Chapter 728: [Solution for maritime satellite networking system]

After lunch, Qin Weimu left first, she was going to manage some work matters of Shengfeng Capital.
Unknowingly, the end of the third quarter of 2018 is coming to an end, and the whole year of this year has been an unfriendly year for the majority of stockholders and small and medium investors. From the beginning of the year to the present, the overall trend of the stock market has been bottoming all the way down. It seems that you can't reach the bottom at all, the more you probe, the less the bottom.
At the beginning of the year, Lao Mei was involved in things. This year's downturn began when Lao Mei played a CIA planting and arguing. Luo Sheng also added fuel to the fire. At the beginning of the year, there was a wave of tricks. Kill Wall Street investors.
However, the changes in the external market have also greatly affected the trend of the big A. Although not as drastic as the US stocks, it has also fallen for a year.
At the beginning of the year, when Luo Sheng lured a lot, the Big A Shanghai Index soared all the way to a position close to 3,700 points. At that time, stockholders happily thought that this was the starting point of 2018, and the slow bull was coming, but they did not expect to become the culmination of this year. .
Afterwards, a long downward trend began. Although there was a rebound in the middle, the gains were limited. The overall trend is going all the way down. The current market has reached the position of 2950 points.
For ordinary stockholders, this year is undoubtedly a tormented year. Some stockholders can’t bear the downturn when they are heads, cut off the meat and run away, and some simply uninstall the stock software and pretend to be dead. It's falling more and more, foolish regular fixed-rate investment.
Ordinary investors don't know when the market will bottom out, but some large institutions have already analyzed it, and the data obtained is that 2,620 points are the bottom of the market.
This data is also consistent with the data analyzed by Shengfeng Capital, and it has further accurately analyzed the bottoming out of the rebound time.
The answer is that at the beginning of 2019, Big A will usher in a rapid rise in the new year.
This shows that the advantages of large institutions can never be matched by ordinary investors.
After Luo Sheng arranged the capital market, he did not pay too much attention to this one. Instead, he put his energy in the field of science and technology again. Qin Weimu is taking care of the capital market to help him realize the vision he wants to achieve. Yao Jianhong, 10 companies listed on the board, is actively dealing with it.
These things have been set up, and you only need to see the results later.
Today is the sixth day of the Côte d’Azur Science and Technology Expo. In the past few days, many orders and contracts have been generated during the Expo, and most of them are orders with a value of more than 100 million U.S. dollars, and no orders for 1 billion U.S. dollars. less.
The Expo site was still very popular. This afternoon, Yao Jianhong took part of the time to meet with business negotiation delegations from more than 20 countries with shipping as the main economic pillar. Many of them were Europeans, but Lao Mei was not among them.
"Mr. Yao, we must make it clear in advance that if the North American side stops it in the future and puts pressure on us, we may not be able to handle the pressure and the cooperation will not proceed." In the business meeting room, a business representative of a country participating in the meeting Tuan said straightforwardly.
People in other business negotiation delegations also nodded again and again. You are the second largest country in the world on the Côte d’Azur. You are also a giant. You can compete with Lao Mei, but our little brothers may not be able to do so. I live in the American Emperor's Yinwei, and I still have to call my father at the critical moment.
"Hehe, it's okay. I naturally understand your difficulties. There are hidden worries in this area. It is completely right. If the North American side puts pressure on you, you will meet his request, but the replacement will take time, about 6 years. , We'll sign such a long contract." Yao Jianhong said with a smile on his legs.
Six years is just right, this is still considering the situation that the baby may be re-elected.
The customers present also have difficulties. On the one hand, they have to develop themselves, and life is not so easy. On the other hand, North America has to provide for it. What should we do?
It can only be against the yin.
These customers came today with the "Global Mobile Broadband Network System" under the Cote d'Azur Laboratory, which is a brand new solution developed by the Cote d'Azur to provide maritime satellite networking.
It was announced for the first time at this expo, and it quickly attracted these countries with shipping as the main economic pillar to come to cooperate, and one of the major customers was Samsung Heavy Industries.
Samsung valued the superior competitiveness of this technical solution developed by the Riviera, and after research confirmed that it can be connected to the system for its own ships under construction.
At present, the system has launched 12 communication satellites through Star Arrow International last year, all independently developed by the Côte d’Azur Lab. By this year, there are already 21 communication satellites operating in low-Earth orbit, covering the world. In all areas except the polar regions, the infrastructure was quickly established and announced through this expo to officially provide high-quality HNA solutions to global customers.
