Chapter 857: [16-character strategic policy]

After the benefit distribution is completed, the equity structure of Bluestar Films has also completed new adjustments. The AB share system is still adopted. Bluestar Technology Group holds 34% of the Class B equity. In theory, as long as the equity ratio is not less than 8% The red line, the vote will not be less than 67%, and it will absolutely control.
Control is absolutely in your hands. In addition to the absolute control of voting rights, Bluestar Technology has the right to nominate more than half of the directors.
The general meeting of shareholders is held several times a year or even once. It is of course not enough to make the final decision. The company's specific daily operation decisions are in the board of directors, but the board of directors can meet and vote every day, so it is necessary to control the seats of the board of directors.
Wall Street Capital has acquired 56% of Bluestar Pictures. The main institutions are more than a dozen companies including JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, and Citigroup. The other major shareholder is Murdoch, which has acquired part of the shares in a cross-shareholding manner.
Murdoch doesn’t have much ambitions anymore. He can honestly give his son a seat as a director of Bluestar Pictures and make money. Anyway, the control is handed over. Money and power can only be chosen. First, don't think too much about being in charge. That's just wanting to eat.
Bluestar Technology headquarters, in the CEO's office.
Luo Sheng has almost forgotten the specific day of the last time he came to this office, in short it was about two months ago.
The core management of Bluestar Technology has long been used to it, and Zhang Bowen is the real leader.
The company can operate normally with or without Luo Sheng, but then again, if there is really no him, there will be a major earthquake. The name Luo Sheng has an unparalleled and irreplaceable meaning.
Whether people come or not is one thing, and whether people are there or not is another.
At this moment, in addition to Luo Sheng, there were seven other people in the office, including Zhang Bowen. Old Zhang immediately introduced to Luo Sheng: "Mr. Luo, this is Jiang Shi. The board of directors decided to let Jiang Wen take charge of the independent spin-off. Blue Star Pictures."
Then I briefly introduced the other five people, all of whom were airborne by Bluestar Pictures. Six people were parachuted as directors of Bluestar Pictures, and Jiang Shi served as the chairman and CEO of Bluestar Pictures. The position is their leader.
In the huge business empire of Bluestar Technology, the six Jiang Shi are considered to be great officials.
Luo Sheng let out an "um" casually, and was looking at the information about the six Jiang Shi in his hand. Whether they can take up the post and airborne, Luo Sheng nodded.
After all, this is a huge dish involving hundreds of billions of dollars, and Zhang Bowen does not want to top such a big thunder.
"Ginger Stone."
"Mr. Luo!" Jiang Shi hurriedly responded. Facing the ultimate boss, the six of them are still quite restrained. Although on the surface it is natural, it is only the surface. Sometimes the aura is very mysterious. The legendary figure in front of them, all six were in awe.
If it weren't for this promotion, it would be really hard to see the true controller behind the scenes of Shenlong who saw the head and the tail.
"If you bring the team down, this job is not so easy. If you think that the merger and acquisition of Fox has been settled, even if the biggest problem has been solved, it is a big mistake to lie down and gain reputation. This is just the beginning. To you In terms of the next bigger challenge is how to get Bluestar Pictures to gain a foothold in Hollywood as a'outsider' and how to effectively manage the tens of thousands of employees under the original Fox."
Luo Sheng put down the information and looked at Jiang Shi and continued: "There are communication problems, the cultural gap between the East and the West, and even discrimination. There are many unexpected problems of one kind or another."
Jiang Shi understood what Luo Sheng meant. The first problem after the acquisition of Fox was the management problem. The direct point was that the potential contradictions and conflicts caused by this caused a series of negative problems for the company.
It is the first time for Bluestar Technology to acquire such a large-scale enterprise. There is no experience to follow how to integrate it and become a truly indivisible branch of this huge business technology empire.
Suddenly riding on the head of an Asian must make many former Fox employees uncomfortable, especially the old middle and senior management. Another thing that cannot be ignored is that Lao Mei will get you trouble from time to time. and many more.
To put it bluntly, the biggest problem faced by the reorganization after mergers and acquisitions is internal contradictions. If these problems are not solved, the company cannot develop.
It’s really not a job of keeping healthy and fishing,
Jiang Shi said modestly: "Please advise Mr. Luo."
