Chapter 174:

, The latest chapter in the latest global monopoly of technology!
(Ju Ju has been exploded, and the monthly pass is expected to explode up ~~)

On the same day, in the middle of the night in the western hemisphere, a special report from Blue Star Technology Group came out in the middle of the night in Los Angeles, which awakened countless investors and investors.
According to the financial report, the total revenue of Bluestar Technology in the first quarter of this year reached 1.58 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 263% compared with 434 million US dollars in the same period last year, and a month-on-month growth of 33%, far exceeding analysts' expectations.
Operating profit in the first quarter amounted to US $ 428 million, a 135-fold increase from US $ 3.17 million in the same period last year; net profit was US $ 247 million, an increase of nearly 138 times compared to US $ 1.79 million in the same period last year.
In the first quarter, 79.4% of total revenue came from advertising revenue, 73.5% of total revenue came from BlueSpace's BlueSpace operations business segment, and over 83.2% of total revenue came from overseas markets.
The proportion of overseas revenue reached a new high, compared with more than 80% last year, and the proportion of advertising revenue dropped to 80% for the first time.
This quarter's change in revenue ratio has a major factor with the Blue Star Technology Group's game business. Last year, the acquisition of three game companies performed well. The most eye-catching performance was Take-Two, especially the representative of its subsidiary R Star. The "GTA" series is selling well and has won multiple gold rocker awards in the industry.
Take-Two completed the adjustment of the company under the suggestion of Luo Sheng, and quickly out of the predicament. It took off directly this year, and the current market value has exceeded 2 billion US dollars.
G Fat Valve has joined the Bluestar Technology Group array, and has ushered in a big explosion in the past year, because Valve has gained access to the two social networking sites BlueSpace and MicroBlog, which has caused the number of users of the Steam game platform to skyrocket. It is still the entry bonus from the BlueSpace website, because the precise push effect pulls out the crowd.
As of 2006, the data on the Steam platform showed that there were already 77.5 million user registrations, which made Microsoft regret it very much. We should know that G Fat had sought out his old owner for Steam, but he refused because he couldn't understand.
Now it has become an online game store on the PC side, and more and more small and medium-sized third-party game developers publish games on this platform.
The rise of Steam has grown to a force that can't be underestimated in the game industry. The major game manufacturers in the world are focusing on it. The key is that there is a technology giant behind it, which is very important.
After tasting the sweetness of Blue Star Technology's A-level entrance, G Fat said that he should not be too fragrant. G Fat is now not fat, and then began to be fed more and more fat by players, and is evolving towards true G Fat.
The sudden emergence of the V agency in a short time also made the first parties such as Sony and Microsoft feel threatened. The PC took away profits, so the growth of the sales of the mainframe must have an impact, and the market was so large.
What they are most worried about now is that the 3A masterpiece is landing on the Steam platform, or even exclusive. Although the PC hardware and entertainment properties are not as good as game consoles, the technology has been improving. These big companies are looking at future trends.
Once an explosion comes out, the impact it brings is not tickling. This is where the first parties such as Sony and Microsoft are really afraid.
Obviously, Luo Sheng won again.
When he bought these game companies last year, he was generally questioned by the industry at present, and those who questioned now shut their mouths honestly, or touted them in turn.
From the perspective of business investment, how Luo Sheng spent the money last year is a rhythm of making a lot of money.
And CDProjektRed, the third game company
Poland Stupid Donkey
acquired overseas by Luo Sheng, has been investing in two games without any financial difficulties. One was released in 2004 at E3. Demo ", while the other is the first work in the" Witcher "series, both games are planned to be officially released next year.
Although the "Poland Stupid Donkey" is currently not as eye-catching as Valve or TakeTwo, this company is now receiving a lot of industry attention due to Luo Sheng's personal effects.
The three game companies acquired by Luo Sheng have been stocked since they broke the money into Bluestar Technology Group's territory and have not interfered with any of their operations. For example, Valve has given Class A entrances for drainage.
