Chapter 42: [Cross-border? The establishment of a second wholly-owned company? 】

Luo Sheng looked at him in the quiet office, and Irene stared straight up at his eyes. After a while, Luo Sheng stepped away from his eyes first, and stopped looking at the rounded buttocks.
Luo Luosheng: "As you wish!"
After speaking, he put it into action, and a sudden palm attack struck the sky.
Eileen: "Huh? ~~"
"Well, go and give you a reply."
Eileen gave a playful smile, threw a charming wink, and turned gracefully away towards the office door.
Luo Luosheng did not expect that this little Nizi could still have the side of this wild road. No wonder her eyes are blue. I remember when she chatted that her grandma was from Europe, and she had a quarter of cricket bloodlines.
After a short episode, Luo Sheng also put aside these thoughts and devoted himself to his work. In the future, there will be time to explore. Maybe this girl paper will have more hidden attributes.
The next day.
Luo Sheng got the half-year salary paid to him in advance by the company's finances, a total of 90,000 yuan. Every expense of the company must pass the verification of the audit. In fact, less than 80,000 yuan is in hand. This is the tax. After the individual can dispose of wealth.
He rented a house in a community, not too far from the office.
To and from work Luo Sheng drives the company's commercial vehicle. After getting financing, he also has a special mobility tool. It is not a luxury car. Currently he is expanding enrollment. There is no special car driver. He can only drive by himself. Have obtained a driver's license.
The residential area where Luo Sheng is located. The rented house is in the fifth building and twenty-story building in the residential area. Each floor has three houses. The house number of Luo Sheng's residence is 5 3A, living on the third floor.
Not long after returning from work that day, Luo Sheng received a phone notification that a grand piano he had ordered was delivered, which cost 48,000 yuan, which was not super expensive, but the price was not cheap. The salary for half a year Go for most of it.
At this moment, Luo Sheng was sitting in the living room thinking about the company's affairs, and soon he heard the knock on the door.
I went to open the door and saw five or six people at the door, and there was a grand piano.
The staff moved the piano into the room. The house was divided into three rooms and two living rooms, divided into a large living room and a small living room. Several staff members placed the piano in the large living room according to Luo Sheng's request, and then left, leaving two. Men, one of them is a piano tuner.
Twenty-five hours later, all the commissioning was completed and it was confirmed that there were no problems. Luo Sheng completed the signing and the two men also left.
生活 This life is a habit that Luo Sheng developed in the last life. He concentrates on work, and when he is free, he also plays the piano, capsizes, or enjoys outdoor life.
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With the passage of time day by day, it quickly entered the end of August, and Blue Star Technology also developed rapidly under his management.
The company's scale has now expanded to 137 people, the development of the news flow project has been completed by 90%, the product has been initially formed, and internal testing has begun.
These two months are also the two months when the number of users of the Blue Space website surged. After getting the pre-A round of financing, it was not bad to have Qian Luosheng. In just two months, he spent more than 55 million. Such extravagance is for the expansion of the blue space, and to seize user resources with major competitors renren, this money is mainly used to explore the markets of neighboring countries.
In addition, the increase in the number of users brings the expansion of servers and the increase in bandwidth costs. Paying high network fees to operators has become a major operating expense.
The current Blue Space website has been launched successively in foreign university campuses in the past two months. So far, it has been successfully launched in 42 overseas universities.
However, the focus of development is still domestic, but Luo Sheng is very clear that the greatest potential is still abroad. From the beginning of the company, his vision is to look at the world.
The product "going abroad" also benefited from the country's entry into the WTO. Americans are now very confident, so they are still "tolerant". This is the reason why the blue space goes to sea without being stuck. In addition, the old American is now basically Instead of focusing on the East, they are focusing on "Silly Big Wood" and "Deng Ge", and their eyes are focused on the Middle East world.
上午 On the morning of August 27th, Bluestar Technology officially announced that the number of user registrations of its Blue Space website reached a new high, reaching 87 million, and active users reached 51.5 million, accounting for about 58.8% of the market share.
Bluestar Technology was founded half a year ago, and its Blue Space website was born half a year ago. In just six months, the number of user registrations has reached more than 80 million.
The purpose of publishing this data is naturally to give investors confidence and to get more investment in the future.
