Chapter 346: [Super fierce material, perfect setting for peers]

The latest website: Among them, the first richest person to comment is the former richest man in the world.
Gates posted a Weibo post on his MicroBlog and commented: "Looking at Luo Sheng at the hearing, it seems that he saw himself 11 years ago. If the 1998 Justice Department hearing, he could be as mature and smooth as Luo Sheng If there is no such tough confrontation and arrogance, there may not be a subsequent spin-off decision and resignation, and Microsoft will have a different development trajectory later. "
Gates posted a Weibo post that was not fun, and then posted another: "Luo Sheng performed very well in the face of questions from lawmakers, and I believe he will make consumers satisfied with Bluestar's privacy issues."
There is no doubt that Gates' two Weibo posts praised Luo Sheng's performance in the hearing between words and thought that they were handled very well.
Gates is a "victim" in this regard, and the two comments feel a little regrettable, at least on the surface.
Then it was unexpected that after Gates jumped out and stood up, big names such as Google and Yahoo also publicly commented on this matter, and they all supported Luo Sheng.
Silicon Valley big guys actually support a Chinese?
This has made the Chinese people who eat melon look aggressive, which is unscientific. There are still a large group of competitors from the Blue Star Technology Group. So generous?
Luo Sheng didn't know yet. He didn't follow the latest information. He left after the hearing.
If he knew that the Silicon Valley bosses were competing to support him, he would surely smile. All of them are guilty of thieves. All of them appear in the list of "Prism Project". It's no surprise that he jumped out to support Luo Sheng.
The outside world is already calm, and major media are reporting on Luo Sheng's hearing.
Undoubtedly, Luo Sheng's clever words made color discrimination easy to answer one question after another, and did not find anything cheaper from it.
Originally, the major media thought that this was a very difficult PR crisis for Luo Sheng. However, he did not expect to achieve his personal success. Instead, the major members of the United States became the object of ridicule.
The next day, Luo Sheng went to attend a private dinner that Gates invited him to, as it was convenient for him to return home the next day.
With this experience, Luo Sheng felt that it would be better to come to the US Emperor's site in the future.
I often walk on the side of the road, there will always be the day of wet shoes.
Maybe it will be fun for you to get an East Brother package.
Still a little bit better.
Just as Luo Sheng's front foot returned home, the North American side suddenly asked the NSA to investigate Bluestar's database, arguing that it cannot rely on Luo Sheng's one-sided words to determine that Bluestar's data security and privacy issues are safe.
As for the monopoly issue, this matter is secondary, because it is relatively more difficult with Microsoft in front.
The outside world thought Luo Sheng would agree. After all, during the hearing, he felt easy-going and very good at speaking. For this reason, there are some well-known in the country, and Big V used this matter to say that Luo Sheng was resolute when facing Americans.
However, the facts were ruthless again, and then Bluestar Technology officially responded, first emphasizing that the company did not sell the data to any third party, and indeed did not. At the same time, it decisively rejected the opening of the NSA database for Bluestar Technology Group.
One word is: just!
Luo Sheng's response made many industry people secretly admire endlessly. The period of the hearing was extremely soft, but the actual action was unequivocal, and it could be described as rigid and flexible and impeccable.
The Blue Star Technology Group is so disobedient, NSA can really be described as a hateful itch. The most hateful thing is that there is no reliable way to solve this problem for a while.
Because there is no reasonable reason to enforce it, everything of Bluestar Technology is in compliance with local legal standards. It is said that the game is played in full accordance with the rules of the game established by the old United States. The negative impact is even greater.
It will only arouse the anxiety and fierce opposition of more North American domestic companies, because it will impact the old American's own elite. When the first mortgage crisis broke out, Paulson hoped that the major banks in the United States would come out to save and support the market.
But Wall Street was exceptionally resistant, and Paulson was helpless to those bankers, and in the end it was nothing to do with it, because it would appear to be suspected of interference in the free market, which is inconsistent with local laws and principles.
The truth is the same. Luo Sheng dares to be so rigid and has the bottom of his heart. He is not afraid of the NSA's prosecution. He is not afraid of lawsuits because everything is played within the framework of the game rules they have formulated. The outcome of the lawsuit will either win, and the worst will certainly not lose.
It is no exaggeration to say that in the eyes of the NSA, Luo Sheng is just a nail in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh, which is as uncomfortable as rubbing their throats.
However, after three days, Laomei had no time to take care of Bluestar Technology, because a shocking monitoring scandal instantly exploded the world, especially in Europe.
The Germans were even more angry.
