Chapter 651: [It’s too hard to earn, my eyes are red]

Google, or its parent company Alphabet, which has a market value of up to 328.9 billion US dollars, ranks one of the world's top ten listed companies, and the technology giant has become increasingly anxious in recent years.
If you read the 2016 Four Seasons report published by Google in January, it is not difficult to find out why you are so anxious.
For this annual report, Alphabet lists competitors in various fields, and you will find that Google has used the word "tired" in the past few years to describe the most appropriate.
In the impression of people, Amazon and Google, the former is the e-commerce giant, the latter is the search giant, the two seem to not border.
But in fact, in the list of competitors listed by Alphabet, Amazon appears only after Bluestar Technology and the Cote d'Azur, and it has appeared four times.
According to data from September last year, Amazon has surpassed Google as the search engine of choice for most North American users when shopping. About 55% of users choose Amazon to start shopping, and the proportion of shoppers who use Google as the default engine for shopping has dropped to 28. %.
In the field of vertical search, several websites, including Amazon, are competitors of Google. The reason for this is because users can directly find the corresponding content through the search engines built in these websites, rather than searching through Google.
In other words, Google is divided by these vertical search engines.
Then there is the Blue Star Technology Group. This name can be said to be a nail in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh of Google. The main battlefield of the two sides is benchmarked in the field of video and advertising. As the Internet "Gemini", there is a huge common point between the two companies. Of revenue is very dependent on advertising.
Even though the Bluestar technology business is diversified today, advertising revenue in the broad sense is still ranked first.
Under the homogenized income source model, Google believes that Bluestar Technology has formed a major competitive relationship with itself in four aspects: social networking, advertising platform services, online video and digital assistants.
The main battlefield of competition with the Côte d'Azur is the mobile Internet, and the core battlefield is the Android system and the WOS system.
The biggest headache for Google is not the enemies in the whole field. The company has a volume of 300 billion US dollars. It is too normal to have a competitive relationship between various fields. The real headache is that in addition to the above fields, it also includes business sectors such as big data and cloud computing. Google They were all squashed, either by this opponent or by that opponent.
The only sector that dominates is the search engine.
Hold back.
But in the final analysis, it is still for two words: traffic.
Therefore, Google now treats Bluestar Technology Group as a lifetime enemy.
The importance of traffic to Internet companies is self-evident. It is no exaggeration to say that whoever controls the traffic entrance is the hegemon of the Internet industry.
In the PC Internet era, social networking, search, and browser are the three major entrances to the Internet, and Bluestar Technology has the dominant position among the two major entrances, and the search is also remarkable. The technology is completely ok, but only the technology Not yet. Ecology is more important than technology. Searching loses the ecology in overseas markets. To put it bluntly means losing time, so you can only build the ecology of a Chinese search engine.
One of the three major portals is obviously a very important traffic portal. Many well-known companies rely on browsers to grow and develop.
Whether the user is watching a movie, playing a game, or buying a train ticket, the browser can help.
In the era of mobile Internet, the dominance of browsers seems to have disappeared, users' time and scenes are more fragmented, and the most direct Internet portals such as APPs are used. Entering through browsers will be troublesome and superfluous, so it is mobile In the Internet era, browsers are far less important than the PC era.
However, in the early days of the rise of smart phones, most people in the industry believed that mobile browsers would become the entrance to mobile phone traffic. Just as the importance of IE on PCs, this was the reason why Page originally recommended the development of browsers. At that time, everyone thought so.
But then this concept was changed again, and the mobile browser was overestimated, because the user's time and scenes were further subdivided and fragmented, and more and more APP applications were downloaded from the mobile phone. At this time, most people think that APP Taking advantage, the mobile browser has not become the most important entry point in the mobile Internet era.
So everyone changed their minds again, except for Bluestar Technology.
Today, the global Internet industry has entered the second half.
The significance of the second half is the gradual ebb of the user dividend. Domestic users are close to the peak. The era of explosive user growth has passed. The growth rate has slowed down significantly, and the cost of acquiring new users is increasing.
In these years, there are people coming and going, but the Afarid browser of Bluestar Technology has consistently worked hard to achieve the rise from the mobile Internet era, and then radiate the PC side. Now that multiple ports are fully blooming, now in the browser field Almost 60% market share has been completed.
Right now, the industry finds that the situation is wrong, Google first responded and found that the browser is underestimated in the era of mobile Internet.
