Chapter 415: [Expert Association of Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance of Lithography Equipment Industry ...

The trip to the capital went smoothly and the results were perfect.
Luo Luosheng stayed here for ten days before leaving for home, and "Fortune Life" also posted his interview video on the Internet without cutting it out.
I originally wanted to broadcast it on the TV station, but because it only lasted 17 minutes, even with some clip narration and intermediary advertisements, I could n’t make it 35 minutes, so I could n’t play it on the TV station, so I had to put it online.
It was originally expected to interview for half an hour. However, the content of the other party's interview made Luo Sheng very unhappy. The interview was ended in advance. The interview team was very embarrassing, and did not dare to be angry or to speak. When I went back and explained, I was also angry by the leader Approved.
However, putting the interview video on the Internet has also caused great attention. There are very few special interview videos about Luo Sheng. In addition to his current social influence and popularity, the attention is naturally high.
"It's not entrepreneurs who choose immigration, they are all small bosses."
"A little more entrepreneurs like the Archbishop, that's our role model."
"This pattern is so big, it doesn't matter if you listen to him, it's clear, it's amazing."
"Luo Sheng, the pride of the Chinese people."
"The archbishop is doing business for the sake of the country's progress, not for individuals, or incidentally for individuals."
"Because people's wealth has reached that level."
"Speaking of truth, there are still a few people who have this realm. Look at Li Chaoren who has money, but is there such a realm? Everyone confesses that he is a pure businessman."
"The feelings of a person's home country have nothing to do with the amount of money, at least it is really not big."
"The businessmen's pattern is to make a portion of the money and then transfer and enjoy it. For people with a bishop pattern, money has become a number, so there will be greater ideals and pursuits in life."
"Thousands of billions and billions are the same as tens of millions of billions, giving the archbishop kneeling."
"It's too blunt, an entrepreneur who loves the country and the people. He knows that the strength of the country is good for personal development, and that the strength of the individual is the stronger foundation of the country."
"(╯ ‵ □ ′) ╯︵┻ ┻ ┻ 人, people are more irritating than mad, it is easy to say hundreds of millions, 唉 ......"
"I do n’t have a lot of money for him. [Covering face]"
"Haha, get old iron."
Uh ...
On the Internet, it is hotly debated, but Luo Sheng has never paid attention to it. He returned to the company from the capital and started to work because some people were busy in the following days.
The first is the layout of the semiconductor industry, the second is the P4 laboratory, and finally the most important event of the second half of this year on the French Riviera is coming.
The "" plan that has been secretly developed so far is about to enter a decisive stage, and the Cote d'Azur company once again launches the third new hardware product-the mainframe.
If Sony knows that Luo Sheng wants to compete with the PS host as the first party, he still buys the Sony Cell chip at the bottom. If he knows that Luo Sheng has been fooled, he will definitely spit blood.
When I went to talk with Sony, Luo Sheng vowed that he would definitely not be a game console ...
Uh ...
The turn came to mid-August in an instant.
Hua Hua Zhuo Jingke headquarters.
"What are you talking about? Luo Sheng is going to lead a‘ Expo Association of Lithographic Equipment Industry Technology Innovation Strategy Alliance ’?
Zhu Yu, who was sitting in the office, looked surprised at the assistant who reported.
"Yes, it is said that it is the result of the country's active promotion behind the scenes. Not only us, but also dozens of related companies such as Microelectronics, Guowang Optical Technology, Shengli Precision, etc. have received the news."
昱 Zhu Yu couldn't help but hesitated, and immediately fell into contemplation. He was the actual controller and chief scientist of Huazhuo Jingke, Ph.D., a major leader in this industry.
Huazhuo Jingchuang is currently the only domestic supplier of lithography machine workbenches. The lithography machine is mainly composed of an exposure optical system and an ultra-precision workbench. The ultra-precision workbench is the core subsystem of the lithography machine product platform. In the process of lithography, the wafer realizes high-speed and ultra-precise step-scanning motion, and the cost accounts for about% of the lithography machine.
