Chapter 715: Thunder

"The storm is faltering. The news came last month that Mo Laosan and Ruan Xiaoping, the leaders of the White Base Gang, were killed by a musket and the other was captured alive. They were decapitated two days ago to show the public. The dwarf and the red-headed ones were also seen one after another. The government was wiped out, and most of the other gangs disappeared, or they surrendered to the government. Now there are very few gangs with more than 20 ships at sea and more than a thousand people capable of fighting.
"As for our Five Flags, it's not much better. Needless to say, the Black and White Second Flags, the Blue Flag Gang Qianjun Standard 30 boat elite disappeared inexplicably at sea. Rumor has it that it was the black tea tide, and thousands of people have no bones. Huang Qi Xu Longsi is even more hateful! When Chongming Bo was captured in the Northern Expedition, he didn't kneel in front of his office and killed himself to become a benevolent. After Xu Longsi was Chongming Bo, he was driven by the government. Ashamed of his ancestors, he is simply inferior to pigs and dogs."
Li Yan heard that this was Xu Chaoyi's voice.
The Chongming Bo Xu Hui he spoke of was the former general of the Zheng family in Taiwan. In the past, the Zheng family made several northern expeditions in an attempt to overthrow the government and restore the old dynasty. This uncle Chongming died bravely during the Northern Expedition.
Huangqi gang leader Xu Longsi, and even Zheng Xiu's biological mother, ten wife, are descendants of Bo Chongming. As Xu Chaoyi's family general, if he had not been married to the Red Flag Gang with the Tenth Wife, he should now be called Xu Longsi Yisheng Patriarch.
Xu Longsi's surrender to the government can be described as forgetting his ancestors. It is conceivable that Xu Chaoyi hated this old young master.
"Uncle Chao Yi went to visit the treasure ship king, how is his condition?"
This voice is slightly hoarse, but there is no lack of girlishness,
Li Yan moved a few steps lightly, looking through the window paper to see the appearance of the two in the wing.
Xu Chaoyi hasn't changed much, his posture is still upright, and there is a girl opposite him, who was born slim. A narrow floral blue shirt will cover the belly button, a dark red leather belt is wrapped around the waist, two white tender feet are stretched out of the black wide pants with a large sea bowl, and straw sandals are stepped on underneath.
"Very unsatisfactory, Lin Ajin is critically ill. I don't think he will live long."
Xu Longsi replied boredly when Zheng Xiu asked.
Lin Ajin's background is the same as Xu Longsi's. They were all generals under the Zheng family. Later, the ancestors of the Lin family rebelled against the Zheng surname, and refused to be official running dogs. They simply became pirates. The relationship with Five Flags has always been quite subtle, but it is by no means close.
At the beginning, Li Yan had actually controlled the Nanyang Pirates Alliance. He wanted to ask for a few design drawings of the large ship from the treasure ship king, and he had to make a peace with Sky Ships.
But today is different. South Seas pirates are scattered, and the treasure ship Lin and the Hongqi gang are dead. Zheng Xiu didn't have the ideological burden of the older generation. In the early years, he often exchanged letters with the treasure ship king, and he was worthy of the uncle of the world.
"The Five Flags Alliance, in my opinion, these Five Flags have existed in name only."
Zheng Xiu smiled bitterly.
Xu Chaoyi glanced at Zheng Xiu, he wanted to talk but stopped, mostly distressed.
Compared with the immature and immature girl six years ago, Zheng Xiu's words and deeds are now more sophisticated. The current situation is depressed, and Tianbao, the pillar of the red flag in the past, has greatly changed his temperament. Zheng Xiu has been helping for several years and has not seen a smile on his face for a long time.
"Uncle Chao Yi has something to say?"
Zheng Xiu clearly noticed Xu Chaoyi's emotions.
"Oh, I just think that the current situation is turbulent, and we must be more cautious. Yang Zuowu, Feng Kaiming has a lot of party members in the help, and they are intertwined. If he kills it rashly, his confidant will be dissatisfied. Once the red flag is in conflict, everything will stop. After killing two people, the two leaders of Hongqi colluded with the government, which really hurt morale. According to me, there was only one person in the gang who killed Yang Feng and no one refused to accept it. Since the evidence of their collusion with the government is solid, it is still The Tianbao leader should be asked to come out of the mountain, and the two can be tortured in a canonical manner to see and hear. The prestige of the Tianbao leader is also sufficient to ensure morale."
