: Testimonials (must see)

On the morning of the 1st, there were only a few hours left. Zhao Ling just secretly went to see the comments. The anger was indignant. They all carried the machete, a false sum, and quickly went to the Kangkang address to expose Muyou. Fortunately, Muyou, No one came knocking at the door, and he was relieved.
Readers, please be calm and restless, wait a few hours to see the new chapter. The latest chapter was originally intended to be issued at 11 pm. The timing is set, but there are readers in the comment area. Encourage me to release today's full ... and then let go of the hand uncontrolled, and then the sentiment is outraged, and sure enough it is not enough duck ...
But do n’t look for it with a machete, look for the reader who encouraged me, I forgot ID ...
Guess blindly?
O (╯ □ ╰) o ……
He cough cough cough, no skin, and serious.
Bian Zhaoling himself thought that the 10,000-word update that broke out every day on the shelves a week ago should be considered conscience. After all, the same outbreak can be put on the shelves, and it can also make some money.
But this is the result of the strong support of readers. "Feiyanren" was an affiliate before the book was released the previous week. For the first time since Zhaoling started his career, he was very excited. He said that he wanted to celebrate and broke out. If you ca n’t take it back, this exciting hand is out of control, so it broke out and celebrated.
Now Zhao Ling tells everyone, this book has written about two hundred chapters, and this week broke out a week. There are still more than sixty chapters in the manuscript. Originally, if you go on every day according to the free period, Grandpa Zhao Ling Things didn't happen, and it should be possible to break a hundred chapters by putting it on the shelf.
I told you before that Grandpa Zhaoling died unexpectedly and went back. The customs of my hometown are very complicated, and I have tossed it for seven or eight days, plus the time to go back and forth for about ten days. The previous excitement broke out again this week. I went out here and didn't go in there.
But I still have more than sixty chapters, hehe ...
About this book, compared with the previous book in terms of pre-launch results, the collection is only 67% of the predator's book, which is far inferior to the previous book.
However, it is also because this book is relatively slow. Nowadays, one chapter must have the protagonist, two chapters must have golden fingers, and three chapters must have contradictions. The novel must have a fast-paced environment. Weak, Zhao Ling is fortunate. With the support of your readers, many slow-moving books have died, at least this book is still alive.
本书 The story of this book has been updated to the present. Bluestar Technology has just been ready to make a profit and has not yet been listed, but it is also fast. After the profit, it must be a good time for the IPO.
Everyone reads the business science and technology article, the cool thing is to watch the story of the protagonist making big money. Generally speaking, the business science and technology article is a small-cost creative product when the protagonist starts, and then make a large amount of money, the return rate is hundreds or even thousands And then became famous, and various interviews shocked Bara Lala, so as to reach the plot point.
This is the result of Zhao Ling's summary of several scientific and technical articles. It has become routine and templated, and it is also an inevitable result of the fast-paced plot.
Bian Zhaoling wants to break a little, change a little, improve a little, let everyone see something new, but some readers are helpless and see the protagonist share financing directly abandon the book ...
The book "Global Monopoly" does not follow the general routine of traditional business technology. Everyone can see that the protagonist has been pressing the company to make no money for long-term consideration. By relying on continuous financing, he will pay the blood of VC and pay at the same time. The price of equity is needed to maintain operations, so the rhythm feels a bit slow, and the refreshment did not immediately erupt, until the release of Bluestar Technology's first audited financial report was the first outbreak.
Although the results are not as good as the previous one, the plot is more stable and more logical. Compared with the previous commercial science and technology articles of Zhao Ling, this one is more "real".
Everyone recalls the plot in the front of this book. The main character "Luo Sheng" started his business from the dormitory, from two good friends Xu Yong, to seven people, to twenty people, three hundred people ... growing step by step, at each stage The rise of the game has been promoted by the plot, including the role of Qin Weimu in the early and mid-terms to help the protagonist improve the company's equity structure.
