Chapter 731: The death of Tianbaozi (end)

Chapter 18 The Death of Tianbaozi (End)
Yang Sheng remained calm and asked with a smile: "Where did Consul Halt start? Didn't the British tax collectors whom you recommended have been in the taxation department long ago?"
"My people can do nothing but drink tea and snacks. Your officials will not even show them a manifest."
Yang Sheng opened his eyes wide: "Oh, there is such a thing, isn't it so serious?"
"Why do you pretend to be stupid, Master Yang? Isn't this just your instruction."
Halt's words were full of complaints.
Yang Sheng listened quietly for a while, and responded in a calm tone: "This taxation department was not long established. Naturally, he has his own rules and regulations. It is not so easy to have the British and the Chinese eat in the same pot. It's unavoidable. Consul, why should you make a fuss?"
He pondered for a while, and then said: "But, let's talk about it... We Daqing has such a saying, this married girl, the water poured out, those British people now speak Daqing's official language and eat Daqing Salary, naturally, I must try my best to be loyal to my Qing Dynasty. I have friction with my colleagues. I should seek mediation from Shangfeng. You can't always ask the consul. This married girl will go back to her mother's house and cry and complain? What is it like? "
"I don't understand what you are saying, Yang, you are too cunning."
Halt smiled bitterly.
"Hahaha, drink tea if you don't understand."
Unlike most Qing officials who were arrogant and indifferent, Yang Sheng was open-minded and talkative, and had very good personal relationships with Halter.
However, personal relations belong to personal relations, and this time Hart will never let Yang Sheng prevaricate.
"Yang, the magic of Tianbaozi caused twelve iron-clad ships to sink, and more than a thousand British sailors hid in the sea. The combined fleet was always under the command of the Dragon Ship Banner, where Qian Yongzhao was located. According to my report, it was Qian Yongzhao who was reckless and ignorant. , The dragon ship he commanded broke out of the formation in swift waves and heavy rain, and was sunk by the enemy with magic techniques. This caused the entire fleet to lose its unified command, and finally resulted in evil results. You should be responsible for this. I ask the government to immediately implement the relevant taxation contract Content, and hand over the position of commander-in-chief of the joint fleet."
Yang Sheng asked softly: "If I say, no. What do you say?"
"If you are unwilling to fulfill the contract, we can only disband the fleet immediately."
Unexpectedly, Yang Sheng refused to give up and stood up directly, taking care of the Chaozhu on his body, and Yunhe Buzi on his chest was very bright.
"If the queen of your country is so domineering, this official has nothing to say, the worst is just a shot and a break, and we will leave."
After that, Yang Sheng turned to leave.
"please wait."
Halter was stunned for a moment, watching Yang Sheng's footsteps, he hurriedly got up to persuade the other party, but still couldn't help but said: "The government has not captured a warship of Red Flag, nor has it captured a Red Flag pirate. It's a sky island and a Tianbao boy whose life and death is unknown. Now that the joint fleet is disbanded, you are not afraid that one day the Red Flag Gang will come back?"
Although Yang Sheng stopped, he still refused to sit down and said loudly:
"The so-called cooperation will benefit both, and the division will bring about two harms. Originally, you and I are our own masters, and we have stated the interests and disadvantages of each other. There is nothing we can't talk about. But the consul always threatens to dissolve the combined fleet, and Kuan Yang can't give in. It involves the dignity of the country. In the past few decades, thieves at sea have been raging, and merchants have been complaining about it. The British country alone loses less than one million silver each year, which has nourished countless bandits. But since the governor took office, Jing Haiqing By the way, the combined use of proclamation and suppression has restored the Qingming of Guangdong and Guangxi. If one day, the red flag really makes a comeback, can you be a consul?"
Yang Sheng talked freely and gave a generous statement: "Six years ago, your ambitions in Britain and Portugal were wolves, provoked and offended, killed our county magistrates, and plundered our citizens. Fortunately, I am an upright government and people, with one heart, and defeated your guns. Battleship. After the victory, I don’t care about the predecessors. Not only did not cut off trade with you, but even took the initiative to form a joint fleet to eliminate pirates and maintain trade. Now you are threatening to terminate the contract, which is simply absurd! "
What a Yang Bingyan! In the past, the Anglo-Portuguese coalition army invaded Guangzhou, and Prince Fulin had to rely on hundreds of thousands of pirates to repel the foreigners. It was a shame and shame for the ruling and the opposition. After this battle, everyone knew that the government’s coastal defense was corrupted. Not only did Tianbaozi and Cai lead the two The prestige was shocked, and there were even rumors among the people that the 200 years of the Qing Dynasty were exhausted, and people were panicked. But now Yang Sheng, with a red mouth and white teeth, said abruptly that it was the magnanimity of the heavenly dynasty, and even with a spear and rod, he blamed the other party for the prosperous Nanyang thieves for decades. It can be said that there is no problem in the debate.
Halt was really stunned, his face blushing and white, and for a long time he said in a bitter voice: "It was only Hasting's private revenge for the government's private detention of his goods. Our country has never officially declared war against your country. One point, the emperor of your country also personally agreed not to pursue it anymore."
Yang Sheng smiled contemptuously: "There is something that has been publicly stated, and the officer will no longer rap with you."
Halt’s tone was obviously softer:
In any case, it’s a fact that we have suffered heavy losses this time. If Governor Yang refuses to let you go, I don’t think the East India Company will be willing to advance the fleet to purchase warships and artillery. , Your financial situation will only worsen."