Zheng Xiu was expressionless: "In a while, all the leaders will come to the Martial Arts Hall to discuss matters. At this time, I will inform Brother Tianbao that it is too late, and there may be minor issues. When I kill the second thief Yang Feng, I will naturally report to Brother Tianbao. ."
Chaoyi thought for a while, and said, "I'm just afraid that Yang and Feng will shake people's hearts in the martial arts hall. The three of them have a close personal relationship with Xue Ba, Zhao Xiaoyi, Nephew Nong and others. They are all the confidants of Tianbao leader. Yang Zuowu also married his daughter to Xue Ba. I am afraid that the trouble will affect these people."
Zheng Xiu was silent for a while before he said: "Uncle Chao Yi, then how do you know that Xue Ba, Zhao Xiaoyi, Nephew Nong did not collude with the government?"
"Xue Ba is brave, but simple-minded and easy to be deceived. You have also said that Yang Zuowu is his son-in-law, his nephew Nong is a seedling of five poos, he is cunning and greedy for vanity, and Zhao Xiaoyi is the leader of the black flag. Enwei and Shicai convinced him. Several black flag leaders in the past are now in charge of the government. How do you know that he won't think about it?"
Xu Chaoyi was stunned by Zheng Xiuwen and was speechless for a while.
Zheng Xiu pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Uncle Chao Yi, I just said casually. In my opinion, these three people are still innocent. But the red flag is the last bit of foundation left by my mother. I don't dare to bet, nor can I bet. Since Tian Bao brother got entangled with that Huo Ding Po six years ago, his personality has become more and more weird."
The girl's eyebrows are low: "I have visited her several times, and I only feel that he is sometimes sober, sometimes confused, sometimes heroic, sometimes dull and dull. I occasionally see him turning the sea, his martial arts and magic are all unpredictable, and sometimes I feel that he is infatuated. ...I can’t see through Tianbao, let alone what he will do. Right now, when Hongqi is alive and dead, if he draws his salary from the bottom of the tank again and empties the Hongqi treasury, Hongqi’s century-old foundation will be buried with him. ..."
Li Yan touched his chin with some shame, and couldn't help but cough.
Zheng Xiu's five senses are actually more sensitive than Xu Chaoyi.
Li Yan walked to the threshold, the facial features on his face were still those of Zheng Yunsheng.
Xu Chaoyi's expression eased a little. "I asked you to guard Tianbao's other courtyard, what are you doing here?"
Li Yan's Adam's apple quivered for a while before he said hoarsely: "It was Tianbao leader who called me to come. He said he didn't need so many people, so he asked me to protect the leader of the show. I had to ask the leader of the show."
Xu Chaoyi frowned and looked at Li Yan in front of him. He just said, "Since the Tianbao dragon head doesn't like you to stay in the other courtyard. Go and rest."
After he finished speaking, Li Yan didn't move.
"What are you doing?"
Xu Chaoyi said that the pressure was lower.
"Yun Sheng dare not listen to the words of the leader of Tianbao. Please forgive me, the leader of Chaoyi."
Li Yan looked directly at each other
Xu Chaoyi was about to have an attack, Zheng Xiu grabbed his hand and thoughtfully: "Have you met Brother Tianbao? Did you say this to Brother Tianbao himself?"
Zheng Xiu stared at Li Yan for a while, and suddenly smiled: "That's fine, you can stand behind me."
Li Yan nodded and stood behind Zheng Xiu.
Not long after, the silky voices from far to near, five elderly men in their forties and fifty years old with rickets and turbans arrived first.
"The show leader, Chao Yi."
The old man in the lead looked around: "Why don't you see the Tianbao dragon head?"
"Lao Ning and a few others took their seats first, and then they knew."
These people are the only surviving old people of the Red Flag Gang. They have survived the three leading positions of Zheng Yiguai, Ten Madam, and Tianbaozi to this day. They are all respected. Many cadres in Hongqi are the nephews of these people. Some old people hang out in front of the hall and take care of some errands such as disbursement of money, school, and punishment.
Zheng Xiu comforted them, and there was a cup of tea, and other young and strong leaders arrived one after another, sitting in a circle.
