Chapter 426: [Intel's Attention]

Germany, morning local time.
"Several European media wanted to give you an exclusive interview. Would you like to be invited?" Qin Weimu, a part-time Luo Sheng personal assistant, asked him in the hotel room.
"Let Xiaoming go to the top, let's go home today." Luo Sheng said casually, but he refused without thinking, and his trip to Europe should end here.
Lu Siming is the person in charge of the project, and it is also appropriate for him to come forward. Luo Sheng knows that these media in Europe want to interview him most, because it can exceed more interview content, and the attention is not comparable to Lu Siming.
However, the employer refused.
Qin Weimu nodded: "Well then, I'll arrange to notify the special plane at the airport."
Simply finished washing, Luo Sheng ate a breakfast and called Lu Siming over a short time, mainly to remind him that when he was interviewed by the media in Europe, he focused on the topics related to the console and the game industry. Expand, don't say anything else.
This is the first time that Lu Siming has been out of the mountain and needs a little urging.
Luo Sheng didn't stay in Germany for too long. He already set off on a private plane to return to the country that morning.
The Cote d'Azur company began to upgrade more than 200 offline retail stores around the world except Greater China, and opened up a host sales area. The host sales channel for new members of the family is still mainly offline retail stores. Players can Recently purchased by the store, in addition to other third-party cooperation channels are also actively promoted.
Just as Luo Sheng returned from Germany, the top third-party game developers around the world, including the first-party Microsoft Interactive Entertainment Group President Don Mattrick, also set off for Chinatown.
The purpose of the third-party game developers is to "board". According to the current market feedback information, they realize that the latest generation of consoles on the azure coast may be sold, which means a powerful first The rise of one host platform.
As a third-party developer's game maker, of course, it is unwilling to see that such a large host platform does not have its own work. The Cell chip turned into a magic in Luo Sheng's hands, allowing third-party developers to dispel concerns.
Third parties are thinking about how to sell games on the console platform and get more game sales.
Three days later, the reception room of the company's new headquarters.
"Mr. Luo, we hope that the Xbox console can obtain the technical support of your company's Ark Compiler." Don Mattrick, the president of Microsoft's Interactive Entertainment Division, is the first person to speak directly.
Luo Sheng likes this way of negotiation. Without dragging his feet, he immediately smiled and said, "No problem at all."
Don Mattrick asked, "What are the conditions for your company? How much do you want Microsoft to pay to provide us with a technical solution?"
Luo Sheng shook his head and smiled: "Haha, I don't need money. The most important thing I have right now is cash flow. Our company's cash reserves are even more than Microsoft's."
Look, listen, is this human?
Don Mattrick felt a pain in his heart, and it was difficult to refute, but he still didn't show it, and asked, "What do you want?"
Luo Sheng didn't meander, he said bluntly: "My request is very simple. Your company's forthcoming" Halo: Zhiyuanxing "and its follow-up works and predecessors must be sold on the host platform."
Don Mattrick denied: "NO, Mr. Luo, forgive me this condition, or another one, isn't cash payment good? Who hates cash?"
After talking about it, he also scolded Luo Sheng. The "Halo" series is an exclusive game of the Xbox console, a treasure of the town shop.
It is absolutely impossible to get this in exchange. He knows that Luo Sheng is looking for a large, seemingly loss-making business. In fact, he is actively seeking to expand the content ecosystem of the host platform.
Luo Sheng was called by the Wall Street bosses to be a savvy person. How can a loss-making matter be done?
In the short term, it is a loss for the French Riviera to make such a deal, but in the long term it is a big profit.
Luo Sheng said lightly: "Mr. Mattrick, you can't try to impress him with money in front of the richest person in the world, and the only thing Microsoft can attract me is the" Halo "series."
Don Mattrick was instantly stimulated by speechlessness. This really hit people.
It seems that this is the case. The most important thing is money. No matter how much money you take, no one has money. Not only is there no fluctuation in your heart, you even want to laugh a little, not to mention you can't take more money.
The meeting ended in less than half an hour, and the results were obvious and the talks collapsed.
Luo Sheng is only interested in the landing of the "Halo" series, other conditions are optional, and Microsoft, as a multinational technology giant, is also a master of money and has his own temperament.
Microsoft would rather go all out to develop a new generation of next-generation consoles rather than give up the exclusive qualification of Halo. This is one of the few highlights of the Xbox, and if it is gone, it will be even more mediocre.
In the afternoon, Luo Sheng met with the global vice president of another international friend, Sony.
The purpose of the other party is exactly the same as that of Microsoft. They are all running the "Ark compiler". It can be said that Sony is most in need of this technology to improve the performance of the PS3 host. The PS3 chip is the old Cell chip. In a sense, there is something to do with it.
The Sony PS4 does not know when it will be available in the market. After this year in the home console market, before there are no new products, the console will dominate for a long time and even dominate the market.
International friends are very anxious, and Sony is the most anxious among them, relying heavily on PS3 game consoles to continue to support for some time.
Luo Sheng also made the same request, not interested in money, and Sony is not as generous as Microsoft.
The condition is to exchange Sony's exclusive best-selling masterpieces such as "Final Fantasy" series and "God of War" series.
As a result of the negotiations, Sony agreed to such conditions for technology and content interchange, and had to agree. This was the result of his own mischief. Who made Sony unpopular with third-party game developers?
The developer of the "Final Fantasy" series, Square Enix (SE), wanted to get rid of Sony's claws for a long time. They were all created by themselves. A good third-party game company had to enter the film and television industry. "Fantasy: Deep in the Soul" This game adaptation movie almost bankrupted SE company. Finally, Sony Investment took over 14% of the shares to avoid the tragedy of bankruptcy, but it was also survived by Sony's "daddy" various trainings. .
After this host conference, SE company began to frown on the French Riviera. Other third parties were also insanely suggesting that Sony could see and be anxious.
People's minds are not good enough for the team.
Sony's desire for game monopoly now is not as strong as it used to be. In fact, it is not that it does not want it, but it cannot.
There is no doubt that the host is definitely the rhythm of debut, the peak. In the last quarter of this year and the whole year of 2011 next year, when the home host market is full of hosts, the industry almost agrees.
Nine copies of the 3A-level game masterpieces that have been confirmed to land on the platform have been locked, namely: The Witcher: King Assassin, GTA: Song of the Merry Tony, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Call of Duty: Black Ops, "Tomb Raider 9", "Final Fantasy 13", "God of War 3", "The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim", "Metal Gear: Peace Messenger ~ ~ host platform content ecological construction, start from the beginning It is said that it has surpassed the Xbox, surpassed the PS, and also surpassed the established lineups of such established manufacturers as Sega and Nintendo.
Make sure that each work on the platform is a well-known best-selling masterpiece. Players are familiar with it. Each work has accumulated a huge fan base. Each work has led the trend for a period of time. Explosion.
This lineup can be called the rhythm of the sky.
And just as the Cote d'Azur host is swiping the screen in the global gaming industry, Intel is holding an internal conference centered around the host chip Cell processor and the "Ark compiler".
If it was said that Intel was dismissive of the acquisition of Sony's Cell chip business on the Cote d'Azur, but today, Intel has also felt unusual.
Things went a little bit unexpectedly.
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