Chapter 465: [He is the vane of the industry, the barometer of the economy]

After the crocodile made a dip, the broader market ushered in a surge. The entire stock market was like a spring breeze, and the entire market was hot.
People also have to marvel at the terrifying energy contained in the Blue Star Technology Group, which can be called a cloud and a rain.
BTC's trading price was locked at $ 522.45 per share after the trading day, and the total market value soared to $ 757.56 billion, an increase of $ 243.96 billion.
The total market value of ICBC, which is the first line in the universe, has risen by more than US $ 30 billion in one day. The current market value of ICBC is US $ 211.3 billion.
This anti-trend trend shocked the eyes of countless media and people who eat melon. After nearly two months, Blue Star Technology Group was once again covered by news media around the world. Related news was also swiped on the Internet Rhythm.
"This world is so magical that I can't keep up."
"One day's skyrocketing 1.66 trillion soft sister coins, my Nima looked silly."
"It was a day when three trillion yuan of soft sister coins plummeted two months ago. I was stupid as a whole."
"Anyway, it refreshed my knowledge of the idiom" ups and downs. "
"How many people went to the rooftop two months ago? How many people got rich overnight after two months?"
"Jenima's excitement."
"Just look at it, look at it, anyway, my heart can't bear this roller coaster experience."
"Why are there so many leeks? This is the charm of the stock market ... [二 哈]"
The family fund successfully bottomed out 12%, and Bluestar Technology also achieved 9% stock repurchase. This time, Luo Sheng did not choose to make a bottom first and then release the good news.
Wall Street and the Americans are not fools. It is too obvious to do so. Luo Sheng does not want to take this risk. His hidden assets can be delayed as soon as possible.
Luo Sheng would choose to eat all the food once saturated.
Following this trend, the market value of Bluestar Technology Group before the end of this year is very promising to return to the throne of trillion dollar market value.
However, although it seems that the whole market has entered a new period of fanaticism, a closer inspection can still find that it is more sensible than last time.
As long as Laomei does not start the sanctions process, the market value of Bluestar Technology Group is basically impossible to fall below one trillion US dollars. There is no strong event to drive this prerequisite. In the face of such a huge company, there is no one on Wall Street. Or any capital group would dare to go short.
When he comes, he must be killed for ten deaths.
After this battle, Luo Sheng's asset list in his hand has also stabilized, and great changes have also occurred.
Mingming personally holds 24.41% of Bluestar Technology, which has a net worth of US $ 184.9 billion in nominal value. In addition, he personally holds 30% of the Blue Coast shares. The net assets here are US $ 63.5 billion.
If the Cote d'Azur is listed, Wall Street's current valuation of $ 450 billion for the company would not be $ 63.5 billion, but $ 135 billion.
The second is invisible assets. After this campaign, the Luo Sheng family fund has reached a total net asset size of 241.9 billion US dollars.
Therefore, Luo Sheng's total nominal value now + the assets of the family fund have reached 49903 billion US dollars, the cash flow is in the family fund, the cash reserve that can be taken out at any time is 121.7 billion US dollars, the rest are stocks or fixed assets, most Still heavy assets, these are not in his company, but he personally controls.
The rich idiom is interpreted to the extreme here by Luo Sheng.
At this point, the cause is still missing the ceiling and still in a period of rapid rise. This is the most terrifying place.
There is no doubt that Luo Sheng is one of the biggest winners, and Wall Street is close behind.
However, it is impossible to change the fact that the outbreak of the Black Swan incident was actually a plundering and harvesting action of wealth, which further widened the gap between the rich and the poor, and concentrated a large amount of wealth in the hands of a few wealthy wealthy families.
The Luo Sheng family is actually one of the world's top family consortiums. It directly controls nearly 500 billion US dollars of assets and indirectly controls 1.12 trillion US dollars of assets. Obviously, over time, the numbers will Constantly expanding.
If it is in the United States, the Luo Sheng family can definitely be among the top three consortia.
