Chapter 463: [You try to move it? I let you die! 】

Two days later, Tsinghua University.
Liu Jianwei was anxious for his team, but they are not doing research now, but everyone is holding each other's handwritten letter from Luo Sheng.
At this moment, everyone has no intention of doing research.
"Luo Sheng is crazy, we just think about it, he not only dares to think, but also dares to do it!"
The members of the team kept talking violently. After a while, everyone looked at Liu Jianwei who didn't say much. One of the researchers couldn't help asking: "Professor Liu, what do you think?"
Professor Liu Jianwei came up with a tactical helper and said concisely: "I decided to quit my job at Qinghua University and go to Luo Sheng."
Not much talk, flat tone, but with a firm attitude.
Luo Sheng is not only extremely sincere in the envelope, but also promises that as long as he can come to work at Star Arrow International, the company will provide at least 1.35 billion yuan in funding for his carbon nanotube new material research project for a period of 20 years. time.
In other words, in 20 years, Liu Jianwei was able to obtain 27 billion yuan in research funding, which is an amount of funding that Liu Jianwei dare not think.
In contrast, he has recently been rejected several times for his 10 million yuan funding for his research project, and this time it is still rejected.
The reason is simple. The stuff he researched is very difficult to produce results, and it takes a long time for the results to have application prospects. This is still based on success.
What if it fails?
Liu Jianwei looked at his research team: "Who are you willing to follow me? If you want to stay, I will arrange it for you."
All team members agreed without hesitation.
This is the invitation of the world's richest man. Not only that, but they also strongly support the idea that the space ladder is unrealistic.
Probably this is the result of the fool and the madman coming together.
Three days later, Liu Jianwei left Qinghua University with his group and came directly to Luo Sheng.
As for the work transfer and resignation of the school, they don't need much labor and effort, Star Arrow International will help to deal with it. This is Luo Sheng's attitude towards talents, and there will be someone from the trivial affairs company to solve it.
Liu Jianwei brought a total of eight members of his team to the Science and Technology Complex. Apart from him, everyone else in this research team is a graduate student, but coming here also means that the degree stops here.
But they did not regret this decision at all.
As the crowd got out of the car, Liu Jianwei turned to look under the reminder of his students, and saw a young man walking calmly with a smile. Several young men and women could not help showing the people who came. Small eyes for worship, especially the two sister papers in the team.
It's not who, it's Luo Sheng. He personally came out to receive the reception. There were really few people who could wait for him in person. The last time was Dr. Ernst Winnak.
"Professor Liu has finally brought you hope. It is really an honor for Xingjian International to have you join." Luo Sheng said with a smile.
"I'm flattered by Mr. Luo's hospitality." Liu Jianwei said. The two sides shook hands politely, but he was surprised that Luo Sheng was so polite.
"You won't say anything polite, please come in!" Luo Sheng continued with a smile, and immediately signaled the seven young people who were standing beside Liu Jianwei, and said to them with a smile: "Don't be restrained, I see I have passed your information. The oldest is only 25 years old. I am one year older. Just call me Luo. "
In this situation, Luo Sheng didn't have the slightest stand, nor did he overwhelm others. The modest gentleman Wen Ruyu immediately relieved the slightly nervous fans and sisters a lot, and did not make much progress.
In the new technology complex building, except for Professor Liu Jianwei, the other seven young men and women were curious and astonished at everything around them. There were two young girls in the team.
For the first time, I saw the mansion of the richest man in the world today, with a sense of simplicity and luxury in luxury. They knew that this was the work of Hadid, a deconstructionist, and the building had won a grand prize.
But what surprised them most was not the sheer scale of this private luxury mansion, but the technology elements they saw along the way. The most impressive one is probably the ubiquitous Cortana.
living room.
"Professor Liu, your team published the results of Nature-Nanotechnology online on May 14 this year. I have read in detail. This work reveals the bright future of ultra-long carbon nanotubes for the manufacture of super-strong fibers. It also points out the direction and method for the development of new super-strong fibers. "
Luo Sheng looked at Liu Jianwei with a smile and continued: "Using the in-situ airflow focusing method, a centimeter-level continuous ultra-long carbon nanotube bundle with a defined composition, a perfect structure and a parallel arrangement was controllably prepared. Limiting factor."
Liu Jianwei was surprised and looked forward to it even more. He did not expect Luo Sheng to do so much homework.
