Vol 2 Chapter 990: [Liu gambler who licks too fast to give others a chance]

The plan was thus established. Luo Sheng asked Xiaona to initiate private banquet invitations to her acquaintances in her "circle of friends" in his name, such as the domestic venture capital fund Liu Wen, Liu Gambling and others, and the foreign Wall Street Goldman Sachs Group Paul Waugh Sen and others are among them.
Luo Sheng's "Circle of Friends" randomly selected a person who was a big boss. Ordinary people can't imagine how luxurious such a circle of friends is. However, most old friends maintain relationships because of their interests.
A kind of friendship can be maintained for a long time. It is either a friendship established without any interest entanglement, or it is maintained purely by common interests. Only these two relationships can stand the test of time and be maintained for a long time. Go down.
Luo Sheng is the wealth password in the eyes of many rich and powerful people in the contemporary era. They are extremely willing to associate with them, and most of them are still unable to ask for it. It is an extremely important network resource in the eyes of many rich and powerful people, because it can bring excess value. Return.
For this private invitation, these rich and powerful people will not hesitate, but can't ask for it.
The result is self-evident. Everyone who received this invitation to the dinner party was invited without exception. Even if the business is busy and conflicts with other things, they will put other things off or put them on hold and come first. Sheng feasted here.
It is not only because Luo Sheng is the most critical network resource, but more importantly, Luo Sheng’s banquet is a platform. Coming to the banquet means being able to indirectly deal with other people in Luo Sheng’s circle of friends, which may change Become your own circle of friends.
In a sense, this banquet is also a platform for the exchange of top-tier network resources.
Usually everyone is very busy, and they are all big guys, and they have their own tempers. Unless they have to beg for help, no one will cheat others under normal circumstances. Now everyone is selling Luo Sheng's face so that they won't fall for others. Multiply, no one is embarrassed, and it's okay to put it bluntly.
Five days later, on Tuesday, August 16, everyone who received Luo Sheng’s personal invitation arrived in Sioux City today. Some old friends from abroad, including some old friends from abroad, also arrived in Sioux City last night, just to reverse the time difference today. Come to the banquet with enough energy.
This time Luo Sheng’s private dinner did not make a loud noise to the outside world, and it was impossible for those who were invited to take the initiative to disclose it. After all, disclosure to the outside world is equivalent to sharing value with more people. People are selfish and want to be Luo. Sheng invited them individually.
At around 18:00 in the evening, the invited people were almost there. There were about 60 or 70 people who were invited to come this time. They were all bigwigs, and the lowest worth was more than 20 billion yuan.
"Oh, Liu gamblers are here, I knew you must be there, come here, the seats are reserved for you, Mr. Liu."
As soon as Liu Wen of the Venture Capital Fund arrived in the banquet hall, a rich man waved to him with a smile. Liu Wen walked over with a smile and said, "If you dare to be good, then I will be disrespectful."
"Mr. Liu is now in full swing. The global stock market crash two years ago successfully escaped the top and sold short, earning a lot of money. In current fashionable words, his real name is envy hahaha." A rich man sitting next to him immediately There was a hot chat.
Liu Wen, who was given the nickname "Liu Gambler" by the people of the rivers and lakes, is not a cover. The venture capital fund was stupefied by him achieving a 10 trillion asset management scale, becoming a private asset trust institution second only to Shengfeng Capital. Peak Capital closed the purchase door, so everyone turned around and went to Liu Gamblers.
No one in the circle knows that Liu Gambling and Luo Sheng are very hypocritical, and they understand everything. Liu Wen is now a bigwig that many people in the circle rely on. He can’t hold up his 10 trillion asset management rights. Give three points thin noodles, are willing to have a good relationship with him.
When Mr. Liu heard this, he said quickly and modestly: "Hack... Mr. Liang and you guys, don't praise me. All the friends present are more capable than me. I, Liu Wenneng, can rely on one trick today."
"Oh? What's the trick?"
Everyone looked at Liu Gambler with great interest. The latter paused for a moment, smiled and answered two words, and said, "Lie down and win!"
When these two words came out, everyone was astonished for a moment, and then it caused a lot of laughter.
What a simple and unpretentious word, but every word is more important than a daughter.
"Mr. Liu, what you said, the old man wants to beat you up."
"Why is the love?"
The atmosphere at the scene is very good, the big guys are joking and they are very harmonious, but there is one thing to say, but the big guys want to beat Liu to gamble.
Lie down to win!
Listen, listen, is this like what a person says?
Liu Wen said with a smile: "Recently, venture capital funds have also suffered a lot of losses. As soon as the domestic capital market opened, everyone made a lot of money. As far as I shot, I lost more and earned less, not to mention how bad luck. Most of it ran out of luck two years ago."
