Chapter 763: [Sold out of stock]

   "By the way, public welfare projects are also indispensable."
Luo Sheng stopped the people when Tang Xin was about to leave. He pondered and said, "Let the Dabai Fund deprive a certain amount of funds and send a batch of Dabai robots to the children in those orphanages, including some nursing homes. The brand image must be managed well."
   Tang Xin nodded and said: "Understood, do you have any other orders?"
   "Go ahead."
   Dabai’s human settings are undoubtedly the perfect intelligent home service role, but the robots in general still have a lot of prejudices, especially many people fear that their jobs will be taken away by robots.
   Orphanages and nursing homes are a good breakthrough to enhance image and solve social pain points. Children like them, but the elderly are very lonely. Although there are volunteers, this is not a good way after all.
   The quality of paid services is poor, and non-profit unpaid services are even worse, especially for some elderly people who suffer from Alzheimer’s and cannot take care of themselves. In fact, they are very sad, but those who have a way out are not willing to spend the rest of their lives in nursing homes.
  Dabai is a very qualified personal care assistant who can take care of these elderly people carefully, and is intelligent enough to chat with those elderly people without any major problems.
   Blue Coast Company.
   Yao Jianhong received Luo Sheng’s decision-making arrangement, BOSS has made a final decision, Dabai Robot is positioned as a smart terminal consumer product and does not accept enterprise-level customers.
   Although I made a lot of money less, but also less trouble.
  Intelligence and unmannedness are the future trend, but the meal needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and the benchmark for expanded profits is to ensure that social unrest cannot be suppressed or as small as possible.
   Anyway, the technology is leading, the Côte d'Azur will not panic.
"I think there is room for improvement in this public welfare undertaking. We can donate a little, but since I am going to do it on the Riviera, I will do a good job in this area." Yao Jianhong looked at the report handed by Tang Xin and analyzed it. Then there are new ideas.
   Soon a temporary meeting was held to discuss and passed the management resolution. Yao Jianhong intends to cooperate with Zhengfu in the nursing home to promote social and public welfare improvement services.
   Nursing homes have for-profit institutions, which are generally not subsidized by the state, and the other is non-profit in nature, accepting corporate charitable donations, social donations and state subsidies to operate.
   The Riviera also has its own public welfare institutions. Since its establishment, 0.5% of the company's total revenue has been used to support public welfare undertakings every year.
  , of course, is to be a non-profit that can enhance the positive image of the brand.
   The company’s revenue last year was 780.9 billion U.S. dollars. Proportionally, it will use 3.9 billion U.S. dollars for public welfare expenditures, which is approximately RMB 26.25 billion.
   The revenue rose sharply last year, and of course there was also public welfare expenditures that followed the increase, which happened to be used for the project of Dabai robots entering nursing homes.
   Yao Jianhong also calculated the accounts carefully. After establishing this project, he initiated a charity dinner, invited some industry insiders and partners to participate, and raised a huge charitable donation.
   For many entrepreneurs and industry insiders, participating in Yao Jianhong’s charity dinner is a way to get acquainted with the Cote d’Azur, even some bosses who have not cooperated have come.
   For them, it is not only doing good deeds, but also an intangible investment.
   And of course Yao Jianhong will not refuse, so how can there be any reason for the rejection?
   As time goes by, it enters June.
   The leasing service contracts for 2.25 million sets of Dabai robots provided by Dabai Fund have all been signed. Yes, they have all been signed, and they are only in the Greater China market.
   For this reason, the sales channel had to be closed.
   Dabai Robot has also become a new product of the Blue Coast, which was cut off after less than half a month after it was bought, which shocked the industry for a while.
   is so popular, the biggest reason is that the big white robot has a huge attraction on the level of liberating "housewives" and can greatly share the pain points of a family in taking care of the elderly and children.
   More than 90% of ordinary households pay a big white robot a month not for consumption, but to liberate labor and create more household income.
   bought for fun, after all, it is a very fresh picture of a very small number of rich people.
  In the past half a month since its launch, the popularity of Dabai has not diminished. On the contrary, it was sold out and could not be signed and became a hot spot again.
   On June 3, the French Riviera released the latest announcement again, opening up financing channels to the outside world to expand the demand for leasing services.
   The news was announced, and all kinds of capital were moved by the wind and flooded in.
   On the evening of June 5th, the Science and Technology Complex was very lively, and all the big capitalists from all walks of life were invited to attend Luo Sheng’s dinner tonight.
   "There are a lot of people here tonight."
   An investor who came to the banquet hall was deeply moved. This financing activity was not conducted publicly, but a special private placement activity.
  The barriers to entry are even more frightening. Dabai Funds are open to investors. The minimum investment threshold is not less than 2 billion U.S. dollars. Who can come here, and who is behind the institutions that are not tens of billions of dollars in scale?
One of the tables in the banquet was the focus area of ​​everyone’s attention. Luo Sheng was sitting on this table. The same table was basically big capital institutions. The people from Berkshire Hathaway came, Da Mo Someone was there, and so did Goldman Sachs.
   How can this special financing event not be supported by Wall Street.
Morgan’s people came here very early, and now they know that Luo Sheng has been used as a tool, Xiongxin Electronics and other companies have no plans to go public in the United States at all. Although they did not say it clearly, the conditions were all persuasion. Conditions, if Morgan's people still don't realize that they are being used, don't get involved in the circle. Of course, it's an anger to have such a big loss.
   Fortunately, Luo Sheng didn't use it so frantically and threw it away. This special private placement activity has promised to compensate Morgan.
   In addition to Wall Street, large domestic funds will also be on the train, as well as several major sovereign funds in Europe and North America.
   At the banquet, a representative of Goldman Sachs smiled and asked: "Mr. Luo, the entry threshold this time is more than 2 billion U.S. dollars. Do you want to play a big ticket?"
Luo Sheng shook his head and smiled: "It won't be as big as it was last time. If it is too big, it will increase the systemic risk. It will cost 1 trillion euros. If it is too much, I will suffer too much. Dabai robots don’t have to worry about selling at all. Ben and the South Korean authorities have sent a business delegation to negotiate with them. They will all make large-scale purchases. In the future, they will definitely line up for purchases."
   This is true, and everyone present knows that the powerful performance that Dabai Robot has shown in the past half month has been seen by the whole world.
   Not just saying, Han sent people to the blue coast, UU reading www. some developed countries in Europe also sent people to talk about business.
   They all have a common feature. They are all entering a country with an aging population, and social welfare and public expenditures are becoming increasingly weak.
Large-scale procurement of large-scale robots can actually save the government more public budget expenditures. The social welfare system in developed countries is already difficult to support. If you reduce expenditures, I will take you to the streets. Paris is still in trouble. .
   Hearing Luo Sheng's words, it seemed that he had suffered a lot. Everyone laughed on the surface, but the MMP inwardly cursed and even wanted to beat him up.
   What is cheap and good? That's it.
   The Big White Fund puts it bluntly that it has guaranteed the income of the Côte d’Azur in advance. This time it raised 1 trillion euros. This money is all going to the Côte d’Azur to place an order to buy the big white.
   In other words, the Côte d'Azur has already earned the 1 trillion euros.
   It’s just that the product is finally leased to individual consumers, and the capitalists present make a reservation in advance and then lease it to consumers in order to earn the interest difference.
   Systemic risks still exist, but the Côte d’Azur has made money in advance without risk.
   Both ends of this girl are profitable, and the biggest benefit is the least risky and the least risky one is eaten first. What is it that you feel that you have sold a loss?
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