Chapter 426: Each shows great power!

"Stop calming adults."
Li Yangang was about to go up the stairs, but the leader of Tea Horse Division stopped him with Liuzi.
"what happened?"
Liuzi's face was distressed: "My godfather means that there is something private to talk to you, and the people next to him ..."
As he said, he glanced at Chen Yuewu next to Li Yan.
"Oh, this is troublesome."
Li Yanzuo sighed with grief: "This is Chen Yuewu, Father Chen, who is going to borrow a boat to cross the sea. He borrowed me urgently. I thanked others for asking him to drink wine. I am a poor official, and he has a good meal and sleeps Yes, I really ca n’t put up a lavish banquet. I was thinking about borrowing the light of tea horses. I did n’t expect to come to the banquet, but the Chai Jianzheng did not allow guests to come to the table. Where can I put my face on. "
The six sons waved their hands again and again: "If the master calms down, I will open another table for this old Chen."
"Jack!" Li Yanboran discolored: "Are you despising my benefactor?"
"I dare not, I dare not." Liu Zi shook his head again and again, and hesitated for a while before he said, "Will I go and ask the godfather?"
Li Yanzhang: "Go, tell Master Chai that people can't say anything to others. Master Chai and I are both people of the loyalty and loyalty. Is there anything else to say?"
When Liu Zi went upstairs, Chen Yuewu only said, "The relationship between Zhen Fuye and this man Chai seems very delicate."
"We have a festival. He invited me to a banquet. I'm not afraid that he would make a grand banquet called the toasting cup, but I dare not close the door and drink with him. That's why I used Mr. Chen as a shield. "
"Where is it."
Between two words and three words, Liu Zi hurriedly hurried back: "Godfather said, please go to the upper room of Tianzihao."
Li Yan and Chen Yuewu went upstairs in accordance with the words, and several soldiers with backs stood guard at the door of the sky room. When Li Yan and Chen Yuewu entered the room, they closed the door again and guarded them on the stairs.
The decoration in the room is very elegant. On the table are light-colored side dishes and two cups of shochu. In addition, there is only a Chai Jianzheng in a red official robe.
"Li Zhenfu, and this one, Mr. Chen Yuewu, the three celebrities in Shandong Province, have long been famous, please invite."
Chai Jian is unexpectedly polite. Even when he treats Chen Yuewu who met for the first time, he also shows proper enthusiasm and makes people feel like a spring breeze. Compared with the unhappiness and arrogance when he and Li Yan met on the passenger ship for the first time, this time Chai Xuan finally showed a slick wrist that was a bit of a prisoner.
At the entrance of Huixian House, Hu San in a yellow robe came into the door leisurely. Strange to say, although the restaurant was wrapped by Chai Xuan today, the folks in the ranch and the shopkeeper were also in the lobby, but remained indifferent to Hu San's entrance.
Hu San cornered upstairs. At the door of the Tianzihao room, several soldiers guarding the portal, as well as Chai Xuan's personal leader Sui Liuzi, met the living deity, and looked respectfully. It was just that they were about to open their mouths. Hu San gathered his sleeves and clenched his fists. A few living people on the stairs disappeared without a sound.
Hu San spread his palms again and again. In his hand were three vividly painted paper-cuts, soldier-like waistband knives, and a charming young man wearing a gauze crown. He put these pieces of paper-cut on the door, and glanced at the Tianzihao room again, showing a sneer.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of dishes, Chai Xuancai finally pointed out the problem and expressed his willingness to buy 12,000 silver for Li Yan's Fei Lei Ma.
He took out the gold and silver tickets prepared in advance, had a thick finger, tied it with a satin ribbon, and put it in a solid wood box.
If Li Yan agrees, if converted to a Yan floating point number, he can get more than 2,000 Yan floating point numbers, which is equivalent to the profit of an ordinary walking fruit.
In fact, for today's Li Yan, the demon horse Fei Lei has little effect besides being a handy and upright vehicle in the fruit of the ancient background. In the future, Fei Lei can only stay in this world.
With such a calculation, Chai Jianzheng's request was a good deal for Li Yan.
So Li Yan naturally showed a thoughtful look.
Chai Jianzheng originally did not report hope at all. In his opinion, it is unlikely that a young military attache will sell his BMW for money. Unexpectedly, looking at Li Yan's look, he immediately regained his spirits.
"The three-life old is really god."
