Chapter 547: [Carrots and sticks will always be uncomfortable]

As the legal department sent the contract, after leaving, the office was Luo Sheng alone.
He has finished reading this supply chain information, Luo Sheng slaps the information text in his hand and mutters to himself: "The hate value is full again, there are a dozen more people who hate me, but there are more people who like me. A dozen. "
With that said, Luo Sheng shook his head with a smile.
The person who likes him is of course the list of the supply chain information text in his hand, all of whom are beneficiaries.
Pure electric vehicles are not a brand-new market, and the future is booming, then traditional fuel vehicles are bound to face shrinkage.
In the transitional phase between the old and the new, and when there is excess production capacity, it will eventually cause a huge waste of resources. The final evolution process is either bankruptcy, struggling to survive, or mergers and acquisitions.
The trend of science and technology development, any so-called century-old car giants dare to resist the trend will be turned into powder, just like fuel cars replacing horse-drawn carriages, there may be a fierce resistance process, but the result of the final replacement is only a matter of time .
However, the automobile industry is an extremely huge force and an objective fact. Luo Sheng cannot ignore the impact of their resistance. Although he has technical advantages and is also a super giant, this big change still cannot be packaged. Say there will be victory.
In this world, bad money drives out good money.
The automobile industry is so huge that although the Côte d'Azur is rich, it can also take over those traditional vehicles to merge and reorganize them. However, there are almost two obstacles to the merger and reorganization strategy.
The first is limited capital. So how can one of your car companies take over all of them? The second is political resistance. How can the countries where the companies are located allow you to merge?
They will definitely not be allowed to be merged by overseas multinational groups, and they will try their best to preserve them, while suppressing emerging technologies, unless these technologies are owned by them.
From this point, it is not difficult to see why the media in Europe and the United States will be almost surprisingly consistent during this time.
"If you want to solve the contradiction with the traditional auto industry giants and smoothly complete this industry revolution, you can only turn them into teammates." Luo Sheng nodded secretly. This is the optimal solution, which can avoid the expansion of conflicts. Will not affect its own core strategic layout.
But this will bring the last obstacle, that is, how to make those proud heads under the traditional automobile giants have a "true fragrance" problem.
"It is not enough to be soft to achieve the goal, and hard to come, not only to come, but also hard."
Luo Sheng smiled involuntarily. The game of radish and stick can be said to be the most old-fashioned, and it has used things for thousands of years, but since it has not fallen behind for thousands of years, it just means that this trick is uncomfortable.
After sorting out the ideas, rehearsing the possible shocks and resistances, and then finding a solution, the next step is to wait and see.
Luo Sheng stopped thinking, put the supply chain information in his hand in the folder layer next to the desk, and sorted out the desk at will, and took away the contract text and left the company.
Afternoon tea time, science and technology complex building.
In the large living room, Luo Sheng saw An Qingxue who was working everyday, and immediately said, "Qingxue, let go of work, and I will tell you how to come over."
"Roger, what did you tell me?"
Qingxuemei put down the job at hand, came to the position next to him and sat down. The voice of Nizi's speech was still super nice. At first, Luo Sheng was impressed by her sheep sound.
"I noticed that in your spare time, you are learning other than your current job. Are you planning for a job change in the future?"
An Qingxue was stunned for a moment, and Luo Sheng suddenly said that she had something to do with her. Unexpectedly, the first thought that came out of his mind was that he had to fire himself? Otherwise, why do you say that?
She looked at Luo Sheng, and her clear eyes were full of sincerity, saying, "The biggest gain in the past few years with Luo Ge is not how much money he received, but you opened a window for me and saw something different. Things and different perspectives may not be important to others, but it is very important to me and will benefit me for a lifetime. It is a great luck, so Roger allowed me to say thank you to you hypocritically. "
Luo Sheng looked at it for a moment with a smile, and said with a smile: "Then what?"
"Then ..." An Qingxue rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling. After thinking for a moment, he looked at Luo Sheng again. Yan Zhan smiled and said, "As long as you don't dislike me, I will always take this Keep working until you officially fire me one day in the future. "
Hearing this, Luo Sheng nodded secretly, and could not help but admire this little Nizi a little more. No matter what his words or manners were, he could be sure that Qingxuemei paper at this moment was not deliberately contrived, but directed at his original expression.
