Chapter 561: Dire

When Liang Huihe and the businessmen gentlemen Dong Fengchen rushed back to Chinatown, the fire had spread to the entire Chinatown, many of them had burned out, and the forklifts and soldiers of the Health Bureau had long disappeared. Trace.
Beside Liang Hui, an old man with white hair and a beard hat saw the fire all over the sky, his throat was hissed, his eyes fainted, Liang Hui hurriedly supported him, and said hello: "Take a few chairmen to rest, fast! "
The other gentlemen and directors either cried or screamed, or uttered swearing. They had no manners, but the fire was ruthless, and they were pulled away by their men.
Liang Hui also told his men with a gloomy face not to conflict with foreigners, send people to evacuate residents, and reduce casualties.
Zhen Lian was also red-eyed by the fire in front of her. She played tricks, the property and floating fortune earned by her conscience were buried in the fire.
The taste of the sky collapsed, and Zhen Lian lost his mind for a while, and rushed into the sea of ​​fire to take his savings. He was pulled back by Liang Hui. In the struggle between them, Liang Hui hit Zhen Lian twice. Only then did Zhen Lianxiao stop and stared gloomily at the fire with only one pair of eyes.
"Several broken houses, no more, no more, just fine."
Liang Hui could not hear the salty taste in his mouth.
He saw a few burnt scorched corpses under the burnt-out beam, and his eyes twitched. He greeted the people under him and asked, "What about the surname?"
The men shook their heads blankly: "With the fire, I don't know where it is."
Zhen Lian listened, and asked, "Did you see Mr. Li?"
The men shook their heads again.
Liang Hui sighed suddenly: "No one is there now."
"Then what do we do?"
Zhen Lian looked excited again.
Liang Hui glanced at her: "Did you cry and ask people what to do in the past? They haven't been here for a few days, and you won't even live through it?"
He faced the fire again: "Just put up with it first."
Liang Hui suddenly panicked. He saw a young man wearing thick leather and steel equipment, his eyes flushed into the fire,
"Epigenetic? Epigenetic?"
When Liang Hui saw that young man had a good face, as if he had seen it before, he shouted twice, but the other party was swallowed up by the fire in an instant.
Flames, smoke, and Chang Yu's tears flowed. The high temperature through the iron and leather burned his back, and he just walked forward with red eyes.
He relied on the water gun and arm that had been modified on site with steam car parts to open the road violently. Water mist and flames entangled a large amount of steam, breaking through the fiercest fire wall on the periphery, which was full of dense smoke.
With his memory, Chang Yu walked through the road that had been walked countless times. All his ears were full of crackling sounds of burning the unused beams. Even he himself could not hear the voice of his swallows.
The apartment in the impression was almost empty, and the taste of the air was beyond words. The stream of fire fell from the sky one after another. Chang Yu used his arm to rip open the carbonized room beam. The blood bubbles in his throat were cracking. A shocking, long-recognizable corpse was turned out by Chang Yu. Maybe a swallow. No longer here, maybe long ago ... And Chang Yu just knelt on the ground halfway, frantically turning over the body.
Inadvertently, a broken cartridge case was turned out of the rubble by him. The original shape of the cartridge case was no longer visible. Only a white slash and Enf three English letters could be seen faintly. Chang Yu was stunned first, and then a burst of blood plasma rushed into Tianling Gai without waiting for him to react. A stream of fire hitting Chang Yu's door in the air, and he lost consciousness in severe pain.

Chang Yu had a long dream. He crossed the ocean and shined at the World Expo. He was dressed in a straight suit and went to a reception in a high society, refuting those arrogant people who vilified the Chinese in person. He made a lot of money through his patent. He bought the most expensive and extravagant fireworks, holding two cards His train ticket and a check for half a million dollars. He was going to use the money to finance his hometown education. The ugly Qing government could only cultivate mediocre minions and delicate bureaucrats, but he believed that the future of the land was more than that. .
On the returning train, he gently cuddled a beautiful woman in a beautiful cheongsam, as if she had endless love with her.
Chang Yu and her enthusiastically kissed her. Suddenly, the beautiful girl in front of her was smoky and flaming, her flesh rotten and scorched instantly, and her tongue was spitting in the hollow eyes. Chang Yu felt a terrible pain from her face. Immediately, he opened his eyes.
He is still alive.
He was lying in the tent where the Chinese Rescuers rescued the wounded, and the smell of sweat, soup, and acrid alcohol rushed into his nostrils.
"I've seen you. Your name is Chang Yu."
Liang Hui sat on the floor, moaning in the tent.
"You were looking for your girl before? But I think you were unsuccessful. After all, those scorched corpses can't be identified by anyone. Think about it from another angle, maybe the girl is still alive."
Liang Hui comforted dryly, although he also sniffed at his own words.
"You saved me?"
When she spoke, Chang Yu was surprised to find that her throat was burned out, and the sound was like a cat's claw scratching glass.
"You are worth saving. You are a promising young man."
"Where is Li Yan?"
Liang Hui shook his head: "My people looked for both of them everywhere, but there was no result."
Chang Yu moaned and sat down.
"You should have heard of Hesheng's name. If you need anything in the future, you can always find me."
Chang Yu ignored him, found a basin, and looked at himself in the water.
The bridge of the nose collapsed, the cheeks were burned through several large holes, and the gums and even the tongue could be seen. The festering scar passed through the neck, making Chang Yu's face look like a ghost.
"Chinatown is in short supply of medicines. I have asked someone to deal with the wound, but I'm sorry."
"No, thanks, I have to go."
Chang Yu stood up.
"Wait, look at this first."
Liang Hui handed a thick black cover book and a golden stone to Chang Yu: "These two things were found in the fire, but they were not burned. The one who was checked by the surname was holding the two before disappearing. I have never seen a thing before. I have asked people to see it. In addition to strange text, there are many patterns of equipment. Maybe it is useful. I will give it to you. If you find them, give it to him.
Chang Yuyi read the book and stone in Liang Hui's hand for a while.
If Liang Hui stared at Chang Yu with deep meaning: "Young man, you still have a long way to go, don't do stupid things."
Chang Yu glanced back at Liang Hui gloomily, took the things in his hand, turned and walked away.
In the makeshift tent that kept moaning, there was only one sentence that sounded like an owl.
"I've been smart for more than twenty years, sir."
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