Unexpectedly, Li Yan still shook his head: "Fei Lei was given to me by Chief Li Rumei not long ago, and asked me to use it to the flag. Now that the errand is not completed, I resell my boss to my BMW. People are shameless, sorry to Master Chai. "
"This, this, Li Zhenfu, what if I add another 12 thousand?"
Chai Jian is biting his teeth. He is decent and extraordinarily expensive to eat and wear, because no matter where he is, there are giants who are willing to spend money on him. The truth is that his savings are only two or three. Just two silver.
Li Yan saw that his expression did not seem to be fraudulent, so he let go of his wariness. It seemed that the Chai Jian was not resentful, but only wanted to buy his own horse.
Without reaching a smile on his face, Li Yan responded: "I really can't promise you this. Why not, isn't Master Chai going to Beijing? When I finish my errand and come back from Jiangxi, I am willing to send Fei Lema I lent the tea horse a year to be a stallion. The remaining foals will be handed over to the tea horse company. What do you think? "
Chai Xuan was in a dilemma. He originally intended to use the old Hu Sansheng to export his bad luck to him. It was only at the request of the old that he brazenly asked for this meal. Unexpectedly, Li Zhenfu did not think he was as treacherous as he thought.
He was reluctant to accept the money, but he was also reluctant to accept the money. He wished that Li Yan had lifted the table today, so that he could use his head to ask the immense supernatural Hu Hushen to take charge of him and win "Wild Black God"!
But this situation is really difficult to turn around.
"Master Chai?"
Li Yan urged.
"Okay, okay."
Chai Xuan had to agree.
"Okay, that's it."
Li Yan raised his glass, and Chai Xuan raised his glass thoughtfully.
After talking about Fei Lei, Chai Xuancai sent Li Yan and Chen Yuewu out of Huixianju. The whole process was unexpectedly smooth and harmonious.
"The drunken snails of this Huixianju have a unique flavor. Even the officials from Jiangsu and Zhejiang have praised the drunken snails here. If the adults can eat well, I ask my buddies to pack two plates. Mr. Chen is a local, so I won't be ugly. "
Chai Xuan's spirit was full of spirits.
Li Yan also glowed: "Mr. Chai! It's not like we two don't know each other. It's my fault in the past. You can't go in your heart."
"Which case."
The two laughed at each other.
"That Chai will not give away two people."
"Stay, stay."
The two turned around each and immediately lost their faces. Li Yan and Chen Yuewu walked down the street, and Chai Xuan returned to Huixianju.
"The Chai Jianzheng, his face is still kind."
Chen Yuewu made a moan.
"If the old man could see his face turning around, he wouldn't think so. The officials are all exquisite, and the eunuchs are even more so, but it should not be difficult for me to look at his actions today. "
That being said, Li Yan felt that there was something wrong, but he couldn't say anything.
Chai Xuan turned into the Tianzihao room, but found that Hu Sansheng in a yellow robe was sitting in the room.
"I didn't tell you, except for Li Zhenfu, shouldn't anyone be allowed in?"
Hu San's face was angry, and he even faintly revealed a few moments. Chai Xuan was stunned for a while, but only subconsciously answered: "This, I can't help it, then Li Zhenfu insists on bringing someone else, otherwise he won't go to the table." "
"Huh, even then, I can't run him."
Hu Sanping regained his complexion.
"Mr. Hu ..."
"You sit down first."
Hu San interrupted him. Chai Xuan pressed his robes, lowered his body, and said with a grin, "My wild black ..."
He hadn't finished talking. For a long time, Hu Sanyi, who looked like an immortal wind bone, reached out his hand, and a sharp dagger drew up against the wind. He poked into Chai Xuan's chest without any words, and his heart was smashed into thinness.
The blood was spraying, and Chai Xuan couldn't even make an incredible expression, so he was absolutely furious.
Hu San lost his dagger, shook his robe sleeve, his blood and footprints disappeared.
He went out, tearing off the paper-cut paper on the door of the Tianzi room, blowing his breath, and the paper-cut shattered, and several soldiers and six sons appeared suddenly again, but they were like moving puppets, motionless.
Hu San smiled, turned down the stairs, and waited until he was on the street, clapping his palms. The eyes of the six men and several soldiers in the restaurant recovered, and they stared at the unmanned staircase vigilantly. Nothing was known.
And they thought that Chai Xuan, who was still in the room, and Li Zhenfu had a good drink, had died extremely thoroughly.

