Chapter 707: [Super tech giants' obvious ambitions? 】

Chapter 709 [The obvious ambitions of the super tech giants? 】
Luo Sheng finished breakfast, but the show was not over yet. Instead of closing the show, he lay on the big curved sofa and continued watching with great interest.
At this time, the host of the show said: "I once had a phone interview with Mr. Larry Page, the founder of Alphabet, Google. In the interview, he said that if Alphabet is split into more and smaller parts, it will Can't compete with foreign technology giants, such as China's Bluestar Technology and Alibaba."
Galloway said: "I think this is just an excuse for these technology giants. In economics they call it "national competitiveness". Their reason is: if you weaken our scale and strength in any way, we will We cannot defend our share of the global market, we cannot defeat foreign rivals and defend the interests of the United States."
Speaking of which, Galloway sarcastically said: "But from the results, it seems that these technology giants in Silicon Valley have not beaten foreign competitors, but have been suspended."
Moderator: "So you do not agree with this view?"
Galoway nodded: "I don't believe that Larry Page's statement was established, because compared to large companies, smaller and more flexible technology companies have stronger countervailing capabilities, making the Big Mac level Of companies are rampant in the world, absolutely unfriendly to the world, and absolutely unfriendly to the whole society."
The host asked: "The problem is that it is still difficult to defeat foreign technology giants. If it is split, wouldn't it have no chance?"
Galovi said: "I think the senior leaders of the two parties should initiate more advanced negotiations and jointly agree to periodically spin off their respective Big Mac companies, just like discussing with the Russians to jointly reduce nuclear arsenals."
Hearing this, Luo Sheng directly gave Galoway two words: naive.
This kind of thinking is undoubtedly a naive idealist. Galois' naive place is to break away from the basis of reality, think of human nature too beautifully, and the weakness of human nature, whose greed is destined to be impossible.
The "chain of suspicion" in the "Three Body" story can be said to perfectly explain Galovi's idea that it is impossible to realize, and there are examples in reality, that is tungsten.
At that time, the "silly white sweet" Tung Clan thought that Eagle Sauce was a good person, and resolutely removed his nuclear power. Now he knows that he is fooled and knows that the other party is a rogue. It is too late, and he has paid the price of blood.
If it wasn't so "silly and sweet" at the beginning, as the world's third-largest nuclear force continues to this day, today's top five gangsters have to deal with tungsten Kelan three points.
The show continues, Galoway said: "2018 is the first year of the tech giants'ruling the world'. If we don't make changes, everyone will live in the shadow of these super tech empires in the future. I Among the many technology giants in the world, four of them are listed and written into books-"TheFour."
After that, Galoway took out his book and showed it in the interview lens. The translation is "Big Four".
Luo Sheng saw here that he seriously doubted whether the goods came to advertise his book.
Moderator: "Which of the four major technology giants?"
Galoway: "Côte d'Azur, Bluestar Technology, Google and Amazon. Whether in terms of market value or influence, these four companies are all successful companies that have to be talked about in the past decade. How do they infiltrate the lives of ordinary people? Why do their stock prices soar while they cause serious social problems, and when they become trillion-dollar companies, can anyone stand up to challenge them?"
"Of course, of these four companies, the Côte d'Azur has not been listed so far, but I don’t think anyone will doubt that as long as it is listed, it will be a trillion-dollar super company, even more exaggerated than Bluestar Technology. The company’s revenue will exceed this year. The Wal-Mart Group has become the top 500 in the world, which is the optimistic expectation of most people."
It is worth mentioning that at the end of the first quarter of 2018, there are already four companies in the world standing above the trillion-dollar mark, and Galois said that the Big Four accounted for three.
In addition to the Blue Star Technology Group and Azure Pure Electric Car Company, which have already exceeded the trillion-dollar market value, Google and Amazon broke through the trillion-dollar for the first time in March this year.
These are the stock markets that accelerated their sprints after Bluestar's plunge and surge, and rushed to the trillion dollar mark earlier.
This is also not expected by people in the industry.
Galloway added: "Whether you are a competitor, their partner, or just an ordinary user of their products, you need to understand some of the greatest companies of this era."
Moderator: "Great? This does not seem to be consistent with your previous remarks."
