Vol 2 Chapter 1003: [Space ladder: a new paradise for global hedging funds]

Venture capital fund headquarters, internal executive meeting.
"This is the material sent by Shengfeng Capital. The 1.433 point share of the venture capital fund is now allocated to the social security fund free of charge by the State-owned Assets Supervision Office, not an expansion." Liu Wen looked at the management of the meeting. The layers said:
The current nominal value of the company is RMB 1 trillion, but I promised Mr. Luo that the venture capital fund used RMB 1.5 trillion for the offer, which is equivalent to a real deal premium of 50%... Let’s talk about it. "
At this time, an executive at the meeting looked at Liu Gambler and said: "Mr. Liu, to be honest, this deal is a full 50% premium, and Mr. Luo is a bit too cruel."
It is indeed a bit cruel, but there is even more cruel, that is Liu Gambler, he really dared to take it, how strong a heart is to dare.
It's gamblers after all.
However, no one of his subordinates dared to jump out and accuse Liu of the gamblers. Who made him win every time? No matter how well-founded and logical you are, the venture capital funds will be pale and weak in throwing out their performance over the years. .
This is very angry.
Also, otherwise Liu Wen would not like to mention the title of "Gambling Monster".
But having said that, if this transaction is overturned, not only will the profits created by the venture capital fund since its establishment be completely for nothing, but it will also lose investors’ money. In other words, once a major problem occurs in this transaction, even if the asset management Venture capital funds with a scale of more than 10 trillion can not afford to lose.
Liu Wen will also fall from heaven to overnight.
Another big-backed executive who attended the meeting said: "What do you say about this transaction? The risk is high, but it is actually very small. Because the intertemporal marginal income is positive, the demand and elastic income are greater than 1, so intertemporal The income is increasing, which means that as long as the funds of Shengfeng Capital and Tianti Project can support the winner, it will definitely be profitable in the end, and the profit will increase in the future."
"Yes, the space ladder is, in a sense, a hub leading to a new era."
There is no doubt that Shengfeng Capital’s funds can definitely be sustained. Many people used to doubt it, but today, no one doubts this.
Not to mention that Luo Sheng’s own family fund is always ready to make the bottom line. This is something everyone knows, and it is equivalent to the endorsement of Hua Guo. More than half of the equity share of Shengfeng Capital is owned by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office, and most of it is the state. Yes, how could this project be unfinished? Obviously this is absolutely not allowed.
The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office occupies more than half of the equity of Shengfeng Capital. Tianti Project is also a major basic strategic investment asset determined by the state. The income generated by these assets of Shengfeng Capital will be similar to property for the general public in the future. The income is redistributed.
But this is neither a transfer payment for the secondary income distribution nor the capital income generated by the people’s direct possession of Shengfeng’s capital assets. It is like this time that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office allocated 1.433% to the social security fund.
The social security fund represents the national assets held by the whole people, so in the future, the stable income generated by these assets of Shengfeng Capital held by the State-owned Assets Supervision Office will also be directly transferred to the social security fund and then returned to the whole people in the form of pensions.
Therefore, to a certain extent, the ladder project is also a key livelihood project. The continuous profits generated in the future will be diverted to the social security fund, so that the whole people can benefit from it.
It can be seen from this that the ladder project is definitely not just a money-making tool for Luo Sheng and some capitalists, but a national character. Only in this way can it be truly "big to fail".
Liu Gambler sitting in the chief position said in a deep voice: "Of course I know this. As long as I hold the share of Shengfeng Capital, I will definitely lie down and count the money in the future, so I dare not hesitate to accept the 50% premium. Down, but the question now is that the social security fund urgently needs liquidity, 1.5 trillion liquidity, how much liquidity does the venture capital fund have now?"
Anyway, Luo Sheng has already explained that since the venture capital fund has also been sold, it must be settled and sent to the social security fund within half a year.
With such a large figure, it often takes a year and a half for the settlement of assets and debts alone.
In addition to liquid cash delivery, the social security fund will not easily take over other assets of the venture capital fund, because the ghost knows whether there are messy debt disputes in it, and it will be chaotic when the time comes.
