Chapter 723: Ghosts and Scholars (Part 2)

Li Yan tried to stretch out his hand and aim at the flying cannonball.
Winter Jacques, launch.
I saw the first two shells landed at Li Yan's feet with a muffled sound, smashing the wooden boat out of two black holes the size of a human head, but more than a dozen of them slammed into the sail and the cabin, suddenly bursting into a series of explosions. Sparks.
Although Li Yan has started Four Seasons Jacques, the development of every Jacques gene requires long-term practice and even talent. Vera's winter Jacques can suppress the chemical reaction of dozens of kilometers around. But Li Yan can only control the surrounding area for less than half a meter, and can't be distracted. It can be said that it is not too high in actual combat value.
The black smoke rising straight into the sky from the sea, and it meets the dark clouds. Following a click of thunder, the electric light illuminates the faces of everyone on the sea.
"I only said once. If you still cherish your life and turn around immediately, I won't joke with you again."
St. Watson looked serious.
Captain Andre has served on this immortal-class Glasgow for six years, and he is more familiar with this ship than with his own body.
"Mr. Watson, you know that I am not a stubborn and arrogant person, but this is ridiculous. If we withdrew from the battle at this time, I can't imagine how much I will be blamed from the boss and the government because of you? At least you should explain to me where does the danger come from?"
"I don't know. Storms, giant octopuses, or whatever. This is a sea beyond the reach of God's glory. Anything can happen."
St. Watson didn’t know where to get a bottle of rum that hadn’t been unsealed. He opened the cork before he said hoarsely,
I just read your logbook. The pirate here gave it to you six years ago. You are hitting head-on, maybe the danger comes from the small island in front?"
Andre immediately turned his face: "My soldiers and I are ready to go into war. This includes dealing with pirates and wizards in the South Seas."
Almost as soon as his voice fell, a loud noise made the two of them look sideways at the same time.
Through the rain curtain, what they saw was the cruiser "Ango", most of which was submerged in the sea. It was spinning in a whirlpool, almost between breaths, this iron-clad ship with a displacement of 3,000 tons. It disappeared on the surface of the sea at an extraordinary speed, leaving only a slight ripple.
"Aha, I guess they are not ready yet. Hmm, ah~"
St. Watson took a sip of rum. "Maybe it's too late to retreat, Mr. Captain."
The rain was already heavy at this moment, so big that Andre was a little suspicious of himself.
The Ango has the reputation of Son of Wrath and is equipped with 6 7-inch 178mm, 4 64-pound rounds 15-19 times 160mm rifled front gun. The firepower is strong, and compared with the bloated and costly seven ships, the cost of the Ange is only one-tenth of the former. Since its appearance in the Thames Steel Plant ten years ago, it has quickly swept the European countries and is the hottest ship in the world.
Andre put his hands on the console, and said in a deep voice: "I have seen how powerful Nanyang wizards are. In Annan, there is an evil wizard named Zhang He who once sacrificed the life of the virgin and used the power of a demon to sink A Portuguese battleship Vasco, but he was seriously injured as a result. This power is unsustainable. We..."
As if to laugh at him, flames and smoke rose from the bottom of another first-class cruiser on the wing of the formation. The sea around the ship was stirred by an invisible force, and the huge vortex ruthlessly fiddled with it and lost its power. The iron toy, the iron hull side gun unarmored ship with a draft of nearly 6,000 tons has almost no room for reaction. Everyone can only watch it sink to the bottom.
"I guess they have two such wizards."
St. Watson sneered at Andre mercilessly.
Many ships fired at the unknown whirlpool. The sea blast and thunder are endless.
The Angkor uses a horizontal double expansion engine. Because it is underwater, it is generally not easy to be hit by artillery. The joint fleet's judgment was that something quickly penetrated the engine underwater and created a sea whirlpool, causing the ship to sink quickly.
Obviously, this judgment is completely correct.
Under heavy fire, some terrifying and weird bodies of aquatic creatures surfaced one after another, such as light blue crocodiles, sharp-toothed monster fish with huge tumors on their foreheads, etc., but it didn't take long for these bodies to miraculously disappear.
At the edge of the formation, the sailor on a small torpedo boat stared in horror at the golden lights lurking under the sea. Someone immediately lost their breath and launched torpedoes at the golden lights in the sea. After the sound of explosions and high water splashes, More and more golden lights gathered around the torpedo boat, followed by several golden tentacles violently out of the sea, piercing through several crew members and pulling them into the sea.
