Chapter 315: [The pattern of Luo Sheng]

Zhong Yuanhong had already settled his business on this trip, but he didn't leave in a hurry. It was still Luo Sheng's knee-length talk.
Because Zhong Yuanhong wanted to know more, Luo Sheng didn't hide too much.
"As far as my own family is concerned, the fourth industrial revolution is definitely not on the Internet, nor on the Internet of Things in a narrow sense." Luo Sheng was talking to him, and he once again reiterated the Internet predicted by the developer conference from the 1.0 era to 4.0. Speech of the times.
现在 Now, it is in the 2.0 era of the Internet, between the 3.0 era.
At the developer conference, Luo Sheng described the future as the data era where everything can be connected and everything is connected.
随着 Now that with Luo Sheng's halo more and more dazzling, some of the speeches he shared before, especially some of his predictions, are now very marketable.
Many people are even convinced.
"Why are you talking about these five areas? Let's talk about new materials first." Luo Sheng drank tea and moistened his throat, while Zhong Yuanhong sitting opposite him listened carefully and really, and today's meeting and conversation are like looking back. Reported by the superior.
A few moments later, Luo Sheng began to bluntly say: "Graphene, or tinene, is the new material, let ’s talk about graphene first. Two scientists at the University of Manchester in 2004 used a slightly special piece of tape to divide the graphite sheet. Second, in the end, I got a sheet made of only one layer of carbon atoms. This is the graphene material, and it is likely that a Nobel Prize will be torn off with a ticket. "
"This is a new material for the electronics industry, with outstanding technical performance and a wide range of applications. For example, as a battery application, a car can run for thousands of kilometers in a ten-minute charge, and it is the only replacement for silicon material chips. This is my key investment and research area in the future. "
When he heard Luo Sheng say this, Zhong Yuanhong nodded and muttered to himself: "Graphene, tinene ..."
Luo Sheng continued: "However, although the new material of graphene has extremely attractive prospects, the cost of preparing graphene with current technology and industrial standards is too expensive to dilute the cost. There is no competitiveness, but there is no doubt that the future mega trend at this time, if the cost of preparing graphene comes down one day, it will definitely replace silicon wafers completely. "
Zhong Zhongyuan firmly remembered the term "graphene". He is neither a research institute nor a businessman. Although graphene has been discovered for five years, he did not know that there was such a magical material before.
In fact, you can also glimpse the leopard from here. At present, the state's investment in scientific research still seems to be stretched.
The side also proved that the country is willing to spend 50 billion yuan for Luo Sheng to splurge. Although it promised his three harsh conditions, this will not affect the country's high expectations for him.
After all, it's really not a small sum of money.
Next, Luo Sheng introduced the following four major areas one by one, life genetic engineering, artificial intelligence, quantum technology, and controlled nuclear fusion, all of which are simple and easy to understand.
As for the controllable fusion, which is "always 50 years behind", Luo Sheng is the last and most important of the five fields.
Because once this technology has made breakthrough progress, it will fundamentally completely overturn the current pattern of all humankind. It is summarized in one sentence: who can master the controllable fusion technology first, then who can become the world unshakable Boss.
Among these five fields, Luo Sheng has actually begun to quietly work in the field of artificial intelligence, because this is the easiest to cover up. Once the other four fields are unfolded, it is impossible to survive and has a breakthrough. The progress will soon be exposed and can not be hidden for long.
But artificial intelligence can be perfectly hidden, and then look at the technology.
In addition to this level, the other level is a test of the existing industrial level of human beings, and the requirements for high-end equipment are very harsh.
Although artificial intelligence also requires advanced hardware indicators, compared to the other four major areas, the requirements are really much lower. Among them, the core difficulty of supercomputing is actually not on the processor. Thousands of processors coordinate architectural solutions.
If the system architecture is not well designed, adding more processors will slow down the supercomputing power level.
Uh ...
With the passage of time, half an hour has passed unconsciously between Luo Sheng and Zhong Yuanhong.
双方 At this moment, the two sides are exchanging information on a larger scale. Some of the things that can't be said blatantly to the outside world are also spoken at this moment. After all, the exchange is private, and the object of exchange is not comparable to ordinary people.
Now Luo Sheng's career has achieved such a degree. If the pattern is still placed on the relationship between the enterprise and the profit level, it is basically over.
"... how to say, I think that each has its own advantages, and in the near future, our odds will be greater than those of the United States, but the advantages of the United States are indeed overwhelming, and they are overwhelming worldwide. Sexual advantage. "Luo Sheng said in a deep voice.
The current national strategy is very simple: deep digging, accumulating grain, and not seeking hegemony. Once the world changes, you can run against the Central Plains.
科技 Technology and industrial manufacturing are always top priorities.
"The advantage of the United States lies in its unparalleled ability to innovate. In recent years, Bluestar Technology has grown rapidly, and the development momentum of the French Riviera has not been weak. I also think that these technology companies are good, but this is only a local and individual phenomenon. A general phenomenon to look at. "Luo Sheng looked at each other seriously.
