Chapter 458: [Harvest starts now]

In mid-late August, Bluestar Technology Group officially disclosed its financial report on the 19th of this month with the approval of Luo Sheng.
Bluestar Technology Group's revenue reached US $ 50.3 billion and net profit reached US $ 18.1 billion this quarter, setting a new world record again.
In the first half of this year, Bluestar Technology Group's total revenue reached 98.29 billion US dollars, or about 670.3 billion yuan; net profit was 35.1 billion US dollars, about 239.4 billion yuan, and its net profit margin reached about 35.7%.
The world's most profitable company, the strongest wealth harvesting machine, deserves its name.
It was night, the villa where Qin Weimu was located, and Luo Sheng was here at night. Do n’t worry, today is an odd number of days.
At this moment after Wushan Yunyu, Qin Weimu said in a lazy tone: "About another 11 hours or so, 1392 fund accounts will start the clearance process and sell all the BTC shares held. It is expected that This time the gain will reach US $ 150 billion, and the total net asset size of the family fund will reach US $ 208.8 billion, excluding the exchange rate change of approximately 1,424 billion yuan. "
Luo Sheng grinned extremely happily, saying: "Wall Street never dreamed that although they could make a lot of money, I became the biggest winner. After BTC stock bottomed, I made a big bid, not too much, 12 % Is enough. "
Qin Weimu nodded.
As of the after-hours trading yesterday, the market value of Bluestar Technology Group has reached an unprecedented high, with a total market value of 1.67 trillion US dollars, or 11.4 trillion yuan, which is undoubtedly an exaggerated figure.
It is worth mentioning that Luo Sheng's family fund has been established for almost 5 years, but within 5 years, the person who manages the family fund has only 15 formal employees, and the fund management headquarters is in Victoria, Canada In a manor house.
Such a fund institution with a net asset of more than 200 billion US dollars, in any country in the world, especially the mainland, it is difficult to imagine that the headquarters staff will only have 15 people in a few years.
The framework of the family fund was designed by Qin Weimu. To a large extent, it borrowed from the model of Berkshire Hathaway and adapted it to the appropriate family fund itself. This market value of hundreds of billions of dollars in Buffett The company headquarters also currently has only 25 employees.
However, at the annual shareholder meeting, Berkshire Hathaway will receive tens of thousands of shareholders and "pilgrims" from all over the world, but Luo Sheng's family fund does not hold shareholder meetings.
At present, the Luo Sheng Family Fund has only 15 employees, most of whom are women, and the elderly are the majority. The employees have been stable for a long time. They will not increase or decrease for five years, and they will not increase or decrease in the future. There is no specific employee retirement system.
The chairman is Qin Weimu, in addition to it, there is an executive vice chairman, an assistant to the chairman, a secretary to the chairman, an investment assistant, three secretaries, a receptionist, three accountants, A stockbroker, a treasurer, and an insurance manager.
Just 15 employees.
What they have to do is to include the major asset allocation of family fund, investment decision, the removal of the main management of various companies in the whole system, the maintenance of investor relations, taxation and wealth management and so on.
The largest shareholder of Shengfeng Capital on the bright side is the Luo Sheng Family Fund, which is one of its important industries. If the employees of related subsidiaries are added up, there are actually more than 40,000 employees. The investment is divided into two major Fields, international finance and basic industrial technology investment in the Mainland.
In a sense, the future wealth of the Luo Sheng Family Fund will surpass Blue Star Technology and the Cote d'Azur, and the technology sector to be invested will usher in a big day.
However, the family fund manages a complex subsidiary company with 15 people in its headquarters. Qin Weimu relies on one rule, that is, six words: to grant power and manage money.
Any of these 15 people are among the elites of investment management. Eleven members have played for Wall Street and are foreigners. There are four Americans, three British, two Dutch, One German and one Swedish.
The average age of this team has reached 62, and Luo Sheng has promised them that his life science fund will have a major breakthrough in the future and be the first to benefit.
Qin Weimu, as the chairman, is the youngest of all people. She is only 28 years old this year, and it looks like a woman in her twenties is almost the same. This is the most incredible place.
In the eyes of the team members, she successfully predicted the outbreak of the subprime crisis, the fund was full of money for this, and she successfully predicted the outbreak of the European debt crisis, and once again boldly predicted that Greece was about to go bankrupt and actively planned for it In addition, her strength demonstrated in the international foreign exchange market is also convinced by the staff below. Under her helm, she can now bring tens of billions of dollars in profits to the fund every year.
When they first accepted the employment of the family fund, they were very skeptical of Qin Weimu's business ability, because she was really too young. It was normal to have such doubts, and some people even challenged her.
With this series of dazzling achievements, the dozens of grandmothers and grandpas in the team gradually changed their stereotypes, so she accepted her leadership willingly, and she also gained the "female version of Pakistan" within the team. "Special" title, the authority of the leader has been established for five years.
For the fourteen super employees, in addition to an anti-aging empty check promised by Luo Sheng, the family fund pays them a total of 2.6 billion US dollars in annual premiums, but there is no doubt that it is worth it. The fund was established In the past five years, the scale of assets from the initial US $ 5 billion has soared to the current net assets of US $ 208.8 billion.
The next day, at 9:30 EST, the NASDAQ opened on time.
At this time, the price per share of BTC shares has risen to US dollars. Stimulated by the Q2 earnings report, the stock is still rising sharply, with a sprinting trend of US $ 1.7 trillion.
The majority of small and medium investors and investors in the market are still crazy about the three letters "BTC". Little did they know that the 1392 fund accounts under the Luo Sheng Family Fund started to cash out as planned.
At about the same time, in Washington, on the east coast of North America, at this time the House of Representatives was meeting, and a member of parliament was speaking impassionedly:
"... The United States absolutely does not allow a foreign mega-transnational group to plunder our wealth madly. They are using the power of technology to carry out colonial rule in the United States to realize cash, oBlog and so on ... Oh!"
"This is terrible. Bluestar Technology Group has almost monopolized the online voice channels of Americans. They only need to quietly modify the background program in the background to easily control our freedom of speech."
"They are also madly plundering countless fortunes across the United States. See how brilliant Bluestar ’s Q2 financial report is, with revenues of up to $ 50.3 billion, of which North America has contributed $ 17.57 billion and $ 17.57 billion, and they swept through in a quarter. $ 17.57 billion, that wealth should have been left in North America. "
Just as the congressman generously presented his words, there was a sudden shout from the audience: "Blue Star Technology got out of the United States !!"
"Leave wealth and freedom! Get out of the United States !!!"
"Leave wealth and freedom! Get out of the United States !!!"
Suddenly, the voice of the entire parliament hall became neat and uniform, and the scenes here were being broadcast live through major media in the United States.
For a while ~ ~ The media in the United States are doing a lot of coverage. The Internet is quickly flooded with related public opinion, and the wave of opposition is growing. This kind of public opinion is also full of bluestar technology. Among the group's major social products.
The streets of Los Angeles.
"Excuse me, why are you opposed to Blue Star Technology?"
A local media outlet now found an American youth for a street interview.
The young man thought for a while and shrugged his shoulders before answering the reporter: "I don't know, but the people around me are opposing, so I also oppose to integrate into it, but if they oppose, who cares ..."
Wall Street, Goldman Sachs, Paul Watson's office.
The assistant part-time secretary rushed into his office and said slightly anxiously: "Mr. Watson, the market has reacted abnormally, and some people are leaving the market after a lot of selling."
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