Chapter 704: 【War Fruit】

On Tuesday, the news that the stock price of Bluestar Technology soared by more than 100% in one trading day was on the front page of major news websites in the world, especially the financial channel, and it was covered with overwhelming coverage.
"Yesterday, the madness of US stocks refreshed my understanding once again, rising by one trillion dollars a day, one trillion!"
"The meat-cutters are estimated to be mad."
"In contrast, the one who walks in the air is the most uncomfortable. It is more uncomfortable than losing money, and the thigh is broken."
"I didn't understand why the old stockholders said that a good stock like Bluestar Technology is the strongest leek harvester. Now I finally understand it and love it. [Funny face]."
"Looking at the time-sharing chart of Bluestar Technology yesterday, it is really a tragedy. The picture of Qiangzhuang’s mutual killing was staged three hours before the opening. The stock price fluctuated up and down, and the fluctuations reached 15 points at a time, and it rose sharply. Hurriedly."
"I can see it in a panic. It's estimated that the shocks of the past few hours have basically shocked Zhongxiao San."
"It must have been shaken out. Whoever withstood such fluctuations in this Nima, those with a bad heart will get sick [laughing and crying]."
"It's absolutely profitable to do high-sell and low-suck in it, it depends on the ability of the heart."
"If it weren't for the sudden explosion of the Oolong event after midday, the empty side would not necessarily withdraw."
"Bluestar Technology, I'm really afraid that he won't come, and he's afraid of messing up, but expect him to mess up, he really messes up and can't play... [covering face and crying]"
Almost all of this matter was discussed hotly on Tuesday, which is too powerful and has all the conditions to detonate the hot topic effect.
In the past days, people will subconsciously think that this is the headline party news, but now it is the fact that it is happening, and it is exciting to think about it.
Today, all major global stock indexes opened, basically rising. The Big A Shanghai stock index continued to open higher by 1.27 points, and finally closed at 2.03 points. The North American stock market opened also opened higher, and Bluestar Technology's stock price continued to rise.
This is because yesterday was too crazy, and today’s high-open and continued high-going is the result of continuing the previous day’s inertial attack. The company’s stock price once again hit a record high, closing at $1180.86 after the market, an increase of +8.56%, and the total market value reached 23723.5 One hundred million U.S. dollars.
The stock market has fully reflected that as long as Lao Mei does not toss, it is good for the world. If Lao Mei starts to toss, it is bad for the world.
Mexico City, Monterrey.
"Boss, when did the April and May contracts start to bottom out?" a trader asked Wang Xin. Before the opening of Monday, Wang Xin's contracts had already completed the purpose of pushing up shipments.
"No hurry, this is not the time to bargain." Wang Xin shook his head. Although the current price has fallen sharply, it is not enough.
Yesterday Monday morning, Azure-5 futures prices continued to soar.
But in the afternoon, when the stock price of Bluestar Technology soared, the futures contract here reversed and swooped down the course.
Bluestar Technology is a major positive, and the futures contract of Azure-5 is a major negative.
Originally, market investors thought that Luo Sheng was going to be finished, and the international market would all be lost. The Azure-5 mobile phone here would immediately become a rare product, selling one less one, but the demand did not decrease, and the price skyrocketed naturally.
But North America announced the Great Oolong event, which immediately reversed, and suddenly it was not rare. Demand still did not increase in volume, and the contract price naturally plunged.
It just happened the other way round.
An hour later, the Cote d’Azur released a heavy message late in the night in the Eastern Hemisphere. Xiongxin Electronics will soon establish the first 9-nanometer chip foundry production line to formally provide chip foundry for Bluestar Technology, while orders from other supplier partners are not change.
In other words, the Côte d'Azur will further increase production of Azure-5 products.
This news for the Azure-5 on the Mexican side is simply a bad news for the worse. The financial department of the Coriolis Group and some hot money on Wall Street no longer hesitate to immediately close the position and stop the loss.
Labor and capital are no longer playing!
If you don't go away, you may lose your principal and you have to pay the money.