After a series of blisters, the crew members who were pulled into the water saw huge golden jellyfish one after another. They had the crown of a lion's mane and gracefully swimming. Suddenly, the jellyfish in front of him dispersed. Showing the dead bodies of officers and soldiers who can't see their heads,
Subsequently, the crew member also lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen.
With the sinking of the two large ships, the dark underwater, less to say, nearly a thousand soldiers and the corpses of Hong Maozi fell to the bottom of the sea.
Li Yan jumped out of the water by a wave more than two meters high and stepped on the surging waves.
boom! boom!
A gunboat noticed Li Yan standing on the waves, and fired cannonballs at him. One after another, he saw a grand cannon flame blooming beside Li Yan, and quickly surrounded him into a black smoke screen.
But then, the waves supported Li Yan to break through the black smoke, like Nezha in the sea, approaching a larger battleship nearby!
"What sorcery did Baozi perform that day?"
On the Dragon Flag ship, Qian Yongzhao asked Xu Longsi angrily, that he is the head of the Xu family and the older brother of Nanyang, who should not be ignorant of these horrible phenomena.
"Is this... the sea ghost?"
Xu Longsi was surprised and suspicious. Xu’s Gaoligui and Lin’s Quanlang were rumored to be the Mazu Guards and Quanlang Haigui, but Xu Longsi naturally knew that it was not that simple. Quanlang Haigui is known as the guard of Mazu and has extremely high demands on the subjects. The Nanyang has been extinct for nearly a hundred years. The last recorded death of the Quanlanghai ghost was in the Penghu Sea where the government conquered the treasure island. It is said that the ghost was captured with all his strength, exhausted all his methods during execution, and finally soaked in blood for several days. , And killed him with a frying pan. Could it be that Tianbaozai actually made it?
"I don't care about him..."
Qian Yongzhao was halfway through, when a drop of rain fell on his face, making a sizzle like oil. He suffered a severe pain, and he subconsciously used the big cloak to block the rain, and saw the rain in the sky change from light to black, falling on the officers and soldiers, like a sharp arrow pierced through the body, and immediately pierced countless blood and blood holes. Wailing all over the field.
"Cut the mast! Find shelter!"
Qian Yongzhao didn't care about the loss of a thousand swords, but still roared, and was pushed and shoved by Xu Longsi into a blind spot. Zhu Ben was the first to see the chance, but he just touched the back of his hand and shoulder a few times, and then rolled to the ground like a gourd. angle.
The officers and soldiers hid in the cabin one after another, but it was okay if they were closer, and those who were farther away did not go a few steps, and fell in the dark rain. In a short while, the bones and flesh were destroyed and turned into white bones. Some officers and soldiers faced Zhu Ben to survive. He squeezed over, seeing that he couldn't hide anyone, so he was so righteous, he didn't want to kick him out.
Under the deadly black rain, harsh warnings and semaphores circulated among the fleet, and the fleets quickly dispersed. Fleeing towards the rain cloud.
"Response quickly."
Li Yan’s omnipresent force of disaster and rain cloud has now reached ten kilometers, but in the vast sea, once the ship disperses, the scope of the rain cloud is still not enough. As for the nine changes of the genus of disaster, the scope is even greater. It is a mere kilometer, not enough to pursue it.
"Catch the thief first, catch the king."
Li Yan acted decisively and rushed to the flagships of Andre and Qian Yongzhao in the dark rain.
"Mr. Saint Watson, the joint fleet is in crisis right now, and I need your help."
Andre said solemnly at the old man in the red suit in the Mediterranean.
"Are you kidding? You want me to deal with that monster? Let him eat me raw? Then diarrhea, so you ran away? You are too humorous Andre."
"Mr. Saint Watson, if anyone can lead the combined fleet through this crisis, I think it is only you. You and I know that Mr. Hastings invited you to Nanyang..."
"Go to your mother's Andre, go to your mother's Hastings, why should I work for the East India Company? I am willing to remind you that I have done my best. I want to go. No one can stop me. You wait to feed the sharks. ."
I like to ask everyone to collect it from Guhuuiao: ( The literature is updated most quickly from Guhuuiao.
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