In November, the heat finally receded, and the public and the media also turned their attention elsewhere.
As the time came to mid-to-late November, Luo Sheng once again appeared in the public's field of vision.
On November 19th, the three-day first Internet Conference officially opened in Tungsten Town. Internet leaders from all walks of life gathered in this ancient town with a history of more than 7,000 years of civilization and a history of more than 1,300 years.
It is such an ancient town full of Chinese style and summer charm that it has been intertwined with modern Internet technology.
At around 9:30 in the morning, a special car drove to the edge of the red carpet at the entrance to the main entrance of the conference, and major media reporters on both sides turned the camera and shot.
After the bodyguard opened the car door, Luo Sheng came out of his car, and the shutter sound of the camera was endless.
This is one of the few pictures he has appeared under the media lens this year.
This man is simply a walking news hot spot, a living legend, and a sneeze can make the entire tech world tremble. The market value of Blue Star Technology Group from the avalanche to the hurricane has been the best in the past few months Proof.
After seeing a real person, the people present could not help but take stock of the territory of the business science and technology empire that Luo Sheng is currently in charge of.
Bluestar Technology, Cote d'Azur, Xiongxin Electronics, Life Science Fund, Shengfeng Capital and Star Arrow International, which was just established.
These are all sons.
And the wholly-owned subsidiaries, holding companies, and joint-stock companies of these enterprises have more than 2,600 in total, and half of them are under the Blue Star Technology Group, which shows that Luo Sheng ’s
has almost penetrated the world The major boundaries of the Internet technology community.
It is no exaggeration to say, as the title of some media reports wrote: he is the vane of the industry, the barometer of the economy.
Interestingly, when Luo Sheng entered, there was no one in front and no one behind, so he had to come in silently by himself, but fortunately, there was a beautiful sister Yingbin in cheongsam who soon came to pick him up.
No way, other big guys are avoiding him as far as possible, or pulling away, otherwise the camera is on him, so much shameless.
After all, Luo Sheng is really too young, only 26 years old this year, and looks even younger.
Among the many big coffees in the industry, Luo Sheng and Baidu Li are representatives of high beauty, especially Luo Sheng, the youngest but most influential of the big coffees.
Finally, Luo Sheng came to the Gangster seat area in the front row of the opening conference. On this way, some people in the technology industry couldn't wait to take out a photo of his mobile phone and let him and the Gangster enter the same frame. However, he also knew his weight and didn't go up. Talking about capital.
And some of the billion-dollar corporate executives also shook hands with him. Luo Sheng could only hold each other along the way, and all kinds of fortunate, long-lasting, and opportunities to cooperate kept repeating, all the way to the pocket The place is full of business cards. Almost all of these people are over 20 years old, but they pay such respect to a young man.
Called the scene.
In fact, Luo Sheng didn't even know them ...
The people that Luo Sheng knows are only the few big bosses in the country, such as President Alima, President Xu, President Yu and President Ren, and foreign countries such as Gates, Buffett, Larry Page, Eric Shi Real big guys like Mitt, or the financial giants on Wall Street.
His position determines Luo Sheng's circle of friends.
Over time, the conference has begun.
In fact, the organizer greeted Luo Sheng and hoped that he could make an opening speech on stage.
However, Luo Sheng declined. ~ This time he came to play with a soy sauce mentality, and the recent limelight has been enough.
I do n’t want to grab the C position with other big brothers. His achievements and influence today do n’t even need to deliberately occupy the C position. Where is he?
Although his strength has not allowed him to be low-key, his subjective emotions are still better.
At this moment, the person who is giving a speech on the stage is actually Ma, the founder of Ali. Luo Sheng is a quiet listener in his own position. In the public's vision, he always shows the person with a modest gentleman, and gives people A polite feeling.
But if Liu Jianwei's team knew it, the first one would come out against it.
At that time, Luo Sheng's phrase "I let you die" still impressed them.
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