: Controversy over the recent protagonist technology open source

Controversy over the recent protagonist technology open source
Seeing a recent chapter commenting that "open source data" will cause the proliferation of missile technology, the more it gets written, the more it becomes less realistic.
In fact, it is because of reality.
Recently, SpaceX has open-sourced SpaceX-API in real life. Everyone can go to check it out. Of course, it hasn't been to the open source of the protagonist in the novel, so it only makes sense to write.
From SpaceX-API to Tesla's patent disclosure, to Boston Dynamics' robot dog open source, these seem to indicate that open source is the future trend, at least it is a sign.
This phenomenon may be caused by market problems. Open source can make the plate bigger, or it may be a problem of the enterprise itself. Open source can save development costs, and there may be other factors (the author's bacterial level is not enough, you can only think of it here).
The open source technology in the plot is not exclusively controlled by the protagonist, and there are opponents. Open source is to squeeze the survival space of competitors such as SpaceX, because the protagonist is losing money.
On the day when the opponents are defeated, the follow-up technology will of course not be open source, or have to add money.
As for the diffusion of technology, this is the most desired result of "open source" and the result that the protagonist wants. Otherwise, what is the source?
There seems to be a chapter saying that anyone can make this stuff.
The answer is that no one can make it.
The B station of the atomic bomb technology has science, but there are just a few rogues that can be created. As long as the uranium is purified, the satellites in space can detect it as soon as the machine is started. "Ylang" has already performed in person, so you can create It came out only in the case of tacit consent of a few big rogues, or in the case of games.
Then enlarge the view of the pattern and then you will find that even if it is open source, it is actually a limited number of companies and nationals of a few big countries can play. Others want to play, they must first go to the dock to dare to play. Because he has to consider the risk of being fooled by a rogue halfway through the game, which is itself part of the game.
The content of the game at this level can't be written out directly, and it can't pass the trial, everyone understands it.
Let’s talk about the technical aspects. Rocket technology is open sourced in the plot, but it does not say that the basic materials and processes are disclosed. This is similar to knowing how the atomic bomb can be made, but it is more difficult than reaching the sky.
Knowing how to make and not making is two different things. So, if you understand how to make it, first create it and then work with the protagonist or a powerful large group, which is to achieve the purpose of talent training.
Finally, combined with the plot, the protagonist is now in the stage of technological catch-up. The technologies he has mastered are not exclusive, and competitors have them. Open source technologies actually add confusion to the opponent, disrupt the rules of the game, and muddy the water. Pull down the threshold as a whole, and finally use your own unique skills to defeat opponents in their absolute field.
As for some readers who say that technology diffusion is not good for everyone, it will cause chaos in the world. The more you write, the more you pull, and the more you write, the less realistic you are.
Since so persistent and entangled in reality, I would like to ask: Is the world not chaotic enough in today's world? Not enough? It’s not all my bad life. Don’t think about it. I can rotten. It’s okay. As long as you are worse than me, I’m still the best. This is reality.
If "reality in order to refer to reality standards" deviates a bit from the starting point and real focus of science fiction, the so-called "not in line with reality" is not the core issue at all, and the main and secondary issues must be clarified.
Science fiction, science fiction, is not a scientific fantasy of the future trend, the author dare not say how much science he wrote, whether it can meet the science (a common sense mistake was made in the front, because the earth turns to bias ~EbookFREE.me ~ There is no typhoon in the equatorial line, some readers pointed out that it has been revised), but it is obviously a personal judgment of the future trend and then express it in the plot of the story.
For example, the open source of recyclable rocket technology, maybe SpaceX will really open source substantially in the future, or it may not.
Another example is the "space ladder" that is often talked about, and it is not easy to say in the future, because you can neither prove nor falsify the future, and there are too many mutagenic factors, so there are various fantasy novels. It is all one of the judgments about the future direction, and the final answer is what only the future people know, but this does not prevent us from providing multiple choice questions for the future.
If all eyes are "reality" and nothing else, put the secondary issues at the main level and deviate from the focus. To say the big deal, perhaps because of this, our creativity on this side is relatively lacking, so it is difficult to appear the reason of the scientific lunatic like Elon Musk.
Sometimes, having to dare to think about it is another question.
For example, Xiaoyuyu was thinking, maybe a local tyrant would give us a silver dameng? Think about it forever.
(End of this chapter)
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