Unlike its competitors who provide a single maritime communication service, the service scope of this system in the Côte d'Azur has directly expanded to the technical support services of communication, tracking, navigation, disaster search and rescue in the entire field of sea, land and air.
The representative of Samsung Heavy Industries asked: "Mr. Yao, is your company's AFX system really reliable in terms of stability? After all, it has only been less than three years, and it may not be more than ten years under normal circumstances."
Hearing this, Yao Jianhong said with a smile: "I never exaggerate propaganda on the Côte d’Azur. One is one, two is two. To deceive customers is tantamount to digging our own graves. We are not a company that sells with one hammer, so please rest assured. Don't worry, everyone."
After a pause, Yao Jianhong added:
In fact, before the launch of the AFX system, we have spent nearly 5 years planning. As early as 2013, we internally established that we would launch a new generation of land and sea for the global market. Air-integrated global IoT system."
"In order to build this system, we have launched more than 20 satellites, all of which are communication satellites designed for high-speed broadband connection services, thus forming this global network. In the fourth quarter of this year, we will continue to launch more More satellites provide further guarantee for stable communications."
The other client negotiating delegations present had their own personal discussions and nodded silently from time to time.
The credit and goodwill of the Côte d’Azur is indeed guaranteed, and the technology is brand new, but according to its past examples, the technology is also guaranteed, and some institutions or companies that cooperate with it have also given high praise.
The reputation of enterprise-level solutions has always been good.
Although the North American side has been working with Hei Luosheng and his company, and the younger brothers of the United States have also repeatedly said yes, but this is only a positive insurance, and they are all shrewd. Ledger.
At this time, the chief technical officer of the AFX system said: "Everyone, the AFX system can not only ensure that customers obtain real-time data such as hull operation status, fuel consumption expectations, and surrounding weather forecasts, but also provide individualized networking services for the crew. Especially for companies like Samsung Heavy Industries, which is at the forefront of the shipbuilding industry, the use of this system can immediately improve the level of intelligence of ships."
"As Mr. Yao said about our arrangements for the next four quarters, I can tell you more specifically. Next, we will begin to further deploy security protection technologies for the AFX system to prevent security threats brought by the Internet."
"Considering that the navigation environment at sea is much simpler than that on land, in the foreseeable future, when the maritime Internet becomes more convenient and safer, it will be better for unmanned ships that are beginning to develop. Unmanned vehicles on land are developing faster."
Yao Jianhong also added at this time: "You should know that the world's largest intelligent unmanned cargo port located in Linga County near the Strait of Malacca has been under construction for many years. Of course, it is an asset of Star Arrow International, but you should also know that It is Mr. Luo’s layout. Ships in the future will lose their competitiveness if they do not access the satellite Internet. Intelligence is the future trend."
"Everyone, the pulse of the times is beating. It will not stop and wait for someone deliberately. If you miss the best outlet, you really miss it completely."
Everyone looked at each other, and Yao Jianhong's concerted cooperation has indeed had a huge impact on the potential customers present.
Today, they finally understand Luo Sheng’s layout in Linga County many years ago. At that time, they couldn’t understand why he entered the port and transportation industry. Now they basically understand that this is to initiate a new round of technological change in this field. Ah, if you still can't see it, you can just jump into the sea.
Perhaps thinking of this, while marveling at Luo Sheng's super and advanced grand layout plan, on the contrary, he has a lot of confidence in the AFX system. The previous concern is that this new solution is very attractive, but too I was in a hurry. When I look back, I think it’s not the case. Luo Sheng has already arranged it clearly, and it must have been reliable commercialization only now when it is These people on the scene thought they saw Luo The fifth floor of Shengsheng is actually only the third floor. This AFX system is part of the satellite Internet Starlink project. The Linga County Freight Terminal is not mainly for port transportation services. Its greatest significance is air-to-sky transportation. .
"Let's sign a contract for six years."
Finally, one of the delegations directly expressed their views, and the client negotiating team that came immediately afterwards all expressed their views on signing the cooperation agreement.
The result is that today, there are 1,256 ships with different displacements and sizes that only need to be connected to the AFX system. Samsung Heavy Industries is very simple. Its subsequent new ships are connected to the AFX system. Business delegations from other countries have also commissioned the Côte d’Azur to provide their old Some ships are improved and upgraded to introduce the AFX system as a solution, and more than 10,000 new and old ships will be connected to the system in six years.
Today, the Côte d'Azur once again signed a strategic contract totaling 19.2 billion U.S. dollars to provide customers with their own technical solutions in the next six years.
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