Vol 2 Chapter 1010: [Desperate Strike]

[These shocking news...]
[Shocking inside story, Victor Finley's devastating human test scandal exposed...]
[Pioneer Group, Victor Finley, do you still have humanity...]
[He must accept the harshest trial of the law, and he must go to the gallows! 】
In the conference room, except for the news reporting on the big screen, no one in the audience spoke, and all of them held their breath and dared not take a breath.
The picture being played is the internal picture of the lead gene forcing the human body to conduct the experiment. It is useless to be restrained by the experimenter on the experiment table, struggling to beg for mercy, and then switched to the picture of how to deal with the failed experiment.
The number of the exposed experimenter's screen is 098. The existing data shows that at least 97 experiments have been carried out before, and the identity information of the experimented has been exposed one after another.
There is too much news, all of them are super fierce materials, including sedatives are also lies, in fact, gene enhancers do not need sedatives, they are all for better control of enhancers.
Most of them are lists of people declared dead or missing. In recent years, the huge turbulence in North America, the Sequoia pandemic, the cosmic natural disasters of solar storms and a series of natural disasters have caused many deaths.
The chaos and turmoil have led to some major homicides that have become headless cases and have been rushed. The lead gene is to randomly select the unfortunate in the chaos, secretly take away for experimentation, and then frame other deaths.
The screen switched to the Mapleton Forest Reserve again. A large number of FBI personnel arrived here not long ago. A detective introduced to the camera, and he was absolutely sure that there were dead souls under the forest.
When Dunn Wilson, Victor Finley, and others saw the forest address in the live news screen, their eyelids couldn't stop twitching continuously.
"I have carried out a five-year follow-up investigation on several murders in my hand, and finally achieved a huge breakthrough recently. Do you think this forest is different?" The plainclothes police detective in the news screen said to the reporter: " But did you find any abnormalities in these trees?"
Reporter: "What else can be abnormal in the tree?"
The mutant detective didn’t sell it anymore, and said,
This is a primeval forest. Almost no one has stepped in, and no one has modified the soil here. I have checked and confirmed that the trees are about the same size. These dozens of trees are growing well, as if they were fertilized alone..."
Reporter: "My God, the fertilizer you are referring to is..."
Police detective: "The answer is obvious. The dead bodies must be buried near these trees. After decomposition, they become nourishment, making the soil in this area more fertile than the surrounding areas, so the trees here are growing relatively vigorously and thicker!"
The relevant FBI staff at the scene excavated some of the marked trees and found them in less than five minutes. One of the teams dug out the bones in the soil under a large tree.
In an uproar and shock, the police detective was also famous, and the five-year case made unprecedented breakthroughs at this moment.
But the murderer led Victor Finley, the founder of the pioneer group, who is now in full swing.
The even more shocking result is that the latest results of Sequoia subspecies are directed rather than natural disasters.
The whole world was in an uproar, and the whole world was angry.
"BOSS, thousands of protesters have gathered outside the company gate, and the number is still increasing..." At this moment, Victor Finley's assistant secretary broke into the meeting room and said hesitantly : "...They demanded that you and the relevant persons involved be immediately...arrested and imprisoned immediately."
At this moment, more and more angry protesters gathered at the gate of Pioneer Group headquarters. They carried signs that said Victor Finley would be put on the gallows. All executives must be arrested and imprisoned to accept the law. Trial, hang.
Twelve states in the beautiful country today have completely abolished the death penalty, but California is not among them.
Once the crimes of Victor Finley and the Pioneer Group are established, even in states where the death penalty has been abolished, they may not be able to escape the death penalty. Their immortality is not enough to quell the people's anger in the world.
Sequoia is a subspecies, and now the whole world is suffering from it. This is a matter of prejudice to the world.
It can be said that it stabbed a big basket.
In the conference room, the news was shut down, and the audience was silent, and needles fell.
At this time, Victor Finley got up from the position of chief, he walked to the seat of his old partner and the company's co-founder Dunn Wilson, and he held the chair and said: "Old friend, this is you. Has that been done?"
"No, listen to me, I..."
Before Dunn Wilson had time to explain, Victor Finley's complexion suddenly became grim, and he directly grabbed the wheelchair and pushed hard towards the French window next to the conference room.
If the strength of an ordinary person is not enough to smash the French window, but Victor Finley is not an ordinary person. His strength is a fortified person who can easily overturn several tons with his bare hands.
