Chapter 638: [The most expensive in history (plus meals)]

(Ps: written in the front, some readers mistakenly believe that the quality of mobile games can be linked to the 3A masterpiece of the host computer. It certainly cannot be compared with the host computer. The game mode is also different. The article describes the most outstanding picture quality on the mobile platform. It can be regarded as a 3A level on the mobile side, because the screen on the mobile side is small, this 3A level non-host 3A level masterpiece, the two experience and game methods are different, and there is no comparison.)

Consumers are ready to accept a sky-high price. Everyone knows that the characteristics of the Azure series of smartphones can be evaluated by three "S". This "S" is the initial abbreviation of the English word "Super". That is: super excellence, super advanced, super expensive.
Regardless of the previous pricing style of the Côte d'Azur, or the technological content of Azure-5 itself, it is destined not to cost-effective like the Xiaomi series. It is also impossible to take the cost-effective route to get together to produce leading technology. With such a large investment in research and development on the Cote d'Azur, it will take a few years to starve to death.
Luo Sheng did not continue to appease everyone's appetite, he soon announced the pricing information of Azure-5.
"The 128GB version of the National Bank version is priced at 12,999 yuan (about 1,737 euros or 1951 US dollars), the Piaozhou area is priced at 1999 euros, and the North American and other regional markets are priced at 2,299 dollars."
"The 256GB version of the National Bank version is priced at 14,999 yuan (about 2005 euros or 2252 US dollars), the Piaozhou district sells for 2,299 euros, and the North American and other regional markets sell for 2,599 US dollars."
"The 512GB version of the National Bank version is priced at 16,999 yuan (about 2,272 euros or US dollars), the European region is priced at 2,599 euros, and the North American and other regional markets are priced at 2,899 dollars."
The audience was shocked. All the audience looked at the numbers on the high-definition giant screen on the stage, and they were all stunned.
At this moment, Lei, who was silently paying attention to the press conference, after seeing the offer of Azure-5, his eyes were mixed, and other friends and businessmen were also like this. Looking at the exaggerated figures, he was relieved and envious. Both eyes are hot to redness.
I was relieved because Azure-5's so high pricing will certainly block a large number of users. These users are discouraged from seeing the price of Azure-5, and they will inevitably choose other brands. This is for other manufacturers. Good news; envious eye-heat is due to such high pricing, which represents exaggerated profits behind it.
Even if the profit margin is lowered due to the increase in R&D and manufacturing costs, but the base cannot be too large, the final absolute profit must be more exaggerated.
The profit rate of 50% for 1000 yuan is 500 yuan, and the profit rate for 25% of 10,000 yuan is 2500 yuan. It seems that the profit rate is halved, but the actual profit of the latter is 5 times that of the former.
It would be even worse if the sales volume was still huge.
After Luo Sheng announced the price, he announced the specific sale date again.
"The National Bank version will be released on National Day, which is three days later; the overseas market will be released simultaneously on December 24."
Like the previous generation, domestic consumers are still buying early and enjoying early. Not only that, according to the published prices, the National Bank version is more than 2,000 yuan cheaper than the overseas version.
At this point, it also gives the Chinese people a sense of satisfaction with special treatment. There is no difference in the products, but the price of a Xiaomi is cheaper in China.
There is no lack of negative textbooks. There is no harm if there is no comparison. Some manufacturers operate in reverse. Obviously they are products of the same model. Foreign ones are cheaper than domestic ones. Not to mention that they must be cheaper than foreign ones. But at least the same price? In this way, domestic consumers will not say anything.
At the same time, both the audience and the netizens who watched the live broadcast started to discuss the price of Azure-5.
"The cheapest basic version needs 13,000 oceans? Bother bother!"
"I broke the price."
"According to my current salary, having to eat instant noodles for 4 months may make up the money for the most basic version."
"To be reasonable, I don’t blame Azure-5 for the unreasonable price setting, but because the product planning of the Côte d’Azur is unreasonable, can’t I release some products that focus on the low-end market? Also take care of melons with general consumption ability Mass, Archbishop."
"Yeah, look at other manufacturers. More than a dozen models of new products are released in a year. The Côte d'Azur is good. After three years, one of them is out. It is good, but it can be directly persuaded by the price. …"
"Make money, young boy, I can't find Mr. Ma to borrow it."
"Emmm... Are you borrowing a tone or a noun? [Afraid. Text Limited Edition]"
"Don't counsel, just do it. Huaba borrows it and eats it together. You can't eat instant noodles."