Immediately following Luo Sheng's topic, he and his team exchanged the words: "My team and I made a quantitative analysis of the effects of the composition and structure of the ultra-long carbon nanotube tube bundles by preparing ultra-long carbon nanotube tube bundles with different numbers of units. Physical / mathematical model, and a 'synchronous relaxation' strategy is also proposed. "
"It is through nano-manipulation to release the initial stress of the carbon nanotubes in the tube bundle, so that they are in a narrower segment range, and then the tensile strength of the carbon nanotube tube bundle can be increased to more than 80GP, which is close to that of a single carbon nanotube. The tensile strength is also better than all other fiber materials found so far. "
Luo Sheng said: "The tensile strength has reached the standard of the space ladder cable, but the centimeter level is not enough. What I want is to use this material to make a few ropes with a length of at least 36,000 kilometers. The long tube approach is the point. "
Liu Jianwei: "I think the tensile strength can be increased several times. 300GPa is no problem. It is only 36,000 kilometers ... a long way to go ... Mr. Luo, do you really believe that human beings can build a space ladder in their lifetime?"
Regarding this issue, Liu Jianwei, as the biggest dreamer, also feels a little lack of confidence. This is really a century super project.
Luo Sheng looked around at seven young people and stayed on Liu Jianwei. Perhaps he didn't know that his research results had become the key to the space ladder many years later, let alone imagine that he could see and participate in his lifetime. The groundbreaking ceremony of the "Sky Ladder Project" and the completion of the first space ladder in human history can be seen in life.
Of course, this is the last thing of Luo Sheng.
Luo Sheng laughed: "Dream still needs to be there. In general, my opinion is that the space ladder is a theoretically feasible, but extremely difficult and extremely troublesome century-old project that requires humans to be full of cutting-edge technology. . "
"But just like those epic projects in history, the establishment of the Great Wall 2,000 years ago, the construction of the Grand Canal for more than 1,000 years, including today's Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao bridge, which is not a merit in life, is determined What about it? "
"The establishment of Dujiangyan has achieved the emperor's cause of the Qin State, and the Pacific Railway has witnessed the rise of the United States. It is these super projects that have achieved the rise of civilization and the prosperity of the country."
"Five hundred years ago, a group of navigators began the process of globalization without fear of danger. Today, the efforts of astronauts and scientists will be the beginning of the next space era. The earth is the cradle of our human beings. , But we cannot be in the cradle all the time. "
"In the future, mankind's large-scale entry into space will be inseparable from the opening of new low-cost routes into space like the space ladder. Our journey is the sea of ​​stars, and the space ladder will support the early stages of humankind in the Xinghai. Future home. "
Although Luo Sheng's speech was not so impassioned, and even the tone of his speech was bland, it ignited the hearts of every listener and surged involuntarily.
Yes, in the ancient times, it was possible to build epic projects that modern people thought was impossible. The glory created by the ancestors in the past is undoubtedly the best inspiration for future generations.
After a period of time, everyone gradually calmed down their internal turbulence. Liu Jianwei couldn't help worrying: "It's just this century super project. I am more worried that potential war hazards will easily destroy all efforts."
"Destroy? Professor Liu, you don't need to worry about this kind of problem."
Hearing this, Luo Sheng said with a smile, and then his smile seemed a little contemptuous, and then added with a light and light attitude: "When it comes to this, it reminds me of the Three Gorges Dam. No one likes to take this Come to joke, especially some so-called American scholars, how many people would be drowned if they blow up their Three Gorges Dam? Two billion or three hundred million? How much industrial area will be flooded? "
"Then some experts came out to explain what the Three Gorges is a concrete gravity dam that can withstand the impact of small nuclear bombs. Secondly, after layers of fortification, no aircraft can penetrate, and even if a small portion of it penetrates, it is just scratching. It's just itching. "
"Oh, is that enough?" Luo Sheng sneered, and the gentleman suddenly disappeared, and turned into an iron hawkish character, saying:
"It's not enough ~ ~ I tell you that I have security windows and security doors in your house, you can't get in, baby is still in the safe of the underground storehouse, you can't get it, why is it so? Say? Is our army not strong enough? Is our intercontinental missile not enough? Is the missile's range insufficient to hit your North American soil? Or is it that the number of nuclear bombs in my warehouse is not enough to kill you once? "
"In this way, it is not called national deterrence. What is national deterrence? That is, I tell the world and Americans plainly that the Three Gorges Dam is our core property and is my treasure, and I will tell you that this treasure On the coffee table at the table in my living room, there are no security doors or windows. "
"So the space ladder is the same. This super project is the core property of our country. I just put it on the equator. There are no military ports around it, and no fleet garrison. It stands so smooth there, but you move. Give it a try? I'll let you die! You move the whole thing, this is the real national deterrence. "
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