Galoway: "Of course, they are great companies. They have promoted the progress of human society and technology. This is beyond doubt. However, this does not mean that they will continue to be great. The problem we are facing now is this The four super tech giants are comprehensively covering and continuously feeding our material and spiritual needs."
"I describe them in this book as the "Four Knights of the Apocalypse". The power of the four knights is constantly growing, and Luo Sheng's global power is showing exponential growth and has super powers, so I said that he is the world. The most dangerous person in the world."
When it comes to this, the screen switches the shots and lists a piece of data.
Galoway's voice continued to be heard on the show: "This set of data is very intuitive. Google occupies more than 90% of the global search market; 95% of young people are using Bluestar technology and its products; 50% of online transactions, 80% of e-book transactions are completed through Amazon; and the Côte d’Azur holds $350 billion in cash. Of all the listed companies in the world, only nine companies have a market value higher than this, but this is only the Côte d’Azur cash assets."
So far, the 10th listed company in the world is Johnson & Johnson, and its current market value is $340 billion.
Galloway continued: "The cash on the Côte d'Azur is greater than the total market value of the last 245 companies in the S&P index. Although Azure mobile phones only have a market share of about 15%, they monopolize more than 90% of the industry's profits."
"The four giants have shown all the details in their statements for the past fiscal quarter. The Azure Coast brought the explosion effect of Azure-5 to increase its revenue by 22% month-on-month and reached the threshold of more than US$200 billion for the first quarter. Blue Star Technology revenue surged 37% to US$12.87 billion in single-quarter profit. Google’s revenue has continued to grow at an average of about 20% over the past 30 quarters to US$30 billion in single-quarter revenue; Amazon’s revenue jumped 37.5% to For the first time, the $60 billion and the skyrocketing profit of more than $1 billion was finally lost."
"68% of the magnesium people obtain information through the products of the two companies, Bluestar Technology and Google. More than 70% of the traffic flowing into the major media websites comes from these two super technology giants. The survival of these media websites is highly dependent on Due to the compassion of Google and Bluestar Technology, Bluestar Technology is pinching 33% of the traffic sources of the "New York Times", so we found that in the past month, the "New York Times" criticized Luo Sheng and his company's strength against peer newspapers. It’s a lot weaker. You can judge it yourself.

At the moment, Luo Sheng, who is an audience member, smiled slightly at the words. No wonder that the New York Times hadn't been so hard to black himself in the past period. It was not as good as CNN. It turned out to be the reason.
"The New York Times" still has a scheming. Before seeing Luo Sheng's irreversible crash, he dare not easily increase his strength. Pinching a third of the flow is tantamount to being pinched by the throat of fate. Black It's the same thing, but eating is more important.
Galloway said again: "For global consumers, we can only pray that Google and Bluestar Technology can consciously not do evil, otherwise these two super giants still pinch the Internet entrance, they will want to feed like fake news , Fake news, fake information filled in our throat, more terrifying is that at this moment, you may even deceive yourself to have a free illusion, completely ignorant."
Alan, an ordinary Internet user far away in North America, is watching this late-night program. He takes it for granted. Before that, he was fed by Google, but he is more supportive of Bluestar Technology. Do evil.
The show is coming to an end here, and at this time the director switched the camera to release the Amazon logo.
Galoway interpreted this: "In fact, all the ambitions of the super tech giants have been revealed. You can look at this trademark image of Amazon. Under the "amazon" is a smiling arrow from a to z, "Bible: Revelation" Chapter One, Section VIII records-the Lord God said: I am am Omega, the Almighty who was, is, and will be forever."
The host said: "Arafah, Omega is the first two letters of the Greek alphabet."
Galloway said: "The Amazon trademark was changed from the millennium, like a sickle hammer head. With a strong will, how much ambition does a company have to use a paragraph of God's words in the Bible to endorse itself implicitly? Afterwards, Google also realized that, so they changed their name to the mouthful Alphabet, and barely left behind."
"And Bluestar Technology has made no secrets from the beginning to the end, our planet is not a blue planet? The scary thing is that the name has not changed since the day of its birth, I think Luo Sheng has been from the beginning It’s very clear about his goals, which is both incredible and disturbing. In a sense, his strength is above Jeff and Page."
Luo Sheng who watched the program felt quite different. Although his evaluation of Galovi was a naive idealist, it did have a thing. The angle of analysis and interpretation was quite tricky.
(End of this chapter)
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