Chapter 12: [Visitor]

Suddenly ushered in a joke, but everyone didn't object, just fooled.
Luo Luosheng looked back and asked Irene: "What do you think about this arrangement?"
Eileen's eyes brightened: "Become your assistant? No problem at all!"
Luo Luosheng nodded and smiled: "In fact, it will not be very busy, you can play the role of customer service more. You and Xiao Li are the only two adorable girls in our team."
In this way, the team of Bluestar Technology completed the first expansion, and the five new members completed their main arrangements.
罗 For Luo Sheng, Irene's joining can be described as timely rain.
For the BlueSpace website, Luo Sheng also has a very clear logical plan. Expansion is the first priority. Anything can be stopped. The pace of expansion can only be fast or slow. The second problem is financing.
Now I continue to do it myself, and there are several new members who come to help with interest, but this is not a long-term solution after all. Bluestar Technology really wants to make a name for itself, and the introduction of venture capital is imminent.
At this time, Luo Sheng was simply celebrating for the newly joined members of the startup team, a car stopped under the building where they were located, and two men in formal attire walked out. The man of the year is Xu Chenghua, one of Tengxun's senior management and co-founder.
Uh ...
In the living room of the room, Luo Sheng and the others were really chatting, everything was casual.
Everyone is sitting around, and some snacks, drinks and the like are scattered on the middle table.
Eileen can be said to be very active, she looks forward to this new lifestyle.
"It's crazy, but I think it's super cool. The scene is more like a college dormitory or indoor sorority, not a company."
大家 When everyone was chatting, suddenly they heard the knock on the door, and they looked around, Xu Yong curiously said, "Someone is here, is it possible to join us again?"
"It is possible, but we are not short of people for the time being." Luo Sheng, who was sitting near the door, immediately got up and opened the door. When he opened the door, he was not the expected classmate, but two men in formal suits.
Luo Sheng looked suspiciously at the two strangers: "Uh, are you ...?"
Xiao Xiaoma he knew, but Xu Chenghua did not know him.
Xu Chenghua, headed by Wu, said with a smile: "Is this the office of Blue Star Technology?"
When hearing this sentence, Luo Sheng's mind immediately came up with an idea, and guessed that the two strangers are most likely to be VC investors. It is not difficult to speculate that the BlueSpace social network is now on fire, definitely Aroused the attention of the industry and the capital circle.
Luo Luosheng nodded and said, "I am the founder of Bluestar Technology, Luo Sheng."
Xu Chenghua heard a rather surprised expression, and it turned out that he was a college student, and it looks like he has not yet turned 20. Is this young man who has developed the now popular BlueSpace website?
I was sure that I didn't find the wrong address, Xu Chenghua immediately took out a business card, handed it to him and said with a smile: "Hello Mr. Luo Sheng, this is Xu Chenghua, from Tengxun company ..."
Luo Luosheng listened to his simple self-introduction and took his business card and glanced at it. He couldn't help but feel surprised. He didn't expect that the first person who came to the house was a pony.
He has already considered QQ as a potential competitor.
"Mr. Luo, the development momentum of the BlueSpace website that you developed can be said to have set the industry's attention. Our company is very interested in it, especially knowing that it was created by college students and more interested in your team." Xu Chenghua smiled and said, "Can you show us your office?"
"Of course no problem, two people please." Luo Sheng smiled cheerfully.
"Thank you!" Xu Chenghua nodded politely into the room, and asked, "Have any other investors visited us before?"
When Luo Sheng heard this, he immediately judged that QQ seemed to take it seriously, and then calmly said, "No."
Xu Chenghua couldn't help but feel a little excited, but when he entered the room, he and his accompanying assistants couldn't help but pause for a moment.
The sight in front of Xun's eyes was quite messy, with blankets scattered all over the corner, video games on the ground, and even Lego, which looked like a mess.
dirty! Mess! difference!
The living room is the office and the lounge. There are several monitors, several white boards hung on the wall, and several young men and women are sitting on old sofas. They are all college students at a glance. They have stopped communicating, and Curiously looked at Xu Chenghua as a stranger.
When I first saw this team, Xu Chenghua's first feeling was very, very loose, as if running a startup company with a few freshman dormitory alumni, almost like this.
Xu Chenghua suddenly felt that BlueSpace was like a runaway project with amazing commercial potential.
But he soon noticed a piece of graffiti-like text written on a whiteboard on the wall: expansion, expansion!
Aileen, they saw the guests, and quickly packed up. Xu Chenghua was really curious. I never expected BlueSpace to be developed in such an environment.
"Sit down and make the two laugh, but this is the current status of our blue star technology. Startups do not have the conditions that venture capital should have." Luo Sheng said with a smile, Xu Chenghua sat down beside him, Ai Lin immediately went to pour a glass of water.
The other members of the team basically didn't speak, but everyone was present, but from this moment on, he first demonstrated Luo Sheng's role as the founder and the leader of the entire team.
They are both students and are not good at dealing with more adults, especially with this kind of potential investors, even a little timid.
I also began to show Luo Sheng's status from this moment, and established prestige in the minds of the initial team members.
"I don't know if you can share the creation history of BlueSpace? I personally would like to hear the entrepreneurial story of your young team." Xu Chenghua said with a smile. He likes chatting with people very much, and only by chatting can he get more valuable. information.
Xu Chenghua feels to everyone that he is always an elite in the industry. He did not immediately reveal the purpose of acquiring Bluestar Technology. He simply looked at this office and roughly judged that their individual startups are facing The same problem-lack of money.
The team members all looked at Luo Sheng, who was not timid and smiled methodically: "Of course, no problem. I think most companies should not be like us. In fact, Mr. Xu also looks at you. Here, we are like a group of young and ignorant children living together, doing everything they want to do, never sleeping on time, never getting up on time, and the recruitment is very casual, just invite people to sit together and chat. . "
"Occasionally, I relax and do other things, but most of the time we are sitting at the table and busy with the computer, always paying attention to the growth of community users, is nothing more than to make the product better, Or take a break and relax so that you have enough energy to continue working to make the product better, that's it, generally we don't leave the studio ... "
"We will sit and chat together, all members can participate in the conversation, and there is no need to reach a definite result. It is completely everyone's exchange of ideas. UU reading book everyone can participate."
Luo Luosheng, while speaking freely, recalled how he and Xu Yong spent the past month as a partner. After organizing the language, he continued calmly and calmly:
"During this period, everyone was drinking, maybe all night. It was almost 21:00, and we started to clarify some things: what are we going to do tonight? Who is ready to work? Who is not ready yet? OK? At about 23:00, we will know what we are going to do tonight, haha. "
"In fact, there was no impressive process during this period. We unknowingly started to do something full of expectations and wanted to do it. Almost in the middle of the night, we would go directly online. Without any testing, we Just choose to go online. "
"In fact, most websites have some very reliable test platforms for them to test code changes, but our team obviously does not have this condition, and this is not our team's style, our style is 'iterative development' . "
"At the push of a button, we can apply the code directly to the website. We really respect the concept of" fast forward, breaking the rules ". Therefore, you should not wait for a week to try it, nor wait Try it once a day. If the code is correct, you should use it directly. Obviously this will be a nightmare. "
Luo Luosheng's words are very smooth and the rules are clear, but the speed of speech is also very fast, because his thinking is very fast. Xu Chenghua listened quietly with a smile on his face, and with the other person's description, he looked at the young man more and more.
成 Xu Chenghua is also a person who likes chatting very much, and the two start chatting non-stop.
Uh ...
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