Chapter 366: The soldiers disappeared

It was snowing and the birds were gone.
Several red corner flags are in full bloom on the silver-covered ground. Below the leeward mountain notch, there is a tent for raising horses.
In the silver low building cast with cooked earthen bricks and rice slurry, the Chaimen was pushed open by the wind and dropped ground muck.
Li Yan opened his eyes. He was sitting on a rattan chair, wearing a cotton jacket and a round helmet. The stove near the thigh was flourishing, and the oily scorch meat was roasted on the wood fork.
Liquor lay down beside the feet, and there was a small half of a jar of rice wine in it.
Li Yan had an extremely indescribable feeling, like countless twisted shadows beating on the yellowed paper.
In these years, Ren Tu's experience and worldly attitude in his position, he looked at everything clearly, but could not open his mouth, and could not move.
It is now 28 years of Wanli. It has been more than seven years since the fierce battle of Renchen.
Over the past seven years, Feng Chengxiu Ji has died, tearing up the treaty, organized several attacks before and after, and left countless corpse lives on the land of North Korea with the Daming army.
Things are wrong.
The guerrilla general Wu Weizhong, who had once attacked Mudanfeng with Li Yan, was shot in the left rib during the battle to defend Pyongyang city. He suffered from injuries and was involved in party and government. He was framed by people and returned home with anger.
The Cao Zhiping, who had been repeatedly rubbed by Song Yi, but repeatedly eaten, died in the battle of the gates of the Liangshan City moat, leaving no bones.
Fang Shihui, Zhang Jie, Liang Xin, these were all cavalry generals who had loaned soldiers to Song Yichong array, and the three died in front of and behind.
Participant Luo Shangzhi performed his military merits and was returned to his country. He is currently serving as the governor of the Zuojun Dudu government.
Two years ago, Diao blindly died of sores, and at that time he served in Liaodong and was buried there.
In the same year, Li Rusong, who had knowledge of Li Yan and his promotion, was also killed in a pursuit of the Hussars. His clothes were buried in Shuntianfu, and his nickname was "Loyal."
The scabbard Tibetan female ghost Wang Sheng, who served in Tongzhou after returning home, has already married his wife, but he did not know the twists and turns. He told Li Yanxun a year ago that he had a child.
Most of these names are familiar to Li Yan, because they have watched the battle and some are unfamiliar. After all, they haven't said a few words.
Li Yan was a soothing governor at Daning Wei these years, but he was not shocked.
The liquor from the mouth of the wine tangle meanders.
Year: 1600
Location: Liaozuo
Night, rain, lights, sword, monk, ghost, fox.
The requirements of this incident are as follows: rush to Quang Ninh Province in accordance with military orders, obtain the Dragon Tiger Banner, and send them to Dragon Tiger Mountain smoothly.
"Master Fuzhen! Master Fuzhen!"
A soldier with a and a turban rushed in.
"what's up?"
Li Yan Huanghuang stood up leisurely, eyes fixed on someone.
The soldier and Li Yan looked at each other as if they were hit by something, and then a spirit came back to God: "General Li Bing asked you to rush to Quang Ninh immediately and say that there are important things to be escorted by you. This is Handprint. "
Li Bingbing is the current Liaodong Commander-in-Chief, Li Rusong's brother Li Rumei.
"I see. I'll leave now to prepare a horse."
Li Yan took over the handwritten book and pushed the door to goose feather snow.
The soldier is still in a daze. This Li Zhenfu seems a little different today. In the past, he only felt that he was dumb, drunk, and had no wife and no children. According to rumors, the braveness on the Korean battlefield is unmatched. Blow round cowhide.
Only today, the sharpness between the three eyes and two words, and the arrogance of rising up and looking forward, there is no slight warmth, and I don't know which way the was committed.
According to the truth, Li Yan rushed to Quang Ninh House, and he should bring some soldiers to guard. He is also a serious general with Wu Xun in his possession. In theory, there is a house, and a few slaves are also common.
However, Li Yan's replacement has not provided Li Yan for these years, leaving him only a hundred or two gold, so that Li Yan secretly nodded and shouted.
He took a hanging wine gourd from the wall of the building and turned over. Li Yan did not even pick up the iron gun handed down by his subordinates, so he rushed out of the building with a whip, and headed for Guangning.
"where are you?"
Li Yan asked Xiang Xiaodao during the conversation.
"I don't know, there are trees all around ..."
Cha Xiaodao looked around. As soon as he opened his eyes, he was in a forest of black forks. It is worth mentioning that because of the sudden arrival, his clothes had not changed, and he even wore a down jacket.
"Don't move, I'll look for you."
