Chapter 471: [1 accidentally made the incidental research and development technology into a world leader ...

Qinghai Lake.
This is the largest inland lake in China and the largest saltwater lake in the country. There are faults formed between Datong Mountain in Qilian Mountain, Riyue Mountain and Nanshan Mountain in Qinghai.
Qinghai Lake is located on the plateau. In July and August, the average daily temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius. At this time, Qinghai Lake is also the most beautiful. Thousands of acres of talented flowers bloom in bloom around the lake. , The wild flowers of the alpine pasture are colorful, such as silk, and countless cattle and sheep.
The eleven-member expedition team of the "Xunpeng Project" project set out here in July.
They came here to investigate the current comprehensive environment, especially environmental data at the bottom of the lake.
In an instant, it's now the end of the year.
Seven or eight working tents were set up along the lake's coast, and the most prominent was temporary signal stations.
"Brothers, don't make any mistakes, otherwise you can only spend here this year, Xiao Liu, get some food, and the meal is almost here." A large work tent, the leader of the inspection team urged With everyone.
At this time, around 11 am, I saw two staff members who left the work place driving an off-road vehicle. This place is very remote, and there are no people settled nearby. It takes two hours to find a place to eat and drink. Buy food at your local residence.
But even in December, they can occasionally see some tourists, see a lot of self-driving tours, and even curious people come to them and ask for directions.
Although the conditions are very difficult, being away from the hustle and bustle of the big city and nature is also a kind of hard work, which is not convenient for daily life.
At the same time, there were three people standing in the center of the lake, and a lot of equipment was placed on the surface of the ice powder. At the same time, the ice holes were dug out from time to time to keep them from freezing.
The Qinghai Lake will freeze in winter, frozen in December every year, and it will not open until the end of March.
After a while, two staff members in diving suits surfaced, and the staff on the lake immediately pulled them up.
"The measuring equipment has been placed at the designated location. This is the last time. I hope that nothing will go wrong."
On the other side, the organization of the expedition also took two assistants to drive away and drove for three kilometers to reach the destination. The team leader held a paper map in one hand and the plateau assisted respirator hanging on his body in the other. Took a sip.
He has been here for more than half a year, but the altitude sickness still makes him feel weak, but he has survived for more than half a year.
Fortunately, working in such a difficult environment, the company's treatment is impeccable, everyone who comes to work here pays five times their usual salary, and the bonus is doubled.
"Douer, the final measurement data came out. Most of the annual sunshine hours around the lake area are more than 3,000 hours. This place is about 700 hours higher than the latitudes east of Qinghai. The annual sunshine percentage is 68 ~ 69. %, The total annual radiation is 171.461 ~ 106.693 kcal / cm2 · year, which is 10 ~ 40 kcal / cm2 · year higher than the North China Plain and the Loess Plateau at the same latitude. "
The leader of the team nodded and looked at the vision in front of him. "This flat land is flat and wide, and the area is large enough. It is good. This is the best place for laying solar reflectors."
The power supply of the underwater data center at the bottom of Qinghai Lake will be an independent system. Yes, it is powered by solar power. It is a 100% natural and pollution-free environment that surrounds sustainable development.
In order to enable the underwater data center to operate here, Bluestar Inc. has developed a solar tower power generation system, also known as a centralized system. It is equipped with many large solar reflections on a large area. mirror.
The terminology is called a heliostat, that is, each pigeon is equipped with a tracking mechanism to accurately focus the sunlight reflection on a receiver on the top of a high tower, just like a sunflower.
It is hosted by artificial intelligence. Once built, basically no one is needed to manage it.
The focusing ratio on the receiver can exceed 1000 times. Here, the absorbed sunlight is converted into heat energy, and then the heat energy is transmitted to the working medium. After the heat storage link, it is input into the thermal power machine, expands the work, and drives the generator. Output in the form of electrical energy.
It is mainly composed of concentrating subsystem, heat collecting subsystem, heat storage subsystem, power generation subsystem and other parts.
The code for this solar power tower project, which is mainly used for the Qinghai Lake bottom data center power supply, is PS09. After the Qinghai Lake underwater data center was identified, the proposed solution was discussed to discuss the power supply problem. Therefore, this was incidentally developed and the investment cost was about 1.12 billion yuan. .
Then, the engineers of the "Yunpeng Project" discovered that they were accidentally making this gadget into the industry's technology boss, and then they found that this gadget also has good commercial prospects.
The person in charge of the "Yunpeng Project" vowed that there was absolutely no other idea, just that the data center at the bottom of the Qinghai Lake could use electricity.
In August of this year, Bluestar's sales staff went to Europe to sell solutions for commercial solar power plants, and Spanish power companies showed strong interest in this.