The precision worktable technology of photolithography machine is in the most advanced position in the field of ultra-precision machinery manufacturing and control. It is known as the pearl in the crown of ultra-precision technology.
Huazhuo Jingchuang is the second company in the world to master the core technology of dual workpiece table, and successfully launched the first dual workpiece table prototype that meets the requirements of 65nm lithography, breaking ASML's technology monopoly in this field. .
Zhu Yu is not only the actual controller of Huazhuo Jingchuang, but also the director of the Institute of Mechanical and Electronic Engineering of Qinghua University. Deputy group leader, deputy chief technical officer, equipment group, lithography unit leader. Published two academic monographs, published more than 170 papers, applied for more than 160 national invention patents, authorized more than 90, including 9 US patents.
Is a rare big man in the industry.
"Well, know, other work arrangements are temporarily postponed, go to Sucheng for an appointment." Zhu Yu ended his thinking and immediately made a decision. He has realized that the industry is about to usher in a major or even huge change.
The efficiency that the country actively promotes behind the scenes is different. Almost at the same time, the companies or research institutions related to the technology of the lithography equipment industry have learned the news and responded one after another. This ability to coordinate and dispatch and focus on major issues is only available worldwide. This family has no branches.
Uh ...
底 At the end of August, Zhu Yu came to Sucheng by invitation and went to Luo Sheng's private science and technology complex building. All the leaders of the top companies in the field of lithography equipment in China were here.
For example, another semiconductor-related company in Suzhou, "Shengli Precision", is a provider of structural modules for the 3C industry in the mainland. This company was established in Suzhou High-tech Zone in 2003. Private technology-based enterprise groups now have a registered capital of 2.2 billion yuan and net assets of approximately 5.8 billion yuan.
Shengli Precision was listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange this year. At the same time, it has more than 60 wholly-owned, holding and joint-stock subsidiaries in China, Poland, Finland, Estonia, North America, and Japan. It designs precision manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, new energy and other fields. It is currently one of the top 500 domestic private enterprises.
Uh ...
At this time, in an empty indoor conference hall inside the building, more than thirty men in formal clothes were sitting at a large oval table, Luo Sheng was also present, and only he was dressed casually as usual, and only him It is the youngest person, but the one with the most energy among all the people present.
It is worth mentioning that almost half of the companies represented by the company have accepted Shengfeng Capital's investment and participation, so Luo Sheng is actually one of their bosses, and most of them have a stake of about%. Never thought of holding.
But Luo Sheng also has a way to control indirectly. Simple, that is, to restrict by technology.
"Dear everyone, before I get to the topic, I will announce the good news ~ ~ The domestic high-end lithography equipment is expected to be successful in the next three to five years."
Luo Luosheng's words were very concise, but everyone present was shocked.
昱 Zhu Yu was startled subconsciously: "What? Three to five years? Mr. Luo, are you sure this is not kidding us?"
Luo Luosheng glanced at the other person and looked around at the crowd: "Can it be that I took the trouble to invite you all for fun? I'm serious."
Everyone was surprised and looked at each other, and none came out to respond.
Luo Sheng immediately opened the large screen in the conference hall, and then tapped it on his work computer. The attendees looked at each other and saw a line on the large screen on the wall: EUV lithography ( EUV)
Zhu Yu and others saw that this heart was even more shocked. As professionals in the industry, how could they not know what these words represent.
In the late 1990s, ASML and some other partners began to study the demonstration of EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography, and some people believed that EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography can save Moore's law and continue its life.
But is this really the case?
There was such a doubt in the hearts of the industry leaders attending the conference that EUV is still like a bird after so many years, and there is still no breakthrough progress.
But Luo Sheng suddenly said such things, and the country was behind the scenes, and they had to re-evaluate in their hearts. After all, the "Luo Sheng effect" is still very powerful.
Uh ...
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