Chapter 527: Triathlon linkage theory

After the second act of "Giant Lake" was over, Li Yan and Cha Xiaodao brought some duck and whiskey, and actively visited the apartment rented by Chang Yu.
When the two knocked on the door, Chang Yu was polishing a plated shell of a manicure. This is not work, he always likes to make gadgets in private.
"Sorry, often. I know you're on vacation. But last time I had a good chat with you. I still have a lot of questions to ask you."
Chang Yu smiled at Li Yan: "Where's the word, come in and say."
He let the door open, and Li Yan and Cha Xiaodao walked into Chang Yu's rental house.
This house doesn't look big and has no decent furniture. There are cardboard boxes filled with metal parts everywhere. There are also some commonly used parts processing machines, such as pneumatic grinding machines, gear fan Chengyi, and even a small processing machine.
On the side of the bed against the wall, there were piled thick brick drawings. There is a pen holder on the window sill, which is filled with used carbon tubes, toothbrushes, razors and other daily necessities.
There is no table, but there is a rail-type plotter and a small bench. Only half of the individual helmet design is completed on the drawing.
The three sat in a circle, and Li Yan pulled the wine stopper and poured wine for the other two.
"Actually, I thought about your last question. I still insist that people are just more complex machines made of flesh and blood, but the technology at this stage is not enough to reach this level. It ’s not like biological machines.

Chang Yu held a duck leg, and the monocles that he usually wears at work were too lazy to take off and talked to Li Yankankan.
"You look at this."
He handed Li Yan a book that looked like a scholar's book on mechanical theory.
"The triathlon has two basic functions. The first is that it can intensify the vaporization effect hundreds of times. With a small amount of water and fuel, it can generate huge power. The second is to make some liquids that are not easy to vaporize. And metals, which can be vaporized at extremely low temperatures to play their role. For example, mercury vapor can emit strong light, and tungsten vapor can be used to make fully automatic soldiers. "
"In England more than 100 years ago, a scholar proposed the well-known triathlon linkage theory, that is, in the same machine, more triathlons can run at the same time, and the efficiency of the machine will be improved geometrically. .This discovery caused a sensation at the time, but it was soon discovered that rudely connecting the triathlon in the machine, most of the time, only one will work. Only through tests of different materials and solid machine design In order to make more triathlons work. "
Hearing here, Li Yan suddenly thought of the six-core single soldier "unicorn" of Princess Steam in Giant Lake.
Chang Yu continued to rush into Li Yankepu with great interest: "In the decades since the introduction of the three-ball linkage theory, the mechanical design of most scholars and engineers stayed in dual-core, and a few steam equipment reached triple-core. At that time, Many outstanding science fiction writers were born, and they fantasized that machines with multi-core technology could make people fly into space, penetrate the ocean floor, create huge illusions, emit destructive power comparable to myth, and even immortal. "
Li Yan stretched his voice: "What do you mean?"
"The three linkage theories sound absurd, but in reality today, no one can overturn this theory. The steam airship introduced in Scotland in 1805 reached the level of five triathlons operating at the same time, and London City floated to the sky in 1850. It is powered by eight triathlons. And this month, there will be seven to eight triathlons operating simultaneously on the Sky Train, which will be on display at the London World's Fair. "
Chang Yu opened her hands and let her eyes light up: "If there are eight-core steam soldiers or even nine-core soldiers in the future. Maybe you said that robots comparable to living things will become reality."
After listening, Li Yan immediately asked, "How many cores are the most advanced steam soldiers now?"
"Seven cores."
Chang Yu replied without hesitation: "Enfield is the most advanced steam individual in the world. The latest steam individual, the eight-core giant" Imir ", was experimented with a while ago, and because of the excessive load, it caused the supply of Eros Tower. The running triathlon was overloaded, and Imir was unable to run. So the steam individual who can put into actual combat has a maximum level of only seven cores. "
"To say something that might be offensive, often, with your ability, how many nuclear-level individual armors can you make?"
"Six to seven cores."
Li Yan didn't say anything, just stared at Chang Yu for a moment.
Chang Yu scratched his head with a little embarrassment: "However, the production process of high-level steam soldiers requires large machinery and equipment, and those are the property of Enfield. And, in fact, I have not done steam soldiers alone In the production process, I have to fight for others. The reason why I said that I might be able to make six to seven nuclear soldiers is because ... "
Chang Yu was a little embarrassed. He dropped the duck bones and pulled out many things from under the bed. He was actually a variety of high-end steam soldiers from Enfield!
These include the flightable, highly maneuverable "Venus". The "thor" equipped with heavy firepower, with four-wheel drive, can be regarded as the "hera" of a single-person off-road vehicle. To put it plainly, it's just toys.
"These are all made from the things in my room, not just the model, all the parts are scaled down in proportion to the true individual soldiers."
Cha Xiaodao saw that Chang Yu's vision was very strange. He picked up a single soldier and rushed to Chang Yu: "Can it be used?"
"Haha, then you have to find a little talent who can wear these single soldiers."
Chang Yu made a joke.
"Ah, yes, Li, here you are."
Chang Yu opened the case behind a toy soldier and took a screwdriver to remove a hot pot-shaped part from the inside.
"I heard the knife say that you want a triathlon ball. The triathlon ball used in the factory is too expensive to pass. If you are only interested, this one will be sent to you. I will do it myself, and the cost is not high."
After all, he put this pocket triathlon in Li Yan's hands.
Li Yan thoughtfully looked at the triathlon ball, and suddenly looked up at Chang Yu and said, "Often, I want to hire you to make such a single soldier. I will design the specific style with you. If you want Just make a price. "
"You are a friend of Cha and my friend. If you like it, everything is here. You can choose whatever you want, no money."
Li Yan shook his head: "These things did not meet my requirements and must be produced separately."
Chang Yu lowered her head for a while and then said, "Well, what style do you want?"
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