Chapter 489: [Capital War enters into feverish stage]

This capital war is advancing towards an intensified level. This is a war in which the smoke cannot be seen, and even outsiders can be thrilled to see it.
Technology complex building.
"Master, Professor Liu Jianwei's team has received important news. The email he sent to you shows that the research team took half a year to concentrate on research and development and successfully manufactured carbon fiber nanotubes with a length of 0.58 meters, breaking the world record."
Luo Sheng could not help seeing Xiaona's report, but he was relieved soon.
Liu Jianwei's team was able to make a breakthrough so quickly, it really made him feel a little unexpected, but with past memory, it is reasonable to think that Liu Jianwei's team solved the material problem of the space ladder cable.
This news proves one thing: Surely, Jin Jin can accelerate the speed of scientific research breakthroughs.
After Liu Jianwei's team joined Star Arrow International, there was no need to worry about funding issues, nor did they have to worry about some human issues.
Star Arrow International will help solve it.
Even their life issues are extremely well thought out. He and his research team can devote themselves wholeheartedly to the scientific research level without any thoughts.
It is also necessary to break through technical difficulties in advance.
"Return an e-mail to him, and don't publish the results to the academic community for the time being." Luo Sheng immediately commanded, this is also a good news. The announcement of such news will surely smash the material science community. One of Arrow International's major shareholders, no matter what is the good news, needs to raise bt's stock price.
Cortana: "Yes, the message has been edited and sent."
At that moment, Luo Sheng's phone ringing came to mind, and it was taken out by Yao Jianhong.
"General Manager Luo, Wall Street collectively forced debts to the azure coast. If the company's money is settled, it may not help Bluestar Technology, otherwise its own operations will be severely affected unless layoffs and liquidation of assets are realized."
In terms of importance, the azure coast company is larger than Bluestar Technology, because the former is mainly for the bottom layer, and the latter is for the upper layer applications.
But in terms of influence and ability to make money, Bluestar Technology has to kill the Blue Coast, especially the profit. The latter is obviously a high-tech company with a higher technical content than Bluestar Technology, but it does not have much high profit.
You know, last year, Blue Star Technology's annual net profit was four times that of the French Riviera.
Because throwing money is crazy, the R & D budget alone is twice as much as Bluestar Technology, close to 40 billion U.S. dollars, plus high welfare expenses for employees, etc. There are also some operators and supply chain partners. Receivable turnover problem.
Luo Sheng asked directly, "How much should I pay?"
Yao Jianhong at the other end of the phone replied: "$ 62.2 billion."
Luo Sheng did not hesitate to say: "Since they have urged debts, then debt repayment is enough. As for the problem of Bluestar Technology, you don't have to worry about it. You can make sure that the giant sail of the Cote d'Azur can not reach the moth."
Yao Jianhong hesitated for a moment and then stopped, and finally nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. I'll take care of it."
Luo Sheng didn't explain anything, and directly ordered the execution. Although Yao Jianhong was worried, he told him from a statement tone of the other party, and he felt that kind of confident attitude. Even if he didn't explain anything, Yao Jianhong was inexplicably relieved. .
The sky is falling down and the super boss is standing up.
Yao Jianhong is more willing to believe in Luo Sheng's style. Although he frequently speaks surprisingly, he never said anything, never did anything unsure, confident and decisive, and calm and bold at critical moments.
Soon after ending the call with Yao Jianhong, another call came to Luo Sheng.
It was from Qin Weimu.
"The clients of Shengfeng Capital's asset funds have demanded the redemption of their investment funds in Shengfeng Capital because you are crazy and they do not want to be dragged into the water by you."
After hearing the words, Luo Sheng smiled cheerfully, and ignored the second half of her sentence, and immediately asked: "What percentage are they?"
Qin Weimu replied: "Almost all foreign capital, accounting for 28% of Shengfeng's capital ratio, the total amount of redemption reached 206.1 billion yuan."
It is worth mentioning that 65% of the equity of Shengfeng Capital is foreign-owned, but the largest shareholder in it is held by the Luo Sheng Family Fund.
Therefore, the largest shareholder of Shengfeng Capital is actually the "Luo Sheng Family Fund", followed by the State-owned Assets Management Office. Luo Sheng personally is the third largest shareholder on the surface, and the second is to vote with his feet to believe in the "Luo Sheng Effect" of foreign capital. These restrictions are anxious.
"That is to redeem US $ 32.8 billion ..." Luo Sheng muttered to himself, but then replied to Qin Weimu: "The investment agreement has agreed terms, and Shengfeng Capital is protecting the interests of all investors from damage. , Have the right to freeze investment funds at critical moments and tell them that if they do n’t have the money, they have to go to court.

At 32.8 billion US dollars, such a huge astronomical figure has already occupied 60% of Shengfeng Capital's cash reserves. It can only be used to sell other venture capital to generate cash flow.
This is impossible.
The biggest purpose of the establishment of Shengfeng Capital is to do this. Really doing the strategic layout of creating a domestic semiconductor entire industrial chain over the years. Wouldn't the bamboo baskets be drunk, and all the work done?
Fortunately, when investors entered the market, they had already closed the loopholes for the possible crisis of today.
Luo Sheng is very confident. Investors will definitely not go to court.
Who made them blindly respect the "Luo Sheng effect" at first, and did not agree to freeze their assets, they had nothing at all.
There is only one case where they can redeem the fund.
That is the closing of the Shengfeng Capital Investment Fund, and all the assets were realised to the holders.
