Chapter 578: 【"Purple Star" Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography Machine】

In the early morning of June 15, Luo Sheng came to the Cote d'Azur laboratory. The most exciting news for him in the second half of this year is that the mass-produced EUV extreme light lithography prototype will be available during this time.
At around 8 o'clock in the morning, Luo Sheng came to a clean room of 22,580 square meters in the Cote d'Azur Laboratory, and all the people in it were wearing clean clothes to enter.
At the moment, there are more than one hundred technical personnel in the room, all of which are top-notch engineers, and more than two-thirds of them are technical masters from major domestic companies in the field of precision manufacturing.
Luo Sheng took Shengfeng Capital as the link and used the lithography machine as the core to soften this force together five years ago and launched a five-year battle against a target. This collective death was five years.
Without the financial support of Shengfeng Capital and the technical support of the Côte d'Azur, this team will not be able to form, nor will it be possible to kill a technology node together.
"Mr. Luo is here!"
"Mr. Luo."
"Luo is always early."
Everyone stopped communicating when they saw or heard this, and looked at Luo Sheng who appeared here, and everyone respected him.
The lithography machine module is too complicated, with as many as tens of thousands of precision parts, which means that a huge industrial chain coordination is needed, and long-term support of capital is required and the risk of losing money may be assumed.
This is almost impossible, but Luo Sheng let all those who focus on this field want to achieve a career and break the ASML monopoly to see hope, and today is even more promising in the future.
In fact, in 2006, the world's first EUV lithography prototype was born. It was launched by ASML. In 2010, the first prototype NXE3100 for research and development was built. This year also Luo Sheng initiated the research and development of domestic EUV lithography machines. In the first year of the year, the technical pain point began to die from this year.
And this year, according to foreign media reports, ASML has finally produced a mass-produced prototype in this year, that is, in 2015. During this research and development process, Intel, Samsung, and TSMC have absolutely no blood transfusions. Less.
However, the research and development of domestic EUV lithography machines is almost relying on Luo Sheng alone to support blood transfusion. With this courage alone, no second person dared to do so, because the amount of capital invested is huge.
Everyone gave way to Luo Sheng. He came to a transparent glass wall and stood, looking at the scene inside the wall. At this moment, a sophisticated equipment is being modularly assembled under the operation of dozens of staff.
"The art in this size room is the best compliment for capital, and it took me five years to burn out more than 600 billion yuan." Luo Sheng murmured looking at the internal scene. He is quite satisfied with the development progress.
In the past five years, in order to build domestic EUV extreme ultraviolet lithography equipment, it has invested 20 billion US dollars every year. So far, it is about 100 billion US dollars. The capital is invested by the French Riviera and Shengfeng Capital. Third party.
Luo Sheng contributed money and technology, and other friends and business partners allocated a sum of investment funds and related technologies according to their own fields and started to die around this industry chain. Enterprises that can join this team are basically practical.
Of course, there are also people who cheat money. Over the past five years, more than a dozen manufacturers have cheated Luo Sheng for dozens of dollars. The money is considered a complete blow, but these manufacturers have also been kicked out of the game, and some people have been sentenced.
Such a risk is within the acceptable range of Luo Sheng, and he will not really expect that there will be no bad guys in the team. There is no fear of bad guys. I am afraid that there are bad guys who have not been found out, but the current team is clean.
They may all have their own small nines and nines, Luo Sheng does not expect them to have lofty ideals for selfless devotion to their careers, which is also an unrealistic utopian idea.
But it does not matter, it is enough to maintain the market and common interests, and get the vested interests will do your best for this interest.
A technical person in charge from a friend who was present came to Luo Sheng, "Mr. Luo, the main performance indicators of the lithography machine, support the size range of the substrate, resolution, alignment accuracy, exposure method, light source wavelength, light The technical pain points such as strong uniformity and production efficiency have now been resolved. "
Luo Sheng nodded and asked, "What about the technical problems with the light source system?"
The other party immediately replied: "Also basically solved."
Luo Sheng: "Basic? That is, it hasn't been completely solved yet. Solve it as soon as possible."
It is worth mentioning that the composition of the EUV light source system is composed of three units: light generation, light collection, spectrum purification and homogenization. The relevant working components mainly include high-power CO2, lasers, and multilayer coatings. The mirror, load, light collector, reticle, and projection optics form a plasma, and the plasma uses a multilayer film mirror to reflect the energy spectrum multiple times to obtain EUV light at 13.5 nanometers.
The problem of just such a light source will involve more than a dozen manufacturers to develop supporting equipment. It can be seen that the manufacture of this gadget is very difficult. It is only a matter of smashing enough money. The technology is more important. The domestic related manufacturers are actually There is no core technology.
Fortunately, Luo Sheng's own technology obtained the corresponding technology through Xiao Na's completion simulation for EUV lithography machine, and then distributed the technology to major manufacturers to manufacture according to the standard, and also authorized the technology to them.
It is precisely because of this technology authorization that the major manufacturers can be held together.
Rely on consciousness and ideals?
Although Luo Sheng likes to say this, he never does it.
Otherwise, such a complicated chain, once the manufacturers of a certain link are angry, everyone is staring. This is what Luo Sheng ca n’t allow. The capital cost, time cost, and sunk cost of the investment are astronomical, and they must be given a little bit. It's a constraint, otherwise the team will not be easy to bring.
The name of the extreme ultraviolet lithography machine has already been determined, code-named "Purple Star Lithography Machine", which was also the most advanced lithography machine equipment at home and abroad independently developed and independent of foreign technology.
The advent of Zixing lithography machine will announce that the domestic lithography machine equipment is in the same echelon as the EUV lithography machine under ASML, completely breaking the situation where the top lithography machine equipment is monopolized by foreigners.
Luo Sheng withdrew his eyes and looked at the synergies from the major manufacturers present, saying: "Purple star lithography machine can use extreme ultraviolet light with a wavelength of 13.5 nanometers to achieve 14-nanometer, 10-nanometer, and 7-nanometer process chips. Production, and iteratively upgrade through technology ~ ~ in the future can also achieve 9 nanometer, 8 nanometer, 6 nanometer, 5 nanometer, 4 nanometer and even 3 nanometer process chip production. "
"Technical upgrade plan has been done by the Côte d'Azur laboratory. The upgrade iteration must be coordinated. When necessary, major supply chain partners come to me to request technical authorization and distribution. After you go back, you will take your words to your boss. I will not contact them one by one. "
Everyone nodded again and again, this model simply said that research and development is especially theoretical, and the Côte d'Azur laboratory is doing this.
The supply chain partners are responsible for realizing Luo Sheng's idea, which is to make the physical objects according to the standards. This is harder for anyone to say. It is difficult, but the creativity is relatively difficult.
You have to know that handing over these technologies to the third brother next door will make it impossible for them to copy them. It is also necessary to create physical equipment according to the standard. This is the foundation of the manufacturing industry.
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