Chapter 645: [Boss Jia’s company is thundering]

In early November, the Science and Technology Complex Building.
The original housekeeping employees have now been replaced with a group of newcomers. These new housekeeping employees hired by the housekeeper can all have good looks. Studies have shown that long-term viewing of beautiful women can help extend the life of men. This is cold knowledge. .
After all, if you look upset, you will be in a bad mood. Poor mood will affect your mood. It will not help your physical and mental health. It still makes sense.
At the moment, Luo Sheng and An Qingxue were both in the large living room. Now An Qingxue has a personal nurse who takes care of him personally, and has already put down the work at hand and has peace of mind at home.
Qingxuemei looked at Luo Shengzhen, who was peeling apple peels for him for so many years, and had been unknowingly for almost ten years, and served him personally for so many years. After all, people are emotional creatures. Longevity can still be established, and now that she is pregnant, even if she loves the house and Wuwu, she also feels the kindness and pity that Luo Sheng had never had for her before.
The world is so wonderful, and An Qingxue did not expect that she would one day have a temperament and temper tantrum to Luo Sheng. Although she has never had a temper tantrum or temper tantrum, she has a high EQ, but this is a right. reflect.
Sometimes things that I didn't think about were not thrown away.
At that moment, the housekeeper came to report: "Mr. Luo, boss Jia personally ran over, he wants to meet you."
It was heard that Luo Sheng cut the sliced ​​apple to Qingxuemei paper and turned his head to the housekeeper: "Boss Jia? Which boss Jia?"
Housekeeper: "The founder of Lesi."
Le Si?
Luo Sheng immediately understood that some time ago, the technology was authorized to distribute. Le Si mobile phone did not obtain any authorized technology from the Côte d'Azur, including Tachiko. This is tantamount to announcing the exit in advance. Le Si is obviously in a hurry.
"It turned out to be him..." Luo Sheng's face suddenly changed, and he immediately replied without hesitation: "If I don't see it, I say I'm not here."
An Qingxue watched the housekeeper leave, withdrawn his gaze and turned to Luo Sheng, said in a puzzled way: "Isn't it a bit wrong for everyone to come here in person? Mr. Jia is also a famous big man in the technology circle after all. Now, he is also a hot figure. Many people buy the story of the Lesi Ecology he tells."
Luo Sheng continued to cut apples and said calmly: "But I don't buy it, boss Jia's story is almost impossible to tell anymore, what is hot enough to be thunderous."
Especially last year, Lesi can be said to be in full swing. The most famous one is LeTV. In the situation where Bluestar Video dominates the field of streaming video, can still be mixed up.
The key is that the story of Boss Jia tells VCs not to be able to move their hearts. The ecological ecology he has been promoting, namely: platform + content + hardware + software + application, VC listened to his story and bought it. They all believe that Boss Jia is The next Luo Sheng.
The story of Lesi Ecology attempts to form an ecological closed loop from portals to hardware to applications, that is, users buy Lesi’s mobile phones, TVs and other terminal products, and then use Lesi’s applications to watch Lesi’s videos. Packed.
Also build a car!
Looking at this route, isn't it the story that Luo Sheng once told and what he is doing now? VC watched Luo Sheng's commercial technology empire, Zhuyu, and boss Jia's ability to fool, can't he buy it?
Boss Jia is also a story king who is not weaker than Luo Sheng, and even more so. After VC was greeted by his arrogant words, money did not heed him.
But Boss Jia is too worried. He wants to cover everything. Even if Luo Sheng wants to build a closed-loop ecosystem, he has never thought about all-inclusive one. The friends who have to pull together have to pull in and play together.
All inclusive? If it fails, the A4 file will come.
Perhaps it is precisely because of this big heart, VC thinks that boss Jia may be more limitless in the future, and the market voices are applauded.
Some investors said that Le Si’s future will be very ambitious, and it may become another Internet ecosystem in China. The current loss is only to pave the way for the future market.
Moreover, during the period when Luo Sheng started his business, Bluestar Technology has also suffered huge losses in the early stage. It seems to be very reasonable. It was just carved with Bluestar Technology.
However, boss Jia has a fatal weakness. There is no strong cash cow. Bluestar Technology lost money because it did not want to make money. It also proved that once the profit plan was launched, advertising revenue became Bluestar Technology’s premier cash cow. Until now, Bluestar Technology Star's advertising business is still the core source of income.
In addition to the video website, Lesi currently loses all other projects, and it is a huge loss.
The most important thing is that simply cannot afford the task of cash cows, and large companies can toss, which one does not have its own cash cow business?
Boss Jia ran over this time to beg for Luo Sheng. If Lesi's mobile phone is out of the game, the closed loop and the closed loop are still closed. Can you hurry?
An Qingxue thoughtfully said: "Thunderbolt is not enough."
Luo Sheng: "Oh, every business of Lesi does not have the industry leading level. Putting losses together, putting a few piles of garbage together will only become a larger pile of garbage, which people in the market are even so They don’t understand the simple truth? Of course they understand that they are just blinded by greed. Doing a few PPTs can create a new business empire. Then I have played a ball for more than ten years."
After talking, Luo Sheng took a paper towel and wiped his hands. After a while, Qingxuemei went to the office to work.
The first thing I did when I came to the private office was to let Xiao Na draft an email in his name to Hengxin International Investment Bank, let him do an up-to-date asset assessment of Le Si, and then issue the latest credit rating. .
He decided to detonate the thunder himself.