The original author was an exclusive report from the British "The Guardian". The NSA's "Prism Project" was unveiled to the world. Luo Sheng and Blue Star Technology Group overnight passed. The "Prism Gate" scandal became the head of the mainstream media in the world. Headline news.
[These shocking insider ...]
[The Prism Door Scandal Blasts the World ...]
[Many North American IT giants participate in the NSA Prism Program ...]
[The Guardian unveiled the scandal exclusively ...]
【Prism program……】
【Prism program……】
【Prism program……】
On this day, the mainstream media around the world focused on an event, that is, the "Prism Project" or "Prism Gate" listening to the scandal.
Almost all the media have covered the matter in an overwhelming way. On the same day, the "Prism Project" keywords entered Google search terms, and the heat index directly topped the list.
It has also triggered discussions among netizens around the world around the monitoring of the scandal.
And directly broke the news Edward Snowden became famous!
This kind of super big news also makes the global media in a state of extreme excitement.
Laomei is now in dire straits, revealing the inside story of such a terrible scandal. No matter how you care about the privacy issue of Bluestar Technology, now it will only make the public more convinced that Bluestar Technology rejects NSA is a wise choice.
The North American National Intelligence Director urgently held a press conference to express his views: Sinoden's "reckless disclosure" has caused "significant false impressions" in the global media.
The NSA applied to the United States Department of Justice for a criminal investigation into Snowdon's behavior.
If the "Prism Project" is the most explosive material of this emergency, it is very wrong.
Only one week after the "Prism Project" scandal was exposed, the Guardian once again disclosed even more explosive content, which directly caused the world to fry pans, including thousands of melons eating netizens.
"The Guardian" once again zoomed in, and the exclusive unveiling of a plan codenamed "" by Snowdon.
This is a top-secret monitoring project of the NSA. The plan is expected to become the most comprehensive plan to steal network intelligence around 2013. It covers almost all the behavior of an average user online, including email content, network access and search, and related elements. data.
To support the operation of the project, NSA plans to set up more than 700 servers in 150 locations around the world. Agents only need to enter simple information such as e-mail of the object and they can eavesdrop on it in real time.
This matter was so incredible that it got the NSA and North American authorities trapped, struggling to deal with the angry public.
That's the thing. A new operation is popular all over the world overnight. Network users, especially business users, have a small wound sticker on the camera on their laptop.
Manufacturers of band-aids and tapes made a fortune.
To make matters worse for NSA, the WikiLeaks website also disclosed a file of up to 10TB provided by Snowdon at this time, pushing the surveillance scandal to a peak.
The 10 TB of eavesdropping evidence is circulating wildly on major networks around the world. It cannot be sealed at all.
A series of fierce news have been exposed one after another to make the NSA caught off guard.
Among the disclosed 10TB information, a recording from an NSA internal meeting made Bluestar Technology angry. According to the recording, NSA was very dissatisfied with Bluestar Technology because the NSA had always refused to collect data from the database of Bluestar Technology Group. Information, and clearly stated in the recording content that Bluestar Technology, as a globally influential Internet giant, is an indispensable part to ensure the integrity of the "" plan to eavesdrop on data.
Nei also made it clear that if Luo Sheng were not to be submissive, he would have to take special measures to yield to him.
The NSA's first instinct was to wonder if Bluestar was doing it, because after the scandal came out, Bluestar became the first beneficiary.
But skepticism can't produce evidence, even if the evidence is presented, it can't do much. For the worst result of Bluestar Technology, at most, it will withdraw from the North American market.
This data was exposed, and Wall Street and the market reacted immediately ~ ~ The stock of Bluestar Technology Group rose sharply by 9% on the same day, and it rose sharply in the following days. Not only did all the previously evaporated market value eat up After coming back, the total market value was pushed to a new record of 278.1 billion US dollars, ranking third in the world in the ranking of global listed companies.
Netizens who eat melons in the Mainland are so happy to see such a result, and use a word circulating on the Internet to describe it: it all depends on their counterparts.
No one expected that the biggest winner would be Bluestar Technology Group.
In contrast to the super fierce material that broke out now, compared with Luo Sheng's attending the hearing before, a righteous image has been established in front of people all over the world with a sharp and unprecedented attitude.
Now ordinary users are more trusted and assured to use the products and services of Bluestar Technology Group. The stock market has risen sharply, and there must be another place that will fall sharply, not elsewhere. Google, Yahoo, and several other Silicon Valley technology giants.
This is undoubtedly an unprecedented publicity for Bluestar Technology Group. It is more effective than any advertisement and can be called an epic advertisement.
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