Chapter 804: [Sweeping chips and selling US dollars plan]

In fact, as long as you prepare in advance and the country's mobilization capabilities are strong enough, the super solar storm is not that terrible. The terrible thing is that it comes suddenly and unprepared.
But this kind of thing cannot be announced to the public in advance, otherwise human beings will be in chaos before the natural disaster falls, so they can only silently mobilize and prepare.
Electromagnetic pulses, especially high-power microwave electromagnetic pulses, mainly destroy electronic systems through pulse energy radiation, destroying electronic components, integrated circuits, circuit boards, etc. in the system.
Electromagnetic pulse has a unique propagation mechanism and penetrating ability. For example, it enters through the antenna of communication equipment to damage the receiving device. It can also reach the guest in the cavity through slits, holes, and windows to generate standing waves, causing damage to the components. A thorough cable and equipment connection will generate induced currents, which will cause damage to the components when they reach the components through the lines.
However, electromagnetic pulses are not unprotected. Good grounding, shielding and filtering can all play a protective role.
Grounding is to connect the metal shell, iron pipe skin, high-frequency electronic equipment signal, etc. of the equipment to the same grounding device. Intuitively, it is connected to the earth through the correct method and way, thereby effectively suppressing the electromagnetic wave caused to the electronic equipment. To avoid interference and damage caused by excessive electric charge accumulation and discharge.
Shielding is to isolate sensitive electronic equipment and its systems from the electromagnetic pulse radiation environment in space, so as to prevent external electromagnetic pulse radiation from entering electronic equipment or systems. This is the most typical application in modern warships with three defenses. A modern warship can be regarded as an independent Faraday cage.
All cables and access holes of electronic equipment should be blocked with electromagnetic wave absorbing materials.
For important equipment, a shelter with good electromagnetic shielding performance can also be used, which is simple and easy to implement, low in cost, and good in protection.
Filtering can filter out a certain specified frequency in the signal, thereby suppressing and preventing electromagnetic pulse interference from entering electronic equipment or systems.
The radiant energy of electromagnetic pulse is very large. Various filtering devices are added at the power inlet of equipment or system. Such devices can be composed of passive or active devices.
The swarm drone uses filtering to solve the problem of anti-electromagnetic pulse.
In general, with the existing technical conditions and level of mankind, there is no technical problem in protecting electromagnetic pulses. The Côte d’Azur laboratory has worked hard to protect electromagnetic pulses at the beginning of its construction, otherwise the headquarters will be built at a high price. The cost is for nothing, including Luo Sheng's science and technology complex. There is no problem in protecting against the super solar storm four years later.
It is only necessary to shut down all facilities and seal them up a week before the super storm strikes, and then open the seal after the electromagnetic pulse strikes to be able to operate normally.
In the coming days, Luo Sheng rushed to major supply chain manufacturers to increase production plans in the semiconductor industry chain. To realize the strategic reserve of integrated circuit chips, it is necessary to get through the packaging and testing from the top to the raw materials and down to the foundry.
At this time, the control over the upstream and downstream core supply chain manufacturers has played a key role. Normally, Luo Sheng doesn't care about it at all, but at this time, they can't make a big mistake.
At this point of view, it is valid and invalid.
The sooner you prepare to produce an extra chip, the more it will help to restore the economy and industrial production after the disaster, and the loss will be less.
October 27, Luo Sheng's private office, Science and Technology Complex.
After ten days of rushing layout, the integrated circuit field is finally arranged. Luo Sheng can not guarantee the other industries, but he is confident in the chip field to ensure that the country does not have to worry about the availability of coreless after four years. Not only can it meet domestic reconstruction needs, but it can also squeeze most of its production capacity to supply overseas.
At this time, at about 16:00 in the afternoon, Zhengzhi, Luo Sheng and Qin Weimu were sitting in the living room.
"Solar storm?"
After hearing Luo Sheng's simple description, Qin Weimu looked at him with surprise. The latter nodded and smiled: "With your business sense, I should know what I think."
Hearing this, Qin Weimu put away his surprised expression, and said thoughtfully: "Whether it is good news or bad news, as long as you know the news in advance, you can make a profit. If this level really happens, For the global natural disasters, there are too many places to make money. I really haven’t guessed what you think."