Luo Sheng glanced at the six of them, and then said succinctly: "The first priority after going down does not require you to make significant achievements immediately. I will give you three years to integrate the hearts of the people and level the internal conflicts, and then talk about it later. Development, let’s talk about performance. The work you should do in the next three years can be summed up in 16 words: suppress a group, win a group, deter a group, set a target."
Jiang Shi didn't react immediately. He seemed to be thinking, but it didn't last too long. However, after two or three seconds, he looked at Luo Sheng and nodded: "Understood, please rest assured, Mr. Luo, Blue Star Pictures, I will toss him. For three years, without this tossing, I am willing to take the blame and resign."
Hearing that, Luo Sheng pretended to be unwilling to say: "If you want to be beautiful, take the blame and resign, then take it back. I didn't give you a plate as large as hundreds of billions of dollars to get a copy in three years. Your resignation letter to take the blame on my desk."
Jiang Shi smiled and said: "Then I will take it back haha, President Luo, if you have no other instructions, then I will prepare?"
Luo Sheng nodded: "Well, go ahead."
Jiang Shi and the other five people left Luo Sheng’s office together. The six of them occupy a seat on the Bluestar Pictures Board of Directors. This shows that the current Bluestar Pictures Board of Directors currently has a total of eleven seats, because Bluestar Technology has the right to nominate more than half of the directors.
Six people left the CEO’s office and went to another conference room. One of them immediately said:
To be honest, I am about the same age as Mr. Luo, and I am older than him. I can still speak from the bottom of my heart with Mr. Zhang. Calm, but when facing the super boss Luo, I felt a little guilty in my heart."
"Want to eat farts, it has nothing to do with age and qualifications."
"Your subordinates are imaginary standing in front of you, let alone the founders of this business empire. None of the founders is not ruthless."
"Mr. Jiang, I can probably understand the sixteen-character meaning of Mr. Luo's words. When the airborne management is down, if you want to control the employees underneath, you must first rise to power. Leaving power is a must. If this thing is not done well, it will overturn. Will it work? After all, the differences between Eastern and Western cultures are obvious..."
Everyone chatted for a few words and then shifted the topic to the focus. Everyone looked at Jiang Shi. The latter thought for a while and analyzed in a deep voice: "The differences between cultures are obviously true, but this is not the key. Finding commonalities is the key. Selfishness is the commonality of human beings. The art of management is the control of human nature. It is harder to say that it is difficult than to climb to the sky. Human nature is the most difficult thing to consider, and it cannot withstand trials and temptations. Simple can also be simple. It’s like counting one, two and three. Because human nature can’t stand the test and temptation, the sixteen words of President Luo are the general policy of our executive team’s work content for the next three years."
"We are'outsiders', and Mr. Luo has already said it. The next challenge that Bluestar Pictures will face is not from development challenges, but from a combination of the former Fox employees and the Bluestar employees. The conflict of interest is also a conflict between the employee group and the management team. If these two problems are not resolved, the company will not be able to develop. Forced development must be carried forward with problems, and it will be even more terrible in the future."
The other five people nodded unanimously, and they also realized that this was what Luo Sheng meant, and that Blue Star Pictures could not be allowed to develop against thunder.
Jiang Shi said again: "So Mr. Luo gave us three years to clear mines, and talk about development after clearing mines. The most acute contradiction we are facing now is the contradiction between the former Fox employees and the management. Of course, we cannot lay off everyone. Now, this will cause even bigger moths, and the various associations of rookies in North America will come up to trouble you. You still have to recruit people if no one is working, and the new recruits are basically just like birds. "
"The first problem we face is the game between my management and tens of thousands of employees. If the tens of thousands of former Fox employees vent their nostrils, the management will be passive. Therefore, we must divide them and not let them become one. Bundle against the management, otherwise you will not be able to accomplish anything, then what we are going to do will be very clear, and provoke conflicts between the people below and let them fight inwardly."
"There is no need to worry that this kind of internal friction will ruin the company. The parent company will not collapse. On the contrary, it can paralyze the outside world and unite people in advance. Mr. Luo's meaning is obvious. After we go down, the layoffs should be increased. The salary increase, the warning of the warning."
"But the most important thing is the last four words he said, to set up a living target to safely retreat the management from the position of pulling hatred on the front line, so we must find a person whom the former Fox employees hated as soon as possible. Reuse', this reuse requires quotation marks."
All five people present smiled and expressed their understanding.