The entire capital circle is excited about it, and the blue space has become a new outlet in the industry, and its attention is getting higher and higher.
When people think that the basics of the Internet can be done, the blue space appears and rises at an alarming rate. Bluestar Technology has become a rising star in the Internet industry, and Luo Sheng's name has already been in the industry. Frequently mentioned.
His rise is also very topical. Now the big blue space social networking site is a work of a group of college students. Now it is under 19 years old, and its value is valued at hundreds of millions. It is very hot in itself and the media is natural. I like to report enthusiastically, and even report Luo Sheng's personal story more frequently than the social network he created.
The media knows that the public prefers Luo Sheng's personal rise, so he naturally launched a hype on this topic.
The pursuit of the outside world is very exciting for the company team, many people are a little bit drifted, but Luo Sheng has not been affected by media reports, but is still urging team members.
很 He is very clear that when the number of registered users of the website exceeds 80 million, it is still far from being successful. When will he become an oligarch in the industry and occupy more than 80% of the market share, he can be regarded as successful.
Moreover, the domestic economic environment is a real problem. It is also 80 million users. If it is 80 million users in North America, the potential commercial value of each user may be ten times higher. There is no way. The consumption level of developed countries is there. of.
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一 In the early morning, Luo Sheng came to work in the company and was sitting in the CEO's office alone and constantly thinking. These days, he is almost thinking about the future.
Several major investors in the industry have positioned him as an entrepreneur in the Internet industry, but Luo Sheng himself does not think so, and it is impossible for Bluestar Technology to be just an Internet company.
I also have to get involved in hardware technology.
Luo Luosheng observes the world and the trend of technology in this era. Although there is still no concept of mobile Internet, or even buds, he can feel strongly that the earth is about to emerge.
Luo Luosheng doesn't want to miss this outlet, but it is not easy to get involved in hardware technology. The arrival of the mobile Internet is a matter of recent years, and he has no foundation, so he can only plan early.
I thought that Luo Sheng could not help but nodded secretly, but the new question came, how to raise money, play hardware development, not only to hurry up, but also to have enough financial resources to burn to play.
With the current unparalleled development speed in the blue space, Luo Sheng can allocate some funds from the finance for hardware research and development, and he does not have to doubt that once the hardware is transcended from the Internet, investors will definitely be fiercely opposed. The follow-up financing is basically slim.
Although it has already invested money and investors cannot manage it, VC can not invest it in the future. Right failure has become a bad debt, and the number of users in the blue space has skyrocketed, and operating costs have risen, it will definitely require a lot of capital financing. of.
Actually, this is not where Luo Sheng really hurts his mind. UU reads www.uukanshu. What really hurts com is how to raise R & D capital while sharing less benefits, so VCs do n’t have to do anything to pay for it. In the future, an Internet blue star technology will be enough for them to make money. Divide them into hardware technology.
I took too much!
What troubles me is how to raise this money. I ca n’t take Bluestar ’s money. Otherwise, I have to share the income with investors. If I use Bluestar ’s assets to do other things, it ’s a crime of misappropriating company assets. .
Luo Sheng thinks about it. What he can currently get is the equity of Bluestar Technology. After the pre-A round of financing, he currently holds about 65.45% of the equity of Bluestar Technology, and can only transfer part of the equity to raise it. Start-up fund, set up another 100% wholly-owned technology company to do hardware technology research and development.
And this company is undoubtedly a real black technology company. The technology products developed must be at least five years ahead of the world. Luo Sheng decided to take the road of doing things and choose not to go public or raise funds.
It is worth mentioning that the transfer of equity and financing are two concepts. Under the condition that the overall equity is unchanged, the original shareholder transfers his own shares to others, so that other people can obtain shareholder rights, which is not involved. To increase the company's capital, only the company's shareholders have changed.
In short, Luo Sheng sold a part of his equity, and the funds obtained from the sale were his personally controlled property, not the company's money.
After thinking about it for a while, Luo Sheng temporarily held these ideas in his mind. It is still too early. At least this year, I don't need to consider it. The main energy is still spent on Bluestar Technology, making the company's valuation up, and then transferring the equity. Cash out can get more funds with less equity transfers.
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