Vol 2 Chapter 1015: [Eagle sauce with great pressure]

Time has come to July of 2O23.
After entering the second half of the year, Luo Sheng has become a "dead gangster". The traffic and heat are not on him, but transferred to Victor Finley. Now the world's attention is focused on the land of North America. West Coast here.
Armed civil unrest broke out in the beautiful country. This is the most explosive, hottest, and most touching event at the moment.
The eyes of the whole world are staring at the future trend of the beautiful country. Can Victor Finley and his rebels be suppressed quickly? Most people and even rabbits hope that Eagle Sauce can quickly take them down. Handling your own troubles quickly is good for the beautiful country and the whole world.
The current situation of countries all over the world can be described in three words: too difficult.
In the past two years, after the impact of various negative events, the global economy has collapsed and collapsed. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is in dire straits.
Pretty country’s own home is fried, people in other countries actually don’t care at all, but the problem is that it affects the global economy and makes other people’s lives worse. Now that the global economy is getting worse, there is no suspense. The stock market crash has already broken out early. It is hopeless to repair so far.
They all hope that the beautiful country will solve its own problems as soon as possible and stop adding chaos to the world. It really hopes that it will not drag down the global economy. This is the rabbit’s greatest desire. The whole world is dragging its feet. Who can move it?
Rabbits are also exhausted. Looking around the world, they are all crooked melons and jujubes. No one can count on them. They are all dragging their feet. Don’t expect them to help you with an assist or something. , This is simply an extravagant hope, thank God for not holding you back.
In Latin America and Africa, I simply lay down. I was upset by the posture of eating and waiting to die. The stick and the small book could barely be read, but they were all two or five sons of Qin Muchu.
Half of the body in the Ouzhou area fell into a quagmire as if to die, struggling again and again, the Maozi in the north flew up and flew up and flew up, frightening the Ouzhou people to cut off their natural gas, and here they reached out to the rabbits openly and secretly Asking for money, buying their oil and natural gas is very expensive, you are all working on controllable fusion technology, hurry up and focus on as much as you can, and you will not be able to hold back in the future.
The third brother of the subcontinent can't afford to support Adou. What makes you tremble is that the third brother is still in a good mood, and his self-confidence is overflowing. He doesn't worry about anything, and does things slowly.
Australia popped out from time to time to brush up on a sense of existence, and then nothing happened to him. It is also a master who can't say anything.
On the contrary, the big dog households in the Middle East seem to be the most pleasing to the eye. They are at least willing to pay for it. Although human resources are not good, they have money, a wealthy family, and they are willing to spend money.
The key is that the local tyrants are not bad.
The local tyrants in the Middle East know that relying on the oil under their feet cannot sustain their current prosperous life, so they have spared no effort in trying to complete the transformation to modern industry and high-tech industries. They did not dare to lead the fourth technological revolution but they did it. The fateful one has to hitchhike.
In order to attract investors from China to invest in the Middle East and introduce high-end manufacturing, large-scale projects worth more than one billion yuan are directly given ten-year interest-free loans. If the project is successful, the loan funds will not be repaid directly. That is true for local tyrants. The bottom line is all the money.
In addition, in the past five to eight years, several local tycoons in the Middle East, such as the Sut Alabor Sovereign Fund and the Abu Dhabi Sovereign Fund, have taken out all their savings from their homes to invest in high-quality corporate targets in China.
Whether the stock price of Bluestar Technology is plummeting or skyrocketing, buy!
Blue Pure Electric Car stock, buy!
Including science and technology innovation board standards that have allowed foreign investment two years ago, buy, buy, buy!
Xiongxin Electronics, Reebok Technology, Bochuang Technology, Huachang Technology, Ruitao Technology, etc., Beijing Capital has been buying and buying almost in the past year, among which the local tyrants are the most enthusiastic and love Luo Sheng. The subject of listed companies under its or associated with it, buy it when it rises and buy it when it falls, as if there are unlimited bullets. After buying it, it has never been operated. The only operation is to continue buying.
Including Shengfeng Capital Investment Fund, local tyrants are also one of the major shareholders of foreign capital, accounting for more than 1.5%.
The local tyrants seem to have also learned the "dual-track" operation and choose to walk on two legs. On one hand, they spend their money and vigorously seek economic transformation to get rid of dependence on traditional energy sources. On the other, they are investing wildly.
The local tyrant’s idea is actually quite simple, betting on both sides to hedge, if the investment fails, it means that the traditional energy can continue to wave, and can happily eat the old money, if the transformation is successful, even better.
If it’s overwhelming, it means that the controllable nuclear fusion in China has been completed. It means that the investment in the fourth scientific and technological revolution is successful, and now that so many investment assets represent the future fourth scientific and technological revolution. , I don’t have to worry about prosperity and wealth when I lie down and eat dividends.
Just ask how to lose?
Can't lose!
If it weren’t for China’s still restricting the scale of foreign capital inflows, the science and technology innovation board might have been bought by local tyrants. Anyway, the annual quota of capital inflows given to local tyrants would be directly filled.
There is also Southeast Asia, which is also unremarkable. There is only one thing that people are concerned about in this area, and that is the space ladder located here. Southeast Asians pushed forward 500 years ago, and most of them are a group of remnants of Huaxia. There are also many shrewd people of descendants.
They are well aware of the significance of the space ladder at their doorstep to the future economy of Southeast Asia, and how prosperous it will be in the foreseeable future.
So now Southeast Asians are no longer looking west, but to the north of Baishou.
This is the current situation in the whole world.