Having said that, Li Yan cut off the conversation, and the identity of Cha Xiaodao was troublesome. He suddenly appeared, and there was no third relative, so he was very eye-catching. At least he had to find a way to get him clothes and a road guide.
In order to avoid shocking the world, things like the Dodge Tomahawk can be used and not used. Even the golden mother sword made in Nanyang, Li Yan simply carried it on his body and tried not to use large items in personal space.
On a snowy day, Li Yan drew his horse to a high place and held his breath. His breathing, footsteps, and faint conversations, which were difficult to hear by ordinary people, came. Lonely peaks in the distance and dry forest all came into view.
Destiny Jacques is a physical enhancement in all aspects. Although not as exaggerated as some of the qualities superimposed on inheritance, Li Yan's eyesight and hearing have now reached an extraordinary level that ordinary people cannot reach.
Suddenly, as soon as his ears moved, he yanked the reins and went towards the official road.
Snow flakes were as big as goose feathers, which really answered the phrase "yellow dogs are white, and white dogs are swollen."
The snowflakes fell to the ground, but suddenly it was blackened by a jet of black blood.
Followed by the sound of the body weight falling to the ground.
Lying in the pool of blood and snowflakes was a broken linen carriage, and after a long time, the snow covered all the murmurs of blood on the ground.
Several horse thieves in wolf's fur fiddled with fallen arms with weapons.
This is a large carriage that passes through the station. Most of the people on the bus are Tiannanhaibei, poor scholars who study, old entrants from the mountains, past merchants, and street style crafts. Anyone may have it.
The man who was supposed to be in this carriage was unlucky. He was followed by a group of horse thieves. When they escaped, no one ran away, which caused the horse thief to fall off.
The leading fierce horse thief threw a silver ingot into the air several times, and then held it in his hand, a sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth: "Just so much stuff. A bunch of callers."
"Boss, almost we talk about it. Not far from here is a Weining Village of Daningwei. The minority inside also has more than a hundred officers and men, but it breaks when it meets."
The snowflakes on the tree branches shuddered, and several horse thieves saw their ears sharply. On the other side of the official road, there was a horseshoe sound.
"It's your luck!"
The horse thief led a sip in the snow.
On a corner, the white-nosed and black-breasted horse has high forefoot. Any horse wears a red-bottomed iron armor, a bronze round helmet, and a bronze-colored sword. Who is not Li Yan?
"It's an officer!"
A horse thief opened his eyes.
The thief was surprised to hear a bit of cold, but now he was hit, and Li Yan was alone, and could not help but get up to his heart.
"Afraid of a bird, he only has one!"
As soon as the voice fell, a dark shadow fell on his face, and a muffled noise made the horse thief leader dead.
Li Yan, who flew out of his pockets, showed his bun, and he lay on his horse, his vision rushed to the left, and he was close to the dozen horse thieves. He pulled out the golden mother sword and only cut it flat. He chopped off the head of the horse thief who had just begun to shout, glanced at the dead body and scattered parcels beside the carriage, and then looked back.
The voice was chaotic, the horseshoe knocked the chaotic seal on the snow, and the blood was stained. Li Yan rode and killed two horses. Then he killed these killing and thiefing horse thieves. In the tea cup, squeeze a pinch of tea.
Li Yan lived with some mad horse, took a sword to pick up a parcel on the carriage, and Lu Yin waited for a dry object, and it was really neat.
He explored again and found a body similar to Cha Xiaodao in the snow corpse, just to pick the front view, to see if the clothes were damaged, actually found a childish face in the corpse pile .
It was a twelve-year-old boy, holding a bull's-ear sharp knife in his hand, saw Li Yan, and took a subconscious breath.
"General kills! General kills."
He didn't know if Li Yan was a general, but just flattery.
"Where is it and what?"
Li Yan asked softly.
"My name is Cao Yongchang. My family is a merchant in Tongzhou. This time I went out with my uncle to collect the money."
With this great change, even an ordinary man is going to lose heart. This little baby speaks lightly and quickly, but he is not disorganized, letting him have a high look, and then seeing his eyes turning around, a taste of arrogance . Whether a good man Li Yan is not clear, but it must not be a hindrance.
"That corpse is your uncle?"
Li Yan pointed out.
"Not bad."
Cao Yongchang nodded.
Li Yan shook his head: "Wrong, he's not your uncle."
After that. Li Yan grabbed the child with his hands.
"I'll take you to see your uncle."
Cao Yongchang saw the hand getting bigger and bigger in front of himself, but couldn't speak for half a word.
I like to start collecting birds from your collection: ( From the time of getting birds, the literature is updated the fastest.
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