Jiang Shi drank his mouth water to moisturize his throat and continued: "Set up this living target, not to do human affairs, to do all bad things, to do all bad things, and to give him a lot of money in private and make him feel like we are ourselves. People, in fact, are a tool man, he will work harder not to do personnel affairs. The more employees hate him, the more they must benefit him, so that employees hate him more and fill the hatred value."
"It's not that God wants it to perish and it will make it crazy. In this way, the contradiction within the company will become an incompatible contradiction between the employees and the living target, and we can sit and watch the show safely. When this live target company is full of anger and resentment, it will be our turn to slash the live target to calm the public's anger, and the collective salary increase will automatically win over people's hearts."
"Salary increases cannot all be the same. They can only meet the interests of one employee or part of the interests of all employees. This batch will increase by 20%, and the other batch will increase by 80%. The live target is gone. If you have different appeals and do not seek each other, you will lose your strength when you fight with yourself, so it is not to be feared."
"As a result, this game between bosses and employees is actually in the hands of our management from beginning to end. If they want more benefits, they will automatically approach me. Of course, there is no reason to follow me. I’ve been working against it. If I achieve this level, I can rest assured that there is no worries about drastic development, reform, and expansion.
After Jiang Shi deconstructed the sixteen-character general policy given by Luo Sheng, a colleague present sighed with emotion: "As expected of the big boss, the sixteen characters are clearly arranged."
Another laughed and said: "I'm enlightened. The person at the helm can't be a good person by nature. You can only hide behind and be a bad person and pretend to be a good person. No wonder Luo... Uh... Hey... Don't get me wrong, I just fight. An analogy."
Halfway through, he slammed the brakes and stopped, feeling wrong, and explained awkwardly.
"What are you panicking, President Luo is not here, afraid that we will go to President Luo to beat you and make a small report. To put it plainly, we are not more advanced tool people."
The other colleagues are all smiling, as if I understand what you mean, don’t I just want to say that it’s no wonder the big boss likes to control everything behind the scenes...
Once the episode was over, Jiang Shi said: "The business competition is so cruel, there are winners, there are losers. Any win-win is nonsense. Either unilaterally wins twice, or a third party who has been hit by dimensionality reduction has been harvested. , There is always someone to pay the bill, the decides the problem of the head, the purely good people are sold in the commercial competition and the number of people don’t know the money.
"Dear colleagues, to revitalize this plate of Bluestar Pictures, everyone has to work together. They are all sensible people. I won’t talk about the extra nonsense. Anyway, if you mess up Mr. Luo, Mr. Zhang won’t play us directly. Mr. Zhang is sure. When we look back, we are going down one after another."
It is worth mentioning that although Bluestar Pictures is going to instigate the former Fox employees to fight in and divide them, this is a special strategy for special circumstances.
Several core companies under Luo Sheng have such a large plate. So far, although there is competition within the company, they are also divided into hills, but they have not yet reached the level of internal friction.
First of all, the company is still in a rising period. Everyone is working hard to make the cake bigger. There is no obvious conflict of interests. The phenomenon of inward rolling, internal fighting and internal consumption will only appear in companies that have stagnated or even regressed. If you eat more, I will lose less. If you take a bite, of course you will fight for your own interests.
The second is that the company has been accumulating monopoly profits for many years. Behind the generous and high treatment, someone must pay the bill, that is, consumers around the world.
The net profit attributable to the owners of the Côte d’Azur parent company is as high as US$206.32 billion, which is false, and the profits of Bluestar Technology have also exploded.
Finally, there is Luo Sheng’s authority. The founder’s prestige is undoubtedly the pinnacle that future successors are almost impossible to surpass. It is not an exaggeration to say that as long as Luo Sheng is still hanging on, his mind is still clear and there is no dementia, the people below. I would never dare to mess around.
However, according to the normal development trend, once the development reaches the ceiling, Luo Sheng's company will inevitably face the problem of internal volume and internal friction. This is human nature and does not depend on personal will.
In order to avoid internal scrolling and internal friction in his own company, Luo Sheng’s solution is simple and unpretentious. It is to continuously expand, develop, and expand the denominator. As long as he succeeds in going to the sky and radiating the expanded territory outside the earth, then there is no Worried about the problem of internal volume and internal friction.
After all, the world outside the earth is so big, with so many resources...
Desire is endless. Luo Sheng did not deliberately suppress the company's desire for expansion. Only infinite desire can drive endless expansion. Together, the two can build a stable double spiral upward channel.
Luo Sheng is not worried about being unable to control it, so he hopes that his subordinates will be more aggressive and have a stronger desire to expand.
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