As for why you can accidentally achieve the status of the industry leader, the lens Bluestar Technology has successfully invested in research and development, the solar collector has also successfully invested in R & D and design, and the electrical tower is still successfully invested and developed by Bluestar.
Each mirror has an area of ​​150 square meters, which can collect sunlight on the top of the tower of 247 meters.
This so-called solar power tower is a way of fancy boiling water.
To this day, Bluestar Technology Group has ceased to be an internet technology company that simply sells advertisements since the day of Allin's cloud computing services.
Astronomical figures of more than $ 10 billion in R & D investment each year are fake.
In the field of solar photovoltaic industry, Bluestar Technology is also inexplicably at the front end, the technology has been developed, there is no reason for non-commercial use.
Weiwei is one of the partners. Some of Weiwei's communication base stations need photovoltaic power generation in remote areas, and found that Bluestar Technology can provide excellent solutions here.
Needless to say, cooperation.
"Boss, come back for dinner soon!"
"Got it."
Half an hour later, in a working tent.
Three or five people are sitting around casually, everyone is eating and working, or discussing something, where people are, where the restaurant is, where the work is, there is not so much attention in this difficult environment.
Only one engineer was stared at the panel data of the computer screen and said: "The measurement statistics show that the eastern and southern parts of the lake area are slightly warmer, with an average annual temperature between 1.1 and 0.3 degrees Celsius; the northwestern and northern parts are slightly lower, with an average annual temperature between Between 0.8 and 0.6 degrees Celsius below zero, with an average maximum temperature of 6.7 and 8.7 degrees Celsius, average minimum temperature between 6.7 and 4.9 degrees Celsius, extreme maximum temperatures of 25 degrees Celsius and 24.4 degrees Celsius, and extreme minimum temperatures of 31 degrees Celsius and 33.4 degrees Celsius . "
The team leader present grabbed the roast lamb and took a bite. By the way, "What about water?"
After hearing that, the engineer who had finished eating quickly tapped on the computer for a while, stared at the panel and said, "The annual rainfall in the lake area is relatively small, but the eastern and southern regions are slightly higher than the northern and western regions. The annual precipitation in the eastern region is 412.8 millimeters, 359.4 millimeters in the south, 370.3 millimeters in the northwest, and 324.5 millimeters in the west. Evaporation amounts to 1502 millimeters throughout the year. Evaporation far exceeds precipitation. Seasonal changes in precipitation in lake areas are large, and tax reductions are mostly concentrated in May to September. "
The team leader asked again, "What about gales and sandstorms?"
However, for a moment, the engineer dropped out of the data pool and reported: "The number of gale and sandstorm days in the lake area is one of the regions in the province, and the northwest wind prevails. Due to the high altitude of the lake area, there are many west winds in the lake, and the high air has a great impact. Under the control of the westerly wind, but the spring wind has the highest speed. Under the action of the wind, the general wave is 2 to 3, the maximum is 7 to 8, and the number of days with a wave of 6 or more throughout the year is about 40 days. "
The team leader finally asked, "Are the data on the water temperature and ice condition of the lake water available?"
Engineers reported: "In August, the highest temperature was 22.3 degrees Celsius, the average was 16 degrees Celsius, the underwater average was 9.5 degrees Celsius, and the lowest was 6 degrees Celsius. The data just measured showed that the upper temperature of the lake below the ice is 0.9 degrees Celsius and the bottom temperature is 3.3 degrees Celsius. In the first half of the year, the whole lake new city has stabilized the ice sheet. The ice-sealing period is expected to be 108 to 116 days. The shortest historical data is 76 days and the longest 138 days. The thickness is generally 40 cm, the maximum thickness is 90 cm, and the maximum iceberg volume is about 10 cubic meters. In the middle of the day, the indoor ice cubes completely melted. "
The team leader nodded, took another piece of roast lamb and said, "Toss in this wild country for half a year in order to get the data you reported ~ ~ Packed and sent it back to the headquarters."
At this time, another staff member said suddenly, "Yes, when you were out, a few people who claimed to be from the Geological Bureau came to us."
The leader of the team questioned, "What's the matter?"
The staff member said: "It seems that we know that we are doing hydrological and climate surveys here and hope that we can copy a copy of the latest data to the country."
After hearing the words, the team leader said immediately: "The team ’s budget has been over 27 million yuan. These precious data are the company's assets. Besides, we have no right to decide to hand over the data and let them go to the company. Also, it ’s about locking up the information so that people do n’t download it secretly.

"Haha, rest assured, it has been uploaded to the company cloud and nothing is left here, unless they can break through the security system of the Nebula Star-Cloud."
"Horror ... you can leave home in three days. If you want to go home early and hug your wife and children, don't make any moths at the last minute."
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