The biggest significance of Qin Weimu's role is to set off. A start-up company is not perfect, and the AB stock system of the protagonist is not seamless, or there are loopholes, but these loopholes are also filled with the continuous development of the cause. There are reasons for the plot to move forward. If the protagonist is exhausted at the beginning, the supporting role will be dispensable, and the level of the entire book will drop a lot.
Increasing the amount of financing from time to time, it also set off the protagonist's career step by step. Instead of the boom, in the short content of dozens of chapters, the protagonist has become a giant. This is cool and cool, but only for a while, Zhao Ling has always been cool and cool for a long time.
Simply put, this book describes the protagonist's entrepreneurial history, which is more delicate, such as equity incentives, top-level design of the company, etc. These previous business science and technology articles of Zhao Ling have been taken in one stroke, leaving many obvious loopholes. And the plot BUG, ​​also led to look through the whole article, the protagonist's company, the rise of the protagonist are very floating, just too unreal, too illusory, and the villain has no IQ.
Frankly speaking, Zhao Ling now feels spicy looking back at the books he wrote earlier, but there are still some readers who subscribe to old books, so how forgiving the reader is.
昭 At that time Zhao Ling was too little white. As for now, he is an old white. He is still a small white one in front of real professionals. This is the truth.
Why Zhaoling used to be white? how do I say this? As an example, when Zhao Ling wrote the first commercial science and technology article, he thought naive that only 51% holding would be foolproof. At that time, he was very stubborn about owning wealth, not allocation.
I now finally realize that in the eyes of the super rich, money is not his name in the name, he does not care at all, he cares whether it is a sum of money, whether he has the right to control, or the right to allocate.
When I wrote the book "Global Monopoly", I wanted to break through and improve a little bit, so I wanted to write a fantasy business science and technology article that was not too vague and looked "real".
For this reason, Zhao Ling madly consulted the information.
To figure out what the "three associations and one layer" structure and shareholding structure are in the company structure;
Pre-investment valuation, post-investment valuation, full ratchet clause, weighted average anti-dilution clause in financing;
什么 What is the AB control system, concerted parties agreement, limited partnership structure, shareholder agreement, agreement control VIE model, contract law, company law, partnership law?
Also check out actual cases such as the "Baowan Controversy", how Zhang always played with "Haidilao", how Ma always controlled the business empire of Aju through a share of less than 10%, etc. Wait……
I also forced myself to read the "Company Law", and after reading it, I was confused, and immediately glanced at the circle, no, this is not working, no clue, my mind is full of various agreements.
So Zhao Ling made his mind clear all the files, and spent a small sum of money to ask a professional to interpret it for me. I consulted him to answer my questions. It also benefited a lot, and it was much more efficient than fooling around. Much better.
Doing these preliminary tasks is only about the module of company operation management, as well as science and technology. ICT, life engineering, and materials are all messy. You ca n’t afford to consult the Chinese Academy of Sciences. What international joke? ...
But you have to understand it, otherwise how to write? Otherwise, they are sprayed into dogs, so check information, watch popular science videos, etc., and force yourself to do it.
And after you understand it, you have to sort out these, basically discard more than 90%, and incorporate less than 10% into the plot. You have to show it to the reader in an easy-to-understand way. It also needs to be useful to the plot. Go on.
The reader will not go to see you messy things, nor will anyone go to Baidu shareholder agreement or something after seeing you. This is your business. The readers care about the unpleasantness and uncomfortable.
Sometimes Zhao Ling doubted life for a while, otherwise he would write without brains.
If it was n’t for your hair, it would have been bright.
It's so easy, but Zhao Ling feels that this is a way of deceiving readers of money and feelings. The inner hurdle can't get through, and there will be no improvement and breakthrough for himself. In the end, it is a lose-lose situation.
So do my best to take it seriously.
Involving so many fields, you cannot cover everything, but you have a little place, even if there is a small hole in a small paragraph, you have to face the preparation of being sprayed, eating this meal requires a strong heart, because some The reader is a duck with a poisonous tongue. The poisonous tongue is nothing. The most helpless thing is to see something like "I must have never done it in the XXX field." This is really ...
