Chapter 154:

The interior hall of the first roadshow was quiet. Everyone has stopped discussing and focused on the young people on the podium.
Luo Luosheng with a slight smile on his face, calmly and calmly sounded throughout the audience:
"Good morning everyone, my name is Luo Sheng, the founder, chairman and CEO of Bluestar Technology Group."
"Back in the 1027th day of the past, the two founders had an unrealistic dream in a school dormitory. This dream is to hope to change the world."
Xu Yong, who is sitting in the first row of management, is now very mature, but still excited. Luo Sheng's opening remarks instantly reminded him of his previous memories.
In the bedroom that day, he never talked about it. At that time, he never thought that after 1027 days, he would be able to sit here and participate in a listing roadshow that may be the largest IPO in history.
Luo Luosheng once again showed the world his talent for talking and speaking.
"We didn't start Bluestar Technology Group to create a business empire or even to become a company. It was born to fulfill a social mission: to make our world more open and our world more connected. . "
"This time we are not here to raise money, but to find someone who recognizes our mission and supports us."
"For investors, to understand what this mission means to us, how we make decisions, and why we are doing what we do now, we think this is a very critical and extremely important thing."
"We are encouraged that technology has changed the way people communicate and consume information. Our team often talks internally about inventions such as print media and television. By improving communication efficiency, they have initiated profound changes in many key areas of society. Many people can make their own voices, encourage progress, and change the way organizations are organized so that we are more closely connected. "
"At the moment, our society has reached a new inflection point. The time we are in is an era in which most people can use the Internet and mobile phones. The Internet and mobile phones share thinking, feelings, and many behaviors. Basic tools. Bluestar Technology provides such a sharing platform that gives people the power to share. "
"Our business and mission are to enable everyone in the world to be closely connected, to be able to make their own voices, and to promote the future transformation of our society. This is an urgent need and a huge opportunity. Humanity needs to build "The scale of technology and infrastructure is unprecedented, and we believe that this is the most important issue worthy of attention."
罗 As Luo Sheng finished his speech, the audience gave a warm applause, which made a lot of investors look at him, and also made some people who didn't know him know more.
Regarding the ability to talk about (wan) and (hu) things, Luo Sheng still maintained the peak state.
The first road show in New York was very successful.
The following time, Luo Sheng and his team were able to carry out roadshow activities around the world, and it was also his journey of speaking around the world.
Uh ...
波士顿 On February 28, 2006, in Boston, 11 days before the listing, more than 300 investors attended this roadshow.
我们 "We run a business that has never been done in the world and in history. This is a powerful virtual ecosystem. We want to strengthen the connection between people."
"While our mission is broad and broad, we will take the first step from the connection between two people. Interpersonal relationships are the basic building blocks of society. The only way. "
"Bluestar Technology creates a variety of sharing tools to help people around the world connect, share ideas, and expand people's ability to build and maintain relationships."
"We want to reshape the way information is disseminated and consumed by helping people connect. We believe that the basic framework of world information should be similar to the social graph."
"It should be a bottom-up peer-to-peer network, rather than the current top-down monolithic structure. As of now, we have helped about 500 million people to establish more than 60 billion connections. Our goal is To accelerate this remodeling process and let people decide for themselves what content to share, this is our basic strategy to reshape the architecture. "
Uh ...
旧金山 March 2, 2006, San Francisco Station Roadshow, 8 days before listing.
我们 "We are an Internet company that happened to be born in China. We hope that we can use our ecosystem to help all humankind. We want to improve the connection between people and businesses and the economic system."
"We believe that a more open and closely connected world will help create a stronger and stronger world economic system and cultivate more real companies that provide better products and services."
"In the process, companies have the benefit of being able to provide better products, that is, people-oriented personalized products. We find that those products that are 'socially designed' are more attractive than traditional products. Force, we will have more products on this path. "
Uh ...
洛杉矶 March 3, 2006, Los Angeles Roadshow, 7 days before listing.
"More than a thousand days and nights, the missions and values ​​of countless" Blue Star "guardian companies, like Li Mingyuan, like Xu Yong, like Chad Hurley, like David Sax, like Yu Jun ... People are thinking about the future. These people, we, are more concerned about the future mission ... "
Uh ...
新加坡 March 4, 2006, Singapore road show, 6 days before listing.
"Today we want to come here to find a partner. For the past three years, we have been working very hard. We are a lucky company ..."
Uh ...
伦敦 March 7, 2006, London Station Roadshow, 3 days before listing.
This is the last stop of Bluestar Technology Group's listing road show. Luo Sheng led his entrepreneurial group to disembark in London. They only stayed in the city for 14 and a half hours and then had to take off again.
I flew around the world in just a dozen days, this kind of running is indeed enough to toss people, but the arrival of the last stop, everyone is still excited.
Everyone is a young man. Although it is very tiring and hard to run around, but the years are just good and can withstand the toss. The previous roadshow trip did not feel a little tired.
London station road show scene, the venue hall gathered more than 800 investors, Luo Sheng talked on the podium:
"Our mission and business are as stated in previous roadshows. We always put our social mission, services under development, and users first. For a listed company, this is an 'unusual path'. Generally speaking, The shareholders of the company should be the number one priority, so we want to explain why. "
"In the early days of my business, I and my partner Xu Yong wrote the first version of the BlueSpace website in a dormitory. Since then, a large number of talented people have joined our team and integrated their own innovation and code. BlueSpace, most great people put the development of great products and great business first, but they also want to make money. "
所以 "So by building a talent team, build a developer community, innovation workshops, marketing and investor groups."
"We are not developing services to make money, but to make money to develop better services. We always believe that this puts us on the right path, which is a good way of doing things."
"By fulfilling our mission and providing excellent service and user experience, we will also bring long-term benefits to shareholders and partners and create maximum value. This will allow us to attract the most outstanding talents and provide the most outstanding service."
"We wake up every day, and the first priority that comes to mind is not to make much money, but we also know that the best way to achieve this great mission is to build a strong and valuable business."
"This is also our view on the launch of the IPO. The company is listed to benefit our employees and all investors. We used to provide internal equity incentives and promised in the rights issue that we will do our best to increase the value of the stock and promote the stock Circulation. Now, take a look, all the smiles on the faces of the directors and team members are very satisfied, and we have clearly fulfilled our promise. "
并且 "And, as Bluestar Technology Group is about to become a listed company, we will make similar commitments to all new investors and make equal efforts ~ ~ Thank you all."
At the end of the day, with the end of Luo Sheng's speech, the crowd at the meeting immediately gave a warm palm, and the people present stood up one by one, and the applause continued.
Twenty minutes later, the London Roadshow ended as scheduled, and Bluestar's global road trip ended successfully with the end of the last stop in London.
After the road show in London, the local mainstream media wanted an interview with Luo Sheng, but he declined.
Because there is no time.
结束 At the end of the last roadshow, Luo Sheng and his team did not stop for a moment. After half an hour, all members rushed to the airport to board and take off. The special plane has been waiting for a long time.
The plane took off from London International Airport, across the Atlantic Ocean, and the destination was the starting point of this global roadshow-New York.
At this point, Bluestar Technology Group's listing roadshow ended perfectly.
接下来 And then came the moment of 饕餮 feast.
Uh ...
(Ps: When I write the roadshow story here, I will automatically play the video clip of Mr. Ali ’s 2014 New York Stock Exchange IPO, with a full score of O (∩_∩) O haha ​​~, you can come to Qunli Kangkang, there is a video link Group number: 629693065)
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The genius remembers the site address for one second :. Mobile website reading URL:
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