Chapter 747: [Heavy News]

   March 7, North America.
"What? Bluestar Technology jumped out to cut Hus?" Disney's head Bob Iger was caught off guard when he heard the news, and a moment later said: "Is the other party really interested in mergers or acquisitions, or simply wants to respond? "
The executive who received the news in return said:
I don’t know. Recently, Bluestar Pictures sent a research team to contact Murdoch. The news came out that Bluestar Technology intends to acquire 21st Century for US$81.5 billion. Fox."
   "Damn it!"
   It is disgusting whether it is an intentional acquisition or simply messing up. If the former is Disney will lose 21st Century Fox, if the latter is also bound to raise the cost of mergers and acquisitions, resulting in mergers and acquisitions failure or indefinitely.
It is worth mentioning that in the past ten years or so, in the face of the profound impact and even transformation of new Internet media platforms on the way audiences watch movies, and the declining of traditional media, Fox has been unable to compete with the azure coast in the 21st century. Bluestar Technology has competed with emerging technology giants such as Google.
   Murdoch, its head, has long decided to withdraw from the entertainment industry, spin off the remaining assets such as Fox Broadcasting Group, sports, news and television stations, and set up a new company worth about 10 billion US dollars.
   And Disney’s biggest concern is also the Internet giants, including North American content production and streaming giant Netflix, and the rapidly rising Blue Star Pictures.
Because of this, Disney is eager to spend sixty to seventy billion US dollars at the expense of the acquisition of 21st Century Fox to strengthen its weakness in copyright, international channels and distribution. The acquisition of the company can obtain a large number of film and television copyrights and National Geographic. After waiting for more than 300 international channels, the problem of no distribution rights was solved.
   Disney, which has plenty of ammunition, has begun to build its own streaming media platform and withdraw the film and television works licensed to Netflix and Bluestar Pictures to confront the two cross-latitude competitors that have opened up content production and distribution channels.
In the era of rapid technological development, the weakness of Hollywood producers in the distribution channels has led to an increasingly weak voice. Relatively speaking, Disney is the fastest to react. Fear may be increasingly marginalized in the future. In the end, it became a content provider for emerging Internet streaming platforms such as Bluestar Pictures and Netflix.
   In this context, the media giant Murdoch directly played GG and chose to give up, while Disney chose to take the initiative to counterattack the dimensionality reduction attacks launched by competitors.
   Obviously, if Hollywood filmmakers in the future do not want to be eliminated or become content providers to Internet giants, they must embark on a cross-platform integration path that connects production, distribution, and on-demand.
   Bob Iger asked: "What does Murdoch think?"
   "Sell for the price, the higher the price will get."
   "Damn it!"
   Disney is a US$200 billion super entertainment giant. It must be strong, but Baby Di is still a little emboldened when it comes to fighting Luo Sheng for the "currency ability".
   Bluestar technology swallows 21st Century Fox, and can even use all of the cash to pay. It is so powerful and so rich.
   But Disney can’t do it. It doesn’t have so much cash at all. If you want to annex this company, you can only trade it with its own company’s stock, otherwise you can’t afford it.
   At this moment, the news has been exposed to the media, and it was the first to cause a large-scale sensation in the entertainment industry. Entertainment media such as the "Hollywood Reporter" all quoted the report for the first time, and the technology circle and major mainstream media followed up.
   The acquisition of 21st Century Fox for US$81.5 billion, if successful, will be the largest M&A case ever produced, which can be called epic.
   Luo Sheng's actions are extremely swift and violent. He wants to swallow the 21st Century Fox. This is not a simple game, but a multi-dimensional struggle.
   On March 9, another heavy news came out and hit the headlines of major news websites around the world.
   Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur each drafted a total of 20.3 billion euros in the Ouyuan District investment plan for 2019 in their respective fields. The EU and the two companies signed the agreement on the same day and made it public.
   The speed is really a bit fast, almost sudden news.
   In fact, it is not difficult for a caring person to observe the past history and find that this is both unexpected and reasonable.
   It is a well-known thing that the economic environment of Ouzhou has become worse in recent years. In addition to the unstable global situation, what is even worse is that the relationship between the two parties is not as close as before.
For example, the United States tried its best to prevent the laying of the EU’s "Beixi No. 2" energy pipeline. This energy pipeline is intended to be inserted into the Persian Gulf by the EU to relieve its over-reliance on natural gas supply. If the supply is cut off, the people of Ouzhou can't survive the winter.
It doesn’t matter if Mao Xiong jumps out to make trouble, but Lao Mei also makes trouble. He understands the baby’s idea and is very fruitful, and prevents the construction of the "Beixi No. 2" energy pipeline. The purpose is to beat the people in North America to buy North American products. energy.
   You know, since the shale oil and gas revolution, North America has changed from the world’s largest energy importer to an exporter.
   It's unwilling to beat the people in the continent, and it's expensive. This account is obviously not worthwhile.
   This is just one of the fundamentals. In fact, there are more and more economic conflicts between North America and Ouzhou.
   At the same time, in 2108, the people in Ouzhou followed the Babies, which caused the investment of enterprises in Asia's largest economy to directly drop by 80% year-on-year. The people in Ouzhou took the initiative to restrict investment in the first half of the year.
   Okay, something was found wrong in the second half of the year.
   I restricted this, and only then discovered that no one came to beat the continent to play. The economy was already in recession, and this day was even more sad.
An important factor for everyone not to play is that Germany, which is the
of the European economy, is no longer working. Investment is about returns. For global investors, no profit is nonsense. When to invest in the European continent, how can you wait for Germany to welcome it? After the economic recovery. U U Reading
   In fact, whether global investors are betting on Ouzhou, to a large extent, the choice of several companies or institutions of Luo Sheng has a significant influence on the decisions of global investors, and in a sense has a role as a weather vane.
Last year, Luo Sheng's major companies or institutions such as Shengfeng Capital invested only 606 million U.S. dollars in Germany, while the total investment in Germany in 2017 was as high as 4 billion euros, and the decline was not ordinary. Big.
   For global investors, whether to bet on Ouzhou first depends on the investment intensity of companies in Asia's largest economy in Ouzhou, and this mainly depends on several companies and institutions of Luo Sheng.
  The role of a weather vane is not just to talk about it, but global investors are implementing it with practical actions.
   Entering 2019, this situation still hasn't improved. The people in Ouzhou are really anxious in their eyes. At this moment, Luo Sheng's people visited again and asked whether there is a possibility of cooperation.
   With such an obvious step and a major economic benefit, the Ouzhou people got on the bus with little hesitation. The two sides reached an agreement in just a few days, and the total investment of more than 20 billion euros landed smoothly.
   In just the past two days, there was another heavy news on March 11 that the regulatory agency of the League announced unconditionally to approve Bluestar Technology’s acquisition of 21st Century Fox’s assets.
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