There was a sudden contempt in everyone's hearts.
But I also looked at the pattern of Liu Gamblings with admiration. Everyone present was human beings. Recently, the Big A Index has continued to hit new highs. Major institutions have joined forces to speculate on large weights, but such a good super market, but Liu Gambling blames these times. A series of investment operations in Big A is a lively retail leek, all kinds of chasing ups and downs.
This is not like an operation that a top capital venture capital institution should have, but because of this, the talents present are in awe of his structure.
Guai Liu and the venture capital fund he manages are not leeks chasing ups and downs. Even if Liu Wen commits two by himself, it is impossible for the traders and analysts of the entire venture capital fund to commit the second collectively.
Well, it's not clear that this is an intentional gift. It is not other institutions that cut Liu Liu's gambling on leeks, nor is it the dealer or the hot money, nor the retail investors, but the assets held by all social security funds.
The money-giving operation of Liu Gambling can be seen by everyone present. The reason is that the venture capital fund last wave of global stocks was cut too hard, and the national team was cut a lot by him. It was too fierce. Even Liu Gamblers who are profitable are panicked. The most important thing is that the national team has been cut by him, which is quite painful.
Although everything is reasonable and legal, if Liu Gambling is conscious of this point, then he won't be able to mix in this land in the future.
Therefore, as soon as the big A opened the market, Liu gamblers hurriedly gave various gifts, like a gourd baby saving grandfather, one after another, one sending is a one-billion-dollar start, which is really real money.
Return the profits of the national team in this way of investment loss, so that everyone can get off the stage without embarrassment, and they can continue to play happily.
After a business talk, someone opened up other topics.
"I don't know what new tricks President Luo will play this time, but I am quite looking forward to it."
"General Manager Luo's banquet is certainly worth the expectation."
As everyone knows, no one can come here for Luo Sheng's meal.
"Guardian Liu, you guy should know? Tell us something?"
Everyone looked at Liu Wen again. In everyone’s eyes, he and Luo Sheng had the relatively best relationship. In the last wave of global stock market crashes, everyone with a discerning eye knew that Liu Gamblers got inside information from Luo Sheng. I don't know, otherwise I would have run away.
"Alas, everyone, I really don't know about this." Liu Wen said: "But one thing can be confirmed. Mr. Luo must always win. Then I lie down and everyone can choose to lie down and win."
Everyone was stunned again for a while, and then there was a burst of laughter.
After a while, all the people invited to the dinner were present, and Luo Sheng was also there. Once he arrived in the banquet hall, he was destined to become the most beautiful focus of the audience.
Luo Sheng walked towards the table where Liu Wen was. That was the chief. His position was always empty.
Along the way, old friends from all walks of life also greeted him kindly. Luo Sheng naturally responded one by one. Everyone present wanted to sit at a table with him, but there were so many seats at the table that he could only choose one of them.
The big brothers are also divided into high and low, there is no doubt that Luo Sheng's table is naturally a giant table.
Luo Sheng came to the table, picked up a glass of wine at his place, and smiled heartily at the audience: "Thank you all for coming to the banquet during your busy schedule. Some friends, such as Paul Mr. Watson came from Wall Street a long distance away, causing inconvenience and nuisance to everyone, Luo Sheng first toast everyone."
Everyone also invited the cups. After drinking it all, Liu Wen laughed and said with a smile: "Mr. Luo said this, it’s a big deal. I don’t know how many people outside want to ask for this invitation to dinner, everyone say yes. ."
Participants present also echoed politely.
Licking the dog!
At the same time ~EbookFREE.me~ the big guys on the scene rolled their eyes at Liu Gamblers. The main reason is that Liu Gamblers licked so quickly. Everyone is still organizing in their hearts how to lick the words properly, which can achieve the effect of licking. I didn't think it was licking.
His Liu gambler just licked so quickly, and licked so naturally, licked so directly and plainly, it would be too much to give others the opportunity to lick at all.
After the courtesy, Luo Sheng smiled and said: "Everyone, I invite you to come over today, mainly because I can’t wait to show off the new invention I have successfully developed recently. I believe you are also very interested, especially in this turmoil. In times of restlessness, of course it is a joke to show off. The most important thing is to have good things. Luo Sheng immediately thought of sharing the results with all the old friends present."
As soon as this remark came out, everyone was curious. Luo Sheng's boasting should be a good thing, even if it is a little exaggerated, it is definitely not ordinary.
In the end, Luo Sheng gave three high-five hands with each other. Liu Wen and others looked in the direction of his eyes~EbookFREE.me~Get cash]Follow vx public. Public number [Book Friends Base Camp~www.mtlnovel .com~You can also get cash!
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