Until the evening, Jia Liu finally returned to Shiqiaohe. He happily returned to Chenghuang Temple with gold, and the bronzed Qincheng Temple was still waiting for him.
"God, godfather. Gold, that officer, gave gold, gold."
Qin Chengyi glanced at the gold handed by Jia Liu and nodded: "Take it aside and bring my hatchet behind my stage."
Jia Liu nodded eagerly. He put the gold on the table, groped behind the table for a while, and finally found a rusty and serrated hatchet. He didn't think too much, holding a hatchet and handing it to Qin Chengxi.
Qin Chengxi took the knife and nodded at Jia six: "Good boy, close your eyes."
As soon as Jia Liugang closed his eyes, he felt a sharp pain in his heart. Qin Cheng drew his sword from his hand, and the hatchet looked rusty. It was extremely sharp, like a hob cutting butter, leaving Jia Liu's chest open!
The blood spot sprayed, Qin Chengxi stretched out his hand and beat Jia Liu's chest to take out a heart. Jia Liu didn't hum, and Yang Tian fell to the ground and died.
Qin Chengxi held his heart, stood up and left.
Obviously there are two feet, but Qin Chengyi stepped out and there was a mile. He entered the city within a few steps and went straight to Huixianju. He got in. The shopkeeper's running room account was still invisible, Qin Chengyi. Ignoring it, pedaled up the stairs.
Several soldiers saw a majestic man with a bronze complexion going upstairs. His clothes were luxurious but old-fashioned, and he saw that he came straight to the sky room, and just about to speak, Qin Chengxi stared: "You fox who breaks through the door to kill Invisible, do you want to stop the clay figures who come in to save people? "
His voice was not loud, but he was so angry that several soldiers, together with his long-stood six sons, were thundered, and immediately lost his soul and remained motionless.
Qin Chengxuan ignored them, pushed the door into the house, and saw the dead body lying on the ground at a glance. He took a hatchet, took down Chai Xuan's broken heart, and stuck this Jia Liu's heart in Chai Xuan's chest. With a touch of his finger, the scar on Chai Xuan's chest disappeared, but blood was still everywhere.
Qin Chengxi didn't care, just looked at the heart in his hand.
"I know everything, but there are many bad places."
He picked up a hatchet and drew a sharp axe at this already broken heart, just like potato shavings, and from time to time he was stripped of black rotten meat, leaving only an egg-sized piece, bright red.
Qin Chengxi nodded, threw this egg-sized heart into the empty jar on the table, fastened the mud seal, and turned away.
For about a moment of incense, that Chai Xuan exclaimed: "No, no, don't kill me!" Actually turned over!
"It hurts! It hurts!"
He rolled with pain, feeling that his heart had been cut off, and then let people walk for more than 20 miles, and then it came back so roughly.
Finally, Chai Xuan looked at the blood all over the floor, and there were a few pieces of black rotten meat on the table, which made people shudder.
"Come, come here!"
He screamed with his tongue.
Liu Zi and a few soldiers rushed in, and were startled by the blood.
"Hu Xian, sir, he, where are he others?"
As soon as Chai Xuan covered her mouth, how did she stutter?
Before he calmed down from the turmoil, the old horseman who watched the horse in the tea-horse department of the port ran with a sad face and saw Chai Xuan, regardless of the others, and knelt on the ground and cried: "Master, it's bad. They're all dead again. Somehow, even the corpses are stink. I cut open their stomachs, their livers were removed, and they have been dead for several days. "
Chai Xuan's head hummed, remembering that Hu Sansheng exhibited the immortal art of taking dragon livers and gallbladder in his paintings that day, and he almost did not spit blood.
"Here, give it to me!"
His eyes were red.

After a few steps, Qin Chengxi returned to the City God Temple. He poured out the egg-sized heart from the wine jar, threw it into the incense jar containing the burnt ash, rolled it a few times, and then took it out. It is a crimson heart with a fragrant smell.
Qin Chengxuan looked around and nodded with satisfaction. He stuffed the heart into Jia Liu's body, and he swept away, only listening to Jia Liu's whisper, waking up slowly.
He stood up, his eyes clear and bright, and he was reborn.
"Godfuck! Me! What's going on?"
Qin Chengxi waved his hand: "Your heart is blocked by six things, it is a natural heart. I changed you a good one. In the future, whether you want to get a reputation or to be a business farmer, it depends on your fortune. But You have to remember one thing! "
Qin Chengxi's face was astonished: "You will be an official in the future, and you must be an official who is impartial and honest! For business, you must be an open and honest merchant! You are not allowed to worship temples, you are not allowed to meet your boss, and you are not allowed to compete with the people. Hear no!"