Today's Red Flag, including the nephew Nong and Zhao Xiaoyi, there are a total of 16 big leaders. There are about 30 ships in the hands of the most powerful leaders, and there are thousands of people, and the least powerful also have a dozen ships, with more than 1,000 people. Each big boss is pulled out separately, and can compete with the veteran pirates such as white background, red head and dwarf. The number is about 18,000.
In addition, there are four hundred small boat heads, with a few people on board, no more than ten people, and a total of nearly 30,000. The structure is relatively loose. These bows usually sail, irrespective of the ships of the twenty-four big bosses, but at critical junctures, they are dispatched by the big bosses, and they are arranged into the fleet of fourteen big bosses in disorder. Kill the enemy together.
Nominally, the leader is equal to the bow, and the salary and cost are the same.
The coexistence of the chieftain and the bow was designed by the Ten Lady. In the past, the leader had an accident, or asked the golden basin to wash his hands. The Tenth Lady would promote a person from hundreds of bows to become a new leader, abandoning the cronies of the former leader. Furthermore, it is explicitly forbidden for the leader to communicate with the bow of the ship to ensure his own rule. The only exception is the former Tianbaozi.
Tianbaozi himself was one of the fourteen big bosses at the time, and he ate and slept with hundreds of bows, closely related, and controlled the treasury and exchanges between eyes and ears. Later, when he took office as the leader, it was natural to catch him.
After Li Yan came to power, he promoted Xue Ba from the bow and took the position of his own leader, but the important artillery and ship were still under his own command. For six years, there was a leader, Jinpan, who was washing his hands, and Li Yan called Cha Xiaodao in charge. Controlled dozens of ships and became one of the fourteen chiefs.
In addition, Li Yan mentioned his nephew Nong to the position of the fifteenth leader, and led a group of five young men and some crew members. Although the ships are scarce and the manpower is only a thousand, but with weird sorcery, Nephew Nong's leader position is still very stable.
As for Zhao Xiaoyi, the black flag has survived in name only after the government was purged and suppressed these years. He led thousands of people into Tianbaozi's command. He was regarded as the sixteenth big boss. He brought together the elites of the Black Flag and was powerful. Except for Xue Ba, the remaining big bosses were not his opponents.
In addition, there are less than two hundred Gaoli ghosts led by Chao Yi, with copper heads and iron arms, and invulnerable. It is the guard of Tianbaozi, Zheng Xiu and others. Xu Chaoyi himself has a high reputation among hundreds of bows. Although Xu Chaoyi himself is not a 16-member leader, everyone is known as the leader, and his true status in the Red Flag Gang is only under Tianbaozi.
When Cha Xiaodao came in, he saw Li Yan behind Zheng Xiu at a glance, and raised his eyebrows at him.
Li Yanquan didn't see it.
"I said Chaoyi, isn't the natural protection leader yet?"
The speaker was five short, with a red face, and it was Yang Zuowu who was accused by the secret report as colluding with the government.
Zheng Xiu didn't rush: "Uncle Wu, don't worry, Brother Tianbao will be there later, but before he comes, I have a major event related to the life and death of Hongqi, and I need to discuss with the leaders."
"It's no coincidence!"
Yang Zuowu said if Hongzhong said: "I also have a major event related to the life and death of the Red Flag, and I have to discuss it with the leaders!"
Xue Ba yawned: "Isn't it just that the government is coming to beat us on Lantau? There have been fewer fights in the past ten years? It doesn't matter whether he comes back or not."
The fierce youth of the past is now in his early twenties, but the fluff on his mouth has not gone away, and the childishness in his smart eyes has not been removed.
Yang Zuowu yelled, and he looked at Zheng Xiu leisurely: "Leader Xiu, my business concerns you, so let me talk about it first."
Zheng Xiu smiled and said, "What I want to say also concerns you as Uncle Wu, so let me talk about it first."
Yang Zuowu stood up: "I'm afraid I have to say it first."
"You presumptuous!"
Xu Chaoyi and Zhao Xiaoyi shouted at the same time, and then glanced at each other.
Zhao Xiaoyi swallowed, and still said: "The leader of the show is the Nanyang Communist, so naturally he should talk about the important things first."
"Yeah, Zhang Yang, what's the matter. You have to ask Sister Xiu'er to speak first."
Xue Ba also helped.
Yang Zuowu sneered and said, "If this Nizi is the surname of the country, she will naturally be the Nanyang co-leader, but if she is private..."