The whole world knows that it is an indisputable fact that Eagle Sauce has fallen into the altar. Although the status quo is still maintained on the surface, in fact, global capital has begun to vote with feet a few years ago, and a large number of people have poured into China or are connected with it. Foreign capital, their continued investment in RMB assets is optimistic that rabbits will replace Eagle Sauce. This is the most basic logic.
Technology complex building.
"Master, Victor Finley's rebellion has been updated."
Xiaona’s voice entered Luo Sheng’s ears, and at the same time, the large indoor screen automatically popped up multiple windows. There were pictures taken by satellites, some camera images in California where the incident occurred, and some pictures taken by drones. and many more.
"The latest news is that Victor Finley has just issued the latest order. A 3,000-strong fortified force is marching north. Their target is Silicon Valley in the San Francisco Bay Area."
When Xiaona finished speaking, she called up a sub-window on the big screen to display a map, and rehearsed the route of Victor Finley's fortified troops from south to north.
"Good guy, that's where California's life and Lao Mei's life are." Luo Sheng said in surprise and amazement: "He's here for me, is he asking for interest first?"
The headquarters of Blue Coast and Bluestar Technology North America is located in Menlo Park not far from the northwest corner of Silicon Valley. This is where Luo Sheng's core assets in North America are concentrated, and it is also the most important overseas film director of the major multinational companies under its umbrella.
But it is California and Lao America that are truly frightened. The San Francisco Bay Area is where the high-tech headquarters of Lao America are concentrated. Tech giants such as Intel, Cisco, Oracle, and Google all gather here.
Let’s not talk about whether Victor Finley’s occupation of Silicon Valley can be used for him. In case this is destroyed, North America’s high-tech sunrise industry will at least destroy more than half. California without Silicon Valley means no future. Losing California's partial bright country is also equal to one of the three souls.
"I'm worried about finding a reason to intervene. You just sent it so enthusiastically, then you're welcome." Luo Sheng's spirit was lifted, and he left the science and technology complex immediately to start the layout.
North America, General Staff Department of Wujiao Building.
This time, it is General Hawke who is in charge of countering the rebellion. He is currently serving as the command of an aircraft carrier battle group on the front line.
"The current situation is extremely unfavorable for us. I once again propose to use heavy firepower to attack the rebels." A high-level participant at the meeting said: "If you continue to fear and fear, the rebels will reach Silicon Valley and even occupy the entire California."
Now Wujiao Building is very passive and fighting locally, something they have never experienced before.
There are a series of weapons of mass destruction such as B-2 stealth bombers, F-22 fighter jets, and Tomahawk missiles, but they are afraid to use them. The order to launch Tomahawk missiles towards Los Angeles is not as decisive as in the Middle East.
The current situation is that several corps of "Ma Run" have been sent to counter the rebellion, hoping to control the intensity of local operations as low as possible, otherwise the rebellion will be countered, but what remains is a ruin. This is not what a beautiful country wants to see. The result.
What’s trickier than this is that after Victor Finley blitzed the city of Los Angeles, he blocked the entire city, only allowing entry and no exit. There were no restrictions on citizens’ free activities in the city, but leaving the city was absolutely absolute. Impossible.
The Corner Building did not dare to expand the intensity of the war because it could not bear the pressure of public opinion from home and abroad.
The threat of millions of people is enough to make him throw a rat.
The ensuing dilemma was that ground marine troops were sent to counter the rebellion twice, both of which were sent off. The casualties have exceeded 2,000, which can be described as heavy losses.
The result of the Wujiao Building is that even if the ground forces send special forces to participate in low-intensity street fighting in the city, it is not advisable, because it is not the opponent of the fortified army. In a beautiful country with guns per capita, it takes a lot to fight a war of attrition. Long time.
The problem is that it can’t afford it. With the unrest operations unfolding and the nation’s economic cliff diving, California has basically stopped economic operations. A large number of locals in the northern part of the state flee in panic in order to escape the war. As long as they are able to leave, basically They all left, and some of the top rich have left early and went to take refuge in HK.
People can go, but industries and fixed assets cannot go. So many technology giants are in Silicon Valley.
Infighting can be said to be something that every country is afraid of and extremely undesired to happen. It will be harmful to the country, because once an infighting occurs, whether it is economic or military or global reputation and status Above, the connection between each layer will become worse and worse, a vicious circle.
Just as the beautiful country was in a dilemma due to the suppression of peace and chaos, the internal pressure was already enormous, and the external pressure from across the ocean also followed, which can be described as worse.
The rabbit on the other side of the ocean directly asks whether the North American authorities have the ability to protect the legitimate interests of multinational companies led by Bluestar Technology and the Cote d'Azur in North America from wars.
Good guy, the rabbit uttered a voice and put pressure on it, demanding that Yingjiang immediately respond and guarantee the agreement.
The content of Bunny's question is simply:
I don’t care about the trouble in your Yingjiang’s family. I only care about whether my legal rights and interests of multinational corporations in your place will be affected or damaged. Do you have a reliable guarantee commitment? You should not give labor and management any verbal guarantee that they will not be affected. Labor and management do not believe this. What labor and management want is a real commitment agreement. If the loss is really caused in the end, you will have to make the same amount of compensation.
If you don’t accept your account, the labor and management will deduct all your investment assets in my house and nationalize it, and I don’t rule out bypassing the negotiation between you and your "son" California, or even yours. I will also admit that my son "divides" and goes out to stand on his own.
Either you give a reliable solution to protect my interests, if you don't, I have a solution to help you calm the chaos, or you can take a look?
But my solution is not free. It is paid. Do you want love or not?
The rabbit has turned into a pressure monster, and it is conceivable how much internal and external pressure the beautiful country faces.
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