Chapter 1206: Mario Kart

In the dream memory, put aside a series of realistic racing games such as Need for Speed, Horizon, Dust, etc.
The same non-realistic racing game, it can be said that there is almost no way to escape the influence of a game.
That is "Mario Kart".
What kind of words to describe this game, it can only be described as great.
In terms of commercial performance, the entire series sold nearly 200 million copies.
In terms of impact.
Such as CrashWolf racing, running karts, etc., are basically a mechanism of "Mario Kart".
It can even be said that a special type of racing game has been derived, which is prop racing.
Of course, games that manipulate vehicles like Rocket League cannot be regarded as racing games.
In addition, compared with other mainstream realistic racing games, "Mario Kart" itself provides a quite unique experience.
And when it comes to "Mario Kart", I have to mention another racing game called "F-zero".
These two games can be said to be two extremes.
"F-zero" is to show the most cutting-edge game technology, that is, graphics, sound effects, physics, etc.
The "Mario Kart" is based on kart racing, with lively props and some simple tricks, presenting a sense of party that looks very unserious and very relaxed.
As for the results, it goes without saying.
At the same time, every track in the Mario Kart series has some shortcuts, and not every track requires superb skills to taste the sweetness.
An acceleration mushroom can make the player rush through the grass and jump from the jumping platform. They are just the "secrets" left by the designer deliberately to be discovered.
The contest between masters takes place in every corner and every inch of grass.
Finding the most suitable time for turning into a corner, drifting time, looking for every possible short-cut, and finding the most suitable vehicle matching scheme is enough for players to invest hundreds of hours in the game.
But at the same time, the carriage is not just a racing simulator for masters, it is also a party. Its genes not only include racing, the more important elements are excitement, excitement, and drama.
So props have become the main core point in the game.
The prop mechanism in the game can be said to be a characteristic of the carriage entertainment.
The top players can only get defensive items such as gold coins and banana peels. Players at the bottom can threaten the top players with blue turtle shells, missiles, invincible stars and other items, thereby increasing the dramatic effect of the game.
This makes luck and strategy important!
Just like the games of "All-Star Super Smash Bros." and "Super Mario: Manufacture", the threshold is extremely low to allow players at all stages to have enough fun, but at the same time it is extremely deep and highly professional-it is standard "Easy to learn, but difficult to master."
Listening to Yang Chen talking about some details, Lin Jiayi nodded constantly.
But when he heard Yang Chen chatting about the platform, Lin Jiayi showed some surprised expressions.
"Doesn't support the brain-computer interface operation mode?" Lin Jiayi looked a little surprised.
After all, as far as the current situation is concerned, major manufacturers are developing games for the brain-computer interface.
Including Yang Chen's previous comment on "Extreme Racing" from Apex Games, Lin Jiayi thought that Yang Chen would come to teach live.
Tell Apex Games how to use the brain-computer interface for racing games.
Now, are you not going to play on this operating platform?
This answer surprised Lin Jiayi a little bit.
"You should have experienced the operating mode of "Extreme Racing". Do you think that using the steering wheel, or the handle, or even the keyboard on the VR platform and the PC platform, that experience makes you feel more comfortable?" Yang Chen turned towards Lin Jia He said.
Hearing Yang Chen's words, Lin Jia frowned, did not speak but already had an answer in her heart.
"Just like RTS games, with the current operating mode, there is no way to transfer from the PC platform to the VR platform, because there are a lot of precise operations, and this part of the mouse and keyboard can get a better experience, like the racing game. The game is the same."
Lin Jiayi didn't speak immediately, but Yang Chen said a thought in his heart.
In fact, this is not a big secret, including that there are already many players on the Internet who have criticized the "Extreme Racing" on the Apex game.
Apex also released the latest announcement here, indicating that the operation mode of other devices will be added in subsequent updates.
Including the development of "Dead by Daylight", Yang Chen also noticed one of the characteristics.
That is the brain-computer interface mode on the action elements, and the feedback to an action in the game is not as good as imagined. UU reading www.
It's just that "Death by Daylight" is not a dedicated action game. Its characteristics pay more attention to the gameplay of ghosts and people, and it also brings players a sense of horror and tension.
If it is an action game such as "God of War" and "Devil May Cry", it is displayed in a brain-computer interface mode.
Soon players will feel that one of them is different.
That is the lack of a sense of blow.
What is the sense of blow?
Many players will say this.
Some players even watch a video to indicate that the game has no sense of shock.
There is nothing wrong with making a judgment like this.
Because this is a visual shock.
Use sight and hearing to show an image that meets physical expectations to trick the player’s brain into thinking that this tactile event has occurred.
But there is another point, that is the actual feedback, as if you were driving, as if you were driving to the left, the car immediately turned left.
Turn the angle as much as you hit the direction, and the normal operation can only be done if it is accurate and in line with expectations.
In action games, a basic hitting streak that is basically necessary is essentially a reification of this feedback.
But if the brain-computer interface is used as the operating mode, this one is a big problem.
It is more simple and clear, that is, using a glass screen to replace the touch of the handle buttons.
When using a brain-computer interface for action games, players will feel this way during the battle.
This is also reflected in racing games.
A pure action experience game may not be suitable, but if it is a game that focuses on plot immersion, it is quite suitable.
This is the current view of Yang Chen.
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