This made people who originally thought that they were the second Vivendi in the game industry stunned. They dared to come back with angels, not demons?
The first quarter financial report revealed that investors regained confidence in Bluestar Technology Group and stimulated the rise in BTC's stock price.
Time difference relationship, the Western Hemisphere was one day late. On the day of April 17th in the Western Hemisphere, Nasdaq opened as scheduled, and Bluestar's stock opened in a gap. The stock surged 14.9% on the day and the market value soared to $ 79.97 billion , Again surpassing Dell and Apple, second only to Samsung Electronics.
Luo Sheng used the facts to prove to the market and investors that he believes that he has made a lot of money, but doubts that he has basically lost, and even lost his underpants.
In the middle and late April, major listed companies have also released their own financial reports. Google has not released audited financial reports, but its chief financial officer, George Reyes, said on Friday, April 21 that advertising revenue has grown. The momentum will slow down.
Affected by this news, Google's stock price fell $ 27.76 per share on Friday to close at $ 362.62, a 7.11% decline.
Reyes then spoke at an investor conference, saying that Google's growth depends on new users in the future, or entering new markets, rather than the improvement of existing online search advertising business.
According to the latest data, the Internet search advertising business accounted for 97.5% of Google's sales, which is too much than Bluestar Technology.
On April 23, Google finally announced the first quarter financial report.
Unlike most listed companies, Google has always pursued the strategy of not providing performance targets. This is also the case that Bluestar Technology Group does not provide performance targets. It does not want the company to blindly pursue profits and get lost in it. Surprisingly consensus.
Similarly, the stock prices of the two companies are easily affected by performance expectations or predictions. After Google ’s first quarter earnings report, the performance failed to meet analyst expectations, causing the stock price to plummet by 19%.
This is the first time since the listing in August 2004 that Google's profit has fallen below the expectations of Wall Street analysts. Since its listing, Google's stock has risen more than 400%, and its highest level has reached $ 475 per share.
And this big drop has also caused Google's market value to fall from second in the world's top ten technology companies in the IT field to sixth. The first five are Microsoft, IBM, Intel, Cisco, and Samsung Electronics.
Google's US $ 112.6 billion is ranked sixth, and behind it is Bluestar Technology Group. Since the high opening on April 17, BTC's stock has grown fiercely this week and has reached US $ 87.2 billion. .
Blue Star Technology Group is behind Apple, Dell and Yahoo.
The market value of Google is getting closer and closer, and the market value of Apple Inc. is getting farther and farther. It is possible that the second quarter of this year may beat Google ’s rhythm.
Obviously, Google ’s operating income is heavily dependent on the advertising business, and Yahoo and Microsoft are catching up, let alone the Blue Star Technology Group, which went public this year. Blue Star Technology is the biggest threat to Google.
Although the stock price plummeted for a while due to the turbulence in cloud computing services, the first counter-attack was completed on the day when the first quarter financial report came out.
As the new world's top Internet giants, the two companies are often compared by Silicon Valley and Wall Street, and Silicon Valley is known as the "twin star" company of IT rookies.
Obviously, ~ Bluestar's eye-catching performance is also an indirect blow to Google.
It is worth mentioning that Bluestar's revenue and advertising business still occupy an absolute proportion, and the financial report just disclosed shows that the proportion has dropped significantly compared with the past.
But the operating income has risen rather than decreased, which is the most dazzling place.
There is no doubt that Yahoo and Microsoft's upsurge is secondary. Bluestar Technology Group is the key to putting a lot of pressure on Google.
But Google will never sit still.
At the end of April, Larry Page burned the fire to Luo Sheng's back garden very decisively. Google began to make frequent contact with BlueSpace's rival, the industry's second-biggest MySpace.
This has also attracted the attention of Bluestar Technology.
Apparently, Page was trying to set fire in Luo Sheng's backyard, which was an undisguised rhythm.
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