Chapter 214: [Sleepless night of e-sportsman]

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A week later, Bluestar Technology Group officially disclosed a major news on its official website.
The company announced that it has officially entered the e-sports industry, has begun to establish a new comprehensive e-sports event brand WRPO, and has begun to set up a WRPO organizing committee. Bluestar Technology Group will invest heavily in building the world's top comprehensive e-sports event to benchmark the Olympic Games.
A media conference will be held three days later to further disclose Bluestar's WRPO event plan.
The release of this news immediately triggered a huge discussion in the media and society, and the practitioners in the technology industry were once again questioned by the blue star technology show.
Enter the gaming industry?
Many people don't even know about this thing, because Bluestar Technology's measures have only been known before, and then it's even more entangled.
However, it is a sideline business derived from PC-side games. The market size is not even 500 million US dollars. Is your bluestar technology group such a multinational technology giant used to make such a big announcement?
The outside thought is this: I didn't see that you invested so much in cloud computing services at that time. Are you serious ...?
In fact, when people went deeper, they found that Luo Sheng had already entered the game industry a few years ago.
It's just that his operation is too frustrating. After throwing hundreds of millions of dollars into it, he is basically stocked.
Most encouragingly, Take-Two has now become a good cash cow, bringing considerable profits to Bluestar Technology every year.
In particular, the representative works of the R-Star company have achieved great success, and Valve Corporation is now a mixed race. From an investment perspective, Luo Sheng's investments are undoubtedly very successful.
It is also because Luo Sheng has not been favored again and again, but has achieved unexpected success again and again. This time, I suddenly felt so favored to a video game derivative sideline with a market size of less than 1 billion US dollars. Many people couldn't help feeling it. doubt.
Is it possible to hide a gold mine that no one outside has seen?
For a while, the e-sports industry, which was originally not being followed by the mainstream, gained unprecedented attention due to the latest news disclosed by Bluestar Technology on its official website.
Many people are doing research or in-depth interpretation of this industry, trying to find out exactly what is in it, which can actually attract the attention of big companies like Blue Star Technology.
This incident did not exceed Zhang Bowen's surprise. Just just revealing the news on the official website, it caused a huge discussion in the society, and some media directly linked the e-sports industry with the game, and forced Luo Sheng to endorse, Many articles were written as Luo Sheng supporting video games.
This undoubtedly pushed him to the opposite of the majority of parents, and the media has always been a rhythm master.
Luo Sheng's influence is really huge now, if it is ordinary people, it may not have any effect.
But he is not the same. He is now the richest man in the country, the founder of Blue Star Technology Group and the Cote d'Azur Company. He is the number one coffee in the domestic science and technology industry. It has nothing to do with age, and exists in the world on a par with those of Gates.
Every move will be interpreted by society, even over-interpreted.
The disclosure of this news is that the game industry has directly fried the pan. On the day of the official website information disclosure, it was soon in the major Q groups, Weibo, or post bars forums were countless Warcraft players, interstellar players, CS players, etc. Concerned about players or practitioners related to e-sports.
These people are undoubtedly excited, especially the practitioners in related industries are as excited as chicken blood. How could they never think that a super giant such as Blue Star Technology Group would enter this field.
We must know that the current e-sports practitioners, including players, are very confused, especially the "Blue Pole" Internet Cafe incident in recent years, which has brought a headache to the development of domestic e-sports, which is an unprecedented heavy blow. .
Many e-sports-loving practitioners have switched careers, and professional players have retired, leaving China ’s e-sports, which started in chaos, with a slim future.
Bluestar Technology suddenly announced its entry into this industry. How can these people not be excited?
It seems as if a ray of light is reflected, so that all practitioners who still adhere to the power generation with love in this field see hope.
In the QQ group of an e-sports circle, there are a group of veteran e-sports people, all of whom are young people.
"Everyone, everyone knows the news of Bluestar Technology?"
"This is not nonsense, the whole circle is now sleepless all night because of this news."
"I persisted for so many years and finally saw a little hope."
"Hey, you say that this thing is unreliable, don't be happy, I am afraid of it now."
"I don't think so. How can a large group such as Bluestar Technology make a high-profile announcement on its official website? And it is a heavy investment, and it is all about playing big. After all, big groups with annual revenue of hundreds of billions. "
"I went to Yunge a bit, and the total revenue of Blue Star Technology Group in the first half of this year has reached 13.9 billion US dollars, and the exchange rate is 105.6 billion yuan."
"I don't ask how big the bluestar technology is for heavy investment. It can reach half of the Korean Samsung Group's support for e-sports sponsorship, which is a great thing for domestic e-sports circles."
"That's right."
"What the is that‘ WRPO 'event disclosed on the official website of Bluestar Technology? No explanation.

"This should be the abbreviation of the first letter of a paragraph of English, referring to the WCG event. Alas, is it to say that from this" W "analysis, it is the beginning of the letter of World, what does the world mean?"
"I think it's very possible. This is definitely a world-class e-sports event. A big group like Blue Star Technology, who is not bad at money, either doesn't do it, and it must be a world-class one. Maybe it is not weak. In WCG events. "
"Fuck, there's something wrong with this."
"Ah, it's really anxious. You said that you should either announce the news later, so let a smoke pop up and let us guess. It's too much torture."
"Don't panic. I didn't see that Lantian Technology will hold a press conference. I will soon know. Be patient."
"How patient are you with this kind of thing, I can't sleep for the past two days."
After the official announcement of the official website of Bluestar Technology, the entire e-sports circle was not peaceful, and they fell into a state of sleeplessness throughout the night. Many people were chatting, or chatting in private, or in group chat, or in the post bar forum community in the middle of the night.
I can't sleep at all, and some professional players have no intention of training.
To a certain extent, this move of Bluestar Technology Group will fundamentally affect the future prospects and destiny of every e-sports practitioner. This will only be a if you sleep well.
Everyone is looking forward to the Blue Star Technology Media Conference the day after tomorrow ~ ~, and what everyone is most concerned about is that this "WRPO" event does not know what the competition will be.
However, whether it is e-sports people, professional players or players, all three items are listed at the top of the list, which are "Warcraft", "StarCraft" and "CS". This is also the hottest electricity at present. Competitive games or events.
The practitioners, players, or players of these projects are also the most excited. If Bluestar Technology is going to run these three major e-sports projects, they will not be absent from the WRPO event.
The elapse of time, minutes and seconds, for e-sports players, e-sports players or e-sports practitioners, these two days are like years.
Finally, with endless expectations, the day when Blue Star Technology Group entered the e-sports industry and held a media conference.
(Ps: Everyone hurry to vote for the duck, all the additions are finished, hurry up and vote up)
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