A financial director at the meeting said: "Currently, the liquidity of this institution is only about 200 billion yuan."
Hearing this, Liu Wen thought about it for a moment and then made a decision:
In this way, first pay 150 billion to the social security fund. Anyway, it will take half a year. It does not mean that 1.5 trillion is cut all at once, and the remaining 1.35 trillion. It is directly reflected on the balance sheet of the venture capital fund and listed separately. Within half a year, no matter what method is used, the 1.35 trillion debt must be paid off. Anyone who violates the contract cannot violate the contract of the social security fund."
Liu Gambling is equivalent to giving a death order to his subordinates. Just kidding, he would dare to violate this agreement and would enter.
As a result, this group of financial elites began to rack their brains to find a way. During the next period of time, the assets surrounding Shengfeng Capital were packaged into various forms of derivatives such as options and swaps. The assets of the company continue to enlarge like blowing bubbles.
The SF main-link futures that track Shengfeng Capital have begun to skyrocket again. Among them, venture capital funds are indispensable to fuel the operation. The plan is to take 1.1% by itself, and the remaining 0.333% will be directly bundled into futures, options, swaps and other financial derivatives Savor a stir-fry.
The news that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office transferred 1.433% of Shengfeng Capital's share to the Social Security Fund also made a lot of hype.
However, Shengfeng Capital is different. Unless a world-class war breaks out, its super-expected logic cannot be shaken. The transfer to the social security fund is not bad, but further strengthens its favorable logic. It is equivalent to once again emphasizing that national credit is endorsing the Tianti Project.
The social security fund needs money, it is impossible to fall, so it can only rise.
As a result, in the next half month, the SF main company continued to rise sharply, causing the total nominal value of Shengfeng Capital's external market to climb to 113 trillion RMB, which greatly increased the nominal value of 43.2 trillion yuan.
In other words, the venture capital fund previously sold the 1.433% share of 1.5 trillion yuan. If Liu gamblers were toss the market at this moment, not only would they not lose money, but they would also be able to extract 119.3 billion yuan from the global capital market. The huge spreads.
The digital game of financial capital operation is so magical.
However, the pattern of Liu Guaiguai is not so low. The spread of 119.3 billion is of course an astronomical figure, but compared to the future profits, it is still average.
There is no need to think too much about how to choose between eating a big meal now and eating something later.
If it were not for the lack of money in the Social Security Fund this time, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office would actually be reluctant to sell shares directly. It seems that the 50% premium of the venture capital fund is a big loss, but it is also a loss now, but it will be a huge blessing in the future.
Lao Liu, this is the realm of the profound meaning of "true loss is a blessing".
Now, not only is there no loss, but more than 100 billion yuan has been floated under a single operation.
The skyrocketing value of Shengfeng Capital is actually due to the fact that the whole world is madly "distributing water" and printing money, and global investors with cash in their hands are actually very anxious and panicked. They are all looking for high-quality targets all over the world to lurch. Otherwise, the depreciation of the money in hand will make the money in hand depreciate.
And the current good, high-quality, and stable investment target is undoubtedly the ladder project.
The reason why the skyrocketing is so exaggerated now is that there are still a large number of investors coming in to take orders at such a high level. They are all focusing on the trend in the next ten or twenty years. Investors who bought in It has been done that this investment will not be traded in the next 20 years.
It is no exaggeration to say that the ladder project has now become a major new harbor for global capital hedging, which is more exaggerated than the blue pure electric cars of the year. The primary goal of most large funds from high positions is not how much money to make, but I hope that their assets can hold up the current rate of depreciation, and make even better.
To find all the asset targets in the world, to have long-term hedging and appreciation capabilities, and at the same time to carry a huge pool of funds, only the ladder Luo Sheng is working on.
Now if you dare to fall down, big money must come in to buy the bottom and buy the bottom. Every time you fall out of a pit, it is a charge up, and the next time you will set a new high.
The institutions that short Shengfeng Capital have lost their money, and now they dare to short, they are all beaten up.
The big funds from all over the world have surprisingly and unanimously chosen to stay together in Shengfeng Capital for warmth, so the SF main company will reach a new high after a new high, not to mention the top.
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