Because the data is not deceptive, a survey conducted by Google found that the use of mobile browsers is growing faster than that of APP. In this survey, among the top 50 mobile companies, only the traffic from APP is larger than that of mobile browsers. Twelve, and the remaining main traffic comes from mobile browsers. Of these 50 companies, the traffic from mobile browsers is more than twice that of APP.
This illustrates one thing, that is, mobile Internet traffic is more and more concentrated, and the form of expression is Afarid's success.
At present, there are more than 3 million APPs in the entire industry, of which the number of daily updated independent APPs is close to 1 million, and the homepage promotion of an application store is more than a dozen, with a maximum of dozens.
Many apps cost too much to obtain a real user, which is too expensive for startups. The existence of independent apps may sometimes be unnecessary, and WebAPPs attached to mobile browsers may be more practical.
Google saw the more terrible thing, that is, the future Afarid browser is very likely to make users the only option for the Web, and everyone will be subject to Bluestar technology and standards in the future.
If Bluestar Technology is unhappy, you can get anyone who talks about it, and you will have to peel it if you don't die.
Luo Sheng looked at Zhang Bowen and others at the video conference and said easily: "The possibility of a split is less than 20%. This is the same as the interests of Silicon Valley. The technology monopoly is not my family. Those in Silicon Valley Which technology giant with a market value of more than 100 billion US dollars is not a monopoly company? Besides, they have to weigh the financial weapons in my hands."
Lao Zhang: "It makes sense, but it doesn't make sense. People in Silicon Valley can't see this, that thing..."
Luo Sheng smiled and said: "It's confession that 10,000 people said that I regretted putting me into the North American market. I found that the local companies in North America competed with me, but now I can't get rid of me, so I start to make trouble with you. , The troubled children have sugar."
Senior executives such as Zhang Bowen couldn't help but laugh, this metaphor is a bit strange, but it is very grounded, whether it is Bluestar Technology or the Azure Coast, it is an indisputable fact that it has made a lot of profits in the North American market. My eyes are red, and I think you are too much and earn too much.
It's such a simple thing.
Now, the company wants to develop new business in the North American market, no matter what, don't want to get access qualification.
It is worth mentioning that Huawei has always wanted to enter the North American market and competes with North American technology companies such as Cisco and IBM. Ali also wants to enter the North American market. Ma also flew to North America in three days, naively thinking that he can persuade the other party to let Ali enter. Compete with Amazon.
Lao Mei's attitude towards this: Want to come in? No, you don’t want to, don’t even think about it! It won't work even if you rub it on the side.
At the beginning, Bluestar Technology and the Cote d'Azur were put in, but now the intestines are already regretted. Do you still want to come? There are no doors.
Luo Sheng said: "If you don't seek the overall situation, you will not be able to find a domain. Google may regard us as the number one competitor, but if we are not Google, we can't have only one Google in our eyes, otherwise we will definitely follow suit. Going up to the overall picture, Google’s response is only a reflection of the overall picture."
Everyone can't help but nod in agreement. Google has strong competitors in all fields. Bluestar Technology is even worse. Which of the more than half of Silicon Valley's technology giants is not an opponent? And they are all first-class giants.
In fact, it is not just Silicon Valley that has risen from North America to the global scale. The top competitors in the industry have a competitive relationship with each other.
If you want to handle a thing well, you need to consider every aspect, and to do a specific thing, you have to start from the overall situation.
Luo Sheng left from the 4K high-definition big screen, returned to the sofa and sat down to take some new tea to make a cup for himself, and said, "This matter must first make a basic In the final analysis, Lao Mei wants to eat sugar and make trouble, it is easy to handle, as long as it is not too much, it is no problem to divide, the wool is on the sheep."
At this moment, Luo Sheng is very calm and rational, and analyzes the issue of gains and losses from a global perspective. Although the North American market is the most noisy and least worrying for you, it is the largest single market overseas in the company, and it is not invested. Less, it takes a lot of thought, and if you lose it, you will feel pain for a while. You can earn money from other people's homes on other people's sites.
It's better than the last child who couldn't get it. After understanding Wang as the living king, Luo Sheng had expected these things long ago.
Zhang Bowen said: "How to divide? About when?"
After hearing this, Luo Sheng thought for a moment and said, "How to divide, it depends on how to talk about it; when to divide, it depends on how the other party is making trouble. To make money on other people's sites, we are away, we have an advantage at home. First-hand ability. This is not a big problem. I’m afraid I’ll be caught first by surprise. That’s a bit of a pain. Now I don’t have to be afraid if I have an early warning. Just prepare for the move and fire. As for when, maybe this year, But at the latest next year, we will assume that the other party will definitely do things at any time."
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