At first, I still suspected that the strong village here was being done by other large institutions on Wall Street. Now even a fool knows that Luo Sheng is the biggest strong village here.
He can pull it up if he wants to pull the platform. He wants to smash the plate absolutely.
In the middle of the night, it was announced that the Côte d'Azur will be further mass-produced. This plate will be smashed when it is smashed. In this situation of strong village control, the hot money is the same as leeks.
Wall Street was also out of luck this time. After working so hard for a big lap, it was exhausting. Except for the few institutions in Goldman Sachs and muddy water that ate meat, most of them only drank behind Luo Sheng’s in the end. Soup residue.
Some institutions were even worse. Not only did the soup not be drunk, but it was also peeled off, causing heavy losses.
Previously, the short-selling Bluestar Technology made a formidable amount of money, and then a bullish option contract took back the profit, plus Mexico has been yawned by Luo Sheng, properly given to the series.
If it weren't for the bottom-line Blue Star Technology hedge stop, this time Wall Street absolutely must be angry with the rhythm of vomiting blood. It has never been so miserable. The leg was broken by the same person twice in a row.
Bluestar Technology Headquarters.
Luo Sheng came to take the company to work today. In the eyes of the employees, the ultimate BOSS is more Buddhist, and will not come to the company every day. It is good to be able to come to the company once or twice a week, unless it is an important matter. .
"Mr. Luo!"
"Early, President Luo!"
On the way to the CEO's special elevator, Luo Sheng's employees met him and greeted him, and they all admired him in addition to his respect.
A lot of news has been reading the beginning and the end of this incident recently. The cause and consequence of the whole incident are described as legendary. In fact, people with clear eyes know that the "Great Oolong" incident is just a step, and the real loser is the old beauty.
If Lao Mei is the winner, Luo Sheng can only guard the Greater China market now, but the reality is that its commercial companies are still operating normally on a global scale.
Including the North American market, as always, except that the tariffs have not been reduced, but Luo Sheng's company is still allowed to carry out the original legal business activities in North America.
To put it simply, it was to maintain the original state before the incident, tossed around for a while without catching anything, and Luo Sheng countered a wave of wool.
"Please come in."
Someone knocked on the door shortly after arriving in his CEO's office. The person who came in was Luo Xin, the current temporary assistant and secretary of Tang Xin.
"Mr. Luo, this is the information report sent to you by Mr. Qin." Tang Xin came in and handed over the documents that she brought. She didn't know what was inside, and it was unopened. Only Luo Sheng had the authority.
Tang Xin naturally didn't dare to open it without permission. Luo Sheng didn't pick it up. He sat on the chair and closed his eyes: "Pick up the key points and listen."
Tang Xin secretly rejoiced at hearing this, this is the first time she can see the important internal documents of institutions other than Bluestar Technology. There was no such authorization before, which means that it is more trusted and recognized by BOSS.
After disassembling the information and looking at the contents, Tang Xin couldn't help seeing the numbers inside, but it quickly responded. After a brief overview, he said:
"The current round of the market has ended, with a total profit of 770 billion US dollars, Shengfeng Capital accounted for 320 billion US dollars, UU reading, its total asset management scale broke through 6 trillion US dollars, and family funds accounted for 450 billion US dollars. The scale of asset management broke through USD 2 trillion for the first time..."
When Tang Xin was reading these data, Rao had seen the big scene and was still a little dazed. In the content of this report, "100 million US dollars" is the basic unit of counting.
Compared with one month's basic salary of RMB 48,300, the salary, bonuses and dividends of virtual stocks throughout the year barely exceed one million, and even the fractions in the fractions are not counted.
Although the company has a series of benefits such as 80% house purchase subsidies of less than 10 million yuan, it is considered a successful elite in the eyes of ordinary people, but it is still impossible to achieve personal life-long financial freedom, at least another ten years of work. Only then is it possible to achieve true lifelong financial freedom.
Because income has risen, so has the corresponding consumer demand.
Tang Xin was thinking of a picture in his head, tossing the information in his hand, and then flicking at Luo Sheng, giving birth to a child for him, no need to struggle in this life...
(End of this chapter)
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