Chapter 80: [Laughing until the end is the real winner]

Luo Sheng saw the other party intentionally moved, but did not make a clear statement, so he struck iron while hot: "Blue Star Technology is about to launch a new music service product [], and we are willing to pay $ 20 million in cash plus the music store [MusicSpace] 60% of the sales goes to the record label, a five-year agreement. "
This is almost an irresistible price. Bluestar's online music store has not yet been launched. Whether it will succeed or not is a matter of two talks. But if you sign this agreement, you can get a guaranteed $ 20 million every year.
It is a fool to have money and not take it. I really ca n’t refuse.
At this moment, the two sides are looking at each other, it seems that they each scold each other in their hearts is a fool, who will laugh to the end, only time can prove.
At the end, Doug Morriston smiled and said to his assistant, "Look, I don't believe that a few computers and Jobs' big white 'cigarette case (refers to iPod)' can ruin the whole thing. The recording industry can make $ 100 million in five years, so why not? "
Having said that, Morris turned to look at Luo Sheng and stretched out his hand, showing a professional smile: "I agree to sign the contract. As far as I know, few companies in the Internet industry can survive for three years, I hope you Companies can last five years. "
Luo Luosheng also reached out and shook hands, laughing: "Trust me, Universal Records definitely made more than $ 100 million from me."
Morris smiled loudly, "I hope so."
Luo Sheng laughed on the surface, but said in his heart: Five years later, you cry. Of course, you still have to see if the man is still in charge of Universal Records.
It is not too late. After the successful negotiation on the day, the contract was signed in the afternoon. Luo Sheng brought eleven people including Qin Weimu this time. They were all legal persons. Mo Lishuang didn't want to sign so quickly. Audit for one and a half weeks.
But in a word, Luo Sheng pushed the head of Universal Records back: from the date of signing the contract, three days later, this year's $ 20 million payment was immediately remitted to Universal Records' account.
Doug Morris shrugged: Sign!
It is worth mentioning that although Jobs has obtained digital licenses from major record companies in advance of Luo Sheng, more than 90% of the songs are not exclusive licenses, and the record companies are not stupid. They are quite cautious about such exclusive licenses.
And even Apple Inc. couldn't afford the funds to cover all the exclusive music licenses, and if it did, the antitrust agencies had to come to the door the next day.
Luo Sheng won Universal Record Music and rushed to Sony Music Entertainment the next day. After he proposed the terms of the Blue Star technology, the then CEO of Sony Music, Guan Luck, was in his mind in less than 15 seconds. Decided to sell Sony's music download rights to Bluestar Technology.
The third stop is Warner Music.
Luo Sheng, the top five record company, spent all of a week on him.
During the negotiations, I said the same thing to the heads of the five major recording giants: We know that musical works do not come easily, and we must protect the intellectual property rights of musical works.
Sincere sincerity, the key is that the amount of money is very large. The heads of several major record companies, including the North American Recording Industry Association Walker, Luo Sheng's words are very useful to them.
This success is because Luo Sheng throws out real dollar bills on the one hand, and on the other hand shows the enthusiasm shown as an avid music fan. From the perspective of the music industry, it is rare that he can follow People in science and technology face the eye.
After winning the copyright of the five major record companies, Luo Sheng finally stopped. In the past ten days, he has been running around in North America. He has no time to eat "western food". He wanted to eat it. After all, the good brothers came out and suffered together. It's not easy.
However, the results were pleasing and a bumper harvest.
Luo Luosheng won the digital music license of about 2.25 million songs from the five major record companies at a price of 60% of the [MusicSpace Music Store] sales share and $ 76.2 million per year, but it is not an exclusive license, which basically includes popular songs around the world.
But they also need to have exclusive licensed songs, which are extremely expensive. For this reason, Luo Sheng paid an additional 116 million US dollars to win the popular rappers Eminem and Britney Spears. (Britney Spears), Avril Lavigne (AvrilLavigne), Coldplay (), LinkinPark (LinkinPark) and other 15 popular pop stars or combination of digital music exclusive license for five years.
In addition, Luo Sheng also signed digital music exclusive licenses for a number of singers including Rihanna, TaylorSwift, Katy Perry and other artists for a decade. These singers are proper newcomers and have little fame.
For example, Katie Perry, a female singer who is called "fruit sister" by domestic netizens, has not yet been signed by a record company. Luo Sheng gave her a "flop," and she finally signed to become a Colombian artist.
The cost of signing the digital rights of these "artists" is not large, especially when it comes to the rhythm that these singers will become popular in the future.
Anyway, these record companies now feel that Luo Sheng is a bit stupid and rich, there is nothing to say, sign!
If you have money, you won't make a bastard.
But Luo Sheng knows that the digital music licenses of these artists that he has not signed yet are popular stars in the singing industry in the future. Maybe they will bring some butterfly effects because they may not be popular in the future.
Luo Kesheng did not care.
The exclusive digital music licenses of these newcomers only cost less than 30 million US dollars, even if they are all drunk, they can be accepted, and in case all of them are as hot as the original world?
了 Bundled with a 10-year contract, he almost explodes in blood.
After the signing, how these artists will develop, Luo Sheng will not manage it, he also does not have the power to manage, but no matter what, these artists will release new albums or singles within the next 10 years, and their digital rights Exclusive to MusicSpace.
It is the most expensive to get the exclusive license of popular singers nowadays. So the exclusive digital license of 15 popular singers or groups has cost nearly 100 million US dollars, and there are only five years of licenses. If you are unlucky, maybe there are some Singers may not release an album within 5 years.
The news finally came to light in mid-April. Blue Star Technology spent $ 192.2 million on a sky-high price and signed a licensing agreement with the world's top five record companies, which once again made Luo Sheng angry in North America.
European and American entertainment media also conducted extensive coverage, and even Wall Street focused on it.
In an interview with the media, the North American Recording Industry Association ’s Walker stated: "The agreement was reached because Luo Sheng is different from ordinary people's willpower. His full mei chao and his enthusiasm have definitely played a great role. "The son of the Internet from across the ocean is an avid music fan."
It can be described as highly praised. No, Luo Sheng came to the door to send money at this time. Without saying a few good words, the industry insiders in the recording industry felt that they couldn't pass it. Luo Sheng is also happy to make a fortune, but Luo Sheng is also very happy for this, but in the end, who is the real big winner, can't see now, and the real winner is the last laugh.
The major record companies are laughing now, and they will cry after five or eight years. Then they will find that this is nothing for nothing.
I really give it for nothing.
It is worth mentioning that during the term of the agreement, Luo Sheng will give a total of 76.2 million US dollars in cash to several major record companies each year, including negotiations in the domestic music market. Luo Sheng made it clear that he now wants to make music payments in Greater China. Impossible, Bluestar Technology will not charge its upcoming music player in the Greater China market, it is still free, and it mainly trains users.
In this regard, major record companies express their understanding, because even now, Baidu's MP3 music is pirated, major record companies can only stare at the Greater China market, Luo Sheng offered to give a sum of money, and the price is also Not low, in all respects are very sincere partners.
So I agreed.
The digital music in the Greater China market is exclusively licensed to Bluestar Technology, and has the priority to renew within the same price.
Luo Luosheng was totally negligible, but he still spent tens of millions for a contract. Now it doesn't work, but in the future, the copyright is gradually established. This paper contract is to allow competitors to take off the music.
The copyright issues are all settled, it is time to go home.
After the copyright license agreement was finalized, the company's product launch was logical. Just before Luo Sheng left for his country, that is, on April 21, the domestic version of [BlueStar Music] and the international version of [MusicSpace] were synchronized. online.
Uh ...
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