"The instant noodles are unhealthy, old iron."
"The lying horses are so mixed up with instant noodles that they still care about health?"
The on-site press conference has entered the question-and-answer session. At this moment, the reporter's question-and-answer session has ended. At the same time, the press conference arrangement also provides an opportunity for consumers who come to the site to ask Luo Sheng directly.
As it happens, this rather excited consumer mentioned a topic that most ordinary people care about.
"Archbishop, this question I got the most popularity in the forum, it represents a part of the wishes of a large group of netizens to ask you questions." The selected questioner is a young man wearing glasses and plaid shirt , At first glance is the material of being a programmer.
Luo Sheng nodded and said with a smile: "Please say."
The questioner came to the tactics to help the situation, a little nervous, but said smoothly: "Many netizens hope that the Côte d’Azur can sell several products with relatively low technological content and relatively civilian prices. Will there be such products in the future? What about launch?"
This question asked the big friends who are following the Azure-5 conference to listen to it.
Major businessmen can't help but want to beat the questioner.
On the stage, Luo Sheng bowed his head and thought for a moment, then looked at the questioner with a smile and replied: "First of all, I can answer you affirmatively, the Côte d’Azur is certainly capable of doing the low-end market, this is undoubtedly, castration Version is enough."
A fan off the court praised: "Domineering!"
Immediately after Luo Sheng added: "I once said that we can make some money, but we don't make it, and leave it to others. If we enter the low-end market, the survival of your friends will become more difficult. It will kill a large number of manufacturers, and then impact the manufacturing industry behind it, resulting in an increase in the unemployment rate. As a head enterprise in the industry, the Côte d’Azur must have the responsibility of the industry leader, and must also have a sense of social responsibility. It should empower the society instead of giving The society is more blocked."
As soon as these words came out, Luo Sheng once again received warm applause from the audience. Many people looked at the spicy man on the stage and couldn't help but awe. This is a respectable entrepreneur. Quotient number.
Domineering to highlight the unparalleled pattern.
Friends who listen to it are also mixed tastes. It is definitely unpleasant to change whoever listens to it. Even a sense of highness makes friends and businessmen hate, but there is no way to refute, because Luo Sheng is right.
If the Côte d'Azur announced that it would enter the low-end market, other manufacturers would definitely have no way to live. The smartphone industry has been developing for ten years, and now it is a red sea, and the competition is quite fierce.
An industry insider underestimated Tucao: "The tallness is actually not to maintain the Azure brand's position in the pyramid of the whole industry. Without friends to set off, Azure mobile phones cannot achieve high premiums and bring high prices. Profit, Luo Sheng wants to give other friends a way to live because he can get the most commercial benefits because of the existence of friends. This is the value that friends can exist. Without the use value of existence, the Côte d’Azur must show fangs, not now. Whitewashed tall."
The colleague sitting next to him could not help but said: "You are right, but Luo Sheng is also right, and it is indeed seeking the greatest commercial benefits. This is understandable, but he did not rush to kill, and the friendly businessmen were able to It is an objective fact to survive and develop."
The industry insider shrugged and said noncommittally: "The angles are different, the positions are different, and the answers you see are different, but nothing is wrong."
"Also, there are so many right and wrong in the adult world."
At the same time, just before the questioner couldn't help but quickly handed over the microphone again, he asked quickly: "Archbishop, can you authorize some technology to other manufacturers? Reasonably, the technology of other manufacturers is really impossible. On the Côte d’Azur, it’s unrealistic to say that consumers actually want to enjoy the powerful technical experience of the Côte d’Azur. UU reading can also enjoy preferential prices from other manufacturers."
The scene was suddenly overwhelmed with laughter, and the microphone of the questioner was taken away by the staff.
Everyone laughed because the questioner was too honest. He thought that this was a stunned head. The competition between enterprises was fatal and not soft, but the bigwigs still had to maintain their demeanor. Two different things.
And the questioner's words made friends' business feelings unbearable. Not only did the friends lose their face, but they also made the Côte d'Azur quite embarrassed. Everyone was tacitly acquainted. As a result, you were stunned and straightforward. Everyone is embarrassed.
However, Luo Sheng did not mind, still smiling, and answered his question with an exception: "Your idea is very good, there is room for imagination, and the French Riviera may be able to study its feasibility."
This was a bit intriguing. The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested. When the friends and businessmen heard Luo Sheng's words, regardless of whether he was intentional or unintentional, his thoughts suddenly became active.
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