In this remark, Zhong Yuanhong nodded in agreement, sighing in sorrow: "You are right. In the past two or three decades, most of the best high-tech in the world were provided by Americans, and the scope was expanded by Europeans and Americans. The bigger one is Western countries like Japan ... In short, there is basically nothing in our country here, which sounds very uncomfortable, but it is an objective fact. "
It is worth mentioning that although Japan is an Asian country, he is an Asian country geographically, but it is a Western country in Zhengzhi.
Suddenly, Zhong Zhonghong asked himself, "Why are Americans so innovative?"
Luo Sheng heard a moment of silence and then said, "This issue, my family's words can be summarized into three factors. The first is that Americans have very good capital operation methods, the capital of the world will go to the United States, we invite investment or something They are all struggling. The capital goes to the United States and venture capital in Silicon Valley, and is particularly rich. "
Zhongyuanhong couldn't help but smile: "I'm deeply impressed with this rich thing now, haha ​​..."
Luo Sheng couldn't help but smile at each other. In Zhong Yuanhong's opinion, there was nothing wrong with this sentence, because the young man who talked to him in front of him easily raised 167.7 billion yuan in a private dinner a few days ago. Natural capital, and most of them are foreign capital, at least on the surface it is mostly foreign capital.
"It's important to have money, so there are so many angel funds in Silicon Valley. Many messy projects throw money into them. There are many projects with lots of money. The final results must be relatively large in absolute numbers. Inevitable. "
Zhong Zhongyuan nodded silently.
After a while, Luo Sheng still elaborated clearly: "Secondly, the talents in the United States are outstanding, rich, and the values ​​are more attractive. The cultural output of Hollywood is in place, and life is more relaxed. After all, Per capita resources are much richer than ours, and few large cities like ours have a lot of supertall buildings. "
"There are very few high-rise buildings in big cities like Los Angeles, and the downtown is a bit. This series of reasons makes it easy for the United States to harvest talents from all over the world, and China has worked hard to cultivate itself from more than a billion people. And some will be lost to the United States. "
"In the end, we have to talk about Silicon Valley. The above two factors directly lead to the formation of the third factor, which is the success of Silicon Valley. There are money, projects, and people here, and they are also more flexible. After all, they are dominated by private capital, giving you a comparison of venture capital. Easy, and Silicon Valley is more tolerant of failure than elsewhere. "
"For example, the last time you failed to start a business, the investors saw that you were very focused, did not have financial fraud, and the character was very good. It just failed. It doesn't matter. I will give you some money to toss. Then the results will give you Some core stocks, options, etc. form a continuous development system of positive circulation. "
"Of course, with results, it also needs to be able to become real business value in the market. From an economic perspective, no matter how good a technology is, it cannot be transformed into a product that consumers can accept in the market. It's a piece of waste paper. Your technology is worthless. It's not that an academician of the Academy of Sciences writes a recommendation letter for you, but it's decided by millions of consumers. "
Through such an exchange, Zhong Yuanhong seems to have roughly inferred Luo Sheng's strategic layout, and the latter's words directly proved the guess in his mind.
"Silicon Valley is a very good model. It is very successful. This must be faced up and acknowledged." Luo Sheng gradually took it seriously, and met with Zhong Yuanhong. "Shengfeng Capital has now raised 237.7 billion yuan. My investment strategy The focus is to prioritize the research and development of semiconductors and new materials ~ ~ This is the core expectation, which can produce results in the short term. Guangzao takes into account other areas. The specific operation is to benchmark the entire Silicon Valley model. Shengfeng Capital is a mini Version of the Silicon Valley model. "
Wu Zhongyuanhong couldn't help but exclaim: "Good guy, this skill and courage are really rare. Comrade Luo Sheng is really a very extraordinary person."
Luo Sheng continued: "So I think that state-owned assets enter Shengfeng Capital. The three requirements that I put forward are necessary. Even if Shengfeng Capital fails in the end, it is also a precious" post-mortem report "for the country. At least the failure can prove that this road is not accessible, can take a few detours, save a lot of resource costs, especially time costs, of course, if it succeeds, it is best. "
This sentence made Zhong Yuanhong look sideways, and he couldn't help but be a little respectful. This kind of words can't be said by ordinary entrepreneurs or businessmen. In this case, it is a national feeling that dares to be the first in the world, and the pattern is highly unknown how many ranks have been thrown out by those well-known big coffees.
Regardless of Luo Sheng's words from the heart, or deliberately, Zhong Yuanhong thinks this is not important anymore, because one thing is undeniable, that is, he is not only saying, but also using actual actions to practice Row.
No word is more than words, no matter how gorgeous the words are, they can't be compared with actual actions.
Xu Zhongyuanhong concluded that this time when he went back to write the report and handed it in, his superiors would definitely take another step if he did not take Luo Sheng seriously.
A talent like this has such a high national feeling, it is not easy to be able to produce such a person.
Uh ...
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