All the executives who attended the meeting were shocked and witnessed Dunn Wilson and the chair he was sitting on, smashing the glass of the floor-to-ceiling windows and falling down from the thirty-two-story 100-meter-high building.
Died on the spot.
"God, someone fell down!"
The protesters outside the headquarters building and the media present witnessed this scene with their own eyes. The reporters on the scene quickly rushed to the location where Dunn Wilson fell and snapped the scene frantically.
In the conference room, Victor Finley's unwavering gaze looked around at the dozen or so executives present. When everyone looked at him, they felt unprecedented fear without exception, basically scared legs. All trembling.
"Wilson committed suicide in fear of crime, and jumped off the building himself." Suddenly an executive said.
After the other people recovered from their horror, they reacted, and they all quickly agreed, "Yes, he committed suicide, and we can all testify."
The voice trembling slightly.
The air atmosphere of the entire conference room is filled with a strong survival.
Victor Finley returned to his chief seat and sat down again. The other executives broke out in a cold sweat and dared not look directly at him.
The old partner for many years was killed by him without hesitation, and the BOSS in front of them had become a devil in their eyes.
"I killed people."
Victor Finley closed his eyes and said suddenly, and the executive who had just taken the lead felt cold.
Everyone didn’t know how to answer the conversation. At this moment, Victor Finley closed his eyes and said calmly:
I will not kill you. The things that have been put before you are two ways, one is Arrested and imprisoned for trial and hanged. The other way is to continue to follow me in the final desperate fight. The reward for success is to rule the world. The result of losing... After death, you still need to manage the world's flood?"
Everyone in this conference room knows that their original sin cannot be redeemed, and the result of the incident is hanging.
Their faces have also been announced on the whole network, and all crimes have been punished one by one, and God cannot forgive them.
It is said that there are two roads, but in fact there is one, one dead end.
"There is still a chance to comeback?"
Upon hearing this, Victor Finley opened his eyes and looked at the executive who spoke: "I have imagined this worst situation a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to happen, so Wilson it. Now Lockheed Martin has already cut off with me, and it is no surprise that the Wujiao Building will quickly disassociate myself from it. We have all resigned from our relatives, so the preparations for desperate fight have been arranged as early as three years ago."
Victor Finley acted extreme and crazy, but he was not foolish. He had already deduced the worst situation.
He also knows very well that if it happens, no one will protect him, and the Wujiao Building will not. On the contrary, Victor and the Pioneer Group will eventually be destroyed, but his own technical achievements will still be retained. Wujiao Building will eventually be It will be used, and giant groups including Lockheed Martin will also step on his body to get a share.
The Fortified Warrior will eventually be used, but it will not have anything to do with Victor Finley and the Pioneer Group. He has become a victim.
But obviously, he will not wait to die.
Victor Finley came to the window and glanced at the scene where tens of thousands of protesters had gathered under the headquarters building, including the federal FBI personnel.
"Aren't they very angry? Then make them more angry, then let them join me... Start the group mutation plan, immediately!"
After hearing this, the executives at the meeting finally gave up their last psychological resistance after hearing this. Everyone’s eyes became sullen. Anyway, they were all dead, they could only fight to the death, maybe even Strike a sky, history is always written by victors.
"Luo Sheng!!"
Victor Finley gritted his teeth and said the name, then turned and left the French window without hesitation.
At the same time, on the first floor of the headquarters of the Pioneer Group, armed FBI personnel have begun to break in. The employees of the Pioneer Group gave up resistance one by one, all holding their heads locked and locked. Naturally, the vast majority of them were not. Innocent employees who know the truth are investigated one by one, and they can only be arrested first.
The nature of this incident was so bad that the Federation had to act immediately. No one dared to protect Victor Finley and the Pioneer Group. The institutions related to him are now desperately separating them from them.
Lockheed Martin is the best example.
Fifteen minutes later, something unexpected happened.
A group of fortified people suddenly emerged from the headquarters of the Pioneer Group, all holding grenades-like throwing objects in their hands and threw them in the direction of the protest crowd.
The projectile exploded in mid-air, and a huge dark green mist stained the surrounding area. The originally orderly protests at the scene immediately fell into chaos, and everyone subconsciously covered their mouths and fled the scene in horror.
Standing by the window sill of the CEO's office, Victor Finley laughed freely when he saw the chaos of the outside world: "Crowd mutation, natural selection, cruel elimination, survival of the fittest, welcome to the first year of creation."
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