Chapter 686: 【At the head 1 stick】

Wood corner building.
In a conference room, the then Minister of Defense and several generals and a technical adviser were present, all looking at the big screen in the conference room.
The screen changed a photo at regular intervals, and it was a transmission picture taken from a satellite to the Northwest China exercise.
Although the photos captured by the satellites are very clear, they are still somewhat blurred in the face of high-speed moving targets, but the problem is not big. The technicians made some repairs to these satellite photos when they sent the materials to the Pentagon.
At that time, the Minister of Defense withdrew his gaze, and after looking at the crowd, he looked at the technician: "How many drones are there?"
"Mr. Minister, based on the information in the photos, I am afraid that there will be no less than 5,000 drones."
A general who was staring at the photos on the screen and kept looking at the words immediately turned his head and stunned his eyes with wide eyes: "Not less than 5000?"
"God! This is crazy."
This figure attracted everyone's heart, the drone bee colony technology, Lao Mei naturally is also intensifying research, this is the future trend.
Laomei was deeply aware of this, and began to study the concept of drone "bee colony" combat as early as two years ago, and carried out the "quail" plan, "elf" plan, "loyal wingman" plan, etc. And even thought of using suicide drone "swarps" to intercept nuclear bombs.
Intercepting nuclear bombs is actually not a whimsical operation. With a mass of low-cost drone bees in the air to form a super-large "interceptor network", when a nuclear warhead strikes, the drone group only needs to hover On the warhead's pre-warp course, the kinetic energy generated by the collision will cause the electronic components inside the nuclear warhead to find damage, thereby preventing the explosion of the nuclear warhead.
But so far, the North American technology can only control less than 200 drones for cluster flight, once thought it was far ahead in this field.
Today, sending this intelligence information to old Americans is tantamount to taking the lead. Has the ocean already played thousands of scales?
This gap can't be fully explained.
In fact, the number of UAV "Bee Swarm" combat command platforms developed on the Cote d'Azur can control and coordinate more than that. It can coordinate more than 100,000 UAVs to organize a battle.
The previous exercise was only to control costs, and there was no need to engage in such a big battle. The exercise also had to be budgeted for the purpose of testing.
Even so, it has taken the old beauty by surprise now, because it realizes the gap between the two sides.
"Find out which institution has the technology?"
"Under investigation, but from the current speculation, the probability of the Côte d'Azur is extremely high, because the biggest difficulty of the UAV group technology is still artificial intelligence and cloud computing and data distribution processing. Star Technology's strengths."
"Damn, why is this company again!"
Three days later, the Wujiao Building published an article on the "National Defense Strategy Report" that was produced overnight.
According to the report, the goal of the Wujiao Tower is to "compete, deter, and win" in an increasingly complex global security environment. At present, "long-term strategic competition" has surfaced again. This is the core challenge facing the prosperity and security of magnesium countries. This long-term strategic competition mainly comes from the other side of the ocean.
The report further describes that North American military competitive advantages "have been eroded in every field of readiness, namely: sea, land, control, space and cyberspace, and continue to be eroded."
The Wujiao Building blamed the "capping" measures taken by Congress on defense spending in the past nine fiscal years, reducing defense spending and long-term lack of funds, and causing more damage to its own combat capabilities than any "enemy". .
Well, the implication is that the enemy is on Capitol Hill.
The report also stated that the Wujiao Building must modernize the magnesium's "critical combat power" in order to build an "integrated armed force with greater lethality, adaptability, and rapid innovation." It cannot be expected to use yesterday's weapons and equipment Can win in tomorrow's conflict.
To put it simply, the summary of this article report is: hit money -!
It doesn't cost money, when will it wait?
After this "National Defense Strategy Report" was released, a new message was publicly released that afternoon. This piece of information was a drone colony exercise on the other side of the ocean captured by satellites a few days ago.
The news of the global military sector was quickly screened by this news, and domestic media have also cited reports. This matter is not known if the Wujiao Tower is public.
Domestic military fans were overjoyed. I did not expect that my own drone bee colony technology has developed to this point. Last year, I was envious of the news that the United States and the United States could control the coordination of more than one hundred drones. There is no breakthrough in this field and I feel anxious.
Unexpectedly, when I woke up and found that I was better than the old and beautiful, a large wave of military fans began to analyze the photos released by the Wujiao Building.
Technology complex building.
"Master, on the 3rd sent his latest work email report in Silicon Valley." Xiao Na's voice responded in Luo Sheng's private office.
Luo Sheng directly opened the content of the mail list and was quite surprised: "The efficiency is very fast. The company was established in less than four months and has the ability to launch a beta version of the product, which is good. Xiaona, pass instructions to 3 No., it is necessary to mention the nominal cost of the drone at least 30,000 US dollars per aircraft, and the selling price is not less than 50,000 US dollars per aircraft."
Xiao Na: "Understood!"
The so-called "No. 3" is Bionic Man No. 3. This is a chess piece that Luo Sheng arranged to start a business in Silicon Valley. The identity there has been arranged. The Canadian-American scientist who graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is named Marcus Lyle.
In the past three or four Lyle arrived in Silicon Valley with the export of foreign trade version developed by Luo Sheng to establish a start-up technology company, the company name Called "Lyle Binary".
The highest level is to break into the enemy, so it is interesting to let the Wujiao Tower come to purchase the military products of the Lyle Binary Company.
However, Luo Sheng’s biggest goal is not this, but to deliver the military technology developed by him to Horizon Security. If he can’t sell it and can’t sell it, then he can only take the line of Marcus Lyle. It's time to gradually develop and strengthen the actual armed forces of Horizon Security.
But at the same time, it also has to suppress the Lyle Binary Company. To achieve the last point of technology, the price is more expensive, so that it will not come to grab the sales of genuine products, otherwise the old beauty will definitely use its rogue to force the big dogs to buy, then the Côte d’Azur The sales volume of genuine export foreign trade products here will definitely be affected.
Lyle Binary Co., Ltd. cannot be wholly-owned if it is to be perfectly integrated in North America. It must accept local capital investment. If it is not suppressed, the actual profits will be divided by Wall Street.
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