Chapter 750: connect

Although Cai Qian had a thousand changes, he was also at a loss for words, just sat down sinkingly.
It is rumored that when the treasure ship king first arrived in Borneo, the ancestors of the Lin family even excavated the native tombs and stole the gold and silver treasures in order to gain a foothold in the local area. As a result, they missed the royal curse of the Three Buddhas, and not only himself died suddenly. , The offspring also often contract malignant diseases when they are young, and it is difficult to live past thirty-five years old.
Lin Ajin was lucky. It wasn't until the twenty-first marriage day that the Three Buddhas curse broke out. The couple contracted tuberculosis and terminal illness. If Cai Qian hadn't bought a new medicine from Europa, the treasure ship king would have died.
Cai Qian was upset in his heart. He deliberately tried just now, but the situation was still going to the situation he was least happy to see.
He knew that the western medicine Jushengdan would not cure the curse of the Three Buddhas, but he hoped that the King of Treasure Ship could help Tianbosi to gain a foothold in Borneo, after a year or a half, and then...
Although Cha Xiaodao didn't know the reason for the relationship between Cai Lin and the two, there was a "unwillingness to Lin's name" in this Yan Fu incident. He had made preparations early, so he took advantage of the situation and said: "I also heard about the treasure ship. Wang's health is ill, but he didn't expect it to be so serious. Before he left, Tianbao leader asked me to bring me a batch of new medicines. It's better to ask Baochuanwang to try."
Lin Ajin first turned his eyes on Cha Xiaodao's face, seeming to hesitate, but then shook his head: "I have been asking for medicine in these years, and I owe Boss Cai's favor. In fact, life and death are the slightest. I can't help it. I killed A Ling, and what kind of face remains in the world, so let her go. The heart of the red flag to send medicine and fist, Lin took it."
Cha Xiaodao was silent for a while, picked up the so-called Jusheng Pill from the table, looked carefully, there were ripples in his eyes, and soon he laughed and shook his head: "I said this Jusheng Pill is a magical medicine, but it is penicillin. That's it."
Cai Qian raised her eyebrows, and subconsciously replied: "This Jushengdan is known as a panacea in Europa. There are countless living people, and the price is more than gold. Brother Cha can call Jushengdan by his real name, and he is so contemptuous of this medicine. In the Red Flag Gang, this Jushengdan is not uncommon?"

He just uttered his words. Cha Xiaoknife took out a silver box and shook it in front of him. Then when the two of them opened, six crystal clear glass bottles and unopened injections were quietly displayed in it. They looked extraordinary. . There is also a silver bell tower printed on the box.
Looking at the color of the liquid medicine, it is no different from the Jusheng Dan that Cai Qian took out.
Of course, this is not Raoshizi Jushengdan. It is an injection produced by the Su Ling Big Ben Research Institute to increase Yan Fu’s inheritance awakening. Penicillin is too tasteless for Cha Li, and he is not prepared normally, but it is enough to fool Cai. Linked to Lin Ajin.
Although Cai Qian has doubts in his mind, injections and glass bottles can never be faked, and then he asks questions and has a demeanor. What's more, Hongqi's purchasing accountant is a foreigner. What is Sohail's name? That person used to work for the East India Company. It’s not a fantasy that Cha Xiaodao can really take out Jusheng Dan today.
He had to bite the bullet and say: "The red flag is really extraordinary, but someone from Cai is sitting on the well and watching the sky. Saint Fleming, the developer of Jushengdan, won the Holy Queen Award for this item alone. Now, I really want to Seeing and seeing, what magical medicine the head leader can come up with is more clever than the products produced by Saint Fleming of Europa."
As soon as he said the words, Cai Qian regretted it, and Cha Xiaodao's performance today was far beyond his expectation, in case...
There was also a slight glimmer in Lin Ajin’s eyes. He said that he would live and die with his beloved wife, but the life-saving straw was delivered to him. There is no reason not to grab a handful. Lin Ajin was only in his early forties. , So why are you willing to go to Huangquan with your beloved wife like this? If the medicine is really effective, Cai Qian and Cha Xiaodao will pass the sentence "A Ling has knowledge under the spring, and he can also be comforted."
With a grinning grin, Cha Xiaodao took out a small porcelain bottle, which was the golden soup that Li Yan gave him before and took it internally.
"Li Li!"
St. Watson lay on a wooden bed built up with scrapped boats, his face flushed by the campfire. His face was pale and his lips were chapped, as if he had just been seriously ill.
After leaving Tianmu Temple, the two went to sea before reaching a beach. Without knowing the east, west, north and south, St. Watson suddenly vomited and even bleeds from his seven orifices. Li Yan had to settle him first before starting a conversation with Cha Xiaodao.
Maybe it was because Gong Yan’s Seven-Star Treasure was too powerful, or because it was too close to Tianmu Palace, the signal of Nintu was extremely slow. Li Yan initiated several conversations without success, and only said to try again later.
"I need water."
Li Yan took a leaf of clear water to him, who knew that Saint Watson shook his head repeatedly: "It's not this, it's your spell, the yellow one. I think that makes me better."
Li Yan drank the water himself and ignored him.
"Hey, you shouldn't treat a patient like this."
"I don't know, maybe I should throw you into the sea when your incontinence gets on my trousers."
Li Yan threw the leaf away and looked up at the bright moonlight in the sky: "Let's talk about it, what's wrong with you? The monsters are still living in the den, why came out and fell ill."
"It was Ruchka, my assistant. The remote-controlled smart Jenny of the submarine he was riding in was cloned and cultivated by me using my own brain tissue and whale cells, and it was connected with my consciousness. I don't think he could take care of it. Jenny, this little bastard."
Li Yanneng observed that the status bar of St. Watson did display at this moment: "Shuang soul is damaged."
His eyes burned: "You have also studied the Three Souls and Seven Souls."
Saint Watson shrugged and poked his head: "I don't know, if you mean it here."
Li Yan praised heartily: "You are really a treasure."
"To each other."
Li Yan stood up, and there were lights on the canopies of a few returning boats in the sea not far away, and the dark-skinned boatman's daughter looked curiously at the campfire on the shore. These boaters who were born by the sea may have lived on the sea for most of their lives. Except for necessary supplies, they rarely go ashore and hardly see outsiders. This makes her full of curiosity about Li Yan on the shore.
There was a sudden sound of a bronze gong, and a patrolling official ship broke through the waves. The boatman hurriedly pulled his daughter into the canopy, set up the oars, and headed towards the sea. Only the officers and soldiers with big braids wearing black warm hats shouted from the bow: "The governor has long ordered that the board cannot go into the sea. It's the red flag bandit, let go! Let go!

Li Yan let out a sigh of relief. The waves on the sea wrinkled, causing the official ship to stagger, and a few scattered bows and arrows fell into the sea sparsely, but the tent was gone by a strange wave in a short time.
At this moment, Shinobu suddenly heard a voice: Your conversation has resumed!
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