However, the possibility of forced liquidation is almost non-existent, because Qin Weimu, who has been in charge of Shengfeng Capital over the years, is constantly bringing profits. Investors are actually seeing their assets continue to increase in value.
Although the fund cannot be redeemed directly according to the agreement, it can be obtained through fund transfers. Therefore, investors have not received a penny in these years, but the asset is increasing in value. It is also not an individual who invests in Shengfeng Capital. The threshold is extremely high. All fund companies or v institutions have no shortage of cash. They also hope that the value of assets will be optimized, the asset list will be optimized, and bright performance reports will be released.
This time, the biggest reason why investors suddenly demanded the redemption of funds was that they were feeling guilty.
Luo Sheng now feels like a lunatic lunatic, drawing on all the companies, funds and Wall Street fighting methods he controls.
And investors obviously don't like Luo Sheng's short crocodile who can fight the entire Wall Street. They admit Luo Sheng is a genius, but want to fight the entire Wall Street by himself?
Investors feel that this is basically a dead end and do not want to go to with Luo Sheng.
But this is beyond their power.
After Qin Weimu ended the call, he immediately drafted an email group and sent it to all investors of Shengfeng Capital.
The content of the e-mail is very concise. Some investors now require the redemption of the foundation to increase the risk index of Shengfeng Capital and damage the interests of all investors. Therefore, from the distribution of the email, all funds of the investor in Shengfeng Capital will be frozen. When to thaw, wait for Shengfeng Capital to come down from high risk.
The subtext is that the freezing time can be extended indefinitely.
When the investors who wanted to redeem the fund received this e-mail, they instantly realized that they had been completely locked up, and their mentality exploded instantly. They were almost fainted at the spot, and they only roared in the office.
Investor: Why do you want us to die?
With the passage of time, after entering October, this capital war without gunpowder entered a full degree of fever.
Wall Street's short funds have also clearly felt the pressure. As of now, all short funds have reached a total of US $ 100 million in order to short Bluestar Technology. Over 85% of the short positions have been liquidated, and they have no fighting power at all. .
Among them, there are a large number of hedge funds, and hedge funds all have risk exposure restrictions. The risk exposure of a hedge fund is set at 5%, and once the red line is reached, the position can only be closed.
And the market value of Bluestar Technology has not yet fallen below the $ 500 billion mark. How firm Zhang Bowen is in protecting the plate is evident.
The short crocodile are now also beating, but they are a group of adventurer gamblers. They know that they are under pressure, and they are more aware of the pressure of Blue Star Technology and Zhang Bowen at this moment.
Short-sellers have suffered heavy losses, but Bluestar Technology has suffered even greater losses. Not only has its cash reserves been emptied, it also owes debts to the French Riviera, Shengfeng Capital, and Life Science Funds.
These brother companies and funds came with cash flow to help, but they were not free, they were all borrowed.
Whoever can hold the last breath can laugh until the end, and all the losses can be made back with all the profits, depending on who fell first.
On October 21, Blue Star Technology Group's new headquarters in Mobius Ring, the executive meeting room at the core level.
More than a dozen core-level managers at the meeting heard the sound of the conference door opening. They only saw Luo Sheng enter the meeting, and to Zhang Lao they were surprised that he would bring an outsider.
Meetings at this level are not eligible for even most of the company's executives.
This person is simply Zhong Yuanhong.
After he came in, he sat and listened, and the executives at the meeting looked at each other without asking anything. Although he didn't know why, but since Luo Sheng brought in, he had his own reason in it.
Zhong Yuanhong did not sit at the conference table, but quietly sat and listened as a guest. He entered the conference hall without saying a word.
Luo Sheng came to the chief seat and looked around the crowd: "How is the situation?"
Zhang Bowen, who was sitting in the second position, immediately replied, "General Luo, I have no money."
Brief and concise.
It also revealed the severity of this capital war. As the world's richest technology group, Blue Star Technology has no money, and it is obvious that the lack of money here also includes Shengfeng Capital and the French Riviera. The extra money is used to support the frontline battles, otherwise it will create a crisis of capital chain breakage, and then it will really be the rhythm of the whole blood collapse.
Luo Sheng said, "Why is there no money? Don't forget that the company has 40.8% of the treasury stocks in hand, and it will be rich to sell some for cash."
Everyone was full of doubts when they heard it, and one of the executives at the meeting smiled bitterly: "Mr. Luo, you are not kidding, treasury stock cashing is equivalent to directly announcing that there is no difference ..."
In fact, everyone is complaining but dare not speak out ~ ~ This is all because of the negative consequences of Luo Sheng's decision to start the repurchase program with 135 billion US dollars, otherwise those short funds will not dare to play with them Children, it will not reach the point where this kind of bomb is exhausted.
Luo Sheng never explained anything, because he did not explain to them at all that Bluestar Technology was going to go public in Hong Kong, and the biggest purpose of going public in Hong Kong was to find a super strong backing for Bluestar Technology.
The executive who attended the meeting added: "But if the transfer to a third party does not circulate in the market, who dares to take over at this time?"
Hearing that, Luo Sheng shifted his sight with a mysterious look. Seeing this scene, Lao Zhang and others also followed his sight.
The eyes of everyone in the conference room fell on Zhong Yuanhong who was watching.
At this time, Luo Sheng's words floated into the ears of Zhang Bowen and others: "Who said no one took over? Didn't this already invite the buyer?"
Everyone exclaimed subconsciously, "What?"
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