Are you serious and not kidding?
O (╯ □ ╰) o
I have really done Zhao Ling is the contemporary "Thomas Yang", no, at least × 10 Thomas Yang, do not need to write a web post in this broken station, the anonymous surname of the motherland went to science and technology.
just kidding.
Wu Zhaoling knows that more than 90% of readers are cute and tolerant. Otherwise, Zhao Ling would not be able to switch careers. Because of this, Zhao Ling's most feared thing is that he hopes that these readers can afford the subscription fees they pay.
Why do you say panic? Because Zhaoling, the book "Crocodile", is really sorry for their support. This book almost died due to external force majeure factors, which led to the opening of "Global Monopoly", which also caused the predator to be updated. This book is now half dead, but most readers who follow the predator understand it and support the new book. Zhao Ling feels that he can It is an honor to have such a reader.
Therefore, the book Global Monopoly has learned the lessons of the predators. When the predators were put on the shelves, they set up a "Flag". Two books were written, and the predators required three million words ... Maggie, in July Had been heavy.
Owan's book is actually very good, at least for Zhao Ling, a career high. I wanted to be full of confidence. As a result, Fei Xue came in July ... It's hard to say, let alone say.
本书 Zhao Ling, a book on "Global Monopoly," is no longer standing "," and metaphysics is scared.
In short, whether this book is well written, everyone evaluates it.
And Zhao Ling's evaluation of himself was carefully written, and efforts were made. There are many dry goods in it. Although it is useless, the story making Zhao Ling is not a fiction.
Everyone wants to start a company is a bit of reference meaning (just kidding, don't take it seriously, the boss who intends to be a business is still an information professional legal person).
In general, Zhao Ling ’s biggest expectation is to pay for the report. After all, Zhao Ling ’s income source is currently only the draft fee, and only everyone ’s subscription consumption, everyone must subscribe to support the duck ^ _ ^
The shelves of books means that it is profitable for the first time, and the 24-hour subscription transcript on the first day of shelves is as important as the first quarter financial report of Blue Star Technology in the books that decides to make profits ~ EbookFREE.me ~ just can't help but With emotion, Zhaoling can determine the future of Bluestar Technology, but not the future of Global Monopoly, or even his own future, but every reader who is watching to determine the future of this book and Zhaoling.
Heaven and hell, this step is a moment of destiny. Zhao Ling has been in the business for so many years, it is clear, not an exaggeration.
So everyone must support, and don't let Zhaoling Yongai Power Generation finally die ...
Finally, it is about the shelf update. Starting from the early morning of the 1st, there will be 10 chapters updated on the bottom of the day. If you can get the boutique badge on the first day, that is, if you have more than 3,000 subscriptions, add 10 chapters.
The collection of this book is less than 25,000. This wish is a bit dim, and Zhao Ling lacks energy, because I do n’t know how many of you will subscribe. I am very worried, and I am afraid that I have not received such an honor so far in my career. It is just a dream Yes, everyone's strong support can do wonders.
Come on! !! !!
Then update the reward. Starting from the day of listing, each reward of the rudder master (¥ 100 yuan = 10,000 starting coins) plus 1 more. If the leader of the alliance is equivalent to 10 rudder masters, that is to add 10 more, as much as 10 The silver Meng of each ally is equivalent to 10,000 soft sister coins ... forget it, a dream has been promised before, so don't think too much about it.
There were rumors in the group that said Zhao Ling had 500 chapters in the draft ... a blood spurt on the moon ...
Wu Zhaoling could not be so exaggerated even with the octopus tentacle monster.
Anyway, Zhao Ling now has more than sixty chapters in his hand, and the old man has already handed it over. He lay down completely to give up resistance. Everyone looked at the squeeze.
the above.
Uh ...
Latest chapter of Ebook Global Monopoly of Technology Click here