Yang Sheng thought for a while and said loudly: "Let's go back and ask Hastings to draw up a list of goods. This officer can refer to the contents of the list and reduce or exempt the tax rate of goods imported into my country by the East India Company in the next three years."
"Five years. As long as the Governor agrees. I promise to complete the establishment of the joint fleet within half a year. The details of the Battle of Lantau will never be passed on from us."
Halt hit the snake on the stick.
"Well, five years is five years. But Hastings promised the government to eliminate the red flag bandits in exile."
"It's natural."
Halt added: "Otherwise, your country must implement the contract..."
The two of you came and went, and it took a long time to finalize the details of the agreement.
"One more thing."
Halter's expression became serious: "During the Lantau shipwreck, a court scholar who accompanied the ship unfortunately disappeared. His name is St. Watson, and he has won the Holy Queen Award, the highest honor in the empire. St. Watson is more valuable than the entire combined battleship combined. Even more precious. The queen personally instructed that he must be found."
"Holy Queen Award? Court Scholar?"
Yang Sheng is not good at these Western names.
Halt explained patiently: "It's like your Chinese emperor's disciple, a bachelor, and the prince and prince."
Yang Sheng will be suspicious: "This is troublesome, the sea is vast. If the noble person you mentioned died in a shipwreck, where should we find it?"
"Your Excellency Saint Watson will never die. Governor Yang will be able to find him just by posting notices everywhere."
"Okay." Yang Sheng nodded: "We are determined by one word."
The next day.
On the official street, water was poured, gongs and drums were beaten, a group of soldiers wrapped in red and blue cloth, wearing white cloth coats and carrying muskets bravely swaggered through the city. Not long after they cleared out a spacious avenue, only 16 small servants were seen. Grasping a corner, holding a red sail stained with blood and holes, walking through the streets and alleys, swaying round and round in the city of Guangzhou, from early morning to noon.
On the second floor of the tea house, a dozen tea shoppers stretched their necks and looked around, all talking about the officers and soldiers who patrolled the street.
"Brother Nian, which one is this singing?"
The person who was talking was a man who looked like a son, with dog skin plaster on his face, an ivory fan bone inserted in the back of his neck, a satin gown with money pattern, and a gloomy green emerald embedded on the melon leather cap.
The next table is a pedant who keeps goatee, his thick and long braids have not been taken care of for a long time, and grease stains have grown. He was holding his hat in his hand and fanning it, exposing Qing Ranran's scalp. He raised his eyes and glanced at the son, and snorted coldly: "This is not Erye Huang? You look good, aren't you infected with tuberculosis?"
I saw the son stretched out his hand and made a nondescript cross: "I believe in the Gospel Church, and with the Lord's blessing, can this disease be cured?"
"Hey, there are gods in the world who are willing to bless people like you, I'm afraid I'm blind."
In fact, academics can't look down on this Huang Erye.
This son-in-law was not angry either, just a hippie smile and asked the reason for the army.
He has been entangled for a long time, and the scholarly boss unwillingly explained: "You don't know? Lantau let the officers and soldiers suppressed! Did you see the red sail? That was on the Tianbaozi ship. Seeing the sails is like seeing people. Governor Yang personally got it off. Order, all state capitals and counties should go around. To publicize the results of the suppression of bandits."
Someone next to him murmured: "Tianbao is really dead? I saw him six years ago. He was sitting on a tall horse and he was awe-inspiring. I heard that Prince Fu Ling invited him at the Longquan restaurant. The people are out of town."
The dude also responded: "I think the blood sail is not a fake."
Xue Xue shook his head: "I can't see it right. Half of the people can't see it. A large group of officers and soldiers are holding up the rags, and their faces are not pretty. Don't you bluff?"
"Stop it, you don't want to die!"
The teahouse owner who had been dozing off suddenly opened his eyes and glared at the old scholar.
"I really heard about it."
The son-in-law pulled out the folding fan and spread it out, revealing a picture of the beauty in the palace: "I have a cousin. It is a staff member of Yichengxing. He told me that the bandit was suppressed the other day, and the government has suffered a lot."
"I heard people say that Lantau asked Yang Xingye, the newly appointed manager, to be burned clean. That day Baozi was shot and killed. Xu Chaoyi and Zhao Xiaoyi left the leaders as birds and beasts, and they had already escaped."
"Ears are fictitious."
Xue Xue shook his head, still unbelieving.
The person who broke the news saw pedantic unbelief, and choked back, "If you don't believe it, don't you know if you swim to Lantau Island and take a look?"
"I think it's fake too."
"it is true."
The two groups insisted on their own words, and neither of them would give in.
Suddenly, a muffled noise interrupted the quarrel between the two groups. In the corner of the teahouse, a man with a significantly taller body than ordinary people was sitting, with black skin and heavy eyebrows, and two oblique muscles on his shoulders were raised high and black. The python-like braids were wrapped around his neck, his expression sullen.
"Bill, please!"
After speaking, he put down a few eldest sons and went downstairs.
"Who is this person, how come I haven't seen it before."
The son-in-law is itching with the fan.
The guy counted the eldest son without raising his head: "Xiao Xi Ta Hong Xiucai’s younger brother hasn’t been home for ten years. He returned to Guangzhou some time ago, and he didn’t have a wife in his 30s. Maybe, that’s right. Pirates."
"Don't talk nonsense, boil the water."
The owner of the teahouse took the copper coin in the hands of the man.
I like to ask everyone to collect it from Guhuuiao: ( The literature is updated most quickly from Guhuuiao.
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