Two days later, on November 4th, Hengxin International Investment Bank released news that it was bearish and downgraded its credit rating to CC. Currently, there is a high probability of default.
The CC rating, to put it bluntly, means that it is insolvent.
And detailed the reasons for the downgrade.
The first is Lesi’s core asset, Lesi Video, which is the most competitive in its business structure, but it is not the leader in the field of streaming video sites. Bluestar Video’s dominant position in this field can hardly be shaken, even blue. Star Technology's newly-increased B-site video network has more potential than Lesi. Lesi also has no technical barriers and no solid moat, and it may collapse at any time.
The second is the mobile phone business, which ranks among the top five among the major domestic mobile phone brands, not to mention the core technological competitiveness. This time, there is no place to earn a table on the technical authorization distribution of the Côte d’Azur. It can be announced Get out early.
The third is TV, just like the mobile phone business.
The fourth is the automobile. With the help of digging a few people from large enterprises and establishing an automobile company, does Leth want to build an automobile? Just want to copy the miracle of the azure pure electric car company? Seeing the glory of the azure pure electric car company with a market value of more than 8 trillion yuan, but not looking at the azure coast behind it, the technical astronomical capital has been spent for so many years.
Without the core technology, Le Si, all relying on capital operation and momentum to expand the territory is a rootless duckweed, a castle in the sky.
Hengxin International Investment Bank also emphasized that when the stock market did not plunge last year, the Lesi ecological concept was full of skyrocketing, and the stock price was also in full swing. It rose nearly 8 times when it was the highest, and founder Mr. Jia chose to cash out at this time. In more than a year, tens of billions of cash have been cashed out, and another 30 billion has been pledged through equity pledges, for a total of 40 billion.
It was said that it was used to build a car, and not to mention that the money for making a car is not enough. In the end, how much was used to make a car did not disclose the details of the account. After so long, the shadow of the car was not seen, the supplier owed A lot of money.
The information disclosed by Hengxin International Investment Bank can be said to have punctuated Le Si's pain point.
Just when Stellar International Investment Bank lowered the credit rating of Lesi, and gave it a very poor rating, and when it was not yet announced, boss Jia saw Luo Sheng to no avail. He left the country that evening and took a flight to the United States.
Well, it officially kicked off the next week!
Poor small and medium investors and Xiao San are still in the dark.
As soon as the credit rating of Hengxin International Investment Bank was released, the industry was shaken, and the senior executives of Lesi immediately came out to refute the HIIB investment bank's credit rating is extremely unreasonable, and even described Luo Sheng as a dragon and Lesi as a dragon warrior. This is Luo Sheng saw that Lesi Ecology would threaten the foundation of his commercial layout, thus suppressing Lesi Ecosystem, but on the contrary, it proved the future potential of Lesi Ecosystem.
Logic ghost.
However, at this juncture, Boss Jia was revealed that he had appeared in North America, and the news that Boss Jia was running away was also spread online. For this reason, the senior executives of Lesi Company quickly came out to rumors that Boss Jia was running to the United States to seek financing .
On December 6, boss Jia, who had just arrived in the United States, also issued a letter to all employees, saying that the company's development pace is too fast. The pressure on the supply chain has increased sharply in recent months, and the financial problems that have always accompanied the development have led to tight supply. The development of the business has a great impact and is currently actively seeking financing in North America.
However, it does not satisfy the outside world, because what he cashes out at a high position is already uncomfortable.
Immediately afterwards, there were more and more negative news from the company. After the latest financial report was disclosed, the performance was huge and it showed that the chief financial officer and financial executives changed frequently.
Because it is a listed company, it will be disclosed when the executives are mobilized.
But before the disclosure, these executives have already left, and the small and medium investors and the small outsiders are all hindsight.
The so-called Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet, a company often goes ahead of schedule before the accident, but will not say to the public.
The financial report now reveals that it can't be hidden.
Subsequently, the negative news of the supplier's debt collection was revealed. Less than a week later, the negative news of Lesi was screened.
And this year's "Lord of Legends" invested by Les Films lost both at the box office of the National Day and the cumulative box office was only 330 million yuan. This further puts greater pressure on Les Films, which has made huge performance commitments.
Other well-informed bigwigs already knew that before the Loos company suffered a HIIB credit rating downgrade, boss Jia ran to Luo Sheng’s residential area to visit. As a result, the figure was slammed out without seeing him.
This shocked the hearts of the industry's bigwigs. Luo Sheng's move was very different from his previous attitude towards Hua for glory. He felt that he was a kind person, well-versed in the world, and did not expect to do the least one. Things, boss Bo Jia is also one of the big stars in the domestic science and technology circle ~ ~ not so.
And Luo Sheng just did it. This is a strong signal. How quickly have these big names in the business community turned their minds for decades? Luo Sheng doing this is equivalent to indirectly indicating that boss Jia has no chance to turn over.
On November 9th, Lesi's stock price collapsed, opening lower and opening lower. It dived directly in the afternoon and closed at 40.51 yuan. It plunged 7.94% without warning, which is unexpected to everyone. If it is based on the closing price of the company's stock on the same day According to calculations, within one trading day, the company's market value has evaporated by 6.7 billion yuan.
This is just the beginning.
At this time, all investors know that Le Si's story can't be told any longer, and run quickly.
Twenty days ago, Leos also created the most expensive press conference since its founding at the San Francisco Museum of Art in North America. The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, CNBC, and other mainstream media participated. After this event, boss Jia is also very beautiful.
In an instant, his company thundered in less than a month.
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