"Daddy, don't worry, I won't."
Jia Liu's eyes were firm. Unexpectedly, Qin Chengxi laughed strangely: "Things in the world have always been generally black. Those who know Qiqiao need to eat those who know Sixtong, and those who know Liutong have to eat those who know Wutong. In the past, you did n’t know anything, only the portion eaten by others, Now that you turn over, how can there be no reason to eat people? Although I have picked out the scourge of this heart, I can't tell him not to grow up again! I will not fool you with any lie of retribution, you will do evil in the future, And you can't justify yourself with the inexcusable jerk! "
Jia Liu was wronged in this scolding heart, but she was only scratching her head and was afraid to speak again.
Seeing Jia Liu's appearance, Qin Cheng felt a little bit distressed, but said sadly: "I am this face and face, so I am not flattering. If words hurt your heart, don't be surprised."
Jia Liu straightened his back: "The godfather is good for his son, and the godfather doesn't like to take an oath, so I won't make an oath. Just watch the son, the son is an official and a business, he must be innocent, and he will never disappoint the godfather."
Qin Chengxi didn't nod his head, but just said, "Good son, I must believe your sincerity in these words."
Having said that, Qin Chengxi turned and walked out.
"Where are you going, my son?"
Qin Cheng didn't look back and just waved his hand: "I still have some dirty hands and tails. You go to the butcher shop and cut two pounds of pork head meat, then make a pot of wine and wait for me to come back in the middle of the night to eat."
Having said that, he went out.
As night fell, it was another day when the bustling events in Jiaozhou changed.
At first, the strange rumors that Wuxian troubled the Bohai Sea were heard, and later the population whispered that the Bohai Sea port became ice in summer, and that horses were running on the ice, and what happened afterwards was trivial. What Erlang Temple and Hebo Temple were stolen, The daughter-in-law of the juggling artist Wei Chou Donkey steals people, which is not good enough.
Just today, another strange thing happened. The tea horse division's supervisor Zheng Chai Xuan changed his stasis and invited three squads of military service in the city. The martial law was crazy like crazy and it was very disturbing.
Hu Sansheng sat in the best position of the tea house alone, but the people around him didn't seem to see him, and only talked about himself.
How could Chai Xuan not die? I smashed his heart with my own hands. This is not possible, I have to think of another way ...
Hu Sanzheng thought, a man came in at the teahouse door, and sat straight opposite Hu San.
The man was all black and blue, and his clothes were gorgeous and ancient. He was carrying a long black silk bag in his hand.
"What's your drink, lord?"
Guys come together.
"as same as him."
The man pointed at Hu San, and Hu San frowned.
The man turned his face and saw Hu San, wondering, when did this man come in, did he give money?
Although strange in his heart, he turned around and left, yelling in his mouth, "A pot is a good dragon well!"
"I want to say three words to you."
Hu San's face was gloomy. Last time, someone said three words to him, making him ashamed. This time, someone wanted to say three words to him again.
Qin Cheng slowly opened the long black silk bag and said, "The first sentence is that Chai Xuan was saved by me, so you don't have to wonder."
"The second sentence is that I have collected money and I will deal with you on his behalf."
Hu San then said: "How much money can I invite a wild god? Whose money did you collect? Is it Longhushan or the last name?"
Qin Chengzheng didn't answer: "The third sentence is, but you are a demon who is transported by the air, but I am just withered mud, I kill you unknown. So I only hit you nineteen, you can live, yes Your fortune, your death, is that you are out of luck. "
Hu San laughed: "I do understand who is bad for me, but I don't understand. How can you, a wild who is about to die, kill me like a fairy in the sky?"
Qin Chengxi looked at him and laughed out: "Then I will send you one more sentence. The world says that the outside world is yellow and white, the inside mountain is Jinshan, and the hidden three demon are the heads of the outside world. This is ridiculous. If only two or three thousand years of demon Immortal, with the domineering of today's Dragon Tiger Mountain, it has long since wiped out the world ... "
After all, there was a touch of gold in Qin Cheng's black silk bag.
"If you are not dead by my nineteen gold crickets, you might as well go back to the white waters of Heishan and the middle of the high forest, and see the world more often, then come through the barriers."
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