The most commendable thing is that the values ​​revealed in her words are not precious, but she is also constantly improving herself and her competitiveness.
The Science and Technology Complex Building is more than a housemaid, but they do not have the consciousness of An Qingxue. Such an advantage over Qingxuemei paper is obvious, and the opportunity to enter a new class comes.
Luo Sheng already had a decision in his mind, and immediately said with a formal tone: "Ms. An Qingxue, I decided to fire you now."
Qingxuemei Paper: "..."
Luo Sheng looked at her slightly stunned mouth, and roughly judged her inner activities at the moment. Suddenly, she couldn't bear it, and suddenly turned around, laughing: "At the same time, I plan to officially hire you as me 'S full-time assistant and personal secretary is responsible for assisting me in handling some of the company's affairs and my personal life. What is your intention? "
An Qingxue heard the words just after reacting, and was stunned again. After such a brief moment, she experienced ups and downs, which made her feel caught off guard.
At this moment, Qing Xuemei's inner activities are quite rich.
After a while, after she recovered, she suddenly felt that Luo Sheng ’s two sentences before and after caused a psychological gap to herself. This seemingly amused sentence actually tested people ’s hearts and emotions. Coping may be a test of whether he is qualified for this promising job.
Luo Sheng was watching her, waiting for her reply.
At the end, An Qingxue looked at him and said, "Roger, I am excited and upset about the opportunity you gave. If I agree or not, I do n’t know if it ’s a blessing or a curse to me. If I do n’t agree, at least not Will cause potential losses to you and your career. "
Faced with such an opportunity, being able to calm down so quickly is undoubtedly telling Luo Sheng that she is very clear about her situation, and even telling him that he can withstand this temptation.
This is a true way to do what you want but not to climb.
Luo Sheng is very curious how this nizi has made such great progress? It's really appropriate to be an assistant secretary if he talks so much, and it's a matter of course.
Already without any doubts, it was her.
"Look what you can do, how much loss can bring me? But if you can bring a young and excellent talent to the company, this sale can be done." Luo Sheng looked at her eyes and smiled, speaking from the side Two contract texts were taken from the folder level and handed to An Qingxue.
One is a termination contract and the other is an employment contract.
"This is an employment contract for an assistant and secretary. The annual salary is 1.5 million. The contract is based on the Côte d’ Azur. After five years, you can get a virtual option dividend. How much you can share depends on performance, but there is no specific quantitative indicator. You are a special assistant. is not only responsible for the Côte d’ Azur business, you are only responsible for my work, so your performance can only be rated individually by me. "
Speaking of which, Luo Sheng smiled and added: "The probationary period is three months. If you meet the requirements, you can turn to the right. Of course, if you don't meet the requirements, you can continue to do the current domestic work. Any requirements and objections can be raised, no You can sign if you request it. "
One by one, the benefits should be shared clearly. This is a formal contract contract between the two parties as equal subjects, and the core factor that promotes the establishment of this contract is Luo Sheng ’s recognition of An Qingxue ’s ability. .
An Qingxue picked up the employment contract and found only the attribution office, and then signed his name and fingerprint on the contract without hesitation.
If it is another labor contract, she will definitely look at it carefully, but the contract that Luo Sheng gave is not required. Even if she put aside the issue of trust, she is well aware that she has not yet been qualified by the other party in the face of the richest man in the contemporary world. You cannot pretend to be overseas Chinese at this time.
Speaking of this, the profession of assistant and secretary gives an annual salary of 1.5 million for this profession. In fact, she has not earned much, but maybe she will earn more, because you can continue to work part-time, maybe you have become Luo Sheng ’s assistant and Secretary, the amount will be even greater.
Qingxuemei handed over one of the signed contracts to Luo Sheng, who took it aside and smiled: "I will give you three days of leave, adjustments and adjustments, and I will go to work in three days. In addition, the company will only issue you a work permit. , You must prepare your own work clothes. "
As soon as the voice fell, Luo Sheng looked at An Qingxue and put down the contract in his hand and smiled and Yingying leaned over: "It's really a blackhearted boss. Even the work clothes have to let employees pay for their own pockets, then I can only earn some work clothes. . "
Luo Sheng: "Well, for good reason, earn it."
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