Almost before the words fell, Li Yan, who had been standing behind Zheng Xiu, had an erratic figure, straddling most of the table and grabbing Yang Zuowu's throat.
Among the leaders of the field, Zhao Xiaoyi has the best skills, and he didn't really look at it for a while. Only recognized this as one of the ghosts of Gaoli, but did not know the name.
Li Yan hesitated. He wanted to hold on for a while to see more clearly, but Yang Zuowu's words were out of control, and the situation might be beyond Zheng Xiu's control.
"Brother Yun Sheng, what are you doing? I haven't heard what Uncle Wu said just now."
Li Yan looked back at Zheng Xiu, and the girl was staring at herself.
Li Yan's heart sank, he might underestimate Xiu'er. He let go, letting Yang Zuowu with his round eyes fall to the ground, and walked back behind Zheng Xiu.
Xu Chaoyi's complexion was complicated, and after the two steps of "Zheng Yunsheng", Xu Chaoyi thought he couldn't handle it.
When the atmosphere was awkward, Feng Kaiming's eyes rolled: "It's noon! Don't talk nonsense."
The affairs of Tianbaozi and Ten Madams are not known to everyone, but they are mostly tacit. Even Xiu'er's background has long been criticized. As for Zheng Yiguai Tian's castration, after all, it is a family shame, and very few people know about it.
The two Yang Feng learned about the from nowhere, and they immediately felt like a treasure. The name of the Zheng family on the treasure island is orthodox at sea. If this matter can make a big mess, at least it can damage the personal reputation of Tianbaozi and Zheng Xiu. Yang Feng uses this as a reason to cause chaos and may cause the Red Flag Gang to be torn apart. In addition, the government encircles and suppresses it.
The two blushed and turned a few words right.
Until Yang Zhengwu yelled: "Although Zheng Laolongtou is brave and brave, but he is a castrated eunuch, there is no way to have a queen!"
Old Ning and others finally slapped the table angrily: "Shut up!"
Unexpectedly, Zheng Xiu actually stopped several elders in the gang.
Zheng Xiu stood up and picked up the mud bowl on the table: "Yang Zuowu said these horrible things in the hall. Xiu'er proved innocence and naturally confronted him. If I was born at a loss, I would die in martial arts today. In the hall, I will never live. But if something goes wrong...
She opened her eyes, and the blood poured into her pupils in a flash: "This old man is the parents who insulted my passing, and even tarnished the lintel of the Zheng family on the island. I will never give up with him."
"I have a certificate."
Yang Zuowu shouted.
Xiu'er smiled softly: "Then ask your people to prove it."
Seeing Zheng Xiu's appearance, Yang Zuowu sank for no reason, but the arrow was on the string and he had to send it. He blew the whistle, and a woman walked in with a dull look outside, and all the leaders recognized that this was Qiu Ru, Zheng Xiu's nanny, who had been with the Ten Madam for decades, and was Zheng's old man.
"Qiuru, just tell the big guy what you told me."
Unexpectedly, the woman glared at Yang Zuowu viciously: "The surname is Yang, you and Feng Kaiming are plotting to frame the master's house, and it is not good to die. I will not let you be a ghost!" As she touched the corner of the table, blood flowed suddenly Note, people do not live or die.
Yang Zuowu was stunned, but just waved his hand subconsciously: "This is what she said to me."
On the contrary, Feng Kaiming reacted more quickly, and among those who hurried to pinch the woman, shouted to Yang Zuowu: "He can't die."
"Of course he can't die, Brother Yun Sheng!"
Zheng Xiu did not call Xu Chaoyi, but called Li Yan.
Li Yanfu hit the heart and kicked Yang Feng away with one foot, and picked up the woman.
Zheng Xiu stood up. One finger is the woman, the other is Yang Feng: "Either Qiuru deliberately framed my red flag leader, or Yang and Feng were ambitions. There must be a problem."
She faced the elders and chieftains: "I think we will put the three in custody first. Xue Ba, Qian Tuo, you two will immediately take people to arrest Yang Feng's boat and horses, and then make plans after the truth is found out."
All this happened so fast that Zheng Xiu said it clearly and could not help being unconvinced.
Xue Ba, Qian Tuo hesitated for a while, and all agreed.
I like to ask everyone to collect it from Guhuuiao: ( The literature is updated fastest from Guhuuiao.
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