Indeed, hoarding anything can make money, whether it is food or electronic equipment that can be used normally, it can make a lot of money.
Luo Sheng didn’t mean anything, and said directly:
Of course it’s the chip. You can open the way with money through family funds and Shengfeng Capital as soon as possible, whether private equity funds or leather bag companies. In short, in the next three years, big Large-scale semiconductor manufacturers around the world scan their goods. No matter what type of chip, they can buy as much as they can supply. Don't buy the latest generation, buy the lagging generation, so that those manufacturers dare to ship on a large scale. "
These chips are purchased from foreigners, and then they will still have to be sold to foreigners, and they will have to beg for them if they are a generation behind.
The importance of chips, or integrated circuits, in today's information society is unquestionable.
The life, work, and entertainment of every ordinary person in modern society, as well as the production and operation of every company, are firmly bound to various chips in various electronic products.
It is no exaggeration to say that the chip is the cornerstone of modern human civilization. Without the chip, many devices that represent advanced productivity cannot operate, which means a great retrogression in civilization.
Which country has the most complete, sophisticated, and most sophisticated chip industry chain can have absolute power, because it can completely lock up the economic and technological development space of chip importing countries by cutting supply and restricting exports.
As described in the science fiction novel "Three-Body", the Trisolaran can use Sophon to lock down the basic science of mankind.
After the super storm, whoever has the most complete, most and most sophisticated off-the-shelf chips will be able to grasp the economic and technological development space of the country in need. Post-disaster reconstruction depends on human hands and large-scale industrial equipment and machines. That efficiency is a difference A gap between days.
Qin Weimu was puzzled: "Didn't ESA and NASA find out?"
This is a very critical question. If Europeans and Americans are aware of this superstorm, they will definitely hoard key strategic reserves for post-disaster reconstruction. Semiconductor chips must also be important materials. Where else will they be sold to you?
Luo Sheng smiled and said: "NASA and ESA have not yet realized the seriousness, thinking that the solar flare activity in four years will be worse than the previous cycle."
Obviously, it is impossible for Luo Sheng to tell Europeans and Americans stupidly, maybe kindly remind them, on the other hand, you have bad intentions and bad people are not so good.
Luo Sheng added: "This solar storm will accelerate the collapse of the dollar hegemony, and it will take five years to ten years. Our family fund holds trillions of US debts to be disposed of as soon as possible in the next few years. How to re-allocate these assets is your strong point. You can handle it, I don’t worry. UURead"
In a few years, the U.S. dollar will not be said to be a pile of waste paper, but it will certainly not be the currency recognized by the world as it is today. It is absolutely unwise to continue holding several trillion U.S. dollars.
Qin Weimu said irritably, "You said three consecutive words with ease. Shengfeng Capital and the family fund combined hold 7 trillion US dollars. You let me throw them all within three or four years? Who will take this offer? We are now the largest creditor in North America. If we sell US dollars on such a large scale, other investors will panic and sell following the trend, and the world economy will be in disorder in advance."
There are big difficulties as well. If the scale is only tens of billions, it is not a problem at all.
But this is a scale of several trillion, and there is a halo blessing of the name "Luo Sheng", everyone is watching your every move.
Luo Sheng shrugged and said: "Let's take a step and take a step. Maybe God will give you a chance, such as a black swan incident."
Qin Weimu rolled his eyes: "Speaking lightly."
Luo Sheng smiled and didn't speak, but silently replied in his heart: speak lightly, and do lighter.
A few months later, a virus outbreak in the United States swept across Europe and the United States, causing severe damage to the global economy. The US dollar is not only the world's largest savings currency, but also the world's dominant currency. For global investors, the security of other assets is far less secure than that of the US dollar, so everyone has started rushing to grab the US dollar frantically, causing the US dollar price to continue to rise, and the market has seen a lot of dollar shortages.
This is a great opportunity for shipping.
Global investors are dumping other assets to buy U.S. dollars as a hedge. This is a godsend opportunity. In this environment where all of them are madly grabbing U.S. dollars, even an additional $7 trillion can still be shipped. Can't someone accept the offer?
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