li Yan walked for more than ten minutes, and never encountered a "Winter Jacques" living corpse. Instead, it was radiation alienated carrion rats, and various other A lot of beetles were discovered.
This base is very wide, and power supply, water purification, including air circulation, are well done, and there are a large number of automatic weapon terminals. But all were artificially destroyed. The cabinets and drawers were very clean, no paper documents were left, the bedrooms had only metal bed frames, and mattresses and toiletries could not be found.
It doesn't feel like it was attacked by a sudden nuclear bomb, but rather a large-scale retreat.
Back in a circle, Li Yan could almost make up for it. There used to be a large number of troops and researchers stationed there. On a certain day, they received instructions from Shang Feng, withdrew from the base, and took away everything they could. Something that even ruined the weapon terminal.
Then the nuclear bomb came ...
Kung Fu is worthy of care, Li Yan walked around this base, and finally found a few paper under the dusty drawer.
This is not playing in the secret room. Li Yan really doesn't think that he can get any clues from this accidental little discovery. He just prays that this is not left by any soldier decades ago ... ...
As a result, the first sentence on the paper ball gave Li Yan an eyebrow.
"For the truth of this world. You know nothing!"
Li Yan then looked down. In the second sentence, Li Yan was familiar.
"We naively thought that the Big Ben Institute could lead us to end the war, but in fact, it was the culprit of the war."
Big Ben Institute, a word that Li Yan can hardly remember, in the gift of He, the activated serum that cures his leukemia comes from Big Ben Institute!
Li Yan licked his lips, read the words on the paper ball in a few eyes, and then opened another ball.
"Great leader, I never believe you will make the same choice as that blanket devil. That will be a disaster for all humankind ..."
"Unfortunately, endless Jacques, I didn't finish it in the end, only these inferior products."
"I don't believe the good intentions of the man until I die, I'd rather destroy them!"
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